Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 479081 times)

The Scott

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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #400 on: March 01, 2019, 04:35:08 AM »
I have been diagnosis by an orthopedic surgeon upon viewing an MRI that I had a slap tear. An honest surgeon who fixed a complete bicep rupture on me recommended that I forgo the repair on the shoulder. He said no guarantee it would work better after the surgery. He also threw in that I wasn't a kid anymore. 

Well, I wish you as full a recovery as you can attain my friend.  I know how you feel when they tell you that you're no longer a kid.  But still, there's a kid inside all of us and all it takes to bring them to the surface is a smell, a sound or something else that stirs the memories that sleep inside us all.  Good luck!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #401 on: March 01, 2019, 04:44:31 AM »
If you can do an empty bar without pain, then over time, you can very gradually strengthen the connective tissues to support higher loads.

This takes time though,  Several months.

Go as light as you have to without pain.  Start with an empty bar and add very little weight each week.  2.5 to 5lbs total per week.
If in doubt use less weight.

Week1 - empty bar
Week 2 - empty bar + 2.5 or 5lbs.
Week 3 - empty bar + 5 or 10 lbs

Work up to 3 sets of high reps (20+)

The Scott

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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #402 on: March 01, 2019, 04:49:26 AM »
If you can do an empty bar without pain, then over time, you can very gradually strengthen the connective tissues to support higher loads.

This takes time though,  Several months.

Go as light as you have to without pain.  Start with an empty bar and add very little weight each week.  2.5 to 5lbs total per week.
If in doubt use less weight.

Week1 - empty bar
Week 2 - empty bar + 2.5 or 5lbs.
Week 3 - empty bar + 5 or 10 lbs

Work up to 3 sets of high reps (20+)

Excellent advice!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #403 on: March 01, 2019, 12:07:52 PM »
Trained delts and arms today. Planed to walk after but just shot.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #404 on: March 04, 2019, 11:18:06 AM »
Using a Yates inspired routine this week. Chest and bicep today.

Flat Dumbbell bench 1 x 8 80lbs ( went all the way down. No half reps.)
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 8 70lbs  (deep. No partials. I would be using the 100lbs if I was doing humerus parallel to the ground.)
Flat flies 1 x 14 50lbs
Push ups 1 x max

EZ curl 1 x 15 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 9 45lbs
Single arm pulley curl 1 x 17
concentration curl 1 x 12

Forearm wrist curl 1 x 25 95lbs
Reverse wrist ext 1 x 25

Sit ups on an incline board 1 x 27
floor crunches with a 5lbs plate behind my head 1 x 55
Pulley crunches 1 x 30

Ivanko gripper work 2 x 20 (used high reps. When I was using low reps with captains of crush it really messed up something in my forearm. Took about a month to heal. Playing it safe with high reps. )

Finished with a fast walk for one hour and twenty minutes on a path by my house.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #405 on: March 05, 2019, 10:55:26 AM »
Leg day:

Leg press 1 x 16 four plates a side. Back board low and a full bend of the legs
Dumbbell squats 1 x 14 80lbs. Upright back and ass all the way down
Stiff leg dead 1 x 9 205lbs
leg extension 1 x 25
seated leg curl 1 x 24
no weight free hand squat 1 x 55. I think this is a fantastic finisher

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 18 90lbs
Hanging leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups 1 x 27

Standing calf raise 1 x 18
Seated calf raise 1 x 17

neck work

Fast walked one hour and 22 minutes.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #406 on: March 06, 2019, 12:42:10 PM »
80 minutes of hiking a trail for cardio. Hit the heavy bag after. Tomorrow is back day.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #407 on: March 06, 2019, 02:34:29 PM »
If you can do an empty bar without pain, then over time, you can very gradually strengthen the connective tissues to support higher loads.

This takes time though,  Several months.

Go as light as you have to without pain.  Start with an empty bar and add very little weight each week.  2.5 to 5lbs total per week.
If in doubt use less weight.

