Author Topic: Scared of a family tieing you down?  (Read 17601 times)

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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2014, 12:23:32 PM »
And I'm a man of faith so I'll add a bit of inspired theology from Paul the apostle LOL:

1 Corinthians 7:7-8
7 But I wish everyone were single, just as I am. Yet each person has a special gift from God, of one kind or another.
8 So I say to those who aren’t married and to widows—it’s better to stay unmarried, just as I am.
9 But if they can’t control themselves, they should go ahead and marry. It’s better to marry than to burn with lust.


that's just one white man's opinion

J/k but i mean, yeah, this old dude said that and... who gives a fuck ?
Also "gifts from god" dont exist, but competences/strategies of survival learnt/taught by your caregivers do. Has nothing to do with "god". It's just stuff you have in your genes or that your parents, grandparents, developed in you hoping to help you find a place in society so you could have decent odds of survival in it, because "they love you" (want their genes to continue thru you).

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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2014, 12:44:48 PM »


that's just one white man's opinion

J/k but i mean, yeah, this old dude said that and... who gives a fuck ?
Also "gifts from god" dont exist, but competences/strategies of survival learnt/taught by your caregivers do. Has nothing to do with "god". It's just stuff you have in your genes or that your parents, grandparents, developed in you hoping to help you find a place in society so you could have decent odds of survival in it, because "they love you" (want their genes to continue thru you).

Like I said I'm a man of faith so I added a bit of theology.....take it or leave it.....wasn't meant for debate.   Just a perspective.


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2014, 12:48:30 PM »
I have been in long-term relationships and, now being "single" for several years, don't think I particularly desire to ever be again. I mean, I do enjoy the notion of romance and having a loving, steady companion, but realistically, can't see this as being feasible.

I treasure my freedom and no-drama lifestyle too much. I come home, jam music, go to the gym and eat what and whenever I want to. I spend my money only on stuff that I want to spend money on.

I don't have to endure crappy vacations to Mexico and in-law get-togethers that are everything but a pleasure.

As well, I believe romance and desire is slowly killed when two people live together. That illusion so important to carnal attraction is eroded.

And as far as kids, well, I have never been a big fan of this world we (humans) have built, so why produce another whom I love only to have to exist within it? I have no belief in an afterlife, so where's the payoff? You struggle, suffer and then become old and ill and feel and look like shit.

And then you die.

Lol, fucking A.  We're damaged goods, bro!

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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2014, 03:22:06 PM »
I used to be afraid of having a gay son, now I don't think I'd mind too much, not anything bad like having a pyromaniac, serial killer or crossfitter.


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #54 on: June 12, 2014, 03:42:14 PM »
but....isnt "life" precisely about.... having kids?  ???

"Life" is a subjective term in this sense. I see no point in losing control over mine, but we're all different in our wishes and priorities. I can only hope that people with a wish choose wisely, since this planet is already fucked/doomed.


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #55 on: June 12, 2014, 03:52:03 PM »
we are animals who are programmed to reproduce.. it's not normal, it's "immature" to want to live like a teenage boy for your whole life. Even if your father who regretted everything in his life giving birth to your sorry self included told you to have as much fun as possible instead of marrying/having a family.

Society conditions us to give our best in our 20s/30s to find the best partner with the best genes so we can produce the offspring with the highest odds of survival in the environment we re living in. Good looking, good earning job, power, respect, money, best suburbs.... In our youth we have the maximum testosterone production, we defy, fight, other males for the best females, then in our 30s as natural test production decreases we re genetically engeenered to calm down and focus on transmiting the strategies of survival we inherited/acquired to our offspring.

We are all prisoners of this little game the minute we re spawned into this world. Old people know we re just animals, they have had the time to think about the whole picture and always come to the same conclusion; life is unfair, crual and absurd intrinsically, it's all about your genetics and upbringing 50/50, and before being religious, philosophers, thinkers , believers, we are... animals. It's our animal brain which generates all of these bullshit meanings we give to life, our existences. In the end it's always about killing or getting killed. Some are better trained, conditionned, engeenered bytheir caregivers to dominate the competition, others solely exist to feed the strongest. Just like in any animal or vegetal species.

