Author Topic: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving  (Read 10590 times)


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Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« on: October 07, 2012, 05:52:06 PM »
Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving


Jadeveon Clowney

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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 05:57:16 PM »
you forget to switch to your ahmed account, jag?


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2012, 06:57:53 PM »
{sigh} I'm not ahmed.  

I've only ever had 2 accounts on here, and I've never tried to hide my identity in either one.
I don't know who Ahmed is. He is either real, ...or someone's else's gimmick. Don't know, ...don't care whichever the case.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2012, 10:04:00 AM »
lol i am one person, one account. They tried accusing me of being some person called jag and some person called sam. No idea who they are, hilarious.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2012, 07:12:57 PM »
lol i am one person, one account. They tried accusing me of being some person called jag and some person called sam. No idea who they are, hilarious.

Jag was me. I changed my username to 24KT.

Samson was another poster who often posted truths that were very disturbing for those who preferred to cling to the lies.

Then one day after a rather surprising and unprovoked meltdown by one of the mods who was engaged in a conversation with both myself & Samson, this particular mod decided to start the rumour that Samson and I were the same poster, ...and proceeded to encourage the trolling.

Now the trolls have run with it and they will accuse anyone who posts anything that even remotely sounds like a similar position as being a gimmick of / by the same person.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2012, 07:21:34 PM »
Let me guess, is that mod called Hugo Chavez by chance haha. Because he started accusing me of that and when he could no longer handle himself he literally started deleting posts and threads by me. :-/

Oh well.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2012, 07:32:58 PM »
samson was worthless and stupid and, therefore, eliminated swiftly.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2012, 11:00:11 AM »
If she is a true Muslim, why is she

1) Not wearing a hijab or loose modest clothing?

2) Why has she plucked her eye brows and wears make up and perfume in public to the viewing pleasure of strange men?

4) Why isn't she using a harsh voice to speak, but instead she uses a soft feminine voice?

5) Being a general all around retarded hypocrite.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2012, 11:55:20 AM »
If she is a true Muslim, why is she

1) Not wearing a hijab or loose modest clothing?

Because she chose not to.

Are you saying she is not a true Muslim because she refuses to allow others to dictate how she should dress?

I would think telling a woman she has to wear a hijab, is the equivalent of telling a woman she is forbidden to wear a hijab. Either way it removes a woman's personal choice, as many women in Iraq soon discovered after the US invasion.

2) Why has she plucked her eye brows and wears make up and perfume in public to the viewing pleasure of strange men?

Because she chooses to.  btw Psycopath, What kind of a computer, flat screen, iPad, tablet etc do you have? That sucker is equipped with smellivision. Tell me what perfume did she wear during that interview? Was it fruity, spicy, or floral? ...and what were the top notes?

4) Why isn't she using a harsh voice to speak, but instead she uses a soft feminine voice?

Because the Princess has a soft feminine voice.

5) Being a general all around retarded hypocrite.

How is she being a hypocrite?


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2012, 12:11:11 PM »
Because she chose not to.

Are you saying she is not a true Muslim because she refuses to allow others to dictate how she should dress?

I would think telling a woman she has to wear a hijab, is the equivalent of telling a woman she is forbidden to wear a hijab. Either way it removes a woman's personal choice, as many women in Iraq soon discovered after the US invasion.

Because she chooses to.  btw Psycopath, What kind of a computer, flat screen, iPad, tablet etc do you have? That sucker is equipped with smellivision. Tell me what perfume did she wear during that interview? Was it fruity, spicy, or floral? ...and what were the top notes?

Because the Princess has a soft feminine voice.

How is she being a hypocrite?

Wait, are you Muslim? What sect and jurisprudence do you belong to?


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2012, 12:29:41 PM »

Wait, are you Muslim? What sect and jurisprudence do you belong to?

Does one have to be a Muslim to recognize and point out when one is being unfairly criticized? According to some posters here I am, but they have referred to me as a whole lot of things, so we need not take these allegations too seriously.

I choose not to apply labels to myself, but rather live my life as I believe it should be lived. If certain philosophies that I carry, or my lifestyle and/ or preferences turn out to be compatible with the teachings and doctrines of certain faiths, I hardly consider these justifications for a label of any sort.

Could you please go ahead and answer my previous questions?


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2012, 02:58:21 PM »
Does one have to be a Muslim to recognize and point out when one is being unfairly criticized? According to some posters here I am, but they have referred to me as a whole lot of things, so we need not take these allegations too seriously.

I choose not to apply labels to myself, but rather live my life as I believe it should be lived. If certain philosophies that I carry, or my lifestyle and/ or preferences turn out to be compatible with the teachings and doctrines of certain faiths, I hardly consider these justifications for a label of any sort.

