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Workout for injury..
Separated my shoulder 4 months ago, have been playing it safe and been staying away from workouts that seem to put the most pain in the area (chest, flyes, presses, front raises) does anybody have a training protocol for working around this type of injury?
Cali Muscle:
I broke my left clavicle in a car accident a year ago. It never healed right and when I do any sort of shoulder exercise with weights, I can feel the bone moving. Dont go super heavy until you feel you are ready and start with lower weight and build from there. Although my shoulder never healed right, you have a different injury than me. So just be careful and use machines for awhile instead of free weights. Let your injury heal but with lower the weight and having the help of a machine will help you get stronger while you recouperate.
Hope you did get a doctor to look at the liagament (two main ones) tear when it first happened. He's either going to suggest rest (if slight) or a corrective operation, depending on the damage. Usually the injured shoulder and arm are stablelized close to the side, even after a minor tear. Are you sure it's a seperation rather than another form of shoulder injury, like a cuff injury? Four month's is a long time. I'm asking because you would be in a lot of pain and wouldn't even consider working out or anything like that. Good Luck.
I recently got a slight separation in my left shoulder, hurt like a mutha on chest and shoulder days. I finally went to the doc and he told it was in fact a separation and put me on Celebrex for 10 days and had me lay off any exercises that gave pain for 2 weeks and it helped big time.
--- Quote from: JPM on October 20, 2005, 07:59:36 AM ---Hope you did get a doctor to look at the liagament (two main ones) tear when it first happened. He's either going to suggest rest (if slight) or a corrective operation, depending on the damage. Usually the injured shoulder and arm are stablelized close to the side, even after a minor tear. Are you sure it's a seperation......
--- End quote ---
I did go see an orthropedic shortly after I injuried my shoulder, and he told me it was a Grade II or III separation on the AC (acromioclavicular) joint got an x-ray which showed only the separation nothing of the tissue. He did some rotator cuff movements and declared by the range of motion that I should be ok and because of the stability of my shoulder he doesn't think that I torn any of the CC or CA ligaments(coracoclavicular/coracoacromial). Its been 4 months and I just recently went to another doc for 2nd opinion and he wanted to get an MRI to see if there my be any damage to the cuff and maybe even the labrum. Due to insurance reasons I'll have to wait till January for the MRI an go from there...but the pain is still consistent when doing pressing movements and Ive been feeling a lot of strain in the supraspinatus, which is part of the rotator cuff. I think its just compromising for the separation (won't really know until MRI if there are any tears)....So Ive been doing rotator cuff movements with bands and staying light when attempting lateral raises (side,front, rear) any ideas for rehab workouts??
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