Author Topic: forums close  (Read 9344 times)

Gym Rat

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Re: forums close
« Reply #50 on: April 02, 2024, 01:18:06 PM »
I'm probably alone here but Shawn Perrine's Iron Age site was the best. It stayed on topic about bodybuilding and the hostile lunatics weren't tolerated. Sometimes the moderation was too severe.  Steroid talk whether for or against wasn't tolerated. Plenty of seriously knowledgeable lifters were on the site. I really miss it. I think the site was hacked and all the history of posts are gone. Then again Shawn might have nuked it when he got his job with Weider being the top dog there. Imagine running a little forum and being offered a top paying job to be the boss of a bunch of magazines? Saw Shawn on tv a bunch of times being interviewed about exercise.  He became a friend of Arnold and many pros. By all accounts he was a great guy but he had no love for me I believe or perceive.  He weighed about 165 if that and made outrageous claims in the gym like 400lbs benches and other claims. The 400lbs would be tie the raw world record around 1976 for his weight. I called him on it like saying please put up a video of you benching 315lbs raw. I know it was a scum bag thing for me to say. The reply was something like well now I train for endurance and the pump. He wouldn't engage with me ever after I doubted his lifting feats. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut. He claimed to be a natural and he had a ripped athletic physique.  Then again many claim natural. If he was that was a fantastic physique.  I shouldn't say anything negative of the dead, I know. Heard when he was dying in the hospital he always told every visitor that he loved them. He had no wife or kids. Sad ending and the amount of people that came out of the woodwork including Arnold and a who's who of the industry praised him after his death. Made me feel  guilty about challenging his lifts. Who cares. Know what? Maybe he did do them.  On that site too were bodybuilding stars and they weren't chased away.  I talked to Viator there who was now very fat and I asked him about his health. He said he just had blood tests and everything came back perfect. He was dead of a heart attack a short time later.

On the other hand this board has a ton of laughs because of the knuckle heads here.  I find it bizarre that no women are on this site but then again they might perceive it as  a homosexual site. When this site stops being fun for me I will be gone and I won't look back. So far it still cracks me up.

Perine sold the board to Bob Scalise and maybe another guy, and it then it just folded. They lost some money on that one.
After the hack and when they brought it back up, it just wasn't  the same...
Shawns claim was ridiculous. He said at age 16 weighing like 140, he benched 405.
It was probably the most outrageous claim I've ever read...
He did see like a decent guy though (that nonsense aside)...

Thin Lizzy

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Re: forums close
« Reply #51 on: April 02, 2024, 01:24:54 PM »
Long Live Ron. True Legend.💪💪💪


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Re: forums close
« Reply #52 on: April 02, 2024, 01:33:53 PM »
Most are long gone - WLForums was only busy around the Olympics or big contests. GoHeavy was good, but it was an ugly gray board that got passed by when forums like Getbig got popular. Ironage died a slow death of constantly being down, PowerandBulk died that way too.  Lyle's board was great because it was semi-secret, so gossip would wind up there, but he stopped wanting to mod it.

------------------ was the closest to this board. It was an old interface, so things would go to your email or newsreader, so it was a pain in the ass. But that also meant that there was little to no moderation. If people didn't like your post, you'd just wind up with 90 posts telling you to fuck your mother or similar usually.

It was great though because the internet was new to most people, so lots didn't care about image. Mentzer, Titus, Sepe, Pat Arnold, Dan Duchaine, Nicole Bass, Andrulla Blanchette, etc... all showed up there at points and melted down, dropped gossip, etc....

Also you had the ability to cross post to other groups. So a schmoe poster from, a gay poster from soc.motss, a fat poster from Alt.fat.acceptance, and then some oddball group like misc.survivalism could all wind up there. It lead to some wild fights.

Alas it died in the early 2000s more or less when modern forums came into being.                       

Hahahaha.   The only other board I have ever made an account on was and those photogs would brutalize each other on there.


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Re: forums close
« Reply #53 on: April 02, 2024, 01:58:41 PM »


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Re: forums close
« Reply #54 on: April 02, 2024, 01:59:52 PM »
^^^and that's just the start ;)


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Re: forums close
« Reply #55 on: April 02, 2024, 07:10:50 PM »
Perine sold the board to Bob Scalise and maybe another guy, and it then it just folded. They lost some money on that one.
After the hack and when they brought it back up, it just wasn't  the same...
Shawns claim was ridiculous. He said at age 16 weighing like 140, he benched 405.
It was probably the most outrageous claim I've ever read...
He did see like a decent guy though (that nonsense aside)...

