Author Topic: Certificate Of Live Birth  (Read 45619 times)

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Certificate Of Live Birth
« on: July 20, 2014, 12:31:27 PM »

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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2014, 12:33:18 PM »

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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2014, 01:33:45 PM »
if there was anything to this conspiracy theory, why haven't repubs talked about it?

I mean, it could single-handedly get him outta office.  They spend 6 years letting america get destroyed by his policies... why?   

Oh, i know, cause they're so afwaid of the big, bad media, right?  I mean, they'll accuse him of sending men to their death in benghazi, they have no problem accusing him of treason, but for being ineligible for presidency, oh no, they can't go that far, huh?

THIS is the problem with the birther thing.  Repubs will call for obama to face treason charges, but they won't completely have him jailed and impeached on the birth cert thing. 

Why, coach?


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2014, 01:55:26 PM »
Oh boy... not this same bullshit again.


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2014, 03:29:33 PM »

Dumbest person on GetBig reminds us all once again that he has that title locked down.

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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2014, 03:56:53 PM »
Hahaha, but you idiots will believe only if it comes out of Obongos mouth. lol.

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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2014, 03:58:06 PM »
if there was anything to this conspiracy theory, why haven't repubs talked about it?

I mean, it could single-handedly get him outta office.  They spend 6 years letting america get destroyed by his policies... why?   

Oh, i know, cause they're so afwaid of the big, bad media, right?  I mean, they'll accuse him of sending men to their death in benghazi, they have no problem accusing him of treason, but for being ineligible for presidency, oh no, they can't go that far, huh?

THIS is the problem with the birther thing.  Repubs will call for obama to face treason charges, but they won't completely have him jailed and impeached on the birth cert thing. 

Why, coach?

They know.

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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2014, 04:01:06 PM »
if there was anything to this conspiracy theory, why haven't repubs talked about it?

I mean, it could single-handedly get him outta office.  They spend 6 years letting america get destroyed by his policies... why?   

Oh, i know, cause they're so afwaid of the big, bad media, right?  I mean, they'll accuse him of sending men to their death in benghazi, they have no problem accusing him of treason, but for being ineligible for presidency, oh no, they can't go that far, huh?

THIS is the problem with the birther thing.  Repubs will call for obama to face treason charges, but they won't completely have him jailed and impeached on the birth cert thing. 

Probably for the same reason why they won't impeach. But that word is coming up more and more. Treason is being called out more as well. Personally, I hope they go for trason rather than impeachment.

Why, coach?

You fools still refuse to believe he's a TOTAL fraud.

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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2014, 04:15:54 PM »
You fools still refuse to believe he's a TOTAL fraud.

slow the fck down.  I'm a birther too, and I was a birther long before your ass jumped on the bandwagon.  So don't be dropping the word fool three.

Now, what I cannot understand is, why won't repubs stand on FOX news and say "This dude wasn't born here - he's not legitimate to be president!!"    And I don't wanna hear some bullshit excuse about "oh, because the lib media will label them crazy", because the llib media is ALREADY labeling them crazy for benghazi claims.  And because they don't do their governing based upon what some network that nobody watches, like msnbc.

So I'm a birther, period.  But I want you to tell me why the repubs in this nation won't stand up and challenge him on the birth certificate.  Why?  The "media" excuse doesn't fly, sorry.  What's the reason?


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2014, 05:34:40 PM »
Coach probably believes in UFOs too.  Damn the delusions you have to cling to in order to justify your own petty jealousy.

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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2014, 05:58:13 PM »
Coach probably believes in UFOs too.  Damn the delusions you have to cling to in order to justify your own petty jealousy.

by UFOs, do you mean unidentified flying objects?  Because they're very much real.  I can smear a turd on a frisbee and maybe patch some glow sticks to it... you see it whizzing by... you call the police... it's called a UFO because, well, you cannot identify what it is. 

Most "UFOs" are obviously manmade things.  Other, some of those more organic things caught on video, are a little harder to explain, but who knows... they could be some cool species of animal we haven't unraveled yet.  Sure, it's a little vain to believe in a universe this big, we're the only intelligent life, particularly when life probably originated here by landing off an asteroid lol...

But anyway, I dislike mixing the "you must believe in UFOs because you believe in this"... I can just as easily say "If you like..." and tie anything to it.

Anyway, let's stay on Track. 


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2014, 07:12:44 PM »
by UFOs, do you mean unidentified flying objects?  Because they're very much real.  I can smear a turd on a frisbee and maybe patch some glow sticks to it... you see it whizzing by... you call the police... it's called a UFO because, well, you cannot identify what it is. 