Week1 - empty bar
Week 2 - empty bar + 2.5 or 5lbs.
Week 3 - empty bar + 5 or 10 lbs

Work up to 3 sets of high reps (20+)

No amount of exercise will cure my damaged shoulder. A torn labrum doesn't repair itself. I have two choices. Live with the limitation or gamble on surgery that has no guarantee of making my shoulder better after a lengthy rehab. I chose to live with the limitations and my orthopedic surgeon agrees.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #408 on: March 07, 2019, 07:09:38 PM »
Pulldown with M.A.G. bar 1 x 11
Seated pulley row 1 x 15 175lbs
Single Dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 12 85lbs (all the way down and up. Strict form.)
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 12
Deadlift 1 x 6 315lbs
Weighted hyperextensions 1 x 18 25lbs plate behind head
ab wheel roll outs 2 x 22
Pulley crunch 1 x 30

Walked fast for one hour and 17 minutes after. Every once in awhile I would throw in a short sprint from 40 to 100 yards. When I'm doing a walking cardio day I wear blue jeans. I must look odd sprinting with jeans and a black motorcycle jacket.

 Beginning to think that walking is the best cardio for a bodybuilder.  It doesn't interfere with lifting like running can and it melts fat away. You just can't casually walk like 90% of people I see on treadmills. They actually walk to their car faster than they walk on the treadmill. You have to walk fast.

It's really cold in NJ the past couple of days but I found after the first mile and half I can't feel the cold at all. Enough body heat is heating up my winter clothes and I feel 100% comfortable. The trick is to never stop while wet from walking or you're done. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #409 on: March 08, 2019, 03:56:44 AM »
No amount of exercise will cure my damaged shoulder. A torn labrum doesn't repair itself. I have two choices. Live with the limitation or gamble on surgery that has no guarantee of making my shoulder better after a lengthy rehab. I chose to live with the limitations and my orthopedic surgeon agrees.

Exposure to intense gamma rays will cure you...but you'll get green skin.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #410 on: March 08, 2019, 10:00:42 AM »
Trained delts and tris.

Military press 1 x 9 115lbs. Touched the top of my chest without leaning back.
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 12 28lbs
Pulley delt laterals 1 x 14
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 15 35lbs
Shrugs 1 x 12 250lbs

Single dumbbell two hands tricep press 1 x 13 75lbs
Traditional tricep push downs 1 x 14
Single arm reverse grip pulley tricep extension 1 x 15
single dumbell one arm tricep extension 1 x 12

weighted ab crunch 1 x 55 5lbs plate behind head
Pulley ab crunch 1 x 30


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #411 on: March 09, 2019, 04:13:39 PM »
Yesterday I did nothing. Went to Atlantic city. Ate a ton of food and drank like a fish.  Found out my son did a load of laundry then went out for an hour. Came back and something happened to the machine and gallons of water continuously flowed out of the machine. Water everywhere. Ugh.  Looked like someone put a hose on the first floor and let it flow for an hour. While dealing with that learned a close young relative was rushed to the hospital.  Crazy 24 hours.

Going to lay low till tomorrow.  :-\


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #412 on: March 11, 2019, 01:34:23 PM »
Today Monday 3-11-19 I did chest and bicep in Yates style one set to failure. A little disappointed in that my flat dumbbell bench presses I got one less rep than last week. Rest of the workout went well though. Who knows maybe I unknowingly used a slower cadence than I did last week. Also a ton of cardio could explain it.

After the weight workout I did one hour and 14 minutes of fast walking.  Threw in a couple of short sprints when the mood hit me. I planned to start running this week but a wild night of drinking last Friday in a Casino left me shot. I think I will start running on Wednesday. Tomorrow I will do another walking cardio after legs.

Thinking a lot of about volume but I've been there before. It just doesn't feel right to use a moderate weight for set after set. Maybe I could use heavy weight for one exercise per session. Meaning maybe I will use a progression like this for dumbbell benches of 6-4-2-1 reps but for inclines do 4 sets of 8.  Who knows? Every time I get excited about using volume I give it a go and end up back to my form of HIT.  I just don't like using moderate weight for an endurance type workout.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #413 on: March 11, 2019, 02:59:51 PM »
Yesterday I did nothing. Went to Atlantic city. Ate a ton of food and drank like a fish.  Found out my son did a load of laundry then went out for an hour. Came back and something happened to the machine and gallons of water continuously flowed out of the machine. Water everywhere. Ugh.  Looked like someone put a hose on the first floor and let it flow for an hour. While dealing with that learned a close young relative was rushed to the hospital.  Crazy 24 hours.

Going to lay low till tomorrow.  :-\

Just read this.

That's sucks.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #414 on: March 12, 2019, 07:07:28 PM »
Hit legs today. Might be getting weak from all the cardio. I just want to lose some fat. After legs I did my fast walking thing on a trail for one hour and fifteen minutes. My legs were like jello from the lifting. My occasional sprints were a sorry affair. After that I went to work where I stand the majority of the time. Feels good to sit and type.

