Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk

GetBig 2023 Positive BenchPress Club Leader Challenge Goal Board with Prizes

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FYI, Usain Bolt's supposed 4.22 in the 40 while retired and wearing sweat pants and Puma joggers was a publicity stunt, you can find video analyses indicating it was more like 4.5-4.6 (still pretty fast for those conditions!).  But in his 100 meters world record he split the first 40 yards in about 4.08 seconds (excluding reaction time) or 4.22 seconds (including reaction time). 


--- Quote from: bhank on October 08, 2023, 06:23:07 AM ---I don't need to argue with everyone about every nonsensical lie they make up about me but more importantly this is a positive thread about everyone setting goals and achieving them. Let's keep it focused. Your 185lb challenge goal still awaits come on Wes you can do it. Good Luck!!

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A positive thread? I know just the place for it! :D


--- Quote from: chaos on October 08, 2023, 08:28:57 AM ---A positive thread? I know just the place for it! :D

--- End quote ---
Great job chaos!  ;)

The Scott:
But...but...butt...bhank y said this thread was deleted?! bhanky never lies!

Account has changed hands for sure.

PIP hanky


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