Author Topic: Left-Wing Hate Speech  (Read 92888 times)

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2009, 06:11:26 PM »
From 2007:

Another example of Left Wing Hate Speech

World Net Daily is repoorting that an english professor in Idaho is in hot water for making a death threat against Republicans. The instructor, Ms. Bryant suggested to her class that anyone who has ever voted Republican should be executed, and she said these things with a smile on her face, and freeky admits to making the statement. This did not sit well with at least on student who has since withdrawn from the class, and requested a refund.

WND also reports that several people around the country have taken the liberty to call and/or email Professor Bryant to express their anger at the statements she made in class, some included death threats, and foul langauge.

I guess people take offense at the suggestion that they should be killed for excersizing their freedom in the polls. You can't blame people for getting angry over something like this, but I think that making death threats against her is going overboard, and lowers us to her level.

There is an investigation under way to indentify the persons who made death threats against this woman. It seems the focus has shifted from her negative comments, to who sent the nasty messages.

The point I would like to make is that we in America are sick of paying educators to spread left wing hate in the classrooms, and any smart educator knows that they are not thier to indoctrinate students minds with left wing trash, but from the looks of things, there are a lot of stupid idiots teaching these days.

If Ms. Bryant cant watch her P's and Q's, maybe she should go get an honest job where she cant corrupt the minds of young people. It's teachers like this that have ruined our educational system, and turned them into churches of humanism, and places of communistic re-education.

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2009, 06:23:32 PM »
The left-wing Daily Kos fantasizing about conservative Michelle Malkin choking to death, for the crime of having a different opinion:

Kos Kids Back at it – Wishing Death upon Michelle Malkin

Photo of Rusty Weiss.
By Rusty Weiss (Bio | Archive)
June 3, 2009 - 00:16 ET

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Wasn't it just a couple of days ago that the crew over at the Daily Kos was fretting about how conservatives as a whole are equally as complicit in the murder of George Tiller as the shooter himself?  And of the details being reported to better understand the background of the actual killer, Scott Roeder, doesn't one major detail involve the posts that he left on anti-abortion Web sites?

With that in mind, how concerned should we be with a blog post that fantasizes about the death of conservative columnist Michelle Malkin?

In a posting titled ‘Michelle Malkin - The Book', an individual using the handle cousinavi, creates a story which refers to Malkin's husband in a derogatory manner more than once, and eventually fantasizes about her choking to death.

Should this story, which appears to be written at a third grade level, be taken for what the ‘writer' intends - a ‘total work of fiction'?  Or should it be taken for what it really is, an attempt to get Kos readers to indulge in the ‘writer's' imagination, inciting equally provocative death fantasies about Malkin?

Excerpts below the jump (Warning!  Offensive language, equally offensive to those with an education)...

Referring to Malkin's husband, the ‘writer' describes him as equally bright boy who was more than happy to stay at home and be her bitch while she waded into the world of pissing people off and being paid for it.


    ...her goddamn useless bitch of a husband...

The death segment involved in this fantasy reads (emphasis mine)

    As the story draws to a close, our heroine is beginning to sense the truth...that she isn't really very bright, and is commonly wrong about most things. But what, then, could be behind her meteoric rise to success? Why do people heap all this attention on her?

    Sadly, full awareness will never be achieved by our lead character, for as she's pondering these very questions she chokes to death on a slightly oversize bit of food, which is totally ironic because she fucking well TOLD her goddamn useless bitch of a husband to cut it up into BITE SIZED pieces!

    Total work of fiction.  But one can hope.

Presumably that last bit means one can hope that Malkin chokes to death.  The simplistic piece of writing is so over-the-top, that loyal readers of the Daily Kos are offended.

A sampling of the commentary follows: dislike of her ridiculous blather...but I think you went too far at the end.

    More than a little over-the-top.  You really should delete this. 


    Hasn't there been enough of that lately?  Seriously, words have consequences, and this sort of thing is unsettling enough when it comes from the other side.  I don't particularly like it from ours.

This of course is minor compared to the ‘writer's' own blog, on which he expresses his dismay with someone apparently interfering with his picture captions by making the following threat:

    May have to stab some fuckin' body keeps fucking about with this caption

The site also contains a cartoon consisting of a man who asks:

    Must you answer every question with a death threat?