How did they lose money? The template for that site was something like $350 a year to use it? All the posts were lost. The bench claim wasn't the only strength claim that was outrageous.


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Re: forums close
« Reply #56 on: April 02, 2024, 07:37:17 PM »
Perine sold the board to Bob Scalise and maybe another guy, and it then it just folded. They lost some money on that one.
After the hack and when they brought it back up, it just wasn't  the same...
Shawns claim was ridiculous. He said at age 16 weighing like 140, he benched 405.
It was probably the most outrageous claim I've ever read...
He did see like a decent guy though (that nonsense aside)...

That explains the change. I remember they started asking for donations one day and it wasn't exacly subtle. But I had maybe 5 posts there so I just went away.

I'd guess they just milked it for whatever they could get and pulled the plug. So much for 'rebuilding Gold's Gym' whatever the hell that meant.


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Re: forums close
« Reply #57 on: April 02, 2024, 08:18:27 PM »


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Re: forums close
« Reply #58 on: April 02, 2024, 09:46:11 PM »
Had accounts on? 7 - Here,, Ironage, PowerandBulk,, LyleMcDonald(Monkey Island), WLForums, but I read maybe 3x that a week sometimes in my 20s, early 30s. But, to be fair, many were powerlifting, etc.... forums that you could read a week's worth of posts in 10-15 minutes.

I never stayed around heavily moderated forums. The minute a mod started screeching about staying on topic, etc.... I usually left. I like an easy going, meandering style to conversation. now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time


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Re: forums close
« Reply #59 on: April 02, 2024, 09:51:21 PM »
Yeah I remember the guy:

Please do not post the ribcage tumor, squashed nipple, Dillet squiggle vein pic anymore, some of us are eating

Vince B

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Re: forums close
« Reply #60 on: April 02, 2024, 10:21:16 PM »
I suspect someone paid Perine to close Ironage. Same motive here on Getbig where pre 2005 posts have disappeared. Now who has money and influence to do that? Someone didn’t want stories and information out there. By the way, Ironage eventually sucked big time when solid posters were given the boot for no reason.


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Re: forums close
« Reply #61 on: April 02, 2024, 10:36:22 PM »
Oh please don't tell me the misc is gone forever, that would suck, this site is alright, but the misc was legendary, just another level


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Re: forums close
« Reply #62 on: April 02, 2024, 10:43:10 PM »
I suspect someone paid Perine to close Ironage. Same motive here on Getbig where pre 2005 posts have disappeared. Now who has money and influence to do that? Someone didn’t want stories and information out there. By the way, Ironage eventually sucked big time when solid posters were given the boot for no reason.

Who is that person?

I doubt it's Chick, who managed to get sergiopump banned, because Chick doesn't really have much money and his influence is questionable at best.


  • Getbig V
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Re: forums close
« Reply #63 on: April 03, 2024, 12:10:48 AM »
Can someone explain to me why the misc died?

Humble Narcissist

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Re: forums close
« Reply #64 on: April 03, 2024, 12:18:04 AM »
I'm probably alone here but Shawn Perrine's Iron Age site was the best. It stayed on topic about bodybuilding and the hostile lunatics weren't tolerated. Sometimes the moderation was too severe.  Steroid talk whether for or against wasn't tolerated. Plenty of seriously knowledgeable lifters were on the site. I really miss it. I think the site was hacked and all the history of posts are gone. Then again Shawn might have nuked it when he got his job with Weider being the top dog there. Imagine running a little forum and being offered a top paying job to be the boss of a bunch of magazines? Saw Shawn on tv a bunch of times being interviewed about exercise.  He became a friend of Arnold and many pros. By all accounts he was a great guy but he had no love for me I believe or perceive.  He weighed about 165 if that and made outrageous claims in the gym like 400lbs benches and other claims. The 400lbs would be tie the raw world record around 1976 for his weight. I called him on it like saying please put up a video of you benching 315lbs raw. I know it was a scum bag thing for me to say. The reply was something like well now I train for endurance and the pump. He wouldn't engage with me ever after I doubted his lifting feats. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut. He claimed to be a natural and he had a ripped athletic physique.  Then again many claim natural. If he was that was a fantastic physique.  I shouldn't say anything negative of the dead, I know. Heard when he was dying in the hospital he always told every visitor that he loved them. He had no wife or kids. Sad ending and the amount of people that came out of the woodwork including Arnold and a who's who of the industry praised him after his death. Made me feel  guilty about challenging his lifts. Who cares. Know what? Maybe he did do them.  On that site too were bodybuilding stars and they weren't chased away.  I talked to Viator there who was now very fat and I asked him about his health. He said he just had blood tests and everything came back perfect. He was dead of a heart attack a short time later.

