Author Topic: New Cycle  (Read 925 times)


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 337
New Cycle
« on: January 06, 2010, 12:00:59 AM »
OK I have recovered from my previous cycle very well PTC went well I lost 5.6lbs from my peak so I am happy.  I Have been off for about 8 weeks (including 4 weeks of PCT).  I am planning a new cycle to start hopefully in about 2 weeks here is my plan, give me some input.

Oragon Sust 750mg/wk (250mg EOD) WK 1-15
Dbol (body research blue hearts) 40mg ED Wk 1-4 (this is my main concern I have never popped Dbol before)
40Nolva/100clomid ED WK16-17
20nolva/50clomid ED 18-19
1000iu HCG(ED for 10 days starting wk 15)

I have letro and adex on hand, this is my spring break package I am already in beach shape and I snag skanks all time but I wanna go over the top this year.
stats: 26
         185lbs 5.2% BF
This would be my 4th cycle I started at 140lbs , I would be over 200 but I didn't know what the hell I was doing the first 2 cycles and i lost all my gains, now i got the hang of it.  I have done sust before, I have also done deca, EQ and test P and C.  I really like sust and the EQ didn't really do much but i think it was fake and the deca actually gave me some gyno symptoms so i stopped taking it.  I have blown up like a freak with just sust before (also the most sust i have done was 500mg/wk E3D never done 750 a wk) but i want to try the Dbol and see how i react kind nervous about taking an oral.

Some input and opinions would be nice dont be scared to criticize this......share your wisdom

First Rock


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 407
Re: New Cycle
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 02:26:22 PM »
maybe i'm reading this wrong....but if you've only been off for 8weeks your foolish to go back on if wanted to keep It long you just shouldn't Have come off you should take off twice the amount of time your on for ideally but Atleast the same need to get your natural trainin in


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 337
Re: New Cycle
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 11:01:58 PM »
my last pin of sust was november 9th........I am not going to start this new thing till sometime around the end of this month.  I am recovered fully, I can always tell by the way I feel, i know that sounds really weird but I can just tell mainly by the way I recover in the  gym, I dont get as sore as I did week 2-4 of PCT.....
First Rock