Author Topic: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)  (Read 19920 times)

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test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« on: June 01, 2013, 07:54:33 PM »
wazup peeps started a cycle of sustanon 350 and equipoise im on my 4th week so far this is what i have done let me know if i am doing it right. this is my second cycle ever last summer i did test and deca.

week 1 and week 2  monday,wednesday, friday   half cc saustanon 350 half cc equipoise
week 3 and week 4   monday and thursday 1cc sustanon 350 1 cc equipoise.
not sure how many weeks i will run this  just going by how i see my body respond. what do you guys think?
 so basically i ran a cc and a half of each for the first 2 weeks and then weeks 3 and 4  2 cc of both sustanon and equipoise a week


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2013, 08:42:20 PM »
whats the mg of EQ? if you are pinning 2x a week with the sust might as well with the EQ ........ one other thing just so you are in the know, sust doesn't come in 350mg what you have is a designer blend of different test esters.... also good rule of thumb is to take almost twice as much test then the other compound and be carefull with blood pressure due to EQ


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2013, 09:27:41 PM »
sust doesn't come in 350mg


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2013, 11:06:01 PM »
whats the mg of EQ? if you are pinning 2x a week with the sust might as well with the EQ ........ one other thing just so you are in the know, sust doesn't come in 350mg what you have is a designer blend of different test esters.... also good rule of thumb is to take almost twice as much test then the other compound and be carefull with blood pressure due to EQ
300 mg


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2013, 11:14:55 AM »
That's nice and simple , since you are taking 700 mg test blend take .75ml Monday and Thur of the EQ that will come out to 450mg .....


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2013, 11:17:58 AM »

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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2013, 08:24:29 PM »
o.k guys heres the deal i really wanna get big as hell mutant like slabs of meat have to wear a 5 xl shirt. im taking testand equipoise now i like the feeling of roids. now i know my diet and training i know my bodybuilding  but as far as the steroid part of it im not too familiar which is why i signed up here. i have enouth to run test and equipoise for about 10 weeks my question is do i actually have to go off cycle. id rather just stay on year round. what can i take after my 10 weeks of test and equpoise? or do i continue to run it? or do i clean up and go off cycle? if i could i would like to run ghear year round and those that do what do you guys take? im asking questions guys cause i just wanna learn and you guys are experts here


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2013, 08:50:06 PM »
10 weeks ain't shit in the words of big results and slabs of meat takes more then a lil steroid use ,,,,, what your wanting is superior genetics and you can't buy that or lift enough for that..... but if you are asking bout what's the badest shit out there with monster gains then you must be prepared for all the WONDERFUL side effects....... so whats the big boy shit? Trenbolon acetate at 300mg to 700mg a week , any form of test depending on how smooth you want and how often you feel like pinning and thats 500mg-2000mg on the extreme side .... for orals to stack with it there's dbols 10-80mgs a day there's anadrol 50-100mgs a day , and HGH is up there as well due to the fact it creates NEW muscle fibers ,,,,, what are the sides? Tren =anxiety , insomnia, night sweats and oily discharge from the nips blues extreme acne , test= shrunk nuts , high libido, and estrogen overload due to your bodies counter punch to the high levels of synthetic test, enlargement of glanduler tissue and adipost tissue , now for the orals since they are highly androgenic that means the side affect s you would get from test are more common , you get the bloat and taxing on the liver and kidneys since it is a 17 blah blah blah type of steroid , and this cause failure of those organs and yellow jaundice...... I personally have used these compounds at moderate to high dosages , do some research on these things and don't expect to look like a pro in 12 weeks

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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2013, 10:00:24 PM »
10 weeks ain't shit in the words of big results and slabs of meat takes more then a lil steroid use ,,,,, what your wanting is superior genetics and you can't buy that or lift enough for that..... but if you are asking bout what's the badest shit out there with monster gains then you must be prepared for all the WONDERFUL side effects....... so whats the big boy shit? Trenbolon acetate at 300mg to 700mg a week , any form of test depending on how smooth you want and how often you feel like pinning and thats 500mg-2000mg on the extreme side .... for orals to stack with it there's dbols 10-80mgs a day there's anadrol 50-100mgs a day , and HGH is up there as well due to the fact it creates NEW muscle fibers ,,,,, what are the sides? Tren =anxiety , insomnia, night sweats and oily discharge from the nips blues extreme acne , test= shrunk nuts , high libido, and estrogen overload due to your bodies counter punch to the high levels of synthetic test, enlargement of glanduler tissue and adipost tissue , now for the orals since they are highly androgenic that means the side affect s you would get from test are more common , you get the bloat and taxing on the liver and kidneys since it is a 17 blah blah blah type of steroid , and this cause failure of those organs and yellow jaundice...... I personally have used these compounds at moderate to high dosages , do some research on these things and don't expect to look like a pro in 12 weeks
lol im not saying im gonna look like a pro in 10 weeks obiously not. what im asking is should i start another stack after these 10 weeks or just clean up and wait a bit?


