Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
Help with biceps, pic included
--- Quote from: 240 or bust on October 12, 2005, 02:37:46 PM ---For great arms...
train legs harder
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for a testosterone boost right ::)
Part of (the look) that you want man
Just takes time - That mature muscle thing.
At 23 years old - how long have you been lifting.
Keep it up! I have told some of my *younger budies*
It not how much you lift - IT MORE HOW YOU LIFT!
Think into IT - it will come . . .
Aido made really valid points . . . simplified . . .
--- Quote from: Aido on October 12, 2005, 08:42:56 AM ---
Also I would recomend lowering the volume on your biceps and hitting them heavy and hard,
nice and fast and then leaving them plenty of time to recover. As the Universal ad says
" Hit them hard and heavy and they will grow like weeds"
XX for 8 solid, strict reps, for 2 sets.
XX for 10 solid, strict reps, for 2 sets.
XX for 10 solid, strict reps, 2 sets and thats it I'm done.
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I A G R E E with (other informed) comments about intensity- volume
and the mind body connection - SEE IT!
I usually do 6 hard sets for bis
And 8-9 hard sets fo tris
--- Quote from: JPM on October 12, 2005, 09:52:28 AM ---One of the more overlooked bicep exercises is the reverse grip BB curl. This incorporates the biceps with the forearms very strongly and has been know to give added growth to this region.
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It also will help develop your brachialis(hope I spelled that right) which is on the outside of your arm between bicep and tricep, this will increase size and arm delineation. Really hits the forearms too.
Also remember to do shoulders as that will create separation between delts and bi's.
Arnold jr:
I agree with what most have said, up your reps. Another thing is try and make sure your not doing the exact same routine every time you hit bi's. Be it switching the exercises, or just simply switching the order, for example one week you do bb curls first and then the next you do them last. If you are stuck in the same routine then can really hinder progress.
Two things that have helped me develope my bi's are incorperating drop sets. And second, I really like hitting bi's with back. After I train back my bi's are already primed. If you do this you won't be able to go as heavy, but since you are after developement who cares. Good luck!
-Bodyfat's way too high. Not much will show until that's reduced.
-Too many sets and reps. Do a total of 6-8 sets, 2 exercises, to failure and on the last set or 2 of each exercise, beyond failure. Same amount of work you're doing, in less sets.
-Protein powder into liquids, consumed between meals.
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