Author Topic: Trump's Cabinet  (Read 69779 times)


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #100 on: November 30, 2016, 07:03:59 PM »
So if Romney gets tapped for Secretary of State, where does Guliani fit in?

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #101 on: December 01, 2016, 12:42:29 AM »
....look into the history of the Trump Tower, the crown jewel of the real-estate mogul's empire, reveals the beginnings of the 68-story building were, in fact, rooted in the back-breaking labor of 150-odd Polish immigrants — most working illegally, some without full pay.

"Week after week, no check," said Sosnowski, who was a civil engineer in Poland before coming to the U.S. in 1979. He was promised $5 an hour but remembers his pockets were empty except for "a couple of dollars for coffee and a roll."

Court records make clear the contractor who hired the men knew he was using undocumented workers without Social Security numbers.

Does Trump speak Polish?

"Trump is known for walking around the sites of his projects." Thin Lizzy

I found no evidence to support your statement. Even if he does survey the job site, it doesn't mean he actually interacts in any meaningful way with the workers.


Yeah, no one ever got paid on any Trump project. You're a dime a dozen Internet hater who cherry picks a labor dispute and acts like it's the norm.

Your opinion means as much as the popular vote:


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #102 on: December 01, 2016, 02:37:40 AM »
....look into the history of the Trump Tower, the crown jewel of the real-estate mogul's empire, reveals the beginnings of the 68-story building were, in fact, rooted in the back-breaking labor of 150-odd Polish immigrants — most working illegally, some without full pay.

"Week after week, no check," said Sosnowski, who was a civil engineer in Poland before coming to the U.S. in 1979. He was promised $5 an hour but remembers his pockets were empty except for "a couple of dollars for coffee and a roll."

Court records make clear the contractor who hired the men knew he was using undocumented workers without Social Security numbers.

Does Trump speak Polish?

"Trump is known for walking around the sites of his projects." Thin Lizzy

I found no evidence to support your statement. Even if he does survey the job site, it doesn't mean he actually interacts in any meaningful way with the workers.


Ironic... you criticize Lizzy with a decades old accusation without even citing a source to back up your own argument.

Dos Equis

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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #103 on: December 01, 2016, 09:41:11 AM »
Romney Won't Get State, but Here's the Latest
By John Gizzi
Thursday, 01 Dec 2016

With Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., named secretary of Health and Human Services and former Bush administration Labor Secretary Elaine Chao was tapped to be secretary of transportation, Donald Trump has moved along at a faster pace than most recent presidents-elect to fill key slots in his administration.

With less than seven weeks before Trump takes office, there are still many positions within his Cabinet and the executive office of the president remain unfilled.

The most critical positions of secretaries of state and defense, for example, are still the subject of widespread speculation — not to mention some good, old-fashioned Washington, D.C., infighting among potential Cabinet members.

In addition, Trump has yet to name a director of OMB — the Office of Budget and Management — or a single ambassador anywhere. Here is where the prospects for some key slots stands at this date:

Secretary of state —While Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani have both appeared to be the leading candidates, Trump has expanded well beyond them. A transition source tells Newsmax that Romney will not get state. His appointment will antagonize Trump’s core base, and though the rapprochement is real between the two, Trump can’t pick him for the top job.

Trump is said to have strong loyalty to Giuliani, but Vice President-elect Pence has argued that Giuliani is not ready for the job and that he simply doesn’t have the stamina for the globe-trotting job. Trump has seemingly bought into that view, and the search has broadened.

Trump likes generals. In the last few days, speculation has begun of a new contender for State: former CIA Director and retired General David Petraeus.

Once on everyone’s list of future presidents, Petraeus was forced to leave the CIA during Obama’s tenure following allegations of improper handling of classified material. Trump is looking also at former Marine Gen. John Kelly.

A wildcard named that has been floated by some Senate Republicans to Trump is their former colleague Joe Lieberman. Lieberman retired from the Senate in 2014, but is liked by conservatives on foreign policy and defense matters.