Could you please go ahead and answer my previous questions?

That's the problem. If you know anything about orthodoxy Islam, you'd know what i'm talking about. I'm not concerned with your personal beliefs, as they clearly do not coincide with the Islamic tradition. 

Ahmed would know what i'm talking about though.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2012, 03:12:05 PM »
Let me guess?

We gonna go jihadz on uuuuuuuu...lalalalalalal alalalalalalalalalalalal alalalalalalalalalalalal alalalalala


Islam came to liberate mankind, to establish pure monotheism, bring guidance to people and unite people. Those that attack islam claim to be 'peace makers' or the ones bringing progress to the world, yet they are the ones that bring corruption on this planet.

Our planet is so corrupted not even our food is safe anymore. It's a scary time we live in indeed.

There is indeed only one islam, the sects that have developed are people following their desires and misguiding, making mistakes.

That being said we see Islam as perfect, but people not as perfect, only God is perfect and He is the one that would be the only one capable of giving mankind a perfect guide. People are weak and driven by desires, but they must employ their intellect to control their desires. No one is perfect, we all sin, but God is the most merciful and will forgive us all if we are sincere in repentance and replace our bad deeds with good deeds


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2012, 03:41:37 PM »
Let me guess?

We gonna go jihadz on uuuuuuuu...lalalalalalal alalalalalalalalalalalal alalalalalalalalalalalal alalalalala


Islam came to liberate mankind, to establish pure monotheism, bring guidance to people and unite people. Those that attack islam claim to be 'peace makers' or the ones bringing progress to the world, yet they are the ones that bring corruption on this planet.

Our planet is so corrupted not even our food is safe anymore. It's a scary time we live in indeed.

There is indeed only one islam, the sects that have developed are people following their desires and misguiding, making mistakes.

That being said we see Islam as perfect, but people not as perfect, only God is perfect and He is the one that would be the only one capable of giving mankind a perfect guide. People are weak and driven by desires, but they must employ their intellect to control their desires. No one is perfect, we all sin, but God is the most merciful and will forgive us all if we are sincere in repentance and replace our bad deeds with good deeds

Sure, as long as she stays away from the major sins, she's A-Ok by your standards, right?.

 I don't want to hold your hand while dispense kombiah paragraphs. Talk to me when you're ready to address specifics. Do i have to remind you that i'm well versed in  your faith?


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2012, 03:42:49 PM »
Yeah i've seen how well versed getbiggers are on my religion :)

Let me guess you have a problem with capital punishments such as for adultery, fornication, homosexuality, rape (execution of rapists not of victim -- just saving you time before you go on a personal rampage of them evil mozzlems), etc...

The thing is, islam didn't come to 'punish people'. Do you think Islam came to mankind for that 3-5% of people that do these things while the qur'an was reavelead in a period of 23 years?

Secondly, these laws are deterant laws, as harsh as they may seem to you.

Now a days, look at what society has become? There is no moral standard. Anything goes, whichever the way the wind blows. So you have a crooked and corrupted society with a lot of suffering. Exploitation of women, objectification of women, rapists running rampant, going to jail and getting out and raping again, thieves that get away with billions of dollars.

A person stealing out of hunger is not to be punished, but someone stealing out of greed, yes indeed they would be punished with the chopping of their hand.

Today bank gangsters rob nations left and right why? Because they play with man made laws that they themselves influence.

Islam did not come for these small issues that some islamophobes are so bent over as if that's all Islam has.

You guys never look at for instance how to lead a healthy family life, how to raise children, how to treat your wife with kindness, how to provide for your wife, how a woman can run a business/work and the man can't touch her income, how the man and woman can divorce if things don't work out but how islam encourages counselling. When did the west introduce counselling for marriages?

The list goes on. Islam is so vast and broad with so much guidance, but it seems islamophobes are bent on talking about the chopping of a thieve's hands or homosexuals, etc...

As far as homosexuality goes. Look at the irony of the west. They are complaining of Muslims 'taking over' (be it converts or immigrants or 'having too many children'), but then non muslims don't marry, abort children, have only one child, encourage homosexuality. A complete decline of society, morals, etc...

Men are born men, and women are born women. You can WISH to be the other and take all the opposite hormones but you are STILL ultimately a man if you were born a man with a penis or a woman born with a vagina. Period.

Why do lesbians need dildos if they are lesbians? Why do homos need a hole still? And which hole do they chose, their excrement exit.

Even the prohibition of alcohol did not come right away. As there are verses which say do not come to prayer as a drunkard. It's a gradual change of people's hearts until they attain God consciousness and realize all that God wants of us is only for our benefit as individuals and on a whole as a society, as a nation, as mankind.

