Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
Abbreviated Routines (Ex - 5x5, squat/bench/deadlifts,etc)
--- Quote from: SweetDaddySiki on December 09, 2024, 06:08:35 AM ---Hi! Checking for feedback on abbreviated routines. I'm 58 yrs old; lifetime natural; doing full body routines 3 days a week. Works well for me; I seem to gain more muscle/keep fat down when I do full body's than when I try splits. Went to a gym during Thanksgiving vacation and someone told me that I should cut down and do less exercises (squats, bench, deadlifts, rows for me since I don't have a chin up bar, overhead presses). Said I'd gain more size and recover better that what I'm doing now. I'm assuming I would pack on more size for those bodyparts because I would be able to use heavier weight but what about areas that aren't directly worked like arms (biceps, triceps, forearms) and hamstrings and calves? I've alway included exercises for these. Didn't know if I would get spaghetti arms. Thanks!
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The heavier lifting will work the rest of your body that you aren't directly hitting. You might not get the most size in certain bodyparts, but the strength will increase. I used to use 5x5 one week, 3x5 the next week and 1x5 final week for my compound lifts, then start the cycle over. I would throw in auxiliary lifts and do sets of 10 with those.
Humble Narcissist:
Try 1 bodypart a day training. Total focus on 1 muscle and almost impossible to overtrain.
--- Quote from: Humble Narcissist on December 23, 2024, 11:46:51 PM ---Try 1 bodypart a day training. Total focus on 1 muscle and almost impossible to overtrain.
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It works too ( bro split) & if doing Abbreviated workouts i still think some accessory work in there is good.
Calves, Biceps, triceps..
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