Secretary of defense — Smart money says there is only one contender, and it’s a matter of time before his appointment is announced: retired four-star Gen. James Mattis (USMC), commandant of U.S. Central Command until his retirement in 2013. “Mad Dog” Mattis is an outspoken critic of the Iran nuclear deal and is, in Trump’s words, following their first meeting, “a general’s general.”

Some insiders have cautioned Trump not to pick a general to affirm civilian control over the military, and not place a military insider at the top of the Pentagon totem pole. One source says that Romney could get defense as a consolation prize.

Secretary of the interior — Signs are strong that Oklahoma’s two-term Gov. Mary Fallin will get interior. A former U.S. Representative and lieutenant governor, Fallin reportedly impressed Trump with her co-chairmanship of their party’s platform committee at the national convention this summer and kept controversy out of the platform proceedings.

Secretary of agriculture — Rick Perry, former Texas governor, commissioner of agriculture, and family farmer, is still the favorite for the job. Perry, a one time Trump critic, was one of the few establishment GOP figures to endorse Trump early.

Secretary of labor — Trump’s secretary of labor, one Washington wag quipped, “will delight Marx Mix [head of the National Right to Work Committee] and drive [AFL-CIO President] Rich Trumpka nuts.” Two mentioned for that assignment are Victoria Lipnic, a member of the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, and Peter Kirsanow, U.S. Civil Rights Commission member and past member of the National Labor Relations Board.

Secretary of Homeland Security — The appointment of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach was once seen as a cinch. But one of the nation’s best-known experts on illegal immigration, Kobach to Homeland Security would underscore Trump’s commitment to securing the border and to deporting criminals in the U.S. illegally.

Trump is being pushed to pick a national security expert. Fran Townsend, former homeland security advisor in the Bush White House is being considered. Stephen Hadley, national security advisor to George W. Bush, is also being looked at by Trump transition officials.

Chairman of Council of Economic Advisors — Larry Kudlow, economist, former Reagan administration Treasury official, and CNBC commentator, still remains the favorite for the position. Kudlow, an early supporter of Trump, he authored Trump’s tax policy and gave the plan credibility. He is well respected by his economist and financial colleagues.

Office of Management and Budget director — Robert Grady, who has had a long career in private equity and venture capital, is a candidate for OMB. Grady had served as Associate Director of OMB during the administration of George H.W. Bush.

Veterans Affairs secretary — Trump could pull off a major coup, several veterans say, if he convinces retired Maj. Gen. Angela Salinas. Another candidate being discussed is Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor who played a pivotal role in Trump’s early primary wins.

One of the highest-ranked women ever to serve in the U.S. Marine Corp and the highest Hispanic woman to be a general officer, Salinas is now CEO of the Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas. Also mentioned for the job is retiring Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., chairman of the House Veterans Committee.

As for key ambassadorships, the name of former Sen. Alphonse D’Amato, R-N.Y., a close friend of Trump, comes up increasingly as a possible U.S. ambassador to the Holy See. Edward Cox, Republican state chairman of New York and son-in-law of Richard Nixon, has been pegged for ambassador to France and his son, New York attorney Christopher Nixon Cox, has been talked about for the China ambassadorship. Richard Nixon remains a revered American to the Chinese for his opening to their country.

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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #104 on: December 01, 2016, 10:30:51 AM »
Likewise, couldn't she have campaigned more in states she knew she had no chance to win?

Yes she could have done that, but that's not what either one of them did. 

She got 2.5 million more votes than Trump in California and 1.5 million in New York.  That's a 4 million vote margin in two states, which clearly skews the outcome. 


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #105 on: December 01, 2016, 10:36:57 AM »
Yeah, no one ever got paid on any Trump project. You're a dime a dozen Internet hater who cherry picks a labor dispute and acts like it's the norm.

Your opinion means as much as the popular vote:

It's true I get information from the internet, the news and from print media. Where do you get your information from? Do you make it up? Are you Trump's employee?


