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Larry Scott's ideas about training
(Larry Scott):
"If your goal is to build biceps the straight bar is much better than the EZ curl bar if done the conventional way.
In fact, you may have noticed how the EZ curl bar feels real comfortable but it just doesn't seem to produce size increase like the Straight bar does.
Perhaps this is the reason... The bicep performs two jobs. One, is to curl the arm but the other is to supinate the palm. So, in order to work the bicep completely, you wan to make it do both jobs at once. That just makes sense doesn't it? That's why you make your best progress when you do curls with the palm supinated. The straight bar doesn't supinate the palm but it at least it keeps the palm straight. The EZ curl bar doesn't even do that. It allows the palm to turn half way to the side. Yet we can actually do more weight with an Ez curl bar than with a straight bar. Why is that anyway. It's simple. The more you turn the wrist so the palm is facing down the more you activate the brachio radialus. This is good for building the top of the forearm but it's not so good for the bicep because now it doesn't have to do all the work.
If your goal is to build huge biceps here's a little trick you can use with the EZ curl bar that makes it even better than the straight bar...
Grab the EZ curl bar so the palms are pronated but supinated. It's really awkward but man does it place stress right down on the lower bicep. (that beautiful part) I almost hesitate giving that secret away but then again I came to me free so I'm giving it to you free".
What (in Larry Scott's opinion) are the best exercises for each body part?
(Larry Scott):
Okay, here it go's....
Standing dumbbell press, standing side lateral raise, bent over lateral raise. These are by far the best. Nothing even come close if they are done with the correct from. However, of all exercises the shoulders are the most difficult to get down pat. You'll need to see a video and watch it over and over before you get it. But once you do man... you'll play some sweet music on deltoid day.
Smith machine press to neck alternated with feet up, 15 degree dumbbell flys. Or Reverse Grip, elbows forward dips alternated with the same kind of dumbbell flys. These are the best I have ever found. But again the form is critical.
Chins, seated scapula mid range pulldowns and Hanging scapula rotations. Each must be done while at the same time performing a total scapular isolation. Otherwise back work is mainly biceps. Again the form makes all the difference in the world.
Without a doubt the Ring Of Fire is far and away the champion.
Lower Bicep; Scott Bench alternate all three 1st dumbbell curls, next straight bar strict curls last EZ Bar reverse grip curls. This is a killer and magnificent for building simple humungous biceps.
Peak Biceps:
Vertical side of (Scott Bench) or (Spider Bench) curls all kinds.
Long head: Max Size... No question: Kneeling tricep extension with twin pedestal. It's the king.
External Head: any kind of behind back extension. Like one are dumbbell extension. Standing tricep pressdown is good also.
Lower tricep: next to the elbow The supine dumbbell tricep extension. This is simply wonderful but it has to be done with the correct from.
Flexors, palms up barbell wrist curl. You must have a small properly designed (forearm bench). In order to get your hips lower than your forearms, etc...
Standing one leg calf raises or donkeys with a (special calf block).
Quads Smith Squats and Hack squats.
Ham Stings: Sit up bench with V pad bent over quad roaster exercise. What can I say you've got to see how it's done.
These exercises are the best for me anyway. But If I didn't know how to do them I wonder how good they would be but once you learn... I love to see the light go on in the eyes of a serious trainer that thinks he knows everything until he learns these movements.
By the way, almost all these exercises can be learned just by going to the past newsletters section on our web site.
What is the BEST training schedule?
(Larry Scott):
I really don't believe there is one best training schedule. No matter how much you think you've designed the best system, your body will prove you wrong. It always figures it out and then you start to go stale so you have to change. However, the system I have used the longest and seem to get the most results from is... to split the body into 39 muscle groups then work 20 each day for 3 days to get through the entire body. How come the numbers don't add up? Because I like to work all 9 abdominal muscles and one aerobic exercise each day.
How long does all this take to work so many muscle groups?
(Larry Scott):
Only about 12 to 15 minutes. How is this possible?... Long and interesting story.
I suggest changing exercises every day if you want to stay fresh and motivated. If you are training for strength you will have to stick to the same exercises longer to develop technique and tendon strength. But watch out for stales and injuries.
How important is nutrition in training?
(Larry Scott):
It depends on your goals...
If your goal is losing bodyfat, nutrition is about 90%
If your goal is strength and size, nutrition is about 60%
If your goal is to get huge, nutrition is about 70%
if you're taking Hyper Growth Formula.
What is the difference between bodybuilding, weightlifting and powerlifting?
(Larry Scott):
Trying to get as big and cut as is humanly possible.
It's a generic term - could mean anything that involves lifting weights.
The goals are not size but power. To see how much you can bench, deadlift, and squat.
What is your (Larry Scott's) philosophy on Steroids?
(Larry Scott):
The Universe is not designed to enable you to get something for nothing. You may get quick size but you will have to pay for it some time and some how.
How do you (Larry Scott) keep staying motivated?
Change your program every day, not just the sets and reps but even the philosophy. That's why our (Bio Phase) personal training is so good.
Your program constantly changes. It's the secret to continued progress and staying motivated. Nothing motivates you like seeing your body improve. If you keep making progess you'll stay motivated.
How do you train with an injury?
