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Liars becoming losers...

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--- Quote from: Grape Ape on October 05, 2023, 09:31:00 PM ---If damage to the country is the standard, BLM leaders and rioters should all be in jail, and those who instituted lockdowns, school closings and vaccine mandates would all be on trial.  The DoJ and FBI would be in the process of being disbanded, and all liberal DA's in crime ridden cities would be fleeing the country over fear of being locked up.

All of this was far more damaging than the morons who infiltrated the capital and broke some shit on Jan 6th.

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I respectfully disagree. BLM are protesting injustices done to blacks by government entities. Agree or not, they have some compelling news footage of some pretty good examples...While they often disrupt traffic flow and can be a pain in the ass.. it's not comparable to a group of people protesting, then breaking into our nations capital and doing what they did.

I understand "whataboutism" is a common reflex reaction as their are so many times it seems to fit.. like

Trump lies.. well what about Biden lying about his house burning down... both lie, but in the overall picture, who lies more often and about anything? I don't know, you be the judge

Trump is old, but so is Biden.

Hunter Biden made money off his Dads name. Jared made money of his father in laws name. Which is worse? You tell me.


Coach is Back!:

--- Quote from: Agnostic007 on October 05, 2023, 09:44:58 PM ---I respectfully disagree. BLM are protesting injustices done to blacks by government entities. Agree or not, they have some compelling news footage of some pretty good examples...While they often disrupt traffic flow and can be a pain in the ass.. it's not comparable to a group of people protesting, then breaking into our nations capital and doing what they did.

I understand "whataboutism" is a common reflex reaction as their are so many times it seems to fit.. like

Trump lies.. well what about Biden lying about his house burning down... both lie, but in the overall picture, who lies more often and about anything? I don't know, you be the judge

Trump is old, but so is Biden.

Hunter Biden made money off his Dads name. Jared made money of his father in laws name. Which is worse? You tell me.


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Supporting BLM? No wonder why you run and hide like the others. Fucking Marxist


--- Quote from: Agnostic007 on October 05, 2023, 09:44:58 PM ---I respectfully disagree. BLM are protesting injustices done to blacks by government entities. Agree or not, they have some compelling news footage of some pretty good examples...While they often disrupt traffic flow and can be a pain in the ass.. it's not comparable to a group of people protesting, then breaking into our nations capital and doing what they did.

I understand "whataboutism" is a common reflex reaction as their are so many times it seems to fit.. like

Trump lies.. well what about Biden lying about his house burning down... both lie, but in the overall picture, who lies more often and about anything? I don't know, you be the judge

Trump is old, but so is Biden.

Hunter Biden made money off his Dads name. Jared made money of his father in laws name. Which is worse? You tell me.


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LOL @ this cop defending the actions of a nationwide group of individuals that spent years ravaging neighborhoods, government buildings, killing people and in fact causing over a billion dollars in damage during their reign of democrat supported terror, while demonizing a small group of people (by comparison) that went into the capitol and broke a few things. Your reasoning, the blm had a good excuse? LMFAO!!!!


--- Quote from: chaos on October 05, 2023, 08:48:39 PM ---Pity reply, because pity is all you deserve. :-*

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Deflection, distraction, denial, off topic, tv static.

Because that is all you have got. 

Instead of whining about facts being posted regarding, Trumpy, Rudy, and Pillowy, why not spend your time working a second job and bailing them out of debt?  After all they did for you.  Collecting and presenting all that evidence that just totally, like... EXONERATED everyone.  How can you be so ungrateful?


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