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Overhead Squats

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--- Quote from: Donny on October 05, 2024, 04:08:14 AM ---I´m just wondering about the load on the spine on the overhead press, then the spine must spread an equal load over the whole length, is there a difference to the back squat where most get lower back problems?
I want to equally spread the load & this is why i think the overhead squat might be a good exercise.
with a sensible weight of course ... ;)

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I never felt any issues with my lower back. I did feel pressure in my shoulders if I didn't warm up fully.

Gives much disconfort and soreness in my piriformis muscles afterwards. Have to ice them at the end of the workout. Maybe due to the enhanced stabilization required.

Christ I couldn`t do those on my best day with even a broomstick.  :(

The first time I tried snatching 95 pounds the bar came crashing down on my head and almost killed my dumbass.

After that the only thing I did that resembled any Olympic lifting was Dead Hang Cleans.........used to love those babies.


--- Quote from: falco on October 07, 2024, 03:29:57 AM ---Gives much disconfort and soreness in my piriformis muscles afterwards. Have to ice them at the end of the workout. Maybe due to the enhanced stabilization required.

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I find slightly elevating my heels helps to keep a more stable body position & deeper squat.

I congratulate guys that can do this exercise. I don't have the mobility. I couldn't do a full squat holding a 135lb bar in the snatch grip over head. You need some serious mobility to be able to accomplish that. It was the reason I used the split snatch when I was on a snatch kick years ago. 


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