My commission is actually around 21 to 45%.....however consider this......
Yet in a previous post you said your lower bracket is just 5%. From my experience with brokers and commissions, the more powerful the player, the higher the commission and you're just an one-man show
-The amount I spent building the website including the SSL certificate was 47 dollars.
-The website automatically sends the orders to the distributor...making it basically a no touch system....I simply check the orders and make sure they go through. In all, I spend about 45 minutes a week on site maintenence.....that being configuring the XML files and uploading updates.
In all, its making a profit for basically no work and that's what matters.
I'll give you some constructive criticism. Your site looks tacky. It is what it is: a simple opencart with a template slapped on top of it. Educated consumers will take a ten-second look at it and close the browser tab. In fact if you look at the IIS console on your web server (provided you're paying for such statistics, which I doubt since this is clearly a very low cost operation) you'll find that a significant portion of the visits on your websites are very short duration.
Cheap prices, tacky look and feel, slow-ish loading, p.o. box address == alarm bells ringing for any experienced shopper. At least put in the effort to make a custom template.
I doubt you even have real time stock information on your distributor's items.