Most "UFOs" are obviously manmade things.  Other, some of those more organic things caught on video, are a little harder to explain, but who knows... they could be some cool species of animal we haven't unraveled yet.  Sure, it's a little vain to believe in a universe this big, we're the only intelligent life, particularly when life probably originated here by landing off an asteroid lol...

But anyway, I dislike mixing the "you must believe in UFOs because you believe in this"... I can just as easily say "If you like..." and tie anything to it.

Anyway, let's stay on Track. 


Dunno, there's a lot of things they need to do but won't. If they won't move to Impeach (which it looks like they will more and more) they most certainly won't do this. BUT, just because you don't hear about it, doesn't mean they're not looking at it. Where there's smoke there is fire. This has been going on for too long to call bullshit. Rumor, conspiracy theory or not, someone found something to keep this alive.

As for Obama's long form. Just like the one's who think the supposed proof of him being born in Kenya is a fake, they have no proof that the long form isn't a fake as well. And yes, Obongo has many people in his pocket and as liberal as a state Hawaii is, they would have no problem covering this up.


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2014, 07:41:28 PM »
Joe, what's the proof that this "certificate" is accurate and not as fraudulent as the "Kenyan Birth certificate" that that nutjob, Orly Taitz, publicized?

What's the corroborating evidence? How do you explain the actual publications in the newspapers, the photostat of the microfiche held by the State of Hawaii? The decision of the Department of State to issue Obama a passport (the definitive proof of citizenship) way before he was ever relevant?

As I said before Joe: you are a ducking idiot that is hurting the cause you claim to want to advance. You make Obama look good by making Republicans looks like conspiratorial, unthinking idiots.

You offend me, you disgraceful excuse for a human and I'm ashamed that you have the same citizenship as I do because you don't fucking deserve it.

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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2014, 10:47:07 PM »
He's Kenyan born. Accept it. You've been duped. He's a fraud. Can't even find college transcripts yet he want people to believe he was an actual Constitutional Professor. 


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2014, 12:02:53 AM »
He's Kenyan born.

The actual evidence suggests otherwise, the shitty photoshop you posted notwithstanding.

Accept it.

Provide conclusive and irrefutable evidence to back up your bullshit statement or just shut the fuck up. Be sure to answer the following questions:

  • How did the State of Hawaii register a, supposedly, out-of-state birth, when the law in effect did not allow for the registration of such births, or for the issuance of a birth certificate.
  • How did announcements get into the newspapers at the time? Remember that per Dan Nakaso, who worked as a reporter in Honolulu at the time "under the system that existed back then, there was no avenue for people to submit information that way. [...] The information [that appeared on newspapers] came directly from the state Department of Health" a fact that the Department itself has confirmed. See, inter alia,
  • What possible incentive would the numerous State of Hawaii officials (including numerous Republicans) to not expose this conspiracy?

Unless you can provide well-reasoned and irrefutable answers to these questions then sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up you idiotic buffoon.

You've been duped.

Right... I've been duped because I don't believe that a massive conspiracy, involving thousands of people and spanning decades has been successfully executed, resulting in a baby born in Kenya becoming elected President of the United States. This is totally a plausible scenario.

Joe you have the intellectual capacity of a parsnip and if anyone's been duped around here, it's you; you're a mindless drone that regurgitates whatever it's been fed - you post whatever bullshit you see, and when challenged you can't support the positions you claim are your own.

You're the one who's been duped by those who planted these ideas in your empty cranium, with the sole purpose of using you (and your intellectual equals) to distract from the real issues and to maintain the sort of toxic political environment that we've had these last few years.

Can't even find college transcripts

He's not required to provide you - or anyone else - with access to his transcripts you mental midget.

yet he want people to believe he was an actual Constitutional Professor.

Perhaps you disagree with his interpretation of the Constitution - I know that I do - but that disagreement doesn't alter objective facts of reality Joe: He graduated with a J.D. from Harvard and he did teach Constitutional Law. The subjects of his lectures and his interpetation of the Constitution are a whole 'nother topic of discussion.

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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2014, 06:15:13 AM »
they have no proof that the long form isn't a fake as well.

You cannot prove a negative.  LOL.   The burden is upon the accuser (those saying it is a fake) to prove it is fake.

I can't walk up to someone in a grocery store and ask them to prove they're not a shoplifter lol... I have to present evidence of this.  

Anyway, suppose obama has "paid off" liberals in hawaii to say he was born there... well, it's been a national story now.  Why won't ANY congressional repubs call him out on it?  They call him out for minor things, for major things, for things they're called crazy for saying... the old excuse of "they can't say it because the lib MSM will attack them" is a compelte cop-out.   They are called crazy on a daily basis.

So why won't repubs call him out for it?   Scared?  Too dumb to catch on?

I think the birth cert stinks like crazy, you know this... but if repubs don't have the BALLS to stand up and say it - why do they deserve our vote? 


