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Gossip & Opinions / Re: Anything Selfie...
« Last post by herne on Today at 07:45:11 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Funerals
« Last post by irishdave on Today at 07:44:59 AM »
64 this summer.  You know what I started doing to make myself feel like I was actually worth a fuck while I am still here?  Donating blood.

Helps bp
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Anything Selfie...
« Last post by herne on Today at 07:44:06 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Putin orders tactical nuclear weapons drills
« Last post by Taffin on Today at 07:42:44 AM »
So 2 Kilotons of explosive power from 155mm artillery or a tank gun.

Which would be extremely powerful, considering Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts were about 15 and 20 kilotons.

I believe the modern guided stuff has selectable yields down to a couple of hundred - but of course that's still awful when you recall that those old-school daisy-cutters were roughly equivalent to only(!) ~10 tons

So the idea of lobbing those massive old shell nukes purely ballistically like some great big fuck-off mortar is a bit scary - imagine the potential for "Oops!" moments!!!

No it's not. It's barely a warm up.


But mix it with 200mgs + of "TRT", HGH, and any other shit we don't know about, combined with a disease that makes you not accumulate fat, and you have the perfect recipe for a low-effort look that is lean enough to delude you into thinking it looks good under the stage lights.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: WYHI? (MILF edition)
« Last post by herne on Today at 07:40:10 AM »
It's not weak it's a good workout.
No it's not. It's barely a warm up.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: WYHI? (MILF edition)
« Last post by herne on Today at 07:35:55 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Funerals
« Last post by B_B_C on Today at 07:29:22 AM »
Went to a funeral yesterday of an old school pal

Seeing all my old friends makes me feel like shit, its a shame people have to get old
I havent seen some of them for years, its funny that apart from funerals I never see them.

I look at them and the person they used to be has long gone, they have a distant empty look about them.

I was going to go and have. adrink with them later but after the last time I went to a funeral they were all just sat on their phones rather than talking.

It could be the last chance they get to see each other as the next funeral might be theirs but its like their phone is more important.

I chose not to go, in fact I wont be going to any more old friends funerals as its makes me feel like shit.

Oh and the Priest was a fucking immigrant black twat whos only beeen in the country since last December talking about "my memories of David", fucker never met him in his life.

oh dear
just stay at home all day with your phone and getbig - you'l be the better for it
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