He recently has posted about the Tiller murder in which he asks ‘whether or not it's appropriate to lay the blame for the murder of Dr. George Tiller at the door of Jesus Christ or religion in general.'

While the Daily Kos has made no attempt to remove this posting, and will certainly not investigate one of their ‘writers', perhaps the authorities might want to take a closer look at someone who fantasizes about the death of a conservative writer, and further, openly makes stabbing threats.

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2009, 06:27:51 PM »
Discussion of the short-lived article that advocated the rape of select conservative women, again because they happen to disagree with liberals:

When Rape Fantasies Involve Conservative Women, Feminists Are Silent

A vicious article drew nary a peep of outrage from the "sisterhood."
June 9, 2009 - by Melissa Clouthier
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Who is worse? The father molesting the daughter, or the mother who knows and looks the other way?

The man raping the girl in the alleyway, or the passive bystander who neither stops the attack nor calls the police? The mother beating her children, or the husband who goes to work and leaves the children with her?

Who is worse? The abuser, the attacker is worse. But we are revulsed and disgusted by the people who aid and abet and ignore the perpetrators, and rightly so.

Last week, ten women were the subject of a cyber-rape. That is, without their consent, they were subjected to one misogynist, Guy Cimbalo, and his rape fantasies, which appeared in his Playboy article titled “Ten Conservative Women I’d Like To Hate F***.” (The article has since been taken down.)

Perhaps you think “cyber-rape” is extreme. But consider what was said about Mary Katherine Ham:

    You get this one pregnant, she stays pregnant. Karma’s a b****, isn’t it?

Implying that she wouldn’t want a baby resulting from rape, but because of her belief system, she’d have the child. Of course, she would deserve this treatment and fate, because Ham is pro-life. Carrying the baby would be karmic retribution for holding her disagreeable belief.

Cimbalo says of Amanda Carpenter:

    She is also a columnist at TownHall, a website for illiterates who disprove evolution by their very existence.

She has been dealing with the fallout all week. Amanda Carpenter shared that on Monday — instead of working — she had to explain the controversy to her male coworkers. She said it was embarrassing and distracting. A friend sent her an excited email: “You made a list of the best conservative blogger women for Playboy!” The friend hadn’t read the article.

And now, when someone Googles her name, the Playboy list shows up prominently.

So imagine, if you will, that the list consisted of liberal women bloggers. Imagine if Amanda Marcotte, Jane Hamsher, Jill from Feministe, and some of the more vocal feminist bloggers made up the list. Right now, they’re all upset over a National Review caricature of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. (It’s called satire. Remember this?)

First, the list would never be made. Why? Because Playboy considers liberal women to be sympathetic compatriots. Ironically enough, they’re on the same team.

Second, the outrage would be vocal and ubiquitous. Playboy made the miscalculation of assuming that conservative men are misogynistic pigs and, yes, sent the press release to them. They thought they would have a friendly audience that would link back.

Did liberal men bloggers get the list? Probably not, but Playboy would have found more sympathy with them. As conservative women know, the most vicious attacks come from leftist male bloggers. Spending some time in the comment section of an opinionated conservative woman blogger will curl toes. It’s not for the faint of heart.

Conservative women bloggers are used to being sexualized, objectified, and called names. Conservative women generally know that any voiced public opinion or any public involvement will mean attempted personal destruction. Which is the point of the Playboy list — get conservative women to shut up. Specifically, get beautiful, smart, young conservative women to shut up. Get them to leave the public sphere. Can you say Sarah Palin?

. . . .

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2009, 10:22:25 AM »
Where is the violence that was the result of all this so called left wing hate speech (and some of it certainly qualifies as such)

There's no shortage of hate speech on both sides (though I believe in the mainstream media you'll find the majority of it on the right).

Where are the VIOLENCE?  Why is the majority of the violence always coming from the right wing:

Attempted Murders
Assault and Battery
Death Threats


Find me a Left Wing Nut Job who commits random acts of violence and leaves note saying things like this. 

"Know this if nothing else: This was a hate crime. I hate the damn left-wing liberals. There is a vast left-wing conspiracy in this country & these liberals are working together to attack every decent & honorable institution in the nation, trying to turn this country into a communist state. Shame on them....

