Author Topic: Bill Curry Appreciation  (Read 2673 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Bill Curry Appreciation
« on: February 15, 2022, 09:38:24 PM »
Long before even Vince McMahon senior, there was Bill Curry. The dude was doing this in the 30s and 40s! People think Rocky 3 was based off Ali and Gorilla Monsoon or Inoki? No Bill Curry did the bit with boxing champ JacK Dempsey in 1940! He created the whole sports entertainment.

Even Vince Jr. recognized the influence of Bill Curry with the obvious rip off work of George "the animal" Steele 40 years later.  Guy was WAY ahead of his time when it came to pro wrestling. He even got legitimately arrested and did time because local cops saw him smash a dude with a cinder block and didn't know it was all a work so they arrested him and he was charged with assault. And he kept the work going!!!!! Took his arrest rather than break character.

Pro wrestling hero!!!!!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Bill Curry Appreciation
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2022, 08:14:55 AM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: Bill Curry Appreciation
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2022, 07:46:23 AM »
when I would get wrestling mags as a kid, i think Curry and The Sheik freaked me out the most.
Of course as a very young kid (5-9 years old) i thought the shit was real.

was he ever referred to as "bill curry" though? or just a typo?
i only knew of him as "bull curry".


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bill Curry Appreciation
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2022, 09:07:23 PM »
when I would get wrestling mags as a kid, i think Curry and The Sheik freaked me out the most.
Of course as a very young kid (5-9 years old) i thought the shit was real.

was he ever referred to as "bill curry" though? or just a typo?
i only knew of him as "bull curry".

Thank you for the correction. It was Bull Curry.  This makes it even more revolutionary, because he had a gimmick when they were still passing pro wrestling off as "real". Even Gorgeous George did not come around until the 50's. "Bull" Curry was WAY ahead of his time. I assumed it was "Bill", because most guys in the early days had "normal" names, like Buddy Rogers, to keep the gimmick going.