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #106 on: December 01, 2016, 10:41:02 AM »
Ironic... you criticize Lizzy with a decades old accusation without even citing a source to back up your own argument.

If you know that it is decades old, which some of it is, why do you need a source? We're talking common knowledge. Furthermore, what I wrote is not an argument.


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #107 on: December 01, 2016, 10:42:40 AM »
If you know that it is decades old, which some of it is, why do you need a source? We're talking common knowledge. Furthermore, what I wrote is not an argument.

feel free to post the source; I am not as old or wise as you


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #108 on: December 01, 2016, 10:44:30 AM »
feel free to post the source; I am not as old or wise as you

Thanks for the compliment.

Dos Equis

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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #109 on: December 01, 2016, 03:32:19 PM »
Outstanding.  I love this guy.  One of the greatest quotes ever:  "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."   ;D

It's official: Donald Trump has chosen Gen. James Mattis for defense secretary
By: Leo Shane III, Military Times,  December 1, 2016

Donald Trump has chosen retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis as his pick for secretary of defense, tasking the popular military leader with carrying out the president-elect's planned overhaul of Pentagon operations and a shift in national security priorities.

The Washington Post, citing "people familiar" with the decision," was first to report Thursday that Trump had reached a decision.

The 66-year-old Mattis, who retired in 2013 after reportedly falling from favor with the Obama administration over disagreements about Iran, last served as the head of U.S. Central Command. The post afforded him oversight of all military activity in the Middle East, to include the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He will require a waiver from Congress to hold the Pentagon's top post because law mandates a seven-year wait between active-duty service and working as defense secretary, a rule is designed to reinforce the concept of civilian control of the military.

Neither Mattis nor Trump's transition team immediately responded to Military Times' requests seeking confirmation and comment. A spokesman for Trump indicated on Twitter that no decision had been reached concerning defense secretary. The Post reported that the announcement is likely to happen next week.

The general enjoys a cult-like following among past and present military members — particularly infantry Marines and soldiers — inspired by his swashbuckling rhetoric about the realities of war. He is known by an array of nicknames and military callsigns, including Mad Dog, Chaos and Warrior Monk. The last derives from his bachelor status, a rarity among those who attain four-star status.   

Mattis is widely respected on Capitol Hill as well, and likely won't encounter any difficulty getting confirmed. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., has praised Mattis as "one of the finest military officers of his generation and an extraordinary leader," and has signaled Senate support for Trump's choice. 

Regarded as an intellectual but tough-edged military leader, Mattis is known for his colorful quotes such as: "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." His 44-year military career, which includes experience on the ground in combat, buoys his credibility. After their meeting on Nov. 19, Trump called him “the real deal.” 

Mattis currently works as a national security fellow at the California-based Hoover Institution. In recent months he has spoken frequently in Washington, D.C., about the need for military leadership and vigilance in an increasingly dangerous world.

During his final years of service, Mattis sparred often with Obama’s national security team. As the president moved to set up his nuclear agreement with Iran, Mattis advocated — forcefully and publicly — a more aggressive approach to confronting the regime he has come to view as the greatest threat to stability in the Middle East. Trump made this a key foreign policy point on the campaign trail, repeatedly blasting Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the nuclear deal.

The president-elect has signaled his desire for a bigger military with fewer spending restrictions. But Trump also has promised a less-confrontational foreign policy strategy, blasting the past two presidents' inclination toward “nation building,” calling the approach an unforgivable failure. It remains to be seen how that syncs with Mattis’ opinions. But in August, the general co-authored a report blasting the last three administrations for a perceived lack of national security vision, saying those leaders have largely ignored threats posed by Russia, China and terrorist groups worldwide.

“If the world feels more dangerous to you, it should,” the report states. “We are seeing the results of 20 years of the United States operating unguided by strategy. We have been slow to identify emergent threats and unwilling to prioritize competing interests; we have sent confounding messages to enemies and allies alike. Our country urgently needs to up our game, make common cause with countries that are willing to help repair and sustain the international order that has served the United States and our allies so well.”

