Author Topic: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea  (Read 3899 times)


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America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« on: November 23, 2010, 09:26:38 AM »
This is some of the latest news about North Korea supposedly attacking South Korea. Now we have all heard of the torpedoing of a South Korean ship by america who quickly blamed the North Koreans. Now bombs falling on both sides of the border. China, Russia, Japan etc are all worried as this could escalate into a serious matter



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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 10:18:57 AM »

  Korean War Crisis: Brought To You By Uncle Sam

US military-industrial complex armed North Korea with nuclear weapons

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Despite the fact that South Korea admits it fired the first shots that prompted the North to retaliate, the vast majority of the establishment press are feverishly blaming North Korea for a new escalation in the crisis, while failing completely to acknowledge the fact that the whole fiasco was generated as a direct result of Uncle Sam’s policy through two separate administrations to ensure hereditary dictator Kim Jong-Il and his successors acquired the atom bomb.

As we have exhaustively documented, North Korea’s nuclear belligerency was almost exclusively a creation of the U.S. government in that they armed the Stalinist state both directly and indirectly through global arms dealers under their control, namely Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan. While labeling North Korea as part of the “axis of evil,” the U.S. government was enthusiastically funding its nuclear weapons program at every stage.

Both the Clinton and Bush administrations played a key role in helping Kim Jong-Il develop North Korea’s nuclear prowess from the mid 1990’s onwards.

Just as with Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological weapons program, it was Donald Rumsfeld who played a key role in arming Kim-Jong-Il.

Rumsfeld was man who presided over a $200 million dollar contract to deliver equipment and services to build two light water reactor stations in North Korea in January 2000 when he was an executive director of ABB (Asea Brown Boveri). Wolfram Eberhardt, a spokesman for ABB confirmed that Rumsfeld was at nearly all the board meetings during his involvement with the company.

Rumsfeld was merely picking up the baton from the Clinton administration, who in 1994 agreed to replace North Korea’s domestically built nuclear reactors with light water nuclear reactors. So-called government-funded ‘experts’ claimed that light water reactors couldn’t be used to make bombs. Not so according to Henry Sokolski, head of the Non-proliferation Policy Education Center in Washington, who stated, “LWRs could be used to produce dozens of bombs’ worth of weapons-grade plutonium in both North Korea and Iran. This is true of all LWRs — a depressing fact U.S. policymakers have managed to block out.”

“These reactors are like all reactors, they have the potential to make weapons. So you might end up supplying the worst nuclear violator with the means to acquire the very weapons we’re trying to prevent it acquiring,” said Sokolski.

The U.S. State Department claimed that the light water reactors could not be used to produce bomb grade material and yet in 2002 urged Russia to end its nuclear co-operation with Iran for the reason that it didn’t want Iran armed with weapons of mass destruction. At the time, Russia was building light water reactors in Iran.  According to the State Department, light water reactors in Iran can produce nuclear material but somehow the same rule doesn’t apply in North Korea.

In April 2002, the Bush administration announced that it would release $95 million of American taxpayer’s dollars to begin construction of the ‘harmless’ light water reactors in North Korea. Bush argued that arming the megalomaniac dictator Kim Jong-Il with the potential to produce a hundred nukes a year was, “vital to the national security interests of the United States.” Bush released even more money in January 2003, as was reported by Bloomberg News.

Bush released the funds despite the startling revelation, reported by South Korean newspapers, that a North Korean missile warhead had been found in Alaska.

Construction of the reactors was eventually suspended, but North Korea had an alternative source through which they could obtain the nuclear secrets vital to building an atom bomb arsenal – CIA asset and international arms smuggler AQ Khan.

In 2004, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of Pakistan’s atom bomb program, admitted sharing nuclear technology via a worldwide smuggling network that included facilities in Malaysia that manufactured key parts for centrifuges.

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Khan’s collaborator B.S.A. Tahir ran a front company out of Dubai that shipped centrifuge components to North Korea.

Despite Dutch authorities being deeply suspicious of Khan’s activities as far back as 1975, the CIA prevented them from arresting him on two occasions.

“The man was followed for almost ten years and obviously he was a serious problem. But again I was told that the secret services could handle it more effectively,” former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers said. “The Hague did not have the final say in the matter. Washington did.”

