Author Topic: Legit alpha-pharma pictures  (Read 21513 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Legit alpha-pharma pictures
« on: April 11, 2012, 09:42:31 AM »
A sponsor on PM has a "human grade list" and, among other things, that sponsor includes "Generics Pharm Parabolan 100mg/2ml amps  - $15 an amp" on its list. From what I understand, parabolan is no longer produced - am I wrong? If so, is this parabolan legit?


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 10:13:56 AM »
Alpha pharma makes it:)


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 06:08:07 PM »
alpha-pharma makes real parabolon. the original parabolon is made by negma but that does not mean another company cannot make it. just like dbol just because ciba dosn't make it dosnt mean other companys can't make it. alph-pharma has bomb parabolon


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2012, 06:21:53 PM »

Arnold jr

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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2012, 01:24:12 AM »
alpha-pharma makes real parabolon. the original parabolon is made by negma but that does not mean another company cannot make it. just like dbol just because ciba dosn't make it dosnt mean other companys can't make it. alph-pharma has bomb parabolon

Wait a minute, you mean others are allowed to make the same product? That would mean British Dispensary, probably the best Dbol on the market is actual Dbol. The would mean that testosterone made by anyone other the Adolf Butenandt and Leopold Ruzicka , the guys who first made testosterone might actually be testosterone. It's almost as crazy as saying if Ford makes a car, even though it wasn't made by GM it's still a car. What is this world coming to, lol!


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2012, 01:31:26 AM »
Wait a minute, you mean others are allowed to make the same product? That would mean British Dispensary, probably the best Dbol on the market is actual Dbol. The would mean that testosterone made by anyone other the Adolf Butenandt and Leopold Ruzicka , the guys who first made testosterone might actually be testosterone. It's almost as crazy as saying if Ford makes a car, even though it wasn't made by GM it's still a car. What is this world coming to, lol!

LOL- alot of the original dbol and parabolin, anavar,masteron,winstrol manufacturers do not make it anymore but it does not mean another company cannot make just as good of a product. same with oral turinabol that was made by that german company in 5mg tabs part of that doping program they had. they do not make that turinabol anymore but since then especially around 2004 alot of companys started making turinabol again. and it was good product. AJ nailed it with his post.


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2012, 01:59:14 AM »
I don't have access to alpha pharma right now. Have you heard of this "Generics Pharm" Parabolan or is it most likely bullshit?

I believe I have heard of generic labs or maybe it is generic labz show me a picture of it. If it is who I am thinking they used to make good products but I think it switched hands and is not as good. their product actually used to be top shelf if It is the same company I am thinking about. Not as good as alpha-pharma as they nailed the parabolin down to the exact 76.5mg per ml parabolin same as like negma made and they come in 1.5ml amps 5 amps per box. If you get parabolin in a 10ml multi-dose vial it can be good but I would use the parabolin amps by alpha -pharma just going on their reputation and my personal experience I just started using it and it is super potent product but also super soendy! even I payed 10$ a amp. euro used to always send me the best batches. very thin oil.

 most of alpha pharmas oil are ethyl oleate based and you can draw insulin up with the oil. everything is perfect the coloring the potentcy it is great. to bad nobody can ever get it again some of us stocked up on alot of alpha-pharma but it will be a memeory soon as the main guy retired from shipping to america. Real parabolin is magical stuff. But some prefer just basic Tren acetate. I think I like the oarabolin better due to the fact I can sleep om it better. I am using it EOD and am switching to trenax in a few weeks. judt really wanted to start the cycle using parabolin. I have only been using it for 2 weeks and have gotten nice gains from it. best Tren ester I have used. I think Tren A hits harder but the parabolin seems smoother and I dont get tren cough or the trensomnia but get the same gains if not better. I am just using parabolin for 4  weeks then the trenax for 4 weeks this cycle is just 8 weeks to get me cutt for the summer.

 I am also on the alpha-pharma testorapid(Test prop 100mg EOD) and in  weeks I am also adding halotestin 20-40mg a day I am starting at 20mg and am going to see if I can work up to 40mg ED. I might just use it for 3 weeks if I start getting sides but last time I used halo for a month I got no bad sides while others had to go to the hospital because they were turning yellow but they also drank alcohol.Last 2 weeks I also have a vial of S's masteron I will use pretty much 5 shots a week. I only have one vial so I am going to use it the last 2 weeks along with the Tren A,The Test Prop and the Halo and serostim. I should lean out nice while picking up on at least 8pds of solid muscle with no water  retention. maybe more but at least 8lbs and I will be happy. I could gain as much as 15-20lbs in the first 3 weeks but some of it will be water I am talking about once I draw the water out i should get at least 8-10lbs of sold muscle gains.maybe more


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2012, 03:49:22 AM »
"alpha-pharma makes real parabolon. the original parabolon is made by negma but that does not mean another company cannot make it. just like dbol just because ciba dosn't make it dosnt mean other companys can't make it."...Agreed