Trump has said that Mattis may have changed his views on torturing terrorists — even before being formally offered the job. Trump and his surrogates have been advocates for a return to waterboarding and other controversial interrogation techniques, but in an interview with the New York Times on Nov. 22 the president-elect said Mattis made him rethink that position. 

Instead, Trump said, Mattis advocated building a relationship with detainees. He told Trump “give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers, and I’ll do better,” an answer the president-elect called "impressive."

Last spring, a group of Mattis fans unsuccessfully attempted to draft the retired general as an alternative presidential candidate to Trump and Clinton, but Mattis rebuffed the effort. And unlike a number of other high-profile former military leaders, he declined to condemn Trump’s campaign trial rhetoric about attacking the families of terrorists as dangerous and un-American.

In September, Mattis co-authored the book "Warriors & Citizens" which addresses the cultural gap between the military and the civilian population it serves. The results revealed a surprising level of ignorance and unfamiliarity.

His research found that one in three Americans have little or no familiarity with the military, and half of Americans cannot recall socializing with a service member or military spouse within the last year. This may point to at least one of his priorities as defense secretary: bridging the so-called civil-military divide.

“There are many people who do not know if the U.S. Army has 60,000 men or 6 million," Mattis told Military Times when the book was published in September. "They do not have a clue about that.

“America is quite right to be proud of their military, but at the same time there has got to be a sense of common purpose between these two elements. If, in fact, this gap grows and we lose the sense of common purpose, then I think we have a problem.”


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #110 on: December 01, 2016, 03:53:58 PM »
Outstanding.  I love this guy.  One of the greatest quotes ever:  "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."   



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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #111 on: December 01, 2016, 04:19:55 PM »
Furthermore, what I wrote is not an argument.

Correct - it is sheer ignorance... as usual.

Fortunately, nobody here here takes you seriously.

Your posts are analogous to Johnny Falcon's, but with senility.


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #112 on: December 01, 2016, 04:25:42 PM »
Yes she could have done that, but that's not what either one of them did. 

She got 2.5 million more votes than Trump in California and 1.5 million in New York.  That's a 4 million vote margin in two states, which clearly skews the outcome. 

So you agree with me that it would be a wash that if they both campaigned feverishly in the states they lost that the total vote margin would probably not change much. The dude won.  He's not gonna lose in a recount.  He should stop being a sore winner and move the fuck on.

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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #113 on: December 01, 2016, 04:41:13 PM »
So you agree with me that it would be a wash that if they both campaigned feverishly in the states they lost that the total vote margin would probably not change much. The dude won.  He's not gonna lose in a recount.  He should stop being a sore winner and move the fuck on.

No.  I am saying the popular vote is irrelevant and that if the popular vote mattered, both of them would have campaigned differently.  I'm also saying that the current popular vote, in context, doesn't show that the majority of the country voted for Hillary.  Her margin is largely the result of California and New York.   

Sore winner?  Seriously?  Clinton is the one involved in this whole recount nonsense. 

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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #114 on: December 01, 2016, 04:42:03 PM »
All I want for Christmas is for President-Elect Trump to nominate Sheriff David Clarke for Director of Homeland Security. 


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #115 on: December 01, 2016, 04:55:17 PM »
All I want for Christmas is for President-Elect Trump to nominate Sheriff David Clarke for Director of Homeland Security. 


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #116 on: December 01, 2016, 07:35:30 PM »
Mattie picked - liberal fags heads exploding.

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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #117 on: December 05, 2016, 09:14:19 AM »
Trump to nominate Carson as HUD secretary
Published December 05, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump announced Monday he has chosen former campaign 2016 rival Ben Carson to become secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Trump said in his statement that he was “thrilled to nominate Carson,” adding that he “has a brilliant mind and is passionate about strengthening communities and families within those communiuties.”