"This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg's book. I'd like to kill everyone in the mainstream media. But I know those people were inaccessible to me. I couldn't get to the generals & high ranking officers of the Marxist movement so I went after the foot soldiers, the chickenshit liberals that vote in these traitorous people. Someone had to get the ball rolling. I volunteered. I hope others do the same. It's the only way we can rid America of this cancerous pestilence."

"I thought I'd do something good for this Country Kill Democrats til the cops kill me....Liberals are a pest like termites. Millions of them Each little bite contributes to the downfall of this great nation. The only way we can rid ourselves of this evil is to kill them in the streets. Kill them where they gather. I'd like to encourage other like minded people to do what I've done. If life aint worth living anymore don't just kill yourself. do something for your Country before you go. Go Kill Liberals.

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2009, 10:51:11 AM »
Did you know the tea parties were racist and were only about protesting against a black man? 

only? - no

partially yeah probably.  Also partially just people that are too dumb to know any better and have fallen for all the right wing talking points that Obama is a socialist/marxist/secret muslim terrorist etc..

here's the entire Garafolo Clip.  It's pretty damn funny and spot on with some points


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #30 on: June 14, 2009, 10:55:51 AM »
The only unbiased guy on Fox News....

Soul Crusher

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #31 on: June 14, 2009, 11:48:47 AM »
A queer wearing eye makeup and fake eyelashes????

the same guy who ran over a person with his car in a road rage incident??

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #32 on: June 14, 2009, 11:55:19 AM »
A queer wearing eye makeup and fake eyelashes????

the same guy who ran over a person with his car in a road rage incident??

thanks for the perfect example as to why this board is almost a complete waste of time

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #33 on: June 14, 2009, 12:01:40 PM »
thanks for the perfect example as to why this board is almost a complete waste of time

Oh relax and have a laugh. 

Fox is a joke as is msnbc. 

Do you really think shep smith an even handed journalist???

Olbermann or hannity???

They all stink.  Cable news sucks..

Al Doggity

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #34 on: June 14, 2009, 03:04:33 PM »
Discussion of the short-lived article that advocated the rape of select conservative women, again because they happen to disagree with liberals:

When Rape Fantasies Involve Conservative Women, Feminists Are Silent

A vicious article drew nary a peep of outrage from the "sisterhood."
June 9, 2009 - by Melissa Clouthier
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A lot of what you posted in this thread is misleading or inaccurate. I am exhausted and can't go down the entire list, so here are some selected rebuttals.

The Guy Cimbalo article which was pulled after only days:
Some lib  who spoke out against it:

There were more, but I'm not going to bother posting them all. Newsbusters actually posted a story about a Politico (conservative site) editor that defended the writer.

Al Doggity

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #35 on: June 14, 2009, 03:12:07 PM »
The left-wing Daily Kos fantasizing about conservative Michelle Malkin choking to death, for the crime of having a different opinion:

Kos Kids Back at it – Wishing Death upon Michelle Malkin

Photo of Rusty Weiss.
By Rusty Weiss (Bio | Archive)
June 3, 2009 - 00:16 ET


A sampling of the commentary follows: dislike of her ridiculous blather...but I think you went too far at the end.

    More than a little over-the-top.  You really should delete this. 


    Hasn't there been enough of that lately?  Seriously, words have consequences, and this sort of thing is unsettling enough when it comes from the other side.  I don't particularly like it from ours.

This of course is minor compared to the ‘writer's' own blog, on which he expresses his dismay with someone apparently interfering with his picture captions by making the following threat:

    May have to stab some fuckin' body keeps fucking about with this caption

The site also contains a cartoon consisting of a man who asks:

    Must you answer every question with a death threat?

He recently has posted about the Tiller murder in which he asks ‘whether or not it's appropriate to lay the blame for the murder of Dr. George Tiller at the door of Jesus Christ or religion in general.'

While the Daily Kos has made no attempt to remove this posting, and will certainly not investigate one of their ‘writers', perhaps the authorities might want to take a closer look at someone who fantasizes about the death of a conservative writer, and further, openly makes stabbing threats.

The most notable thing about the "hate speech"  detailed in this article is the replies it ignited.
Here is a link to the original post:

Note the comments. Almost all of them say they dislike Malkin, but that the story went over the line.

