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« Last post by wes on Today at 08:53:12 AM »
I am not arguing about TRT or HRT.  I state take a prescription drug.  I asked you a simple question...who prescribed you the HGH.  In case you forgot, you said you had a buddy who was going to hook you up with some (I do believe he worked in a morgue or something).  I expose you for the know nothing twat you are.  Claiming all this knowledge you are just a gym rat who has read a few things here and there.  You have injected yourself with random substances you do NOT get from a script and then spout off about how you are the beacon of health....but whine and complain about your "bad sore throat".

You lack humility and the ability to recognize when you don't know something as well as when you're wrong.  This thing isn't an threw up a gallon of blood....etc etc etc
Good post !

He gets his gear the same way anyone else does.....internet or gym dealer.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Last post by mphgrove on Today at 08:52:53 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Joey Swoll fugged up!
« Last post by a_pupil on Today at 08:51:52 AM »
Some say it was as big as the bats of his beloved Yankees, and as thick around as an Alabama football -


Damn 1980, I didn't know he was that young when he died.

Only 32-33, but he looked in his late 50s.

Bostin at least still passed as a guy his age when he was close to death.
I have seen a lot worse than that
8 year olds in full make up and bra and suspenders
They were one Reddit, they seem to have disappeared from the web now

WTF - Pics From his laptop ?
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Josh Dox Thread
« Last post by illuminati on Today at 08:48:07 AM »
Josh can threaten me all he wants don't care. However threatening women and children and harassing people offline is a different thing. If he wanted to be a man he could have confronted me like a man anytime I would gladly beat him down. But he wants to threaten to stab and shoot women and children yeah I don't think so. Time for another involuntary commitment put him back on his meds.

Clearly you do care Bianca as you started this thread didn't you Cup Cake  ;D
Gossip & Opinions / Re: DEA moves to reschedule cannabis
« Last post by wes on Today at 08:45:13 AM »
People who use marijuana are not drug addicts. Its funny you guys call me a junky because I use cannabis a plant then start confessing to a dozen different weird lab created drugs you guys all take for anxiety depression sleep etc etc
There`s a river in Egypt called Denial.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Josh Dox Thread
« Last post by wes on Today at 08:41:35 AM »
There is no border patrol in the U.S.
Yeah there is...I see them all the time.

I live in Northern N.Y. state near a part of the Canadian border.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: DEA moves to reschedule cannabis
« Last post by Rambone on Today at 08:39:00 AM »
I knew and hung with a lot of people that smoked and did myself some in my 20s and 30s. A large majority of those people are living exactly the same as they did then, but they are just a lot older now. At some point it just got boring.

Keeping people lazy and distracted while they part out the country for profit is what continues to go on.

Gossip & Opinions / Re: DEA moves to reschedule cannabis
« Last post by SouJerz on Today at 08:28:38 AM »
Wonder why prohibition only lasted 13 years? 
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Josh Dox Thread
« Last post by GymnJuice on Today at 08:27:00 AM »
She is planning on taking the proceeds from the house and leaving him penniless and broke and on the street.   She could care less about his primping on GB.  She is enacting her plan as we all foretold.

That's a good thought. If Hanky's behavior on getbig is admissible in court could that affect how much he keeps after a divorce? Maybe she doesn't mind his postings here for that reason...
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