Author Topic: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling  (Read 4246 times)


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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2009, 12:08:16 PM »
How is Chicago 2016 doing? 
News Flash - It's October 3, 2009
Why are you concerned now about Chicago in 2016?

Healthcare Deform? 
Nothing has happened except "talk" so we pretty much have now what we had before

UE rate? I have a job

What exactly is your point?

should I be angry about something specific?

should I direct this anger at someone?

Maybe I should be mad at Obama

Isn't that the theme of your last 300 threads?

Why do you seem so angry at Palin.Has she passed ONE piece of legislation that has had ANY effect on your life?Has she ANY power over you?Whats the point of hating her?

I would think ANYONE white would be angry at Obama if for nothing else dropping the charges against black panthers.

Straw Man

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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2009, 11:31:02 PM »
Why do you seem so angry at Palin.Has she passed ONE piece of legislation that has had ANY effect on your life?Has she ANY power over you?Whats the point of hating her?

I would think ANYONE white would be angry at Obama if for nothing else dropping the charges against black panthers.

I was responding to 333 and talking about the anger toward Obama

just general, all purpose anger

I wasn't referring to Palin in any way

Straw Man

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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2009, 08:00:28 AM »
Call it what you want, I detest this entire Admn and everything it stands for.  I dont have to hope it is going fail because it already is.   

no kidding?

I never would have guessed you felt that way.

Of course the "everything it stands for" part is largely a delusion shared by you and other nutbags like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and those morons who show up corporate sponsored "grass roots" rallies.   

Straw Man

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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #28 on: October 07, 2009, 08:09:40 AM »
You mean like the doctors at the WH lawn with the fake lab coats that the WH gave them to wear who were all political contributors?  Like that Straw? 

no clue what you're talking about


I was talking about the fake grass roots organization called Americans for Prosperity that is wholly funded by Koch Industries


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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2009, 08:29:09 AM »
From the New York Post (

White House's botched 'op'
By CHARLES HURT, Post Correspondent
Posted: 3:05 AM, October 6, 2009

WASHINGTON -- President Obama yesterday rolled out the red carpet -- and handed out doctors' white coats as well, just so nobody missed his hard-sell health-care message.

In a heavy-handed attempt at reviving support for health-care reform, the White House orchestrated a massive photo op to buttress its claim that front-line physicians support Obama.



A sea of 150 white-coated doctors, all enthusiastically supportive of the president and representing all 50 states, looked as if they were at a costume party as they posed in the Rose Garden before hearing Obama's pitch for the Democratic overhaul bills moving through Congress.

The physicians, all invited guests, were told to bring their white lab coats to make sure that TV cameras captured the image.

But some docs apparently forgot, failing to meet the White House dress code by showing up in business suits or dresses.

So the White House rustled up white coats for them and handed them to the suited physicians who had taken seats in the sun-splashed lawn area.

All this to provide a visual counter to complaints from other doctors that pending legislation is bad news for the medical profession.

"Nobody has more credibility with the American people on this issue than you do," Obama told his guests.

The president was flanked by four white-coated doctors at a podium as he delivered his pep talk.

"When you cut through all the noise and all the distractions that are out there, I think what's most telling is that some of the people who are most supportive of reform are the very medical professionals who know the health-care system best," the president said.

"I want to thank every single doctor who is here," Obama said. "And I especially want to thank you for agreeing to fan out across the country and make the case about why this reform effort is so desperately needed."

Underlying the strictly photo-op nature of the event, The Associated Press noted that Obama broke no new ground in his remarks.

The president told the doctors that if they back him, "I'm confident we are going to get health reform passed this year."

The Republican National Committee shot back with a response from Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), who was an orthopedic surgeon before being elected to Congress.

"Today, the president wants you to believe that the medical community supports his government takeover of health care. Don't be fooled," Price said.

He said he had spoken to "thousands of my colleagues" who oppose the Democrats' legislation.

House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) said large numbers of doctors fear it would cripple their ability to care for patients.

"Members of the medical community -- who deal with red tape day in and day out -- rightly recognize that the Democrats' government takeover would weaken the doctor-patient relationship that is so critical to making the right health-care decisions," he said.

Obama made no mention of the "public option" -- a controversial government-run insurance plan favored by liberal Democrats -- in his Rose Garden spiel.

A key version of the legislation, which doesn't include the public option, is expected to reach the Senate floor for debate later this month.

Straw Man

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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2009, 09:14:36 AM »
I agree staged photo ops are pretty lame but it seems they were real doctors.

It also appears that a majority of doctors do in fact support the inclusion of a public option in health care.

Why wouldn't they.  It means they can serve more patients who would otherwise be turned away.

A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) study published in Monday's New England Journal of Medicine shows that 63 percent of physicians support a health reform proposal that includes both a public option and traditional private insurance. If the additional 10 percent of doctors who support an entirely public health system are included, then approximately three out of four physicians nationwide support inclusion of a public option. Only 27 percent support a private-only reform that would provide subsidies for low-income individuals to purchase private insurance.