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #36 on: June 14, 2009, 03:13:51 PM »
Oh relax and have a laugh. 

Fox is a joke as is msnbc. 

Do you really think shep smith an even handed journalist???

Olbermann or hannity???

They all stink.  Cable news sucks..

MSNBC has some good shows (I know you don't agree but there doesn't seem to be much of antyhing you like)

Why are you ignoring the point the Smith is making and just trying to piss all over him instead.  

Comments like that make it pointless to waste time trying to engage you in dialogue

Al Doggity

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #37 on: June 14, 2009, 03:40:33 PM »
From 2007:

Another example of Left Wing Hate Speech

World Net Daily is repoorting that an english professor in Idaho is in hot water for making a death threat against Republicans. The instructor, Ms. Bryant suggested to her class that anyone who has ever voted Republican should be executed, and she said these things with a smile on her face, and freeky admits to making the statement. This did not sit well with at least on student who has since withdrawn from the class, and requested a refund.

WND also reports that several people around the country have taken the liberty to call and/or email Professor Bryant to express their anger at the statements she made in class, some included death threats, and foul langauge.

I guess people take offense at the suggestion that they should be killed for excersizing their freedom in the polls. You can't blame people for getting angry over something like this, but I think that making death threats against her is going overboard, and lowers us to her level.

There is an investigation under way to indentify the persons who made death threats against this woman. It seems the focus has shifted from her negative comments, to who sent the nasty messages.

Now compare the reaction to the Malkin piece with this.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2009, 05:14:30 PM »

Now compare the reaction to the Malkin piece with this.

Why doesnt she print them out?

Al Doggity

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2009, 07:44:31 PM »
Why doesnt she print them out?

It appears she did... then forwarded them to the police:

There is an investigation under way to indentify the persons who made death threats against this woman. It seems the focus has shifted from her negative comments, to who sent the nasty messages.

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #40 on: June 15, 2009, 04:42:45 AM »
It appears she did... then forwarded them to the police:

There is an investigation under way to indentify the persons who made death threats against this woman. It seems the focus has shifted from her negative comments, to who sent the nasty messages.

Fine, there is no excuse to ever send death threats.  How stupid could someone be?

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #41 on: June 15, 2009, 08:23:07 PM »
A lot of what you posted in this thread is misleading or inaccurate. I am exhausted and can't go down the entire list, so here are some selected rebuttals.

False.  Everything I posted is completely factual.  I don't care what the response of some liberals was to these outrageous comments.  As I mentioned earlier, that's not the point.  The fact is these kinds of statements are made all the time.  The fact is liberals claim to be tolerant, but are often anything but tolerant with opposing viewpoints.  It's not unique to liberals, but you can't dispute any of what I posted, because it all happened.  It includes:

1.  Comments of angry prop 8 opponents who advocated murder, burning down churches, urinating in drinks, etc., simply because people disagree with homosexual marriage.  Are you contending those statements were not made?

2.  Liberal extremists who stormed a church, shouting things like "Jesus was a homo,"solely because of a different philosophy.  Are you claiming those two video clips are staged? 

3.  Attacking a little old lady by shouting in her face, taking her sign, and stomping on it, only because they disagree with her.  Is that clip fake? 

4.  Shouting in the faces of people who supported McCain for president.  Is that a phony clip?

5.  A liberal radio host wanting Joe the Plumber to be murdered.  Never happened? 

6.  A liberal wishing Clarence Thomas dies an early death, for the crime of being a conservative.  False? 

7.  A liberal commentator hoping someone with a policy difference contracts AIDS.  You refute this? 

8.  A liberal teacher telling her class anyone who voted for a Republican should be executed.  Did she not say this? 

9.  A liberal fantasizing that Michelle Malkin chokes to death, again for the crime of being a conservative.  Fake article? 

10.  A liberal writer advocating the rape of conservative women, only because they are on the wrong side of the political fence.  Invented article?   

You can talk about the response of some liberals, they're only "joking," they never actually killed anyone all you want, but that's not the point of this thread.  It's about left-wing speech.  It's all over the place. 