Tomorrow is a no lifting day. This week's split is Monday: chest and bicep. Tuesday: legs, Wednesday: off, Thursday: Back and Friday: delts and tricep. It's the split I borrowed for Yates. Doing one set to failure so it's definitely Yates inspired.  One thing I learned about doing one set to the ragged edge is that it's very draining and the CNS suffers after awhile. Getting symptoms like hand tremors.  Today after doing 19 reps in the leg press to complete failure I couldn't do the next exercise for at least three minutes I was so drained.

Hope after my long walks last week and the beginning of this week I'll get a running day in Tomorrow. I know most people who bodybuild couldn't care less about running but I like to me well rounded in Physical culture.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #415 on: March 14, 2019, 10:48:12 AM »
Back day today. Mixed results. Deadlifts are down but I've been walking like a lunatic for cardio. Decided to run yesterday and saw the error of my ways. Walking is fantastic for cardio. It doesn't train your fast twitch muscles for running. Getting back to running soon. Going to take awhile to get my running spring in my legs back.  Tomorrow is that last day of the week. Working delts and triceps.  Going back to lifting three days a week next week. Two sets of an exercise instead of one set to failure. That one set to failure stuff gets brutal if you truly rep to an inch of death.

I keep thinking about Bill Pearl's advice. He said train with volume. Use low reps. Don't be a slave to poundage. Let your ego go. Use four to five set per exercise. If you have to use lower weight weight in set four or five do it. Again don't be a slave to the weight. He said high reps is a mistake.  This is the advice I have trouble with but maybe it makes perfect sense. The majority of your sets shouldn't be to failure.  He said if you take too many of your sets to failure then training will become a negative in your life and burn out will follow. (Didn't mean to put words in his mouth.  He said all this in effect.) 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #416 on: March 14, 2019, 10:54:11 AM »
Back day today. Mixed results. Deadlifts are down but I've been walking like a lunatic for cardio. Decided to run yesterday and saw the error of my ways. Walking is fantastic for cardio. It doesn't train your fast twitch muscles for running. Getting back to running soon. Going to take awhile to get my running spring in my legs back.  Tomorrow is that last day of the week. Working delts and triceps.  Going back to lifting three days a week next week. Two sets of an exercise instead of one set to failure. That one set to failure stuff gets brutal if you truly rep to an inch of death.

I keep thinking about Bill Pearl's advice. He said train with volume. Use low reps. Don't be a slave to poundage. Let your ego go. Use four to five set per exercise. If you have to use lower weight weight in set four or five do it. Again don't be a slave to the weight. He said high reps is a mistake.  This is the advice I have trouble with but maybe it makes perfect sense. The majority of your sets shouldn't be to failure.  He said if you take too many of your sets to failure then training will become a negative in your life and burn out will follow. (Didn't mean to put words in his mouth.  He said all this in effect.)  

I never read anything by Pearl suggesting low reps.  Everything was 8-12 reps.  That's the typical rep range used in bodybuilding.

He did say not to train to failure.  He used high volume as far as exercises and sets.  Typical drug split.

He used veterinary steroids beginning in the later 1950s so his advice about training is of marginal use if you are natural.

He promoted Sri Chimnoy's absurd lifting feats which is very odd.

He goes to bed at 7PM and gets up at 2-3 AM which is also unusual.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #417 on: March 15, 2019, 03:25:46 AM »
I never read anything by Pearl suggesting low reps.  Everything was 8-12 reps.  That's the typical rep range used in bodybuilding.

He did say not to train to failure.  He used high volume as far as exercises and sets.  Typical drug split.

He used veterinary steroids beginning in the later 1950s so his advice about training is of marginal use if you are natural.

He promoted Sri Chimnoy's absurd lifting feats which is very odd.

He goes to bed at 7PM and gets up at 2-3 AM which is also unusual.

Bill talks about lower reps 6 to 8 in his 20 months to a champion physique series that he use to offer for free on his web site. Sometimes up to 10 reps for legs. I think at one point he wanted to charge for his extensive Champion physique series and it can no longer be found on his site. His web site also seems corrupted.  Maybe his web site is being neglected in his old age and fell into disrepair.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #418 on: March 15, 2019, 03:42:09 AM »
Bill talks about lower reps 6 to 8 in his 20 months to a champion physique series that he use to offer for free on his web site. Sometimes up to 10 reps for legs. I think at one point he wanted to charge for his extensive Champion physique series and it can no longer be found on his site. His web site also seems corrupted.  Maybe his web site is being neglected in his old age and fell into disrepair.  