(Larry Scott):
You can't make an injury better by ignoring the pain. It just gets worse. Also, if you lay off, the pain just "sits there." The method that seems to works best is... to get circulation into the injured area without causing extra pain. I mean any pain.
If you grit your teeth and put up with even a little bit of pain, the injury doesn't go away. It just gets worse. The exercise has to be totally pain free.
That's why "Slow Rep Speed" is perfect for detecting exactly where and when the pain is coming. As the exercise is done very slowly you can detect exactly when the pain occurs and can then move the elbow, the wrist, or change the body position whatever it takes to get rid of the pain. In this way, you can still do the exercise and rehabilitate the injured joint at the same time.
Once you've got the "pain free" track nailed down, you're on your way to rapid healing.
"What If The Pain Still Won't Go Away?"
Sometimes the pain is persistent and won't go away even with this "Slow Movement" type of exercise therapy. If the pain persists, follow these rules and your recovery should be much faster.
Rule #1
Once you get injured... everything changes. Forget about your current rate of progress. Your new goal is to heal the injury. Focus all your attention on getting better.
Rule #2
Don't lay off... It doesn't help. The pain just stays with you... It doesn't seem to matter how long you lay off. You must actually work the injury out of the joint. Which leads to the next rule...
Rule #3
Find exercises that cause no pain. This is important! When I say no pain, I mean no pain. Not pain that is tolerable or less than it was. I mean no pain. Simply put... pain sets up a histamine reaction which causes swelling and blocks circulation just like your nose plugs up with allergies...That's why you take anti-histamines to reduce the swelling. Using pain-free exercises gets circulation into the injured area.
Note: the exercise has to be pain free even before you warm up the joint. Not after.
Rule #4
Don't be fooled by Endorphin release. It will mask the pain. Even if you can't feel it... the injury is still taking place. You must find exercises that don't cause pain without any warm-up. This will accelerate the healing tremendously.
Rule #5
After you have found pain-free exercises, continue to work the area using the very slow rep speed method. It will stimulate circulation and sweep out all the accumulated toxins.
Rule #6
Ice the injured area each night until it goes numb. Your body will sense the cold and send more nutrient rich blood to the injured area. Be careful you don't overdo it and get frostbite.
Rule #7
Take aspirin about every three hours. It is a mild anti-inflammatory and allegedly thins the blood to aid in penetrating the swollen tissues. Don't take it before workouts as it will mask pain. You need pain to tell you when you are re-injuring yourself.
Rule #8
Don't ignore the first signs of pain. Be alert on every exercise. If you feel a little tinge of pain, either make adjustments in your exercise form or stop the exercise and go to something else. Most of the damage can be avoided if you're alert to the very first signs of pain. (Joint pain, not the lactic acid pain associated with muscles working.)
shouldnt this be on the main board
Larry Scott conned me about 10 years ago when I bought his hyper growth formula which is a total scam and doesnt do anything. I spent like 200 bucks on that crap and didnt finish all of it because it was the most horrible tasting stuff I ever had and it didnt do anything at all. He gives a lot of fake science about how milk makes babies grow and tries to link that growth to the growth you will get from his product. Im not sure if he is still giving the same pitch but if his bs were true then people would stop using steriods because he used to claim his product was way more powerfull and steriods. He advocates super slow lifting which simply doesnt hit the right muscle fibers to cause much growth. He talkes about like a 20 second contraction which will cause a lot of lactic acid buildup but thats about it. I tried it for a while and I just got weaker. I cant believe he's still in buisness.
--- Quote from: Herc on July 05, 2007, 09:47:54 PM ---Larry Scott conned me about 10 years ago when I bought his hyper growth formula which is a total scam and doesnt do anything. I spent like 200 bucks on that crap and didnt finish all of it because it was the most horrible tasting stuff I ever had and it didnt do anything at all. He gives a lot of fake science about how milk makes babies grow and tries to link that growth to the growth you will get from his product. Im not sure if he is still giving the same pitch but if his bs were true then people would stop using steriods because he used to claim his product was way more powerfull and steriods. He advocates super slow lifting which simply doesnt hit the right muscle fibers to cause much growth. He talkes about like a 20 second contraction which will cause a lot of lactic acid buildup but thats about it. I tried it for a while and I just got weaker. I cant believe he's still in buisness.
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Don't know about all this but he built his triceps using CG bench and these extensions. Guys like Matarazzo used a lot of preacher curls (free weight and cables) and had great biceps.
natural al:
--- Quote from: Herc on July 05, 2007, 09:47:54 PM ---Larry Scott conned me about 10 years ago when I bought his hyper growth formula which is a total scam and doesnt do anything. I spent like 200 bucks on that crap and didnt finish all of it because it was the most horrible tasting stuff I ever had and it didnt do anything at all. He gives a lot of fake science about how milk makes babies grow and tries to link that growth to the growth you will get from his product. Im not sure if he is still giving the same pitch but if his bs were true then people would stop using steriods because he used to claim his product was way more powerfull and steriods. He advocates super slow lifting which simply doesnt hit the right muscle fibers to cause much growth. He talkes about like a 20 second contraction which will cause a lot of lactic acid buildup but thats about it. I tried it for a while and I just got weaker. I cant believe he's still in buisness.
--- End quote ---
what's in it exactly?
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