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #42 on: June 15, 2009, 10:30:44 PM »
False.  Everything I posted is completely factual.  I don't care what the response of some liberals was to these outrageous comments.  As I mentioned earlier, that's not the point.  The fact is these kinds of statements are made all the time.  The fact is liberals claim to be tolerant, but are often anything but tolerant with opposing viewpoints.  It's not unique to liberals, but you can't dispute any of what I posted, because it all happened.  It includes:

1.  Comments of angry prop 8 opponents who advocated murder, burning down churches, urinating in drinks, etc., simply because people disagree with homosexual marriage.  Are you contending those statements were not made?

2.  Liberal extremists who stormed a church, shouting things like "Jesus was a homo,"solely because of a different philosophy.  Are you claiming those two video clips are staged? 

3.  Attacking a little old lady by shouting in her face, taking her sign, and stomping on it, only because they disagree with her.  Is that clip fake? 

4.  Shouting in the faces of people who supported McCain for president.  Is that a phony clip?

5.  A liberal radio host wanting Joe the Plumber to be murdered.  Never happened? 

6.  A liberal wishing Clarence Thomas dies an early death, for the crime of being a conservative.  False? 

7.  A liberal commentator hoping someone with a policy difference contracts AIDS.  You refute this? 

8.  A liberal teacher telling her class anyone who voted for a Republican should be executed.  Did she not say this? 

9.  A liberal fantasizing that Michelle Malkin chokes to death, again for the crime of being a conservative.  Fake article? 

10.  A liberal writer advocating the rape of conservative women, only because they are on the wrong side of the political fence.  Invented article?   

You can talk about the response of some liberals, they're only "joking," they never actually killed anyone all you want, but that's not the point of this thread.  It's about left-wing speech.  It's all over the place. 

yep - all bad stuff

lot's of bad words on both sides

here's what I don't see on the left

where's the violence, the assasinations, the fire bombings, the toture and murders, etc...

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #43 on: June 16, 2009, 03:40:19 AM »
Did you know the tea parties were racist and were only about protesting against a black man? 

the segment with Garofalo on Olbermann is usually 90 percent comedy.  Everything is overstated for a laugh.  It's actually pretty funny sometimes.

George Whorewell

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #44 on: June 17, 2009, 06:23:48 PM »
I purposely didn't post in this thread because I wanted to get a sense of how pervasive the ignorance of world history is around here.

Left wing acts of violence? Europe during the 60's and 70's was a hotbed of leftist terrorism ( especially France). In this country you had the Black Panther movement and the rest of the leftist thugs ( such as Bill Ayers) who engaged in countless acts of violence and intimidation in attempts to overthrow the government. For more recent sadistic violence look no further than central and South America where leftist gorillas rape, murder and terrorize their own people ( who disagree politically). Then throw in the socialist and communist regimes of Asia, Russia, Cuba etc.-- Leftists are as insane, violent, warped and sociopathic as any right wing radical. People on the fringe are always a fingernail away from one another in terms of actions, desires and motivations. The only distinguishing characteristic between fringe groups is their scapegoat.

The problem is that some of you equate racially or religiously motivated attacks as invariably originating from some sort of right wing fringe group- yet when the overwhelming amount of left minded predators commit violent acts you either don't associate them with their ideology, or dismiss their behavior as motivated by other objectives. Take Colin Ferguson for instance, the lunatic who killed several random white people coming home from work on the LIRR in the early 90's. His defense at trial was some warped black mans burden justification defense. Take the animal who raped and murdered a white mother of two leaving a Westchester shopping mall about 4 years ago specifically because she was white. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples of this-- just as there are a myriad of examples the other way. The difference is that when the victim is black, or gay or Spanish etc.- the whole world takes notice and the media publicizes it extensively. Politicians also feed off of it- How often, if ever do hate crime statutes ever get enforced when the victims are white or straight?

There is a conscious collective desire in this country to take joy in the demise of the "white" and "affluent" "majority" and to take even greater pleasure in blaming the members of these respective niches for anything, whenever a fairly remote possibility to do so arises. The Duke rape case is a recent example that comes to mind.     

One thing I find hysterical about some of the responses reveling in the lefts "hands off" approach to hate speech, is that these responses also blatantly ignore the lefts disgusting habit of appeasing and even excusing Islamic terrorists. Do sadistic acts of religiously motivated violence committed by Muslims count as right wing also... or do they get a pass because the left bends over backward to apologize for the carnage and blame American foreign policy, George Bush, or anyone else they can think of?