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2013, 10:16:19 PM »
Stay on as long as you want , as long as you are able to give it all you can just stay on until you need a break

Just saying don't get your hopes up on the gear being magic...... its a big misconception that " I COULD BE THAT BIG IF I TOOK STEROIDS BUT I CHOOSE NOT TO" when in all truth some will never have what it takes to go hard enough that the juice can even benefit. Just work hard and be safe and in a few years there will be some slabs of meat

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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2013, 07:40:16 PM »
Stay on as long as you want , as long as you are able to give it all you can just stay on until you need a break

Just saying don't get your hopes up on the gear being magic...... its a big misconception that " I COULD BE THAT BIG IF I TOOK STEROIDS BUT I CHOOSE NOT TO" when in all truth some will never have what it takes to go hard enough that the juice can even benefit. Just work hard and be safe and in a few years there will be some slabs of meat
another question. should i work each muscle once a week or twice a week? ive been on a once a week routine for a while now but i kind of figure its hard to overtrain on the juice that maybe i should try twice a week to see if it works for me. what do you think?

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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2013, 07:42:13 PM »
by the way thanks shrek i appreciate your advice chief

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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2013, 07:47:06 PM »
my friend says not to jerk off or have sex the days that i shoot up because im wasting my money. is this true? or is this dude full of shit? what the hell am i supposed to tell my gf when she spreads her legs. lol hell nah


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2013, 07:51:39 PM »
by the way thanks shrek i appreciate your advice chief
I would recommend a 2 body part a day , back/FBI's chest/tris legs/shoulders...... 3 on 1 day rest between ........ just do enough to stimulate the target muscles just not to failure where it takes a while to repair damage tissue ....... you want to do just enough to where they are good to go again on the next rotation day


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2013, 10:05:18 AM »
my friend says not to jerk off or have sex the days that i shoot up because im wasting my money. is this true? or is this dude full of shit? what the hell am i supposed to tell my gf when she spreads her legs. lol hell nah

Your friend is a moron.



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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2013, 06:03:28 PM »
10 weeks ain't shit in the words of big results and slabs of meat takes more then a lil steroid use ,,,,, what your wanting is superior genetics and you can't buy that or lift enough for that..... but if you are asking bout what's the badest shit out there with monster gains then you must be prepared for all the WONDERFUL side effects....... so whats the big boy shit? Trenbolon acetate at 300mg to 700mg a week , any form of test depending on how smooth you want and how often you feel like pinning and thats 500mg-2000mg on the extreme side .... for orals to stack with it there's dbols 10-80mgs a day there's anadrol 50-100mgs a day , and ____HGH is up there as well due to the fact it creates NEW muscle fibers _____,,,,, what are the sides? Tren =anxiety , insomnia, night sweats and oily discharge from the nips blues extreme acne , test= shrunk nuts , high libido, and estrogen overload due to your bodies counter punch to the high levels of synthetic test, enlargement of glanduler tissue and adipost tissue , now for the orals since they are highly androgenic that means the side affect s you would get from
test are more common , you get the bloat and taxing on the liver and kidneys since it is a 17 blah blah blah type of steroid , and this cause failure of those organs and yellow jaundice...... I personally have used these compounds at moderate to high dosages , do some research on these things and don't expect to look like a pro in 12 weeks

Where the hell have you been with your Internet educational experience?
1- HGH does not cause growth of NEW muscle fibers.  ??? Only stem cell transplants can do that. It can cause some hypertrophy of existing muscle fibers particularly if used in the right amounts-- greater than 10 IUs with insulin.
2- Who wants to have their nuts atrophied? Begin HCG in the middle of the roid cycle and continue until nuts are of normal size. Shit yea. --- cords,  huge loads too.

Lift, fuck, make money


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2013, 12:04:11 AM »
lol im not saying im gonna look like a pro in 10 weeks obiously not. what im asking is should i start another stack after these 10 weeks or just clean up and wait a bit?

Rich Piana has a good video about cycling. He only stays on hgh year round and cycles steroids. In  the video he expalins it all rhink its ricks corner. Main thing is high levels of growth year round,insulin and steroids will make you freakish in time. How long? Depends on your genetics and how well you respond to drugs.
Training wise one body part a day eq
Calfs done every other day


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2013, 12:08:28 AM »
Also i have to disagree about not going to failure. Your on steroids. And hopefully hgh. You will repair and recover sooo fast if food intake is high. You will gain more muscle going to failure in mho. Natty its not such a good idea due to it taking a week/week and a half to recover compared to one to two days on gear and growth.


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2013, 12:51:29 AM »
Your friend is a moron.


+1 hahahaahahahaha someone was being trolled hard.

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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2013, 03:50:42 PM »
close to 12 weeks now of sustanon and equipoise. now im starting to see some results and strength increasse. sustanon 350 and equipoise 300. mondays 1 cc of sustanon 350 1 cc of equipose 300. thursday the same thing. im about to run out of my second 10 cc bottle of each. what do you experts think should i continue with these drugs or should i switch it up? thanks all the help is appreciated guys


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2013, 08:20:22 PM »
EQ takes a while to kick it.  Run another 10cc before you swap it out IMO.


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Re: test sustanon 350 and boldenone (equipoise)
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2013, 10:22:47 PM »
lol slabs of muscle.

youre looking at a decade of pretty much non stop gear use.

yes a decade.if ever at all.

gottra love the delusional newcomers with 10week cycles.

and yeah epic bro scine hgh creating new fibres.
sorry im just learning how everything works