I agree with most of that (tho' I think that we ARE programmed to do that, but the evolution happened in such a way that we now THINK whether to actually do that and that's natural too, as everything produced bvy evolution is natural. I personally believe that only way to end this shit/struggle/dilemmas is to cure aging. It will be done. It's actually a whole purpose of an evolution... to eliminate as much causes of death as possible. To survive.) but I want to correct you - we haven't been engineered to have lower test production in our 30's because of some sort of "family life" (a male just impregnates a female and "wanders away" to search for another female, if we talk strictly nature) it's merely a fact that humans did not live past 30 back in the time and there was no selective pressure to keep the hormones going. Everything that goes "wrong" with time in our bodies is in a sense - an unfinished evolution (due to lack of selective pressure) and a genetic developmental program that's starts to work "blindly" after a certain age (once again - due to the lack of selective pressure) and all sorts of havoc begins. It's not healthy for the hormones to decrease, it's not healthy for the immune system to become less effective, just like many other factors. We need to fix this, sexual reproduction has done it's job, it's no longer "feasible", it takes too long to have any significant improvement, it's time for a consciously directed evolution.
 The mere fact I, as a life form, am pondering thoughts like these means that evolution has reached that point and it probably was heading towards it for a long long time...

BTW - it may be "immature" not to want to have kids, but I'm seriously questioning that idea (of having kids) merely because I'm not happy with a "human condition" and I'm not sure whether it wouldn't be a very egoistical action to spawn another life to possibly suffer that. Even a thought of a possible serious illness, a war, other human beings who are psychopaths and may ruin someones life for ever or aging (which is worst of all, a disgusting humiliation) makes me very doubtful of whether I should.
 And in the end - it doesn't even matter, it's a pure "nothingness" at it's best. Just like dogs who breed blindly, or insects, or birds... Who cares?


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #56 on: June 12, 2014, 04:06:50 PM »
BTW "enzo", you re not fooling anyone, this thread is just another attention whoring attempt on your part which could be summed this way; look at me I have a better life than you all suckers who settled.

Well, good for you, but you re an animal just like the rest of us and you ll die just like the rest of us after a delusional existence.  

Growing up is understanding you re an animal and unlearning all the bullshit stories you ve been spoonfed with by your caregivers who couldnt explain to you why they even gave birth to you so they invented or repeated like parrots completely retarded tales hiding the truth; we re animals reproducing blindly and automatically stuff 24/7 365 days a year all life long.

It is about time this farce known  as mankind ends.

This was good. Very cynical in essence (and it actually makes one to NOT want "reproduce" even more) but pure.

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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #57 on: June 12, 2014, 09:16:23 PM »
ok. so here's the take of a guy who's 43 never married / no kids.

I could sit here and paint a really good life for you guys. I travel 3-4 times a year. I have disposable income. I'm a stud, eventhough sex doesn't control or motivate me. I maintain awesome relationships w all my exes. I have everything that another guy could look at and think 'wow. that guys has it made'. the toys. the trips. the partying. girls.

none of that is why I'm single.

I'm not afraid of relationships. I'm not afraid of it going south. getting cheated on. losing half my shit. getting my heart broken.

I'm single cause I am a loner. I like being alone. I am most comfortable in complete silence. I can go to LV and party for 3 straight days and not sleep. or I can take my dogs into the bush in the winter when the sap is running, spend the day tapping trees, gathering sap, going to the shack and making maple syrup with nothing but the crackle of the wood stove for sound and my dogs for company. go in the house smelling of sugar, strip out of my overalls and flannel and and sit on the couch in front of the fire and drink a cold corona in the dark w my dogs at my feet.

that's what I love. the solitude, the silence and the peace.

fuck my dream existence would be at a snowed in cabin off the grid in the mountains of Montana w just a library of books a well stocked kitchen, a good woodpile and a beat up truck to take to town for groceries every couple weeks.  

I've lived life at redline. did that for over a decade. im not single so i can bang broads and party my ass off. ive done that prolly more than most people. it was fun. but my heart is happiest alone w my dogs. I'm single cause some guys are just wired to be alone I guess. I'm one of those guys.