Lubbers stated that Khan was allowed to slip in and out of the Netherlands with the blessing of the CIA, eventually allowing him to become the “primary salesman of an extensive international network for the proliferation of nuclear technology and know-how,” according to George W. Bush himself, and sell nuclear secrets that allowed North Korea to build nuclear bombs.

“Lubbers suspects that Washington allowed Khan’s activities because Pakistan was a key ally in the fight against the Soviets,” reports CFP. “At the time, the US government funded and armed mujahideen such as Osama bin Laden. They were trained by Pakistani intelligence to fight Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Anwar Iqbal, Washington correspondent for the Pakistani newspaper Dawn, told ISN Security Watch that Lubbers’ assertions may be correct. “This was part of a long-term foolish strategy. The US knew Pakistan was developing nuclear weapons but couldn’t care less because it was not going to be used against them. It was a deterrent against India and possibly the Soviets.”

In September 2005 it emerged that the Amsterdam court which sentenced Khan to four years imprisonment in 1983 had lost the legal files pertaining to the case. The court’s vice-president, Judge Anita Leeser, accused the CIA of stealing the files. “Something is not right, we just don’t lose things like that,” she told Dutch news show NOVA. “I find it bewildering that people lose files with a political goal, especially if it is on request of the CIA. It is unheard of.”

In 2005, Pakistani President Pervez Musharaf acknowledged that Khan had provided centrifuges and their designs to North Korea.

Through their policies in aiding North Korea to build light water reactors, and via the CIA asset AQ Khan who was protected at every step of the way while he helped provide North Korea with the means to build a nuclear arsenal, the U.S. government itself is directly complicit in providing North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il with the nuclear weapons he now threatens to use against U.S. ally South Korea.

North Korea is controlled by a hereditary Stalinist dictatorship that has starved two million of its citizens to death in favor of building a million-man army. Some people put the figure at four million, one-quarter of the population. In the far north of the country there is a network of forced labor gulags where people who have ‘expressed a bland political opinion’ are, along with their entire families, tortured, raped and executed. Horrific bio-chemical experiments are performed on mass numbers of people. Babies are delivered and then stamped to death by the camp guards. If the mother screams while the guards are stamping on the baby’s neck, she is immediately assassinated by a firing squad. These guards are rewarded with bonuses and promotions for ripping out prisoners’ eyeballs.

The North Korean people are enslaved by a government that is using food as a weapon. Perhaps this is why the EU and the United States, via the UN World Food Program, resumed the shipment of hundreds of thousands of tons in food aid at the end of February 2003. This goes directly to the sitting dictatorship, which then decides who gets it by their level of allegiance to the state. Food aid only increases the power of Kim Jong-Il and yet it is veiled by the UN in bleeding heart humanitarian rhetoric. The money goes straight to enabling the North Korean leadership to live in the lap of westernized luxury with casinos and lavish new cars.

President Bush publicly claimed to loathe Kim Jong-Il and yet his administration, like Bill Clinton before him, set the policy to help North Korea obtain nuclear expertise. The U.S. intelligence network also protected AQ Khan and allowed him to provide the means with which North Korea acquired their nuclear capability.

If the tensions between the Koreas were to escalate into all out war, don’t expect the castrated American corporate media to mention how Kim Jong-Il and his successors grew to be such a threat in the first place – with the aid of nuclear weapons enthusiastically supplied by the U.S. government and its surrogates.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2010, 11:20:02 AM »
lol, why are you posting material from a "zionist plant's" website ::)


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2010, 11:34:00 AM »
lol, why are you posting material from a "zionist plant's" website ::)

If you despise me so much (since according to you I hate WHITES soooooo much)why are you always reading and responding in my threads? Is this some sort of love hate relationship?

Nonetheless is there some comment you can leave about the news I posted? What's your opinion on the matter? Do you see it escalating to more?...even a third world war if China, Russia and american get involved?


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2010, 04:19:46 PM »
Notice in all of the post I posted below america is already saying the South Koreans are going to reconsider US weapons purchase or are considering using US nuclear weapons...everything i s circulating around the US in this matter.

South Korea warns North Korea it will 'sternly retaliate' to any further provocation

South Korea has warned North Korea it would “sternly retaliate” to any further provocations after dozens of shells were fired at a South Korean island.