Carson had recently downplayed having any role in the Trump administration, saying that he didn’t know where he would fit. But in a statement on Monday, the retired pediatric neurosurgeon said he felt he could "make a significant contribution particularly by strengthening communities that are most in need."

"We have much work to do in enhancing every aspect of our nation and ensuring that our nation’s housing needs are met," he said. Carson also tweeted that he would accept the position.

Carson, who had previously been rumored to be a contender for a job heading Veteran’s Affairs, Education or Health and Human Services, could appear at first glance as an odd choice for HUD. However, Carson wrote and spoke about the department and issues affected by its actions numerous times during his time as a primary candidate, and he also addressed some of what may soon face him in a Facebook post last month that hinted at a HUD job offer from Trump.

“After serious discussions with the Trump transition team, I feel that I can make a significant contribution particularly to making our inner cities great for everyone,” Carson wrote. “We have much work to do in strengthening every aspect of our nation and ensuring that both our physical infrastructure and our spiritual infrastructure is solid. An announcement is forthcoming about my role in helping to make America great again.”

He also told Fox News Channel’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” in an interview last month that the HUD position was "one of the offers [from Trump] that is on the table."

"Our inner cities are in terrible shape," Carson said. "And they definitely need some real attention. There have been so many promises made over the last several decades and nothing has been done, so it certainly is something that has been a long-term interest of mine."

Carson ran against Trump during the Republican primary battle. But after he dropped out of the White House race in March, the subdued doctor quickly endorsed the boisterous businessman and became one of Trump’s most visible surrogates.

Caron's position in the cabinet requires Senate confirmation before it becomes official.

Carson has often recounted his childhood as the son of a single mother in inner-city Detroit in his books and motivational speeches. In his 1996 autobiography "Gifted Hands," Carson wrote of the humiliation he felt using food stamps from his mom to pay for bread and milk, and said how he began to excel at school only after receiving a free pair of glasses that allowed him to see the lessons written on chalk boards.

Carson has not said whether his family ever lived in federally-funded housing or received Section 8 subsidies to help pay rent, but as a political figure he has criticized such public assistance programs for creating "dependency" on the government among low-income minorities.

"I'm interested in getting rid of dependency, and I want us to find a way to allow people to excel in our society, and as more and more people hear that message, they will recognize who is truly on their side and who is trying to keep them suppressed and cultivate their votes," Carson said in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2015.


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #118 on: December 05, 2016, 12:45:24 PM »
Trump to nominate Carson as HUD secretary
Published December 05, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump announced Monday he has chosen former campaign 2016 rival Ben Carson to become secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Trump said in his statement that he was “thrilled to nominate Carson,” adding that he “has a brilliant mind and is passionate about strengthening communities and families within those communiuties.”

Carson had recently downplayed having any role in the Trump administration, saying that he didn’t know where he would fit. But in a statement on Monday, the retired pediatric neurosurgeon said he felt he could "make a significant contribution particularly by strengthening communities that are most in need."

"We have much work to do in enhancing every aspect of our nation and ensuring that our nation’s housing needs are met," he said. Carson also tweeted that he would accept the position.

Carson, who had previously been rumored to be a contender for a job heading Veteran’s Affairs, Education or Health and Human Services, could appear at first glance as an odd choice for HUD. However, Carson wrote and spoke about the department and issues affected by its actions numerous times during his time as a primary candidate, and he also addressed some of what may soon face him in a Facebook post last month that hinted at a HUD job offer from Trump.

“After serious discussions with the Trump transition team, I feel that I can make a significant contribution particularly to making our inner cities great for everyone,” Carson wrote. “We have much work to do in strengthening every aspect of our nation and ensuring that both our physical infrastructure and our spiritual infrastructure is solid. An announcement is forthcoming about my role in helping to make America great again.”

He also told Fox News Channel’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” in an interview last month that the HUD position was "one of the offers [from Trump] that is on the table."

"Our inner cities are in terrible shape," Carson said. "And they definitely need some real attention. There have been so many promises made over the last several decades and nothing has been done, so it certainly is something that has been a long-term interest of mine."

