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Gossip & Opinions / Re: Getbigger nearly dies in paragliding accident
« Last post by Lartinos on Today at 02:30:13 PM »
Reminds me of fan man.

These guys fly around my old neighborhood I moved from here in Fl.

These guys are nuts and like attention as much as Bhankins.

This was the Fan Man.,appearances%20at%20various%20sporting%20events.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Last post by bhank on Today at 02:29:48 PM »
You read abstracts at best. 

You insinuated they were by your comment.

They are similar as saying all diuretics work on the kidney.....when we know damn well certain ones work at different points of the loop.

You said mobility causes growth.  I don't think I know rehab....I DO. 

You have "studied" bodybuilding drugs.....hows that for narrowing it down?  If anyone has a myopic view (further showing it isn't brian typing) its you. 

The bolded statement is one of the stupidest things you have ever said.  I would love for you to talk your way out of that comment.   Show me the connection in hormones and rehab from a practical application.  Don't sit here and tell what a hormone does.  Tell me how to rehab a partial tear of of the supraspinatus tendon with accompanying tendonosis.  Show me ANY example of a PT that talks to a patient about that stuff.

At NO POINT do you have to be JACKED to play with your kids at 90.   What a completely moronic comment.

i spend very little time reading about bodybuilding stuff I already read it all decades ago. I still spend a lot of time reading about new compounds and new studies in aging.

4 more years Pause 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

It is okay, don’t cry, I did not expect you to have answers to those questions which is why you weren’t asked. 
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by webstar on Today at 02:28:34 PM »
Is she pregnant ?

No , using 2000 mgs a week to get ready for 3 shows in 2 years has rendered Brian sterile.

That’s just bruising from the body shots Brian gives her.

Smart in Brian’s part. Hide the abuse marks.

I guess he learned that from his now dead ex. Don’t leave marks visible.

Classic abuser
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Last post by bhank on Today at 02:28:16 PM »
You read abstracts at best. 

You insinuated they were by your comment.

They are similar as saying all diuretics work on the kidney.....when we know damn well certain ones work at different points of the loop.

You said mobility causes growth.  I don't think I know rehab....I DO. 

You have "studied" bodybuilding drugs.....hows that for narrowing it down?  If anyone has a myopic view (further showing it isn't brian typing) its you. 

The bolded statement is one of the stupidest things you have ever said.  I would love for you to talk your way out of that comment.   Show me the connection in hormones and rehab from a practical application.  Don't sit here and tell what a hormone does.  Tell me how to rehab a partial tear of of the supraspinatus tendon with accompanying tendonosis.  Show me ANY example of a PT that talks to a patient about that stuff.

At NO POINT do you have to be JACKED to play with your kids at 90.   What a completely moronic comment.

I never said mobility causes growth again see above mobility is necessary for growth you can be the most agile mobile guy on the planet if you sit on the couch not eating you are not going to grow
lol! I think I am now in the Getbig club- accused of being somebody's gimmick. If I have a choice I'd like to be Kwon's gimmick because he is so cool.
Upside down coffee cup!!!!
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Last post by bhank on Today at 02:27:11 PM »
He’s on a more likely path to be dead by 50. Multiple unnecessary elective surgeries for aesthetic purposes. Dumb.

You do realize chronic pec tears are called chronic because they keep happening? I want to get it fixed so it doesn't keep happening. 100 bucks says you don't even lift
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Last post by bhank on Today at 02:25:56 PM »
sounds like you relied on drugs rather than physio after your knee surgery

Sounds bang on for you

Easiest way in life is the only way.

Fuck off with your extra 200 calories you are as bad as DJ just an older soggier version
You repeatedly bring it up with your gimmick accounts

lol! I think I am now in the Getbig club- accused of being somebody's gimmick. If I have a choice I'd like to be Kwon's gimmick because he is so cool.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Last post by joswift on Today at 02:23:59 PM »
They don't and that is the problem it is malpractice. When we know certain compounds are beneficial in the healing process post surgery other compounds can actually help healing to avoid surgeries many can improve functionality and quality of life. Like I said if you don't know about healing through medicine and you only study physical manipulation then you don't know rehab.

sounds like you relied on drugs rather than physio after your knee surgery

Sounds bang on for you

Easiest way in life is the only way.
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