Peter Foster
By Peter Foster, Beijing 9:41AM GMT 23 Nov 2010

Two South Korean marines were killed and 17 others injured, as well as three civilians, after North Korea fired dozens of artillery shells onto a Yeonpyeong Island in the Yellow sea, 50 miles off the South's northwest coast in an area close to a disputed sea border.

The attack, which comes days after it emerged that North Korea was pressing ahead with its illegal nuclear programme, marks a serious further escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

A presidential statement said the shelling “constitutes a clear armed provocation.”

“Furthermore, its reckless shelling of civilian targets is unpardonable.

“North Korean authorities must take responsibility.”

The incident is believed to have been sparked by South Korean military exercises in the area, which the North had objected to.

Officials said “dozens” of artillery rounds had landed on Yeonpyeong. Other reports suggested around 200 shells could have been fired in the attack which began at 2.34pm local time (7.34am GMT).

F-16 fighter jets were scrambled and South Korean land-based forces returned fire on the North as civilians were evacuated to emergency bunkers, according to witnesses quoted by the Seoul-based cable news television channel YTN.

Pictures from the channel showed plumes of smoke rising from the island, which is the largest in a clutch of smaller islands, with a population of less than 1,300 people.

“Houses and mountains are on fire and people are evacuating. You can't see very well because of plumes of smoke," a witness on the island told YTN. “People are frightened to death and shelling continues as we speak," the witness added.

The US issued a statement saying it "strongly condemns" the attack, urging it to halt its "belligerent action".

Naoto Kan, Japan's prime minister, said he had ordered his ministers to prepare for any eventuality.

"I ordered (ministers) to make preparations so that we can react firmly, should any unexpected event occur," Mr Kan said.

"We will make preparations so that whatever happens, we will be able to deal with it."

Russia called for both sides to avoid any escalation of violence, while China, the North’s closest international ally, said it was “concerned” over the situation.

“We hope the relevant parties do more to contribute to peace and stability on the Korean peninsula,” said a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, adding that China was still seeking information on the clash. "The situation needs to be verified," he said.

The islands were the scene of three skirmishes between the navies of North and South Korea in 1999, 2002 and most recently in 2009 when a North Korean patrol ship was set on fire by South Korean gunfire.

The attack comes after nearly two years of deteriorating relations between the two Koreas, which reached a nadir last March after the sinking of a South Korean corvette, the Cheonan, with the loss of 46 lives.

South Korea has since cut off almost all humanitarian aid to the North, a near bankrupt-state that has been under tight international sanctions since conducting a second nuclear bomb test in 2009 in defiance of UN agreements.

The North has also been facing a degree of political turmoil this year as their ailing leader Kim Jong-il prepares the ground for a dynastic succession that will see power being handed to his youngest son, Kim Jong-un.


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2010, 04:26:27 PM »
 This article is talking about Korea supposedly wanting america to deploy nukes on its territory. How convenient this is after america and Korea start doing drills we have ships being blown up, small exchanges happening and now the desire for american nukes...Does it sound like the military industrial complex is trying to make weapons sales to Korea...
South Korea considers return of US tactical nuclear weapons

Defence minister hints at deploying US weapons on his country's soil for first time since 1991 after news of North Korean plant, Monday 22 November 2010 21.54 GMT

North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear facility A 4 November satellite image shows the site of North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear facility.

South Korea's defence minister today raised the possibility that US nuclear weapons could be deployed in his country for the first time in nearly 20 years, after it was revealed that Pyongyang had built an advanced uranium enrichment plant.

Kim Tae-young was speaking to a parliamentary committee about the North Korea plant, when he was asked whether the government would consider the return of US tactical weapons for the first time since they were withdrawn by President George Bush Sr in 1991.

He replied that the matter would be "reviewed" by a joint US-Korean committee on deterrence set up last month. His remarks drew attention as the issue has been treated as taboo in the highly-charged atmosphere of the Korean peninsular.

Korean government officials were anxious to play down the significance of his comments, and insisted the taboo remained in place. A Korean defence ministry statement said the redeployment of nuclear weapons had not so far been raised. The Pentagon said there were no immediate plans to redeploy nuclear weapons in South Korea.

The US envoy on Korea, Stephen Bosworth, who was in Seoul for talks on the deteriorating situation, also said that talks were still possible, despite the discovery of the plant, which was shown to an American nuclear scientist by the North Koreans earlier this month.