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #58 on: June 12, 2014, 09:35:09 PM »
ok. so here's the take of a guy who's 43 never married / no kids.

I could sit here and paint a really good life for you guys. I travel 3-4 times a year. I have disposable income. I'm a stud, eventhough sex doesn't control or motivate me. I maintain awesome relationships w all my exes. I have everything that another guy could look at and think 'wow. that guys has it made'. the toys. the trips. the partying. girls.

none of that is why I'm single.

I'm not afraid of relationships. I'm not afraid of it going south. getting cheated on. losing half my shit. getting my heart broken.

I'm single cause I am a loner. I like being alone. I am most comfortable in complete silence. I can go to LV and party for 3 straight days and not sleep. or I can take my dogs into the bush in the winter when the sap is running, spend the day tapping trees, gathering sap, going to the shack and making maple syrup with nothing but the crackle of the wood stove for sound and my dogs for company. go in the house smelling of sugar, strip out of my overalls and flannel and and sit on the couch in front of the fire and drink a cold corona in the dark w my dogs at my feet.

that's what I love. the solitude, the silence and the peace.

fuck my dream existence would be at a snowed in cabin off the grid in the mountains of Montana w just a library of books a well stocked kitchen, a good woodpile and a beat up truck to take to town for groceries every couple weeks.  

I've lived life at redline. did that for over a decade. im not single so i can bang broads and party my ass off. ive done that prolly more than most people. it was fun. but my heart is happiest alone w my dogs. I'm single cause some guys are just wired to be alone I guess. I'm one of those guys.

I always dreamed of having big house only for me away from town, visit people only when i want and then return into my house and have peace. My life goal. Be "rich", have my "castle".



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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #59 on: June 12, 2014, 09:37:38 PM »
Does anyone else have this fear? The responsibility, the financial cost, the loss of freedom to do whatever the fuck you please? Less time to focus on your goals?

I'm a much happier and productive person being single and I don't want that to change. The only bitch is the pressure from my family to "settle down" and give them grand kids

I'd prefer being 45, ripped, driving a sports car, owning a condo in the city, pounding new pussy, flourishing my business over being the boring "family man"

I think you want a family but you are scared. I don't think you are happy. You must be thinking a lot about it as you are getting older.
You just want reassurance from fellas here to tell you it is great being single, no responsibilities...
Anyway this is my opinion based on what you posted. At the end, you are Italian and we know how much Italians care about family. You can't be much different.
There is a lot of responsibilities, but there is a lot of beautiful things family brings. Well worth it in my opinion.

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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #60 on: June 12, 2014, 09:49:20 PM »
I always dreamed of having big house only for me away from town, visit people only when i want and then return into my house and have peace. My life goal. Be "rich", have my "castle".

I think societal norms dictate how a person should live their lives and this causes conflict in a lot of people. people think they weird or different because they don't want to be married. don't want kids. don't want what their neighbours have. your the odd man out. the square peg in the round hole. so you start to think, fuck am I afraid of relationships? then you come on getbig, start a thread abt how great your single life is, when is abundantly clear that you'd like nothing more than to settle down and you can't figure out why it hasn't happened to you.

that's the one type of single guy- the guy who wants the family he doesn't have, throws all kinda of empty shit in his life as a salve to justify being single. the other type is the guy who is just comfortable alone.

at the end of the day you gotta be 100% honest w which one you are, cause your existence is really going to suck if your not. you can fool your friends. your family and your neighbours. you can't fool the face who's looking back in the mirror.



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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #61 on: June 12, 2014, 11:17:06 PM »
ok. so here's the take of a guy who's 43 never married / no kids.

I could sit here and paint a really good life for you guys. I travel 3-4 times a year. I have disposable income. I'm a stud, eventhough sex doesn't control or motivate me. I maintain awesome relationships w all my exes. I have everything that another guy could look at and think 'wow. that guys has it made'. the toys. the trips. the partying. girls.

none of that is why I'm single.