Carson ran against Trump during the Republican primary battle. But after he dropped out of the White House race in March, the subdued doctor quickly endorsed the boisterous businessman and became one of Trump’s most visible surrogates.

Caron's position in the cabinet requires Senate confirmation before it becomes official.

Carson has often recounted his childhood as the son of a single mother in inner-city Detroit in his books and motivational speeches. In his 1996 autobiography "Gifted Hands," Carson wrote of the humiliation he felt using food stamps from his mom to pay for bread and milk, and said how he began to excel at school only after receiving a free pair of glasses that allowed him to see the lessons written on chalk boards.

Carson has not said whether his family ever lived in federally-funded housing or received Section 8 subsidies to help pay rent, but as a political figure he has criticized such public assistance programs for creating "dependency" on the government among low-income minorities.

"I'm interested in getting rid of dependency, and I want us to find a way to allow people to excel in our society, and as more and more people hear that message, they will recognize who is truly on their side and who is trying to keep them suppressed and cultivate their votes," Carson said in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2015.


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #119 on: December 05, 2016, 05:16:05 PM »

Allen West Meets with Team Trump at Trump Tower

by Charlie Spiering
5 Dec 2016
Colonel Allen West met with President-elect Donald Trump’s foreign policy team on Monday, including Vice President-elect Mike Pence, Mike Flynn and KT McFarland.
He may not be joining the upcoming administration, though.

After the meeting, West told reporters that he discussed national security issues with the president-elect, but said he was not offered a position.

“I mean they know my reputation very well,” he said. “I’m just a simple soldier and I’m the third of four generations that served this country going back to my father in World War II, and we still have a relative of ours that is continuing to serve in the Army now.”

West, a Tea Party hero with a reputation for speaking his mind, won a United States Congressional seat in 2010. Redistricting made his district more competitive, and he was defeated by his Democrat challenger Patrick Murphy in 2012.

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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #120 on: December 07, 2016, 08:45:38 AM »
Report: Retired Gen. John Kelly is Trump's pick for Homeland Security secretary
By: Leo Shane III, December 7, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump has picked former Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly to run his Department of Homeland Security, the third high-profile retired military pick for Trump’s Cabinet.

CBS News on Wednesday reported that sources confirmed Kelly’s selection on Wednesday, although Trump transition officials would not immediately confirm the news. CBS officials said a formal announcement is expected within days.

Kelly, the former head of U.S. Southern Command, is well-regarded among Republicans on Capitol Hill and during his service sparred with President Barack Obama’s administration on a variety of security and military issues, including the closing of detention facilities at Naval Base Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

As head of Southern Command, Kelly oversaw not only the controversial prison but also military missions related to security along America’s southern border, drug and weapons trafficking from South America and Central America, and gang activity in the region.

He also boasts extensive experience in the Middle East, having spent about two years leading combat forces against the Islamic State’s Sunni Arab forerunners in Iraq’s Anbar province.

He’s a Boston native and close friend of Joint Chiefs Chairman Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford. And the 66-year-old veteran has the somber distinction of being the highest-ranking American military official to lose a child in combat during the recent wars. His son, Marine Lt. Robert Michael Kelly, was killed in Afghanistan in 2010.

Along with the Homeland Security post, Trump reportedly had been considering Kelly for Secretary of State, the most prominent incoming Cabinet post still without a nominee. 

News of Kelly’s selection comes just a day after Trump’s formal introduction of retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis as the next Secretary of Defense. Last month, Trump tapped former Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn to be his National Security Advisor.

Transition officials said Trump is considering several other retired military flag officers for key posts in the new administration, including a meeting with former U.S. European Command leader Adm. James Stavridis on Thursday.

Mattis will need a waiver to serve as Defense Secretary, because of federal laws requiring seven years of separation from the military before appointment to that post.

But no such rules are in place for the Homeland Security head, making Kelly’s confirmation an easier process. He retired from the Marine Corps earlier this year after 45 years of service.