"This is not a crisis, we are not surprised," Bosworth said, on the first leg of an east Asia tour. Asked whether six-nation talks on North Korea's nuclear programmes could be salvaged, he said: "My crystal ball is foggy but I would never declare any process dead. We have hope that we will be able to resuscitate [them]."

Even before the visit of Siegfried Hecker, the former chief of the US nuclear weapons laboratory at Los Alamos, to the North Korea enrichment plant, the US and South Korea had insisted that the regime would have to cease other nuclear activities and apologise for the sinking of a South Korean warship before the stalled six-party negotiations could resume.

Hecker said the enrichment plant at Yongbyon, near Pyongyang, had up to 2,000 centrifuges and was surprisingly modern. He said it appeared to be designed for the production of low enriched nuclear fuel for power stations, but acknowledged it could easily be reconfigured to make highly enriched uranium for nuclear weapons.


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2010, 04:29:57 PM »
The cowardly lion that is america after starting the exchange now tries to blame North Korea as well as tries to pretend it wants peace between the two regions

    * NOVEMBER 23, 2010, 9:55 A.M. ET

UPDATE: US Envoy: North Korea Initiated Artillery Exchange With S Korea

BEIJING (Dow Jones)--The U.S. envoy to North Korea condemned the country Tuesday over a deadly exchange of artillery fire with South Korea but urged restraint from both sides of the divided ...


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2010, 04:39:28 PM »
ISIS Reports:Satellite Image Shows Building Containing Centrifuges in North Korea

by David Albright and Paul Brannan

November 21, 2010

Dr. Siegfried Hecker of Stanford University released a report on November 21, 2010 detailing his recent visit to the Yongbyon nuclear site in North Korea.  Hecker describes his visit to a building containing 2,000 gas centrifuges located on the site of the fuel fabrication facility at Yongbyon dedicated, according to his hosts, to producing low enriched uranium (LEU).  He notes that the building is approximately 120 meters long and has a blue roof.  ISIS assesses that this building can be seen in a November 4, 2010 DigitalGlobe satellite image in figure 1 below.  Hecker also noted that the building had been repurposed, as he had visited this building in 2008 at which time it did not contain centrifuges (figure 2 shows the same building in February of 2007).  Figure 3 shows the location of the plant relative to the entire Yongbyon site.

In an October 2010 report, ISIS assessed that “the data support that North Korea has the capability of building, at the very least, a pilot plant,” of gas centrifuges, with a pilot plant defined as between 500 and 1,000 centrifuges.  If there are 2,000 centrifuges installed at the Yongbyon site, that number is greater but consistent with the ISIS finding, and thus not completely unexpected.  Nonetheless, learning of the existence of this plant is extremely significant, and the new information requires deep study.  It is also true that a centrifuge plant does not exist in a vacuum.  It is still unknown where North Korea researches, develops, and manufactures centrifuges.

The North Koreans told Hecker that the plant had just started producing LEU.  Hecker was not told when this plant would be in full operation, and he and his colleagues were not in a position to determine that date.

Of concern is how quickly North Korea outfitted this building at the Yongbyon site.  The New York Times reported that administration officials concluded that the plant did not exist at this building at Yongbyon as of April of 2009, when the disablement process ended.  To outfit a plant with 2,000 centrifuges this quickly suggests that this may not be the first gas centrifuge plant that North Korea has built.  It is possible that North Korea built another plant previously and either transferred it to Yongbyon or simply built another one based on its experience of bringing the first, perhaps smaller, one into operation.

Hecker reports the plant’s total enrichment capacity is 8,000 separative work units (swu) per year.  With 2,000 centrifuges, the average is 4 swu per year per centrifuge, somewhat lower than the original G2.  This German machine had a capacity of about 5 swu/yr-centrifuge; it was copied by Pakistan and called the P2.  Hecker also reported that there were six cascades for an average of 333 centrifuges per cascade.  This number is almost exactly double the number of P2 centrifuges in the cascades producing LEU in the Pakistani design provided to Libya by Khan network.  The reason for this difference is not known.