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2014, 06:24:40 AM »
You cannot prove a negative.  LOL.   The burden is upon the accuser (those saying it is a fake) to prove it is fake.

I can't walk up to someone in a grocery store and ask them to prove they're not a shoplifter lol... I have to present evidence of this.  

Anyway, suppose obama has "paid off" liberals in hawaii to say he was born there... well, it's been a national story now.  Why won't ANY congressional repubs call him out on it?  They call him out for minor things, for major things, for things they're called crazy for saying... the old excuse of "they can't say it because the lib MSM will attack them" is a compelte cop-out.   They are called crazy on a daily basis.

So why won't repubs call him out for it?   Scared?  Too dumb to catch on?

I think the birth cert stinks like crazy, you know this... but if repubs don't have the BALLS to stand up and say it - why do they deserve our vote? 

Yes, you can.  Look at Joe's IQ for example.  No way it can be in positive numbers without brain cells.


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2014, 08:26:39 PM »
Jesus christ Joe you're a fucking retard. STFU with this bullshit.


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2014, 11:00:35 AM »
Joe, what's the proof that this "certificate" is accurate and not as fraudulent as the "Kenyan Birth certificate" that that nutjob, Orly Taitz, publicized?

What's the corroborating evidence? How do you explain the actual publications in the newspapers, the photostat of the microfiche held by the State of Hawaii? The decision of the Department of State to issue Obama a passport (the definitive proof of citizenship) way before he was ever relevant?

As I said before Joe: you are a ducking idiot that is hurting the cause you claim to want to advance. You make Obama look good by making Republicans looks like conspiratorial, unthinking idiots.

You offend me, you disgraceful excuse for a human and I'm ashamed that you have the same citizenship as I do because you don't fucking deserve it.

Hey pussy - who the fuck are you to say who "deserves citizenship"? I fought to ensure that every citizen in the US had a right to speak their mind. Coach says something that your liberal mind can't handle so you want him gone?? The problem with liberals is that they are WEAK. They hide behind racism - and bigotry and scream intolerance - when in fact there is NO ONE as intolerant of other peoples views as liberals are! I would NEVER wish to quite the liberal voice. We NEED the diversification to temper and balance our government so that is works. What I cannot tolerate is the weak attempting to win an argument by preventing the other side to fight. I don't give a shit if it was a conservative doing that to a liberal - it would be just as wrong and I would slap the fuck out of the conservative. Combat is necessary - both brutal physical combat and intellectual idea combat. It's how we grow and become better men. If you are a true American (and yes I say American meaning US - so fuck the bitches in canada and Mexico that are too stupid to understand that this continent IS the United States) then you understand the Bill of Rights and you are willing to kill or die to defend it.


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2014, 03:39:18 PM »
Hey pussy - who the fuck are you to say who "deserves citizenship"?

I am one of the U.S. citizens whose freedom your "fighting" helped ensure according to the very next sentence in your post.

I fought to ensure that every citizen in the US had a right to speak their mind.

I very much doubt that any "fighting" you did helped ensure such a right. Even if you were in the Armed Forces of the United States, the chances are overwhelming that if you ever were involved in a combat, that combat had nothing to do with the First Amendment. So cut the emotional "I fought for you!" bullshit out and argue on the merits of your position.

Coach says something that your liberal mind can't handle so you want him gone??

First things first: can't handle? I demolished every single argument that Coach has made regurgitated on this issue across multiple threads and posts. With that out of the way, are you seriously calling me a liberal? I'm about as far from a liberal as one can possibly be. I would recommend that you read my posts first and then decide whether my political positions qualify as liberal or not before you go and make a fool out of yourself, but spilt milk and all...

The problem with liberals is that they are WEAK. They hide behind racism - and bigotry and scream intolerance - when in fact there is NO ONE as intolerant of other peoples views as liberals are! I would NEVER wish to quite the liberal voice. We NEED the diversification to temper and balance our government so that is works. What I cannot tolerate is the weak attempting to win an argument by preventing the other side to fight.

What we don't need is incessant repetition of debunked arguments and discredited positions as if they were fact. In other words, exactly the short of bullshit that Joe posted on here.

I don't give a shit if it was a conservative doing that to a liberal - it would be just as wrong and I would slap the fuck out of the conservative.

Of course you would... you're the quintessential Internet badass, aren't you, slapping and fucking your way through the virtual crowds, right? Well, I have some news for you: next time, you ought to take a deep breath and think before you mindlessly and viciously button-mash your keyboard.

Combat is necessary - both brutal physical combat and intellectual idea combat.

It sure is, which is why we have warrior-philosophers like you... ::)

It's how we grow and become better men.

Keep on fightin' brother... keep on fightin'.

