Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A

Bottom line?

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--- Quote from: loler on October 14, 2005, 11:07:34 AM ---you wont put on any mass without fat

--- End quote ---

Thats far from the truth.

you can blow up on steroids without gaining much fat


--- Quote from: bald on October 14, 2005, 12:50:24 PM ---

Thats far from the truth.

--- End quote ---

i guess you say that because you're so HUGE!!!!

i would say a good % of muscle to fat gain for a hard training good eating natrual would be out of putting on ten pounds 7 would be muscle 3 fat. i head ridiclous claims these days for long term trainers of 25-30 pounds of muscle gain of lean muscle in a year my ass everyone ive seen claimed this looks like a puffy mess. so eat good food train hard sleep well and cheat once a week and you should gain lean muscle of time good luck rush your gain and more fat you will put on.

Thanks for all the replies guys. Few more questions if you don't mind? I was always under the impression that you have to lose the fat on the top to see your ab muscles. Why is that you look at these pro's and you see them with ab muscles showing, but big old fat bellies? How is that?
The other question that I have involves diet. I just moved out into an apartment and have no clue how to cook and therefore I'm not able to really have a great diet. Do you guys have any tips regarding this? What do you usually eat for lunch when you work an 8 hour day? Do you prepare your food in the morning for all day or do you do it as each meal comes along? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


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