I'm not afraid of relationships. I'm not afraid of it going south. getting cheated on. losing half my shit. getting my heart broken.

I'm single cause I am a loner. I like being alone. I am most comfortable in complete silence. I can go to LV and party for 3 straight days and not sleep. or I can take my dogs into the bush in the winter when the sap is running, spend the day tapping trees, gathering sap, going to the shack and making maple syrup with nothing but the crackle of the wood stove for sound and my dogs for company. go in the house smelling of sugar, strip out of my overalls and flannel and and sit on the couch in front of the fire and drink a cold corona in the dark w my dogs at my feet.

that's what I love. the solitude, the silence and the peace.

fuck my dream existence would be at a snowed in cabin off the grid in the mountains of Montana w just a library of books a well stocked kitchen, a good woodpile and a beat up truck to take to town for groceries every couple weeks.  

I've lived life at redline. did that for over a decade. im not single so i can bang broads and party my ass off. ive done that prolly more than most people. it was fun. but my heart is happiest alone w my dogs. I'm single cause some guys are just wired to be alone I guess. I'm one of those guys.

This sounds like your self fulfilled and happy. More power to you


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #62 on: June 12, 2014, 11:17:49 PM »

I think you want a family but you are scared. I don't think you are happy. You must be thinking a lot about it as you are getting older.
You just want reassurance from fellas here to tell you it is great being single, no responsibilities...
Anyway this is my opinion based on what you posted. At the end, you are Italian and we know how much Italians care about family. You can't be much different.
There is a lot of responsibilities, but there is a lot of beautiful things family brings. Well worth it in my opinion.

I'm actually Dominican and Portuguese..Enzo's just a nickname. Still, growing up in a Latin house starting your own family and being the man of the house is shoved down your throat very early. I think that's my real concern, feeling like I disappointed my fam. I want to live for myself though

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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #63 on: June 12, 2014, 11:45:39 PM »
Does anyone else have this fear? The responsibility, the financial cost, the loss of freedom to do whatever the fuck you please? Less time to focus on your goals?

I'm a much happier and productive person being single and I don't want that to change. The only bitch is the pressure from my family to "settle down" and give them grand kids

I'd prefer being 45, ripped, driving a sports car, owning a condo in the city, pounding new pussy, flourishing my business over being the boring "family man"

i know exactly what you mean. I was like that to then my gf got pregnant (it was not planned) amd we decided to keep the baby. When you get kids your prioritices about whats important changes. The kid is more important and give you more hapoiness then driving sportscar and sleeping around. But i felt this first when i became a dad and would have still be happy i guess if it would habe happen cause whats important to me would not have been the same as its now.


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #64 on: June 12, 2014, 11:51:58 PM »
Bunch of hermitage inhabiting freaks around here.


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #65 on: June 12, 2014, 11:54:46 PM »
i know exactly what you mean. I was like that to then my gf got pregnant (it was not planned) amd we decided to keep the baby. When you get kids your prioritices about whats important changes. The kid is more important and give you more hapoiness then driving sportscar and sleeping around. But i felt this first when i became a dad and would have still be happy i guess if it would habe happen cause whats important to me would not have been the same as its now.
I know a lot of guys this happened to. Some of them manned up and became great dads, some are deadbeats. Ive also seen many girls birth kids by men that wanted nothing to do with them. I'm contemplating a vasectomy


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #66 on: June 12, 2014, 11:56:54 PM »
I know a lot of guys this happened to. Some of them manned up and became great dads, some are deadbeats. Ive also seen many girls birth kids by men that wanted nothing to do with them. I'm contemplating a vasectomy

It sounds like a sound plan. I have seriously looked into it as well. I have a hard time pulling out. I have had my bouts of paranoia after, never an abortion though thank god.


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #67 on: June 12, 2014, 11:57:28 PM »
Does anyone else have this fear? The responsibility, the financial cost, the loss of freedom to do whatever the fuck you please? Less time to focus on your goals?