My father after accepting islam still kept drinking, but eventually he was like what am i doing? And when he said stop, he stopped and that was it.

There is a reason all these laws exist and they are not what Islam is all about. You have a narrow and small grasp of any understanding about Islam.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2012, 03:56:54 PM »
Yeah i've seen how well versed getbiggers are on my religion :)

Let me guess you have a problem with capital punishments such as for adultery, fornication, homosexuality, rape (execution of rapists not of victim -- just saving you time before you go on a personal rampage of them evil mozzlems), etc...

The thing is, islam didn't come to 'punish people'. Do you think Islam came to mankind for that 3-5% of people that do these things?

Secondly, these laws are deterant laws, as harsh as they may seem to you.

Now a days, look at what society has become? There is no moral standard. Anything goes, whichever the way the wind blows. So you have a crooked and corrupted society with a lot of suffering. Exploitation of women, objectification of women, rapists running rampant, going to jail and getting out and raping again, thieves that get away with billions of dollars.

A person stealing out of hunger is not to be punished, but someone stealing out of greed, yes indeed they would be punished with the chopping of their hand.

Today bank gangsters rob nations left and right why? Because they play with man made laws that they themselves influence.

Actually, out of the three monotheistic religions, Islam is the most authentic in terms of text and its relatively unadulterated practices and belief system i.e. minimal "bidah" compared to its two predecessors.

Murder, rape, adultery, and indulging of wine is way more common than 3%-5%. I don't know where you get your statistics?

Your proof of God/Allah simmers down to subjective appeal to "common sense" i.e "fitrah", and mathematical probabilities in relation to A) accuracy of prophecy, both in hadith and quran, and B) Margin of grammatical error or lack of in holy scripture.

Still, your belief in Allah, and what he claims is all based on faith, nothing more. To base harsh divine punishments on "good faith", is no way to conduct business.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2012, 03:58:51 PM »
It is more than a 3-5% problem because of what the west has to 'offer'. Complete moral decline. Islam did not come to suddenly 'punish people' it first comes to change society person by person so that there is less than that 3-5%. People have no God consciousness, Islam's fundemental core teaching is it's absolute monotheism unlike any other religion which has it's monotheism corrupted, and has it's records corrupted, as you yourself acknowledge. We have islam preserved. That's ultimately the purpose of these laws, that when people are God conscious they will avoid these things and when there is that relative peace in people's hearts, people will realize what these evils are and later down the road these laws are deterants to not let society misguide itself in the long run.

Like I said that's why bankers can influence the very laws that save them from being punished for being robbers of nations. Why fornication is something people laugh about. Why adultery is something guys on getbig will find 'hilarious' when some guy cheats on some girl and vice versa. When getbiggers discuss about 'wife swapping'.

You see the point


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2012, 04:11:41 PM »
It is more than a 3-5% problem because of what the west has to 'offer'. Complete moral decline.

Like I said that's why bankers can influence the very laws that save them from being punished for being robbers of nations. Why fornication is something people laugh about. Why adultery is something guys on getbig will find 'hilarious' when some guy cheats on some girl and vice versa. When getbiggers discuss about 'wife swapping'.

You see the point

I see that you're set in your ways. Maybe you'll gain perspective before your ticker stops. May i suggest a few pointers?

1) Rethink your Islamic utopia and examine if it ever existed in the past?

2) Quit the "us vs. them" world view. One being your perfectly practised version of Islam vs. All other ways of life that are by default flawed and inadequate.

3) Admit that you're basing your world view and actions based on faith. As much as you'd like to think your faith is 100% infallible truth, it's simply a "leap of faith" gamble you're making.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2012, 04:24:49 PM »
I think the ones who are 'gambling' are the ones who permit thieves to run rampant, immodesty and lewdness to run rampant, alcoholism, 'wife swapping', homosexuality and all the other things that Islam comes to stop and educate people about.

Yes I rather put my faith in being a servant of God, rather than being a slave to desires or one who follows the crowd anywhere the wind blows because it's 'cool' or 'modern' or whatever you want to call it.

Muslims didn't make it an "us vs them"

The qur'an is quite clear. To you be your faith, to us ours. Western society made it an "us vs them". Remember we are 'savages'. History just repeating itself. While in fact the west needs to take a hard long look in the mirror.

Remember also, I'm European and as white as paper. People are embracing Islam because of it's guidance and truth not because of invasions of armies.

And God says, every soul shall taste death, so perhaps before your ticker ends you could consider Islam a little bit better as we'll all meet God almighty and be questioned for what we believed, what we did, how we acted on this earth, etc...


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2012, 10:05:08 AM »

That's the problem. If you know anything about orthodoxy Islam, you'd know what i'm talking about. I'm not concerned with your personal beliefs, as they clearly do not coincide with the Islamic tradition. 