If you are a true American (and yes I say American meaning US - so fuck the bitches in canada and Mexico that are too stupid to understand that this continent IS the United States) then you understand the Bill of Rights and you are willing to kill or die to defend it.

Let me first address your sidebar: "American" is a term that uniquely identifies citizens of the United States of America and few people dispute that. As for any "bitches in canada and Mexico" you may want to take a step back, crack open a book and forget about the "bitches" so that you stop making an idiot out of yourself. There is no continent called "America" but there is one called "North America" and it's land belongs mostly to the United States, Canada and Mexico. Your statement that "this continent IS the United States" is about as idiotic a statement as one could ever make.

Onwards: The delicious irony of this is that you painted yourself as not a true American because your words demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the Bill of Rights because if you really read and understood the Constitution of the United States, you would know that there are no true or false Americans; there are only Americans.

So let me close by repurposing the question you opened up with: "who the fuck are you to say who is and isn't a true American?"


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2014, 12:08:32 PM »
I am one of the U.S. citizens whose freedom your "fighting" helped ensure according to the very next sentence in your post.

I very much doubt that any "fighting" you did helped ensure such a right. Even if you were in the Armed Forces of the United States, the chances are overwhelming that if you ever were involved in a combat, that combat had nothing to do with the First Amendment. So cut the emotional "I fought for you!" bullshit out and argue on the merits of your position.

First things first: can't handle? I demolished every single argument that Coach has made regurgitated on this issue across multiple threads and posts. With that out of the way, are you seriously calling me a liberal? I'm about as far from a liberal as one can possibly be. I would recommend that you read my posts first and then decide whether my political positions qualify as liberal or not before you go and make a fool out of yourself, but spilt milk and all...

What we don't need is incessant repetition of debunked arguments and discredited positions as if they were fact. In other words, exactly the short of bullshit that Joe posted on here.

Of course you would... you're the quintessential Internet badass, aren't you, slapping and fucking your way through the virtual crowds, right? Well, I have some news for you: next time, you ought to take a deep breath and think before you mindlessly and viciously button-mash your keyboard.

It sure is, which is why we have warrior-philosophers like you... ::)

Keep on fightin' brother... keep on fightin'.

Let me first address your sidebar: "American" is a term that uniquely identifies citizens of the United States of America and few people dispute that. As for any "bitches in canada and Mexico" you may want to take a step back, crack open a book and forget about the "bitches" so that you stop making an idiot out of yourself. There is no continent called "America" but there is one called "North America" and it's land belongs mostly to the United States, Canada and Mexico. Your statement that "this continent IS the United States" is about as idiotic a statement as one could ever make.

Onwards: The delicious irony of this is that you painted yourself as not a true American because your words demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the Bill of Rights because if you really read and understood the Constitution of the United States, you would know that there are no true or false Americans; there are only Americans.

So let me close by repurposing the question you opened up with: "who the fuck are you to say who is and isn't a true American?"

Holy. Shit.

You sir, have completely decimated and owned the gorilla into oblivion. He shan't recover.


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2014, 09:54:47 PM »
Hey pussy - who the fuck are you to say who "deserves citizenship"? I fought to ensure that every citizen in the US had a right to speak their mind. Coach says something that your liberal mind can't handle so you want him gone?? The problem with liberals is that they are WEAK. They hide behind racism - and bigotry and scream intolerance - when in fact there is NO ONE as intolerant of other peoples views as liberals are! I would NEVER wish to quite the liberal voice. We NEED the diversification to temper and balance our government so that is works. What I cannot tolerate is the weak attempting to win an argument by preventing the other side to fight. I don't give a shit if it was a conservative doing that to a liberal - it would be just as wrong and I would slap the fuck out of the conservative. Combat is necessary - both brutal physical combat and intellectual idea combat. It's how we grow and become better men. If you are a true American (and yes I say American meaning US - so fuck the bitches in canada and Mexico that are too stupid to understand that this continent IS the United States) then you understand the Bill of Rights and you are willing to kill or die to defend it.

Ummm Dude, please shut up about Canada, because it is obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.
That is all.

Thank You.


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2015, 03:49:24 AM »
OMG.....Please forward to George Whorwell...STAT!!!! :o


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Re: Certificate Of Live Birth
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2015, 09:47:42 AM »
The simple fact is Obama sr and his child bride could not afford to go back to Kenya for the birth.

The cost of their tickets from Honolulu to Africa back then would have been more than they both earned for an entire year or possibly several years. She lived at home with her parents still and he was so poor he walked all over Honolulu to save his bus fare so he could drink occasionally.

Obama sr got to America the year before on a sponsored chartered plane with other African students. His ticket was one way until he finished his studies same as every other student who came to the USA that year.