I'm a much happier and productive person being single and I don't want that to change. The only bitch is the pressure from my family to "settle down" and give them grand kids

I'd prefer being 45, ripped, driving a sports car, owning a condo in the city, pounding new pussy, flourishing my business over being the boring "family man"

I don't get why there is a pressure - you're a grown ass man, you can do whatever you want.... if you're happy with being single?  Then stay single lol.... thats your prerogative.

I'm the opposite, married for 8 years and have a baby, and happier than ever.  All these things don't just magically go away when you get married, you can still drive a sports car, own a condo, expand your business etc.... All depends on the person you marry and how you two decide to live your lives....  Women are not some evil species that will lock you in a cage.

But again... you gotta do what makes you happy, if you want your life the way you have it then don't let anyone change it.  No fear, no pressure, nothing, make your choice and go with it.


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #68 on: June 13, 2014, 12:18:40 AM »
It sounds like a sound plan. I have seriously looked into it as well. I have a hard time pulling out. I have had my bouts of paranoia after, never an abortion though thank god.

There's nothing like busting in some good  ;D I payed for 1 abortion, for a fuck buddy. Luckily she was cool and logical about the situation. I don't ever want that anxiety again.  Plus you can always freeze your boys


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #69 on: June 13, 2014, 12:29:28 AM »
There's nothing like busting in some good  ;D I payed for 1 abortion, for a fuck buddy. Luckily she was cool and logical about the situation. I don't ever want that anxiety again.  Plus you can always freeze your boys

Im religious. But im a pretty poor example of a religious man, so I do the right thing and keep it to myself most the time. But an abortion would haunt my dreams.

They have the reversible vasectomies. I have thought about that. I would for sure freeze my swimmers though just in case. Im mind 20's so who knows what ill want in ten years.


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #70 on: June 13, 2014, 12:40:06 AM »
I don't get why there is a pressure - you're a grown ass man, you can do whatever you want.... if you're happy with being single?  Then stay single lol.... thats your prerogative.

I'm the opposite, married for 8 years and have a baby, and happier than ever.  All these things don't just magically go away when you get married, you can still drive a sports car, own a condo, expand your business etc.... All depends on the person you marry and how you two decide to live your lives....  Women are not some evil species that will lock you in a cage.

I have to disagree on that point. I have come across some women, a cage would probably give you more freedom.

May be you've been celibate for a while then married a docile normal woman. In America and England there are some unstable bipolar possessive controlling weird gold digging me I was naïve to it, came out of a relationship in my mid-twenties and got burned BADLY.

Be very careful who you share your life with, who you let in...this your LIFE, it's precious and only validated and worthy people should get that close, period.



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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #71 on: June 13, 2014, 12:44:22 AM »
I have to disagree on that point. I have come across some women, a cage would probably give you more freedom.

May be you've been celibate for a while then married a docile normal woman. In America and England there are some unstable bipolar possessive controlling weird gold digging me I was naïve to it, came out of a relationship in my mid-twenties and got burned BADLY.

Be very careful who you share your life with, who you let in...this your LIFE, it's precious and only validated and worthy people should get that close, period.

Skorp speaks the truth. He is man with the wisdom of 9000 year old man. And he has the cock twice the girth of California Chrome. No homo.

Women can be the most ruthless vile beasts on this blue planet. I think they can justify things in their mind easier than a man.

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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #72 on: June 13, 2014, 12:48:37 AM »
I know a lot of guys this happened to. Some of them manned up and became great dads, some are deadbeats. Ive also seen many girls birth kids by men that wanted nothing to do with them. I'm contemplating a vasectomy
yeah i know old are you?


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #73 on: June 13, 2014, 12:50:14 AM »
I have to disagree on that point. I have come across some women, a cage would probably give you more freedom.

May be you've been celibate for a while then married a docile normal woman. In America and England there are some unstable bipolar possessive controlling weird gold digging me I was naïve to it, came out of a relationship in my mid-twenties and got burned BADLY.

Be very careful who you share your life with, who you let in...this your LIFE, it's precious and only validated and worthy people should get that close, period.

So true..

the feeling of being fucked by someone you gave your all to is the worst.


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Re: Scared of a family tieing you down?
« Reply #74 on: June 13, 2014, 12:51:39 AM »
yeah i know old are you?