North Korea implied that the plant is configured to make LEU, which indeed may be the case.  However, centrifuges are flexible and this plant could produce weapon-grade uranium.  Based on the information about the P2 and the centrifuge plant design supplied to Libya, 2,000 P2 centrifuges could, under a different cascade configuration, make about about 33 kilograms of weapon-grade uranium per year.  This value needs to be lowered since the North Korean centrifuge has a lower average enrichment output, yielding an estimate of about 26 kilograms of weapon-grade uranium per year, lower than what Hecker estimates.

Hecker reports on a modern control room at the plant.  ISIS learned that North Korean procurement entities obtained abroad modern computerized control equipment used to run a plant composed of centrifuge cascades. This equipment is dual-use, also used in the petrochemical industry, but it was the same as those acquired by Iran to run its centrifuges.  ISIS did not learn who more recently supplied the plant with frequency converters or the subcomponents used by North Korea to make them domestically, but Iran and North Korea appear in some cases to use similar illicit procurement networks.  It is possible that the North Korean plant(s) could be vulnerable to the Stuxnet worm.

Figure 1.  November 4, 2010 DigitalGlobe satellite image of the fuel fabrication facility at the Yongbyon nuclear site in North Korea.  In his report, Hecker noted that the new gas centrifuge facility has a blue roof and is approximately 120 meters long.  ISIS assesses that this building is this gas centrifuge facility.

Figure 2.  DigitalGlobe satellite image on Google Earth showing the same building at the fuel fabrication facility on February 18, 2007.  The building was later repurposed to house gas centrifuges.

Figure 3.  Wide view DigitalGlobe satellite image of the Yongbyon nuclear site.  To the north is the site of the disabled 5MWe reactor where North Korea is constructing a new experimental light water reactor.  Towards the southern end of the site is the disabled fuel fabrication facility.  This facility contains the new gas centrifuge facility.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2010, 05:38:51 PM »
If you despise me so much (since according to you I hate WHITES soooooo much)why are you always reading and responding in my threads? Is this some sort of love hate relationship?

Nonetheless is there some comment you can leave about the news I posted? What's your opinion on the matter? Do you see it escalating to more?...even a third world war if China, Russia and american get involved?
one minute you're all over Alex Jones as being a zionist plant, the next you're reading an posting from his site.  Don't blame me because you make for a good joke.


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2010, 06:09:25 PM »
I am starting to think Samson loves real repressive governments like N. Korea., and cultures like Radical Islam


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2010, 07:00:34 PM »
one minute you're all over Alex Jones as being a zionist plant, the next you're reading an posting from his site.  Don't blame me because you make for a good joke.

First off the information is important...not the source. The article when googled was posted by many sites, it just so happens the first link was from Prison Planet. I know you have your bromance with Alex, but he is a piece a shit..LYING SHIT no less. And if you looked at the article it was written by Paul Watson not Alex Jones.


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2010, 07:04:37 PM »
I am starting to think Samson loves real repressive governments like N. Korea., and cultures like Radical Islam

Cute ...real cute

Umm hate to bust your bubble Ozzy, but you live in one of the most repressive governments/countries in the world called the USA. But as the saying goes every frog praises his pond and every pig his pen. Neither is aware of just how filthy their home is until they see otherwise.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2010, 07:11:21 PM »
First off the information is important...not the source. The article when googled was posted by many sites, it just so happens the first link was from Prison Planet. I know you have your bromance with Alex, but he is a piece a shit..LYING SHIT no less. And if you looked at the article it was written by Paul Watson not Alex Jones.
You're the one that originally got bent out of shape over me posting stuff from infowars and shit.  I guess I should have just said, "information is important, not the source" lol... wait, I did say things like that and even encouraged double checking things if in doubt.

My "bromance" with alex isn't anything compared to yours with Louis Farrakhan ;D  I just have one pic and a small alter to Alex that I light a candle for daily :D ::)  You treat Louis like an all knowing God ::)


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2010, 07:15:23 PM »
Cute ...real cute

Umm hate to bust your bubble Ozzy, but you live in one of the most repressive governments/countries in the world called the USA. But as the saying goes every frog praises his pond and every pig his pen. Neither is aware of just how filthy their home is until they see otherwise.

No, my apologies for bursting your bubble.  I have much more freedom in America than i would in N. Korea.  I am zero repressed.  I pretty much do what ever the hell i want.