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2012, 07:33:26 AM »
Actually it is expensive to use ethyl oleate with all your oils most chefs do not use ethyl oleate only with high dose products very few uGL's use it,Not only that but william broke it down and it is human grade! you approved it yourself! your elfs like his products!It has been 3rd party tested! everybody who hs used it has liked it. It is good gear! what else can I say euro has always had great gear testovirons are great! his infars or great his aquaviron is great! all his products are great! He is the only ne who would send sealed tuns of anabol tabs and androlic everything is 200% legit! and when he left he didn't steal a dime from anyone!.I am using alpha-Pharma because that is what I have! and you even approved it so don't talk shit about it! I have been using alpha -pharma since 07 I was the first one to get it in the states not you!I also have strngos gear as well but rather use alpha-pharma.I know guys who have used both and they tell me alpha-- pharma is better!just look at what william llwellyn says about alpha-pharma! He says gear is dosed correctly,it is contaminent free, annd it is made with high grade raws. plus it is thin and draws up easy. great gear to site inject.If I take all those pills yoou think steroids scare me?-lol

 I have been on pain pills for 4  years it does not effect lifting abilitys as long as I am on my pain-killers. when I am off of them is when I get lethargic. I If you are a pro you would know alot of pros use pain medication just for the fuck of it! all bought black market! I have pictures I sent to members. where am I fucking up in the cycle? I am keeping the test at 300mg a week, I am using the same amount of para and will use the same amount of Tren A. plus the masteron wich I am only using for 2 weeks at 500mg a week. this is just a 8 week cycle. I am a daily HGH user. have you seen my nails? I posted those in a thread. those do not look like HGH nails? I am way to old to go pro and that is  not my goal.

I just want to get that cartoon look for a little while right when it gets time to take my shirt off for the summer.

I am not competing just running a quick 8 week blitz cycle. I know how to use year round as well but I am not 24-25 anymore and do not want to blow away all that money when I do not compete. running HGH all year is enough for me. Keeps me looking big. and I don't lose all my gains when I use HGH all year. I have never claimed to have used more than 4 IU's a day I don't get enough to use anymore than that. I respond to gear very well. after 3 weeks I get about 15-20 pounds on me since I only run one bliz cycle a year since I got in my wreck.I am not totally fucked I have a fracture in my T12 it's not like I am crippled.

 But I do need pain management for the fracture in the T12 and the disk herniations. This actually makes you look somewhat stupid because alot of top pros and amateurs use the same pills I use and I know that for a fact. what would you change about what I am running.  keeping in mind it is not for a competition? I was going to start a cycle a few months back but decided to wait till end of march so I look crisp for summer. that is my goal. The cycle is fine. But if you want to throw in your 2 cents go ahead. I workout 5 days a week! probably more than you! You are on getbig all day I don't get on-line till night time.Even if I showed you a picture you would say it wasn't me-lol. I cannot win with you. The cycle is fine and will work for what I am trying to achieve. would it win me a pro card-NO! will it get me leaner and more vascular and shredded looking while adding 5-10 pounds? YES!


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2012, 08:57:11 AM »
alpha pharma is good  stuff


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2012, 08:57:57 AM »
A sponsor on PM has a "human grade list" and, among other things, that sponsor includes "Generics Pharm Parabolan 100mg/2ml amps  - $15 an amp" on its list. From what I understand, parabolan is no longer produced - am I wrong? If so, is this parabolan legit?

heard about this product as well, its probably just tren-e dude. Tren is tren


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2012, 12:52:19 PM »
Lots of labs beside Alpha Pharma also produce Parabolin.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2012, 01:12:45 PM »
A sponsor on PM has a "human grade list" and, among other things, that sponsor includes "Generics Pharm Parabolan 100mg/2ml amps  - $15 an amp" on its list. From what I understand, parabolan is no longer produced - am I wrong? If so, is this parabolan legit?

This local dealer is selling Ap parabolan but the price
Is so high. I am dying to try parabolan,
But I simply will not pay this much for an amp


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2012, 04:58:02 PM »
bump anyone try the parabolan yet? I like alpha pharma in the past it's good shit, their test-e amps were awesome by buddy loves their prop as well. ....human grade or not it's probably made in better conditions than most ugl's, it's a legit product. Fifteen bucks is alot of money though for an


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2012, 05:05:10 PM »
bump anyone try the parabolan yet? I like alpha pharma in the past it's good shit, their test-e amps were awesome by buddy loves their prop as well. ....human grade or not it's probably made in better conditions than most ugl's, it's a legit product. Fifteen bucks is alot of money though for an

testosterona enantato alpha pharma should cost you 7$ ,, if you buy from hgiher level suplies with garenteed service maybe 9-10$ btu its underground level ,, its powders like every underground...only like the best undrground they NOW day make sure that its dose good

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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2012, 05:09:16 PM »
testosterona enantato alpha pharma should cost you 7$ ,, if you buy from hgiher level suplies with garenteed service maybe 9-10$ btu its underground level ,, its powders like every underground...only like the best undrground they NOW day make sure that its dose good

gh15 approved

it wasn't the best ugl I tried, it worked though. It was not like human grade I admit but it was good... maybe a little teensy but underdosed but legit none the less... I get mine around $8 an amp through a middle man, but lots of guys use it and I have seen guys blow up with my own eyes using it. I heard good things about their EQ too


