Author Topic: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.  (Read 11138 times)


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2013, 09:37:53 AM »
down in flames!!!!
glenn beck wanted it but AJ got it in the end turds.


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #26 on: January 04, 2013, 10:28:50 AM »
down in flames!!!!
glenn beck wanted it but AJ got it in the end turds.

Well, the silver lining for Beck is that Oprah's network may be on the chopping block, sooner than later. And he probably won't have to cough up half a billion for it.


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #27 on: January 04, 2013, 11:45:11 AM »
Well, the silver lining for Beck is that Oprah's network may be on the chopping block, sooner than later. And he probably won't have to cough up half a billion for it.

glenn beck should be banned from TV the dude is a moron. He provides shock value


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2013, 09:25:56 PM »
glenn beck should be banned from TV the dude is a moron. He provides shock value

You're confusing him with Chris "Thrill Up My Leg" Matthews.

And, if Beck gets his own channel, without Fox (or anyone else) filtering him, it could get interesting.

But, Beck is too pro-America for Al Gore. That's why Mr. Clean-Energy/Rich-Should-Pay-Their-Fair-Share sold his futile attempt to create the anti-Fox network to an anti-American group, loaded in oil subsidizes.

And, he tried to beat the tax hikes to do it.

Gore said he was concerned about the legacy of who bought his network. It appears half a billion dollars (20% of which, gross, went to Gore) flushed that down the toilet.


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2013, 04:58:16 AM »
You're confusing him with Chris "Thrill Up My Leg" Matthews.

And, if Beck gets his own channel, without Fox (or anyone else) filtering him, it could get interesting.

But, Beck is too pro-America for Al Gore. That's why Mr. Clean-Energy/Rich-Should-Pay-Their-Fair-Share sold his futile attempt to create the anti-Fox network to an anti-American group, loaded in oil subsidizes.

And, he tried to beat the tax hikes to do it.

Gore said he was concerned about the legacy of who bought his network. It appears half a billion dollars (20% of which, gross, went to Gore) flushed that down the toilet.

Glenn Beck is an evangelical nutcase. You seem to use clean energy as a slur, does this mean you don't support clean energy and deny global warming?


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #30 on: January 08, 2013, 09:34:44 AM »
Glenn Beck is an evangelical nutcase. You seem to use clean energy as a slur, does this mean you don't support clean energy and deny global warming?

I sure do use "clean energy" as a slur. It's an excuse to bilk Americans out of their money and have them drive juice boxes, disguised as cars, while folks like Gore drive limos and fly on personal gas-guzzling jets ("Limousine Liberals", we like to call them). And he probably uses and armored limo, which sucks up even more fuel.

I don't deny global warming. That quarter of a degree temperature hike, every 500 years, means we're going to be tater tots by the year 3025.

You'd think Gore would unload his pitiful network to some solar-power bubbas or some windmill tycoons. But, NOPE!! He went effectively to big oil.

And, is it my imagination, or are you more bent out of shape about Beck than you are Al-Jazeera? I don't recall Beck, promoting the message about blowing you to bits?


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #31 on: January 08, 2013, 10:03:09 AM »
I sure do use "clean energy" as a slur. It's an excuse to bilk Americans out of their money and have them drive juice boxes, disguised as cars, while folks like Gore drive limos and fly on personal gas-guzzling jets ("Limousine Liberals", we like to call them). And he probably uses and armored limo, which sucks up even more fuel.

I don't deny global warming. That quarter of a degree temperature hike, every 500 years, means we're going to be tater tots by the year 3025.
You'd think Gore would unload his pitiful network to some solar-power bubbas or some windmill tycoons. But, NOPE!! He went effectively to big oil.

And, is it my imagination, or are you more bent out of shape about Beck than you are Al-Jazeera? I don't recall Beck, promoting the message about blowing you to bits?

hahahAHAHA oh brother,now that's fox news smart  :D :D :D


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #32 on: January 08, 2013, 10:14:01 AM »

hahahAHAHA oh brother,now that's fox news smart  :D :D :D

Keep driving your juice box car, Speak-N-Spell boy. Our planet will be saved yet.

Care to explain why Mr. Save-the-Planet unloaded his pathetic excuse of a network to the evil oil-backed guys, instead of his green energy buddies.

