Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
DB Pullovers
--- Quote from: wes on September 15, 2024, 11:57:13 PM ---Love `em........always was a mainstay in my workouts for Lats.
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Bent arm BB pullovers are great too. I never really got into the cross bench pullovers which most did for chest & Serratus. I like them for Lats & Triceps so the Gaspari version is more my thing
Bob Paris says its a great upper chest exercise.
--- Quote from: SweetDaddySiki on September 16, 2024, 06:27:51 AM ---Bob Paris says its a great upper chest exercise.
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definitely works shoulders , lats , chest, triceps ... Bob Paris did have an outstanding physique so who can argue with him?
depends on exercise performance too as slight variations could cause different reactions in people.
A pullover & Press is an interesting exercise as itīs a compound move (press) & an isolation, stretch movement.
excellent ...
obviously you can press more than you can pullover but i like it ..just my opinion.
Itīs one of my best lifts & iīve got strong on the pullover. it all comes together as one exercise which is very complicated :) but an ideal exercise when mastered
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