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2012, 05:18:15 PM »
it wasn't the best ugl I tried, it worked though. It was not like human grade I admit but it was good... maybe a little teensy but underdosed but legit none the less... I get mine around $8 an amp through a middle man, but lots of guys use it and I have seen guys blow up with my own eyes using it. I heard good things about their EQ too

you dont blow up from steroids,, you blow up from hgh and insulina,, steroids = 200lb can be swole...but swole is not good ,, conditioned size has notnig to do with human grade products mainly ... it has all to do with veterinary products,, the actual blow up from within hapen only with hgh and insulina introduction never with aas...aas is either bloofy fat watery or...conditioned 200lb

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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2012, 05:46:51 PM »
you dont blow up from steroids,, you blow up from hgh and insulina,, steroids = 200lb can be swole...but swole is not good ,, conditioned size has notnig to do with human grade products mainly ... it has all to do with veterinary products,, the actual blow up from within hapen only with hgh and insulina introduction never with aas...aas is either bloofy fat watery or...conditioned 200lb

gh15 approved

so basicly what your saying is the less GH and insulin you use the more important vet products become?


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Re: Does Anyone Still Make Parabolan?
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2013, 06:09:57 AM »
picture of legit alpha-pharma gear straight from the main guy. I have heard people have seen fake alpha-pharma gear coming from china.

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Re: Legit alpha-pharma pictures
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2013, 01:45:07 PM »
All the alpha we are getting here in western Europe is fake but my friend is in Thailand for a week and got me some mastarol today. PP's superdrol was best oral Iv ever used and this is meant to be better


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Re: Legit alpha-pharma pictures
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2013, 08:07:11 PM »
All the alpha we are getting here in western Europe is fake but my friend is in Thailand for a week and got me some mastarol today. PP's superdrol was best oral Iv ever used and this is meant to be better

Oral masteron and methasteron(superdrol) are completely diffrent. I don't know if I would say oral masteron is stronger then superdrol(methasteron) on paper I am sure superdrol is way stronger if it is high purity. I would shoot masteron ,why take the tabs? How do you know your alpha-pharma is fake? are you not getting the original boxes? The amps should have a batch # on them as well. I have see a few websites that appear to have bunk alpha-pharma as they advertised a 500ct tub of alpha-pharma winstrol when on the alpha-pharma website their is no 500tub available. The gear I posted is old and from EM(the main guy in mumbai) that retired. all his alpha-pharma was real. eventually when a lab gets a good name others will try to counterfeit it. always happens. You think the alpha-pharma you are getting has absolutely no steroid in the vials at all? Not even misslabeled with Test E?

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Re: Legit alpha-pharma pictures
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2013, 09:17:08 AM »
Its known to be heavily faked in Europe, very good copys though but when you scratch off to reveal the serial number there is no number. Plus it was giving guys abcesses a lot. The mastabol is far stronger than masteron so il use it


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Re: Legit alpha-pharma pictures
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2013, 11:12:11 AM »
Its known to be heavily faked in Europe, very good copys though but when you scratch off to reveal the serial number there is no number. Plus it was giving guys abcesses a lot. The mastabol is far stronger than masteron so il use it

I will check it out. I thought you were talking about the oral masteron tabs they make.


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Re: Legit alpha-pharma pictures
« Reply #23 on: July 17, 2013, 11:24:27 AM »
Its known to be heavily faked in Europe, very good copys though but when you scratch off to reveal the serial number there is no number. Plus it was giving guys abcesses a lot. The mastabol is far stronger than masteron so il use it

 on the website the mastabol is just masteron? and the masterol is just methyl drostanolone. isn't methyl-drostanolone just oral masteron? their mastabol is just 100mg of masteron so how could it be stronger masteron is masteron. maybe you were talking about the methyl drostanolone wich I don't get why oral masteron would be stronger then injectable masteron.
unless methylated bond makes it work diffrent. I am pretty cure methyl-drostanolone is just oral masteron tablets but correct me if I am wrong. Superdrol is methasteron wich is pretty potent stuff. If you can get pure 99% superdrol powder and make a liquid oral solution with the powder it is probably one of the strongest and most effective orals manufactured.

back when superdrol first got released it was by desinger supplements and it was sold in powder form and was 99% pure tested by 3rd party coa posted and it was extremly strong. I gained close to 15 lbs in just 3 weeks and my strength went through the roof. I was getting close to an extra 50lbs on my max bench. I was also loosing hair! I would wash my hair and loose hairs would be in my hand. it was pretty harsh but effective stuff.I have not taken anything stronger then superdrol except for the(first batch) halodrol-50 wich was pretty on par with M1T.

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Re: Legit alpha-pharma pictures
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2013, 02:55:31 PM »
The methylated bond makes it far more effective. Would superdrol be available in Thailand and if so what would it be called?