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2010, 07:21:24 PM »
No, my apologies for bursting your bubble.  I have much more freedom in America than i would in N. Korea.  I am zero repressed.  I pretty much do what ever the hell i want.

If you're doing whatever you want, ...and haven't gotten arrested yet,'re either self-repressed beyond belief or boring as heck without any imagination.

Me, ...if i did whatever the heck I wanted, ...I'd be tossed into jail so fast it would make your head spin.  ;D

I would tell you some of the things I'd love to do, ...but that would definitely be a little TMI!!!  :-X


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2010, 07:39:55 PM »
No, my apologies for bursting your bubble.  I have much more freedom in America than i would in N. Korea.  I am zero repressed.  I pretty much do what ever the hell i want.

Really you can do what you want?...Hmmm. Been to the airport lately to take a flight somewhere? Did you feel your rights leave you as you entered the airport as you were groped, prodded, searched X Rayed and all but strip searched?

Try speaking out about your government's dirty doings and watch you get a VISIT by MIB, Pay attention to your phone calls so you can hear when NSA taps into the line, hope that you are not arrested and labeled a dissenter and carried off to an unknown location to be interrogated or worst renditioned.

Protest the Patriot Act which allows your government to ride ROUGHSHOD over the rights of the citizens and watch how fast you're thrown into jail if not killed.

Try even going to a bar and getting drunk and WALKING will be arrested even if nothing disorderly is done.

How much freedom do people have in North Korea? You have no clue...your mind is controlled by your MSM in the thinking department.Just as I pointed out in these articles the obvious dirty dealing america is involved in in provoking this are more concerned with your imagined freedom which can be taken away in an instant than you are in the guilt of your nation in bringing this possible war into fruition.


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2010, 10:30:56 PM »

  Don't be so idiotic that you would actually try and compare the freedoms in America to n. Korea.  Thats just dumb.  Every county has rules so what?  I can do what ever i want in this country.

And yeah,  I go to the airport and get searched because some sub culture stuck in the 13 century decided to murder 3000 innocent people in the name of god.  So every time I get searched I think about how America has invaded and conquered two Muslim countries and for all intents and purposes owns them and how  we have killed thousands and thousands of these brain washed violent fanatics.  And I am ok with it.  Do I think its necessary? No.  But better safe than sorry.

And yeah drunk and disorderly is a crime in most countries.

And yeah, we have hundreds of groups and organizations against hundreds of things our government does and they protest, write letters, have meetings, plot and plan etc.

And guess what?  It's all part of the freedom we have as Americans.  Try that in north Korea or Iran.

Nice try though lol :)   


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2010, 10:32:32 PM »
If you're doing whatever you want, ...and haven't gotten arrested yet,'re either self-repressed beyond belief or boring as heck without any imagination.

Me, ...if i did whatever the heck I wanted, ...I'd be tossed into jail so fast it would make your head spin.  ;D

I would tell you some of the things I'd love to do, ...but that would definitely be a little TMI!!!  :-X
You can always post a few pictures  ;D

Cy Tolliver

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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2010, 01:55:19 AM »
Cute ...real cute

Umm hate to bust your bubble Ozzy, but you live in one of the most repressive governments/countries in the world called the USA. But as the saying goes every frog praises his pond and every pig his pen. Neither is aware of just how filthy their home is until they see otherwise.

You're sure doing a good job of educating us in spite of our repressive government...


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2010, 08:12:51 AM »
author=OzmO link=topic=356788.msg5038352#msg5038352 date=1290580256]

Don't be so idiotic that you would actually try and compare the freedoms in America to n. Korea. 

You are so right that I am idiotic to think North Korea could be as bad as america in the freedom comparison. I know all of you flag waving americans are JADED beyond belief to believe the grass is only green on YOUR side of the fence.

Thats just dumb.  Every county has rules so what?

Every country has rules so as to keep their society from falling to far from the norm should a bad influence enter.

I can do what ever i want in this country.

Please name the THINGS you can do in america that you can not do in in any other nation (your list should have a considerable length)

And yeah,  I go to the airport and get searched because some sub culture stuck in the 13 century decided to murder 3000 innocent people in the name of god.