Read more at:

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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #31 on: November 22, 2012, 08:28:46 PM »
huntsman is worth hundreds of millions of $, good looking guy, lots of base support.

and now he's experienced in chinese finance, and he obviously knows how to work across the aisle.  NO doubt, obama was scared of this guy's potential in 2012.

At this point, he could resign in 2011, and suddenly he has the credibility of being a gov with a good record AND being THE expert in chinese finance...

He could be unbeatable in 2012. 

here it is :)


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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #32 on: November 22, 2012, 09:56:17 PM »
I just hope the republicans look at the 150 million repubs in this country, and pick someone with dignity who is qualified. 

palin was a national embarassment in 2008, and 60% of voters deemed her unqualified.  She can read "everything" for 4 years - it won't change the fact she's just not presidential material.

Please run a great candidate in 2012, GOP.  Please.

thats like me wanting to be a brain surgeon and reading evrything I can get my hands on about surgery for 4 years....doesn't make me a surgeon by any stetch of the imagination


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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #33 on: November 22, 2012, 09:58:00 PM »
She defintely is wiser than Obama.  Obama has book smarts and thats it.  All you need to look at are the policies being pushed by Obama in this current economic state and that says everything I need to know about how "wise" Obama is.

We can go policy anfter policy and save for one here or there, Palin is far wiser and more in touch w reality than Obama.

You guys just cant grasp the fact that Obama is a media creation packaged and marketed by wall street thieves and media parasaites who were looking for a good story.

Obama is all sizzle and no steak.  He is a mile wide and an inch deep. 

your credibility just keeps sinking lower and lower...Palin being better than Obama....even the Republicans would refute this one...I'd rather vote for her husband, Todd the cuckold

Benny B

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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #34 on: November 25, 2012, 03:58:33 PM »
She defintely is wiser than Obama.  Obama has book smarts and thats it.  All you need to look at are the policies being pushed by Obama in this current economic state and that says everything I need to know about how "wise" Obama is.

We can go policy anfter policy and save for one here or there, Palin is far wiser and more in touch w reality than Obama.

You guys just cant grasp the fact that Obama is a media creation packaged and marketed by wall street thieves and media parasaites who were looking for a good story.

Obama is all sizzle and no steak.  He is a mile wide and an inch deep. 

huntsman is worth hundreds of millions of $, good looking guy, lots of base support.

and now he's experienced in chinese finance, and he obviously knows how to work across the aisle.  NO doubt, obama was scared of this guy's potential in 2012.

At this point, he could resign in 2011, and suddenly he has the credibility of being a gov with a good record AND being THE expert in chinese finance...

He could be unbeatable in 2012. 



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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #35 on: November 25, 2012, 04:40:33 PM »
funny, republican sites say Obama is a blithering idiot!!  ::)


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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #36 on: November 26, 2012, 08:50:19 AM »
She defintely is wiser than Obama.  Obama has book smarts and thats it.  All you need to look at are the policies being pushed by Obama in this current economic state and that says everything I need to know about how "wise" Obama is.

We can go policy anfter policy and save for one here or there, Palin is far wiser and more in touch w reality than Obama.

You guys just cant grasp the fact that Obama is a media creation packaged and marketed by wall street thieves and media parasaites who were looking for a good story.

Obama is all sizzle and no steak.  He is a mile wide and an inch deep. 

I know the new rules but man you are an idiot.

Straw Man

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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #37 on: November 26, 2012, 09:32:01 AM »
Why is anyone talking about Palin

she is beyond irrelevant in regards to politics

History has shown that only the most stupid among us thought she was qualified to be anything beyond a babbling news bimbo

It would be a good day for the human race if she and her entire retarded family were wiped out in an avalanche while moose hunting

hopefully all of her retarded supporters start a search party and are wiped out too

Straw Man

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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #38 on: November 26, 2012, 09:42:41 AM »

You are never to complain again my similar statements about you messiah.

All Palin supporter are morons and pussies (note to Mods - this is a perfectly acceptable statement as I have not personally called anyone a moron or a pussy)


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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #39 on: November 26, 2012, 10:02:07 AM »
Why is anyone talking about Palin

she is beyond irrelevant in regards to politics

History has shown that only the most stupid among us thought she was qualified to be anything beyond a babbling news bimbo

It would be a good day for the human race if she and her entire retarded family were wiped out in an avalanche while moose hunting

hopefully all of her retarded supporters start a search party and are wiped out too



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Re: NY Post: Palin Lectures Not Selling
« Reply #40 on: November 26, 2012, 11:20:08 AM »
Why do you seem so angry at Palin.Has she passed ONE piece of legislation that has had ANY effect on your life?Has she ANY power over you?Whats the point of hating her?

I would think ANYONE white would be angry at Obama if for nothing else dropping the charges against black panthers.

first off, Palin is an idiot and its an insult that aANYONE would think she is qualified to be president....second, you act as if Obama himself was in the courtroom and dropped the charges against the panthers.......I'm sure the charges were dropped because there was  lack of evidence....the Federal Prosecutors rarely lose a case