On the other hand this board has a ton of laughs because of the knuckle heads here.  I find it bizarre that no women are on this site but then again they might perceive it as  a homosexual site. When this site stops being fun for me I will be gone and I won't look back. So far it still cracks me up.
Not being able to talk about steroids on a bodybuilding site is like not talking about tits on a porn site.


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Re: forums close
« Reply #65 on: April 03, 2024, 03:51:43 AM »
Who is that person?

I doubt it's Chick, who managed to get sergiopump banned, because Chick doesn't really have much money and his influence is questionable at best.



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Re: forums close
« Reply #66 on: April 03, 2024, 05:43:22 AM »
I thought was making money off their supps store and ads there.  Guess not.


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Re: forums close
« Reply #67 on: April 03, 2024, 06:00:03 AM »
Long Live Ron. True Legend.💪💪💪


Ron is King.


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Re: forums close
« Reply #68 on: April 03, 2024, 07:35:39 AM »
I am a getbig pureblood.

There was never a good reason to go anywhere else.

x2 8)


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Re: forums close
« Reply #69 on: April 03, 2024, 09:48:04 AM »
Can someone explain to me why the misc died?

They posted hanky's rap sheet so he had his lawyers shut them down.


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Re: forums close
« Reply #70 on: April 03, 2024, 10:33:15 AM »
Can someone explain to me why the misc died?

A few things -

It got too popular. Lots of new blood, but the new blood wasn't funny or fun.

A move toward over moderation. After awhile, there were more forbidden topics, etc....

The popularity brought spammers, and they were just killing all the boards there, but especially the Misc.

New owners trying to make money. Misc was super popular, but it was also known as a savage board outside of bodybuilding. The kid that killed himself, Elliot Rodger, etc..... all got attached to the Misc forum. It was bad optics for the owners. The Delucas ramped up the moderation a bit, but it got way worse under each generation of newer owners.

A few years ago, they hid the forum from general view. They claimed it was to cut down on spam, but really it just seemed like a way to get rid of it. I'm not sure if it ever came back after that.                 


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Re: forums close
« Reply #71 on: April 03, 2024, 10:39:19 AM »
A few things -

It got too popular. Lots of new blood, but the new blood wasn't funny or fun.

A move toward over moderation. After awhile, there were more forbidden topics, etc....

The popularity brought spammers, and they were just killing all the boards there, but especially the Misc.

New owners trying to make money. Misc was super popular, but it was also known as a savage board outside of bodybuilding. The kid that killed himself, Elliot Rodger, etc..... all got attached to the Misc forum. It was bad optics for the owners. The Delucas ramped up the moderation a bit, but it got way worse under each generation of newer owners.

A few years ago, they hid the forum from general view. They claimed it was to cut down on spam, but really it just seemed like a way to get rid of it. I'm not sure if it ever came back after that.               

Loved the creatine yet hated the brutes.


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Re: forums close
« Reply #72 on: April 03, 2024, 10:45:44 AM »
Nice job Ron. We keep the riff - raff out, and manage to have a free and open discussion. Long live GETBIG!!!


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Re: forums close
« Reply #73 on: April 03, 2024, 11:16:32 AM »
Not being able to talk about steroids on a bodybuilding site is like not talking about tits on a porn site.

Stop it. You are not allowed to make sense on getbig. Get with the program.


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Re: forums close
« Reply #74 on: April 03, 2024, 11:18:19 AM »
Nice job Ron. We keep the riff - raff out, and manage to have a free and open discussion. Long live GETBIG!!!

This place is 100% riff faff.  So keep them in and throw out the people who talk about lifting.