I am sure this is just a MSM brainwash slip as surely you are aware by now of the DOMESTIC TERRORISM and CONTROLLED DEMOLITION that took place on 911. I am sure also of your awareness of Gulf Of Tonkin, Operation Northwoods, Korea, Cambodian, Laoatian, Burmese wars america caused and please inform me of how 19 Arab hijackers made the US military FAIL on 911, with 9 of them still being alive in their respective nations today.

So every time I get searched I think about how America has invaded and conquered two Muslim countries and for all intents and purposes owns them and how  we have killed thousands and thousands of these brain washed violent fanatics.

Most people think about the VIOLATION they are experiencing for having done NOTHING while being groped , prodded, x rayed and strip searched PUBLICLY at airports, but hey maybe it is a THRILL for you to undergo such INVASIVE TACTICS though you are not a terrorist and have no record of having ever done anything. Maybe you can turn into a Mexican or be a part of teh Bin Laden family and tehn you can waltz right through airports and
 over borders without this treatment....
And I am ok with it.

So you are OK with this across the board treatment of citizens of america even though NONE have ever done anything to warrant this? You are also OK with killing MILLIONS of people in two nations who are ABSOLUTELY INNOCENT of having done anything or having any part in 911? Your own former president even admitted that they had no involvement in 911.

Do I think its necessary? No.

You think it NOT necessary, but you do it anyway without protest? Do you realize the door you are opening to even GREATER VIOLATIONS. That complacency is why so much can be done to the american public without a reaction. You guys wait until matters reach an extreme before you react...and by the time you react it is too late.

But better safe than sorry.

Better to be safe from the VIOLATIONS of your government by MAKING your government abide by the Constitution that is suppose to PROTECT your human rights.

And yeah drunk and disorderly is a crime in most countries.

Read my post again...I said you can be arrested for being drunk even though NOTHING DISORDERLY is done. Being DRUNK is NOT a crime.

And yeah, we have hundreds of groups and organizations against hundreds of things our government does and they protest, write letters, have meetings, plot and plan etc.

You have hundreds of powerless groups who have NO EFFECT on the will of your government. I thought you lived in a DEMOCRACY where your government listens to the DEMANDS of the people? Or is your democracy really DICTATORSHIP in disguise?
And guess what?  It's all part of the freedom we have as Americans.

Again I ask freedom to do what...that you can not do elsewhere?

Try that in north Korea or Iran.

Try what? You have not told me of anything you are or can do in america that can not be done elsewhere

Nice try though lol :) 

I say the same thing...Nice try trying to support/uphold america..FAIL



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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2010, 08:20:22 AM »
Good morning Samson  :)

I just skimmed your point by point retort.   I will get back to you later.   Those take too much time lol.  

Couple of points while I am here.

I am ok wi what we've done in retaliation to 911

They are not controlled demos, so no poiont going there with me

You can be drunk in public in USA

And I wasn't insinuating that there weren't freedoms like in America elsewhere, except Iran and NK and probably many other cunties such as ones in the middle east.


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2010, 02:48:36 PM »

Read my post again...I said you can be arrested for being drunk even though NOTHING DISORDERLY is done. Being DRUNK is NOT a crime.

It is in Saudi Arabia.  wha? I'm just saying. carry on.  :D


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2010, 05:44:14 PM »
 author=OzmO link=topic=356788.msg5038815#msg5038815 date=1290615622]
Good morning Samson  :)

I just skimmed your point by point retort.   I will get back to you later.   Those take too much time lol.  

Couple of points while I am here.

I am ok wi what we've done in retaliation to 911

Since the whole attack on Iraq and Afghanistan was done under fraudulent means how could you be alright with it? And being that america has started wars with many nations prior to Iraq under the same False Flag scenarios: Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Spain, Japan etc etc etc why are you NOT OK with it happening to your nation (that is if the attack on america was real...which it wasn't)?

They are not controlled demos, so no poiont going there with me

So if you say the sky is purple everyone else should believe it despite the contrary?

You can be drunk in public in USA

YES...and you will be arrested for public intoxication despite there being NO DISORDERLY CONDUCT.

And I wasn't insinuating that there weren't freedoms like in America elsewhere, except Iran and NK and probably many other cunties such as ones in the middle east.

Up until recently americans could not find the Middle East or North Korea on a map the size of a football field...but they always seem to know that everywhere else is HELL except on their own doorstep or in their own land. I guess when the groping turns to body cavity searches you will all see otherwise, but until then keep up the DENIAL.

