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Women doing hip thrust ..victims of social media trends?

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Pet shop boys:
Since most Getbiggers have easily over 30 years of training experience.....

I will take any info on this seriously

I get asked constantly about it .... I feel this exercise (Barbell hip thrust) is pretty much useless for muscular development

It's easy to lift a barbell resting on your hips even if you have never trained in your life.

Thats why you see in recent years so many people out of shape doing this movement, feeling good about themselves and not seeing results in the long run ...

Do you do it, if so, does it work?

Thanks .


Yes I do it. I'm not sure what type of development you're looking for from it, but I do it for more sex power

The ass brigade swears by them for building good glutes.

They had a little resurgence in powerlifting, the main thing being teaching trainees glute activation. But they fell by the wayside after a while. I tried them for a goof years ago, and you definitely feel them in the glutes and other parts of the posterior chain, but I just don't like setting up the lift. It's like Zercher lifts and the like, is the juice worth the squeeze? For me, I feel GHR's and similar way more, and it's a quick, safe set up.   


--- Quote from: BB on May 16, 2024, 05:24:13 AM ---The ass brigade swears by them for building good glutes.

They had a little resurgence in powerlifting, the main thing being teaching trainees glute activation. But they fell by the wayside after a while. I tried them for a goof years ago, and you definitely feel them in the glutes and other parts of the posterior chain, but I just don't like setting up the lift. It's like Zercher lifts and the like, is the juice worth the squeeze? For me, I feel GHR's and similar way more, and it's a quick, safe set up.   

--- End quote ---

That's actually why I do them. Feels really good in that area afterwards as I can get some tightness there.

Gym Rat:
I don't think they have much carry-over for anything else.
A guy in the gym does these w/ 5 plates (495) but can barely DL 315. (I think his max is 325 on a good day).
To me a retarded and useless exercise. But that's just my opinion. (Which is worthless to anyone except me of course).
If you like doing 'em, keep on doing 'em..


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