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #121 on: December 07, 2016, 10:07:24 AM »
"So much for draining the swamp.

Donald Trump’s decision to put Steve Mnuchin in charge of overseeing our economy and our banking system as Treasury Secretary is a direct betrayal of his campaign promise to stand up to big banks and fix the rigged system that has put Wall Street ahead of Main Street. Instead of draining the swamp, he's filling it.

Mnuchin is a second-generation Goldman Sachs banker who made a fortune running a “foreclosure machine” that scammed hardworking Americans out of their homes, literally leaving families out in the cold. Under Mnuchin’s leadership, one 90-year-old woman lost her home over a 27-cent payment error.

We need a Treasury Secretary who will stand up to predatory lending, not one who practiced it.

Mnuchin’s bank is also currently under investigation for redlining, as it made just two mortgages to black borrowers in 2014 and 2015 in Southern California, including Los Angeles. Under Mnuchin’s watch, not one of the bank’s branches in diverse Southern California was in a predominantly black neighborhood.

Immediately after being appointed, Mnuchin said he aims to make rolling back Wall Street reform a top priority. As a U.S. Senator and a member of the Senate Banking Committee, I’ll work to ensure the Wall Street reforms that we have worked so tirelessly to uphold are not going anywhere.

Oregon’s small businesses and families can’t afford for Wall Street bankers to once again pursue their boundless appetite for high risk trading and shady practices that brought down the economy in 2008."

Oregon Senator, Jeff Merkley


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Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #122 on: December 07, 2016, 10:11:13 AM »
"So much for draining the swamp.

Donald Trump’s decision to put Steve Mnuchin in charge of overseeing our economy and our banking system as Treasury Secretary is a direct betrayal of his campaign promise to stand up to big banks and fix the rigged system that has put Wall Street ahead of Main Street. Instead of draining the swamp, he's filling it.

Mnuchin is a second-generation Goldman Sachs banker who made a fortune running a “foreclosure machine” that scammed hardworking Americans out of their homes, literally leaving families out in the cold. Under Mnuchin’s leadership, one 90-year-old woman lost her home over a 27-cent payment error.

We need a Treasury Secretary who will stand up to predatory lending, not one who practiced it.

Mnuchin’s bank is also currently under investigation for redlining, as it made just two mortgages to black borrowers in 2014 and 2015 in Southern California, including Los Angeles. Under Mnuchin’s watch, not one of the bank’s branches in diverse Southern California was in a predominantly black neighborhood.

Immediately after being appointed, Mnuchin said he aims to make rolling back Wall Street reform a top priority. As a U.S. Senator and a member of the Senate Banking Committee, I’ll work to ensure the Wall Street reforms that we have worked so tirelessly to uphold are not going anywhere.

Oregon’s small businesses and families can’t afford for Wall Street bankers to once again pursue their boundless appetite for high risk trading and shady practices that brought down the economy in 2008."

Oregon Senator, Jeff Merkley

I bet they will love the tax cuts on business to 15% though...


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 41640
Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #123 on: December 07, 2016, 10:19:34 AM »
I bet they will love the tax cuts on business to 15% though...

If that ever happens. There seems to be some doubt that it will.

Donald Trump Is Lying, To Someone, About His Small Business Tax Cut

Will he cut small business taxes, or won't he? Donald Trump's campaign has two different answers, depending on which conservative activists it's talking to.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 41640
Re: Trump's Cabinet
« Reply #124 on: December 07, 2016, 10:24:25 AM »
Small Businesses Speak Out Against Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

“Tax cuts skewed towards the wealthy elite starve our communities of much-needed resources while further tilting the scales towards large corporations and the rich.”

- Stephen Rouzer at Main Street Alliance

Trump’s Tax Plan Means Fewer Customers With Money To Spend At Local Businesses

The Main Street Alliance is a “is a national network of small business coalitions” that “works to provide small businesses a voice on the most pressing public policy issues across the nation.”