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Gossip & Opinions / Re: BCAA a waste of money ?
« Last post by _bruce_ on Today at 01:39:06 AM »
In general I would opt against supplements as they are quite stressful to the body since the ingredients have to be extracted from some kind of base component. This is often done with toxic materials which the end user shuttles into his/her system.
On top of that the ingredients are dead, as in denatured, due to industrial processes and thus harm the body long term - double damage so to speak.

"Supplements" that free you from needing supplements
-raw milk(preferably sheep)
-raw eggs
-raw meat
-raw fish(sea only)
and most importantly
-raw animal fats(partial to above mentioned) which are the base of "all" hormone production(e.g. butter from raw milk)
-high volume workouts

just like the old farts from the 50- to 70ies have done.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Phil Heath's starting point
« Last post by BigRo on Today at 01:35:16 AM »
Concerning Heath, already his celebrity within the muscle world is dimming.

Times now are very different.

Shit moves at light speed. The attention span of young people is not much.

You were Mr. O 10 years ago? Few even remember.

And the past champs are supposed to give a fuck about these delinquents?
Gossip & Opinions / Emir OMERAGIC 1 week out !!
« Last post by affeman on Today at 01:33:31 AM »
He's gonna shock at the NY Pro this Weekend! :o
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Ashley Admits to Everything in Diary Being Real
« Last post by Gym Rat on Today at 01:26:04 AM »
Pervy Joe the Kid-Sniffing c0mmie...

Gossip & Opinions / Re: BCAA a waste of money ?
« Last post by Gym Rat on Today at 01:19:46 AM »
Lifelong natty (before TRT at age 50) so I always used Amino's. EAA's have both inside (EAA/BCAA).
Does it do jack shit?? Who knows. But I know Aminos "might" be helpful. (Probably mainly for recovery).
And there's no need to spend a ton on them. Some brands are very price-friendly.

EVL is practically free...  :D

My AM drink before gym is EAA's, Creatine, Fiber Powder.

Gossip & Opinions / Re: Marc Lobliner goes Classic at 43 yo.
« Last post by Van_Bilderass on Today at 12:53:33 AM »
classic for me is about balance
Calves neck and arms should be the same measurement

Its also a "look"

This guy has some impresssive condition and some great bodyparts but he just doesnt have a stage physique

That guy probably looks fantastic in the gym in a vest

I know exactly what you mean.

But the problem is in deciding who exactly should compete in classic, because it's just this "something" you have to have, which can't really be expressed by a mathematical formula. Like those specific measurements you mentioned, someone could have a really thin neck but still look fantastic.

I agree about that guy. You can tell he's very advanced and has put in time but at the same time it's bad. Not Palumboism, genetics.
Yeah, I don't understand guys in their 40's and 50's who can't get it up.

Yet so many use the boner pills, young guys too. Most will say it's not like in your teens when you got a spontaneous boner or at the slightest stimuli. Most will talk about the numerous instances where they went flaccid. Wouldn't probably happen in your teens.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Ashley Showers W/ Dad
« Last post by Van_Bilderass on Today at 12:39:53 AM »
Many Democrats would surely send their kids to sleepovers at the White House. Conservatives would do the same for Trump.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Ashley Showers W/ Dad
« Last post by Bevo on Today at 12:39:08 AM »
So you think these quotes are probably all fake. Ok. Even when there are audio recordings. The pics, yeah when you have kids in a pic you make damn sure no one gets the "wrong idea," when you approve the pics for use. Shooting pics in bed with your teenage daughter in your lap and in some type of neglige? Come on. And the comments, if they are true, at least some of them, they are wildly inappropriate. If your friend said he'd date his daughter if it wasn't his daughter, and said she has a nice body for playboy work I would hope you'd think that was way inappropriate.

This isn't about Biden, it's about creeps in both parties and not seeing the faults in their own camp.

You think Biden is a liar. Ok fine. But Trump blatantly lies 30 times in a speech, but is still seen as very honest. Lol it's mind boggling. Do you still believe AT LEAST 50% of the votes were outright fake? Even conservatives on Fox like Tucker said internally they thought Trump's version was absolutely ridiculous and false but they played along.

And despite all this election meddling you are going to vote for Trump next election, aren't you? What for, if the liberals can manufacture 50% of the votes out of thin air? There's should be no way to win, unless the deep state feels Trump is now 'our guy' especially wrt Israel.

I'm shaking my head at all this fuckery.

Edit: and not to forget, Trump took credit for the Vaxx, hasn't even said he was wrong in pushing it. The Vaxx is seen as the supreme crime against humanity by many conservatives. So Trump was complicit in this bio-weapon programme. But people are willing to overlook a lot.

Perfectly stated

You make the most sense on here with all this shit
Gossip & Opinions / Re: How Arnold would look like if natural
« Last post by Humble Narcissist on Today at 12:38:34 AM »
He’s got some best in history type genetics from his Dad and Hanky is jealous I guess.
From father only.
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