I found it.  6-8 reps.  Still I wouldn't call that low reps. 

His workout plans are on his site under "Streaming Full Movie Creed II".


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #419 on: March 15, 2019, 09:53:45 AM »
Trained delt and triceps using one work set to failure. Feel burned out.  Going to go back to my three lifting days for the week next week. Cardio when lifting is a fine line. Doing cardio with lifting you will get lean. Do too much cardio and you get weak and drained. Sometimes I envy people I know who don't lift and only do cardio. Doing both is definitely a balance act. I want to do well with lifting and ok with cardio.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #420 on: March 15, 2019, 10:31:41 AM »
Bill talks about lower reps 6 to 8 in his 20 months to a champion physique series that he use to offer for free on his web site. Sometimes up to 10 reps for legs. I think at one point he wanted to charge for his extensive Champion physique series and it can no longer be found on his site. His web site also seems corrupted.  Maybe his web site is being neglected in his old age and fell into disrepair.  

No doubt Pearl changed things up every once in a while. -Gotta keep your body guessing or it gets bored and won't respond. I recently regressed to the old standard of the three threes; 3 sets of 10, 3 times a week. This is were I started when I was a kid. Although it won't make me a kid again, it does build muscle.

Unlike Pearl, I'm just getting started when he retires at 7:00 p.m. and I often don't go to bed until 2:00 a.m.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #421 on: March 15, 2019, 02:29:33 PM »
No doubt Pearl changed things up every once in a while. -Gotta keep your body guessing or it gets bored and won't respond. I recently regressed to the old standard of the three threes; 3 sets of 10, 3 times a week. This is were I started when I was a kid. Although it won't make me a kid again, it does build muscle.

Unlike Pearl, I'm just getting started when he retires at 7:00 p.m. and I often don't go to bed until 2:00 a.m.

Last time I talked to Pearl I asked him if he is still training at his advanced age. He's nearly 90. He told me he's training to have the strength to be able to wipe his own ass. True story.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #422 on: March 17, 2019, 06:35:56 PM »
Excited about tomorrows workout. I hope to kill it. Famous last words.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #423 on: March 18, 2019, 11:08:37 AM »
Back in a commercial gym. Back and Chest:

Pull down with M.A.G. bar 2 x 10
Seated cable row 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer strength pulldown 2 x 10

Hammer bench 2 x 8
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 ( all the way down)
Flat dumbbell fly 2 x 10 45lbs
Cable fly 2 x 10
Push ups 1 x max

deadlifts 2 x 4 300lbs then 1 x 1 320lbs.
Weighted back extension 2 x 15 with a 25lbs plate behind head

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Machine crunches 2 x 22

Drank a vegetable protein shake after.  It was fun training in a commercial gym again. It's like I never left. Think I was too excited working out and really pushed the pace. Very short rest between sets.

 Two smokin hot girls working out. That's rare for this hard core gym. Most hot girls go to the posh beautiful gym a mile away. They have brand new everything. Most of the equipment in the hard core place looks like it came off of Craig's list.  Most young women that come into the hardcore place look around for 30 seconds and run out the door. It's full of old people, convicts, power lifters, hard core trainers and retired cops/firemen.  I trained at the beautiful gym about 3 years ago. Women dress to impress. The personal trainers look like wannabe models. The equipment looks like it just rolled off the show room new. Perfect rubber flooring, 30 treadmills, cardio stuff of every conceivable variation; rubber encased dumbbells,  and a protein bar. It's also full of steroid users. We have them in the hardcore place too but the fancy gym is saturated with them.

For me the hardcore place is where I like to train. A 45lbs plate is a 45lbs plate no matter where you train. I like the environment of serious trainers. It was a rare site to see anyone deadlift in the fancy gym. The hardcore gym it's an every hour occurrence. The owner even provides chalk.  Use chalk in the fancy place and you will be given a warning. Don't get me wrong. The fancy place has everything a hard core trainer could think of.  It's the environment I don't like. The thing I miss the most from the posh gym are the incredible women that worked out there. The all wore the sheer yoga panty hose pants. Many even had their hair done and make up. It was quite a sight and a pleasant distraction.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #424 on: March 19, 2019, 08:46:44 AM »
Ran two slow 9:11 minute pace miles. Then hit the heavy bag.