 The moral of the story: Just because you didn't bother to investigate an occurrence ( or refuse to acknowledge its existence), doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #45 on: June 17, 2009, 07:02:34 PM »
I purposely didn't post in this thread because I wanted to get a sense of how pervasive the ignorance of world history is around here.

Left wing acts of violence? Europe during the 60's and 70's was a hotbed of leftist terrorism ( especially France). In this country you had the Black Panther movement and the rest of the leftist thugs ( such as Bill Ayers) who engaged in countless acts of violence and intimidation in attempts to overthrow the government. For more recent sadistic violence look no further than central and South America where leftist gorillas rape, murder and terrorize their own people ( who disagree politically). Then throw in the socialist and communist regimes of Asia, Russia, Cuba etc.-- Leftists are as insane, violent, warped and sociopathic as any right wing radical. People on the fringe are always a fingernail away from one another in terms of actions, desires and motivations. The only distinguishing characteristic between fringe groups is their scapegoat.

The problem is that some of you equate racially or religiously motivated attacks as invariably originating from some sort of right wing fringe group- yet when the overwhelming amount of left minded predators commit violent acts you either don't associate them with their ideology, or dismiss their behavior as motivated by other objectives. Take Colin Ferguson for instance, the lunatic who killed several random white people coming home from work on the LIRR in the early 90's. His defense at trial was some warped black mans burden justification defense. Take the animal who raped and murdered a white mother of two leaving a Westchester shopping mall about 4 years ago specifically because she was white. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples of this-- just as there are a myriad of examples the other way. The difference is that when the victim is black, or gay or Spanish etc.- the whole world takes notice and the media publicizes it extensively. Politicians also feed off of it- How often, if ever do hate crime statutes ever get enforced when the victims are white or straight?

There is a conscious collective desire in this country to take joy in the demise of the "white" and "affluent" "majority" and to take even greater pleasure in blaming the members of these respective niches for anything, whenever a fairly remote possibility to do so arises. The Duke rape case is a recent example that comes to mind.     

One thing I find hysterical about some of the responses reveling in the lefts "hands off" approach to hate speech, is that these responses also blatantly ignore the lefts disgusting habit of appeasing and even excusing Islamic terrorists. Do sadistic acts of religiously motivated violence committed by Muslims count as right wing also... or do they get a pass because the left bends over backward to apologize for the carnage and blame American foreign policy, George Bush, or anyone else they can think of?

 The moral of the story: Just because you didn't bother to investigate an occurrence ( or refuse to acknowledge its existence), doesn't mean it didn't happen.

George don't try and confuse people with the facts. 

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #46 on: June 17, 2009, 08:27:04 PM »
I purposely didn't post in this thread because I wanted to get a sense of how pervasive the ignorance of world history is around here.

Left wing acts of violence? Europe during the 60's and 70's was a hotbed of leftist terrorism ( especially France).

I live in northern california in 2009

I don't see any leftist terrorism

I do see right wing terrorism


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #47 on: June 17, 2009, 08:33:55 PM »
I live in northern california in 2009

I don't see any leftist terrorism

I do see right wing terrorism

LOL man your logic really needs work straw

your justifications are hillarious, i guess since it wasnt last week it never happend and will never happen again...fact is ppl have given you multiple instances of left wing violence and everytime you find something to say ahh ahh ahhhh thats not the same...

I live in texas 2009 i dont see any right wing terrorism either... ;D

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #48 on: June 17, 2009, 08:55:37 PM »
LOL man your logic really needs work straw

your justifications are hillarious, i guess since it wasnt last week it never happend and will never happen again...fact is ppl have given you multiple instances of left wing violence and everytime you find something to say ahh ahh ahhhh thats not the same...

I live in texas 2009 i dont see any right wing terrorism either... ;D

my whole family lives in TX.

show me some instances of left wing violence and I'll decide if I should worry about it or not

right now

not so much

George Whorewell

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #49 on: June 18, 2009, 06:00:51 AM »
I live on the east coast on planet earth. I dont "see" any metors or comets where I live. Therefore, they must not exist. Show me some in New York City and I'll believe they exist.


Thank you for once again demonstrating your stunning stupidity and concious hostility toward reality and knowledge.