BTW...There are too many free "CUNTIES" in america...most nations call them whores.


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2010, 08:31:21 PM »

Up until recently americans could not find the Middle East or North Korea on a map the size of a football field...but they always seem to know that everywhere else is HELL except on their own doorstep or in their own land.

That's only because some US Americans don't have maps... and their education such as in South Africa, and the Iraq ...such as the whereas... ah heck, I'll let you hear it straight from the horses mouth herself.  ;D

I guess when the groping turns to body cavity searches you will all see otherwise, but until then keep up the DENIAL.

Has Gabriel Aubrey taken a job with TSA yet? What's taking him so long?  I have a flight to book! >:(

BTW...There are too many free "CUNTIES" in america...most nations call them whores.

Not to put too fine a point on it, ...but those free "cunties" are not called whores, ...those are sluts.
Whores charge money... they don't give it away for free. Stupid sluts on the other hand...  :D


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Re: America Once Again Tryign To Start A War In Korea
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2010, 10:31:35 AM »
Notice in all of the post I posted below america is already saying the South Koreans are going to reconsider US weapons purchase or are considering using US nuclear weapons...everything i s circulating around the US in this matter.

South Korea warns North Korea it will 'sternly retaliate' to any further provocation

South Korea has warned North Korea it would “sternly retaliate” to any further provocations after dozens of shells were fired at a South Korean island.

Peter Foster
By Peter Foster, Beijing 9:41AM GMT 23 Nov 2010

Two South Korean marines were killed and 17 others injured, as well as three civilians, after North Korea fired dozens of artillery shells onto a Yeonpyeong Island in the Yellow sea, 50 miles off the South's northwest coast in an area close to a disputed sea border.

The attack, which comes days after it emerged that North Korea was pressing ahead with its illegal nuclear programme, marks a serious further escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

A presidential statement said the shelling “constitutes a clear armed provocation.”

“Furthermore, its reckless shelling of civilian targets is unpardonable.

“North Korean authorities must take responsibility.”

The incident is believed to have been sparked by South Korean military exercises in the area, which the North had objected to.

Officials said “dozens” of artillery rounds had landed on Yeonpyeong. Other reports suggested around 200 shells could have been fired in the attack which began at 2.34pm local time (7.34am GMT).

F-16 fighter jets were scrambled and South Korean land-based forces returned fire on the North as civilians were evacuated to emergency bunkers, according to witnesses quoted by the Seoul-based cable news television channel YTN.

Pictures from the channel showed plumes of smoke rising from the island, which is the largest in a clutch of smaller islands, with a population of less than 1,300 people.

“Houses and mountains are on fire and people are evacuating. You can't see very well because of plumes of smoke," a witness on the island told YTN. “People are frightened to death and shelling continues as we speak," the witness added.

The US issued a statement saying it "strongly condemns" the attack, urging it to halt its "belligerent action".

Naoto Kan, Japan's prime minister, said he had ordered his ministers to prepare for any eventuality.

"I ordered (ministers) to make preparations so that we can react firmly, should any unexpected event occur," Mr Kan said.

"We will make preparations so that whatever happens, we will be able to deal with it."

Russia called for both sides to avoid any escalation of violence, while China, the North’s closest international ally, said it was “concerned” over the situation.

“We hope the relevant parties do more to contribute to peace and stability on the Korean peninsula,” said a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, adding that China was still seeking information on the clash. "The situation needs to be verified," he said.

The islands were the scene of three skirmishes between the navies of North and South Korea in 1999, 2002 and most recently in 2009 when a North Korean patrol ship was set on fire by South Korean gunfire.

The attack comes after nearly two years of deteriorating relations between the two Koreas, which reached a nadir last March after the sinking of a South Korean corvette, the Cheonan, with the loss of 46 lives.

South Korea has since cut off almost all humanitarian aid to the North, a near bankrupt-state that has been under tight international sanctions since conducting a second nuclear bomb test in 2009 in defiance of UN agreements.

The North has also been facing a degree of political turmoil this year as their ailing leader Kim Jong-il prepares the ground for a dynastic succession that will see power being handed to his youngest son, Kim Jong-un.

I like how you selectively use legitimate news quotes to bolster your anti-americanism and super - biased opinions..are you out of your mind?