Ahmed would know what i'm talking about though.

Did I ever claim to know anything about orthodoxy Islam?


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2012, 10:19:11 AM »
There is only one Islam and everyone is trying to taint Islam with lies 247. We do not conceal what we believe and islam is pretty straightforward and very simple yet it encompasses all things in life. It is a complete way of life, explaining many things we encounter.

As in this discussion he only sees Islam for minuta issues as if Islam only came to 'punish' people. The reason he finds such a problem is that society at large is corrupted so he sees this as 'incompatible with the west'. As I already mentioned on this very forum how they objectify women, how they talk about 'wife swapping', fornicating, etc.. so they find a personal problem as it does not befit their desires.

Again, Islam did not come for these minuta issues. Islam's fundemental teaching is that we worship God and God alone. It is a guidance for mankind to perfect our characters, perfect ourselves individually and then those closest to us, and ultimately society at large. From achieving this then you realize people change from within and ultimately society at large changes, then these laws are exactly that, deterant laws for that very small percent that remains that would want to corrupt society. Be it thieves or serial killers or those that want to engage in lewdness, etc...

Islamophobes take great extents, have large budgets, get lots of money, after all it is profitable to be an islamophobe today. The mainstream media LOVES islamophobes. So look at the propaganda about Islam 'oppressing women'. Yet in reality, the largest population of conversion to islam are university educated women.

Jadeveon Clowney

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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2012, 10:38:00 AM »
There is only one Islam and everyone is trying to taint Islam with lies 247. We do not conceal what we believe and islam is pretty straightforward and very simple yet it encompasses all things in life. It is a complete way of life, explaining many things we encounter.

As in this discussion he only sees Islam for minuta issues as if Islam only came to 'punish' people. The reason he finds such a problem is that society at large is corrupted so he sees this as 'incompatible with the west'. As I already mentioned on this very forum how they objectify women, how they talk about 'wife swapping', fornicating, etc.. so they find a personal problem as it does not befit their desires.

Again, Islam did not come for these minuta issues. Islam's fundemental teaching is that we worship God and God alone. It is a guidance for mankind to perfect our characters, perfect ourselves individually and then those closest to us, and ultimately society at large. From achieving this then you realize people change from within and ultimately society at large changes, then these laws are exactly that, deterant laws for that very small percent that remains that would want to corrupt society. Be it thieves or serial killers or those that want to engage in lewdness, etc...

Islamophobes take great extents, have large budgets, get lots of money, after all it is profitable to be an islamophobe today. The mainstream media LOVES islamophobes. So look at the propaganda about Islam 'oppressing women'. Yet in reality, the largest population of conversion to islam are university educated women.

wonder what group you will have joined in 10 years - you strike me as someone who's uncomfortable thinking for herself.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2012, 11:07:23 AM »
lol I'm a male. I would never leave Islam as it is the truth. I have spent much studying other ideologies, beliefs, philosophies and religions. Islam is perfection, practical and uncorrupted. It's aims are to better mankind and I've seen it's fruits. I've seen both sides of the world, experienced, interacted with so many different people of different creeds and origins, and Islam is plain and light.

If you find the truth you do not reject it 'ten years down the road' except if you are stubborn in your own personal desires even if it is harmful to yourself.

Western society endorses certain desires that are harmful on an independent level and on a social level. There is no standard and its' fruits are plain and simple corruption. We can see it day and night. Things are accepted because they are suddenly 'cool' or 'mainstream' or 'popular' even if they are terrible for yourself or someone else.

Islam is demonized, attacked, lied about 247, yet people are still embracing it despite the billions invested in deterring people away from Islam, despite daily stigma of instilling fear into people about Islam. Etc...


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2012, 03:16:22 PM »
The poster thinks that you are me.  :D


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2012, 09:17:21 PM »
lol I'm a male. I would never leave Islam as it is the truth. I have spent much studying other ideologies, beliefs, philosophies and religions. Islam is perfection, practical and uncorrupted. It's aims are to better mankind and I've seen it's fruits. I've seen both sides of the world, experienced, interacted with so many different people of different creeds and origins, and Islam is plain and light.

Do bees eat of the fruits you've seen? Because, you know... Allah commanded them to eat fruits, but none of the bees I know follow his orders. ;D

Islam is demonized, attacked, lied about 247, yet people are still embracing it despite the billions invested in deterring people away from Islam, despite daily stigma of instilling fear into people about Islam. Etc...

Islam demonizes and attacks itself quite well all on its own. Look at good, honest, decent muslims going around putting bounties out for the death of cartoonists, and good, honest, decent muslims going around and brutally murdering people like Theo Van Gogh.