Or, is it the usual buffoonery routine for you?


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #33 on: January 08, 2013, 10:18:02 AM »

fox news smart


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #34 on: January 08, 2013, 10:21:30 AM »
let me guess your the same idiot that says ha ha global warming when we have a cold day


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #35 on: January 08, 2013, 10:22:27 AM »

fox news smart

As I figured.

Just boneheaded tripe, driven by Fox News obsession neurosis.

Find a couch and a shrink. This stuff is unhealthy.


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #36 on: January 08, 2013, 10:24:02 AM »
let me guess your the same idiot that says ha ha global warming when we have a cold day

As incorrect as you are dopey. Get a clue (even in Obama's economy; it's cheap).

While you're at it, try answering the question as to why Gore didn't sell that train wreck of a cable station to his green-energy buddies.


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #37 on: January 08, 2013, 10:24:52 AM »
let me guess your the same idiot that says ha ha global warming when we have a cold day


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #38 on: January 08, 2013, 10:27:29 AM »
And, the answer to why Gore dumped Current TV to AL-Jarezza, instead of his green-energy buddies would be.........

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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #39 on: January 08, 2013, 10:29:02 AM »
And, the answer to why Gore dumped Current TV to AL-Jarezza, instead of his green-energy buddies would be.........

Because the only green al gore cares about is whats in his pockets. 

"Green Energy" is nothing more than a scam and a racket 


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #40 on: January 08, 2013, 10:29:23 AM »
more money, you shouldn't have a problem with that


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #41 on: January 08, 2013, 10:30:36 AM »
Because the only green al gore cares about is whats in his pockets. 

"Green Energy" is nothing more than a scam and a racket 

That sounds about right. But, my question was directed at Speak-N-Spell boy, a prime example of how Gore became a near-billionaire, at the expense of the sense-bereft.


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #42 on: January 08, 2013, 10:32:57 AM »
more money, you shouldn't have a problem with that

In of itself I don't. But, surely Gore could have found someone besides those EEEEEEVVVVVVIIIILLLL oil guys, who run Al-Jazeera.

So, big, bad, EEEEEEVVVVIIILLL oil isn't so bad, as long as they cough up half-a-billion for a failed left-winged news network.


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #43 on: January 08, 2013, 10:33:24 AM »
daaaa 1 degree, that doesn't matter,it will take a long time before were tata tots      hannity said so  :D :D :D :D :D :D ;D  fox news smart


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #44 on: January 08, 2013, 10:40:05 AM »
daaaa 1 degree that doesn't matter,it will take a long time before were tata tots      hannity said so  :D :D :D :D :D :D ;D  fox news smart

Again, get some couch time, Speak-N-Spell boy.

After that, tell us why Gore couldn't get any help from his green-energy buddies to unload his pitiful Current TV. Do none of them have a heart or care? Surely someone who cares so much the planet could find someone other than those EEEEEVVVVVIIILLLLL oil guys who run Al-Jazeera.


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #45 on: January 08, 2013, 10:45:56 AM »
daaaa 1 degree, that doesn't matter,it will take a long time before were tata tots      hannity said so  :D :D :D :D :D :D ;D  fox news smart

how mcway thinks

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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #46 on: January 08, 2013, 10:48:26 AM »

how mcway thinks

You dont feel suckered and taken advantage of by that creep Al Gore?


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #47 on: January 08, 2013, 10:52:04 AM »

how mcway thinks

And people wonder how Gore became a multi-millionaire, peddling global warming.

Take Speak-N-Spell boy and multiply him by several hundred million or so worldwide.


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #48 on: January 08, 2013, 10:56:49 AM »
You dont feel suckered and taken advantage of by that creep Al Gore?

Getting suckered by lying libs is a badge of honor, for the sense-deprived.


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Re: Al Gores' Current TV Channel going down in flames.
« Reply #49 on: January 08, 2013, 10:58:30 AM »
And people wonder how Gore became a multi-millionaire, peddling global warming.

Take Speak-N-Spell boy and multiply him by several hundred million or so worldwide.

this coming from a guy that made hannity a millionaire,  priceless,    hannity's not dumb ,he knows what to pedal to his simpletons