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Recomp on 250 mgs sust and 20 mgs dbol over 8 weeks

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went from buck 56 @ 13% to a buck 53 @ 6% in 8 weeks on 250 sust and 20 mgs dbol eating 2 meals a day and 80-100 grams protein and didn't train at all for 11 days and towards the end 8 days of no training so almost 3 of those 8 weeks I didn't train can't explain this shit

Before this I was on 100 mgs if test e weekly but trained maybe once a week for 3 months


--- Quote from: dj181 on October 28, 2023, 01:22:22 PM ---went from buck 56 @ 13% to a buck 53 @ 6% in 8 weeks on 250 sust and 20 mgs dbol eating 2 meals a day and 80-100 grams protein and didn't train at all for 11 days and towards the end 8 days of no training so almost 3 of those 8 weeks I didn't train can't explain this shit

Before this I was on 100 mgs if test e weekly but trained maybe once a week for 3 months

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Stick with 100mgs trt you have no business using higher doses with the way you look and eat. What a waste.


--- Quote from: deadz on October 28, 2023, 01:35:00 PM ---Stick with 100mgs trt you have no business using higher doses with the way you look and eat. What a waste.

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Up 20 pounds

Phantom Spunker:
Looking good, Dj. Solid dick root and delts are impressive. Tighten the diet and see how far you can take it now.


--- Quote from: Phantom Spunker on October 28, 2023, 01:39:55 PM ---Looking good, Dj. Solid dick root and delts are impressive. Tighten the diet and see how far you can take it now.

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Thanks bro, I'll add in other compounds soon, deca, tren, var and/or primo

Never used primo before so not sure bout it

Tren will be 100-150 tops var 20-30 mgs a day


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