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Liars becoming losers...

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Gym Rat:
Racism exists, blacks are the biggest racists out there, despise and attack (and murder) whites and Asians 24x7...
Yet the left ignores it and focuses on fake (staged) white on black "attacks"... Dumbest kvnts on the planet.. ::)


--- Quote from: Gym Rat on October 08, 2023, 04:00:17 AM ---Racism exists, blacks are the biggest racists out there, despise and attack (and murder) whites and Asians 24x7...
Yet the left ignores it and focuses on fake (staged) white on black "attacks"... Dumbest kvnts on the planet.. ::)

--- End quote ---

Yep they are
And MSM are the Biggest Lying Khvnts & all should be strung up.


--- Quote from: LurkerNoMore on October 05, 2023, 01:47:59 PM ---The Rudy curse isn't just limited to Rudy. 

Maybe he is keeping his money in the same file cabinet that he keeps the "mountain" of evidence that shows the election was stolen.   One day <-- hahaha ...   when he retrieves that evidence and finally shows everyone what he has been keeping secret for 3+ years, he will pay them them. 

Has he ever paid the 5 million to that guy that proved his claims was bullshit?  That guy won in court didn't he?  LOL. 

"I can't pay the lawyers": Mike Lindell's attorneys quit over "millions" in unpaid legal bills

Lawyers for MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, an avid peddler of 2020 voter fraud conspiracy theories, have dropped the Trump ally as a client because he failed to pay for their services, Lindell announced on the Thursday edition of former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon's show. Captured by media watchdog Media Matters for America, Lindell told the "The War Room" host that all of the attorneys representing him in his defamation lawsuits with voting tech companies Dominion Voting Systems, which is seeking $1.3 billion in damages, and Smartmatic submitted filings declaring their departures in federal court 10 minutes prior to his appearance.

"This comes from the lawfare, basically, and from the media, the attacks on MyPillow, what American Express did — just devastating our credit. We — I — can't pay the lawyers. We can't pay. There's no money left over to pay them," Lindell said, noting that he made the announcement to preempt the "attack" from the media.

Lindell's attorneys asked to withdraw from the case in a court filing on Thursday, telling the court that Lindell is "in arrears by millions of dollars" and that they were informed that he is "not able to get caught up with or make any payment on the large amount they owe in arrears nor pay for anywhere near the estimated expense of continuing to defend against the lawsuits going forward." The filing comes after Lindell revealed that his pillow company is facing five audits from the IRS, adding to his growing financial woes.

--- End quote ---

Hahahaha.   This is why you can't submit bullshit as "evidence".   :D    Bet he can't even put up the appeal bond if granted. 

Trumpy, MyPillow, Lin, Rudy, etc.. has been screaming from the rooftops that they have clear evidence of cheating. Yet, not one attorney, not one judge, not even a paralegal, has ever been shown this so-called evidence.  What's the big secret about it?   :D

Federal judge affirms MyPillow's Mike Lindell must pay $5M in election data dispute

A federal judge on Wednesday affirmed a $5 million arbitration award against MyPillow chief executive Mike Lindell in favor of a software engineer who challenged data that Lindell said proves China interfered in the 2020 U.S. presidential election and tipped the outcome to Joe Biden.


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