Author Topic: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian  (Read 18990 times)


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The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« on: May 03, 2019, 10:45:23 AM »
I have a basic belief in a divine creator aka GOD, but I stopped following any one faith or religion many years ago.
While the teachings of Jesus seem wise and decent, I don't think he was the son of GOD.


  • Getbig I
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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2019, 05:26:35 AM »
What do I believe

The story of Adam and Eve is the greatest love story ever told.

Adam walked into death voluntarily because of his love for Eve.  
He could have walked away.    But he chose to give up everything for his Love for her.

The fall of Adam gave to Satan the Lordship of this World.
And a great separation was now between man and GOD.   There was no way that man could find his way back to GOD.

It would take a perfect Man to stand in the place of Adam,   A second perfect man,   A son of GOD to gain back what
was lost.

Adam was a Son of GOD,   We are sons of Adam.

The only begotten Son of God,  the first born of all creation,   who was present at the formation of the worlds.
Existed in heaven beside God from the beginning.   In the old testament he is the voice in the burning bush,  who knew
Abraham and who went as the pillar of cloud in the day and by fire at night before the Israelites.

When God made a way into this world to gain you back to him.    He could not do this himself as he was Spirit.
It would take a man to do this.   It would take a Son of God to do this.    

When Jesus came through into this realm he had to be born as a man to repair what was lost.   Man is the link between heaven
and the Earth.

Jesus was not God,  but he was God's first made creation.   But through Jesus GOD made everything that was ever made.  So Jesus
was known as the master worker in heaven.   Who was continually rejoicing before GOD.  Jesus lit the light of all men.

No man has ever seen GOD or heard his voice.   But Jesus came to declare him and to show us what GOD was like.
That is your only way back to GOD.   Belief in Jesus CHRIST who GOD sent into this world.

When GOD raised the Lord Jesus he did it by the Power of the Holy Spirit which is like a river flowing out from GOD.
Jesus repaired the way back to GOD and destroyed the works of the Devil.   He gained back the Lordship that Adam had lost.

Jesus had to return to heaven so that GOD could send the Holy Spirit through him to be in you.    So now there is no condemnation and you
are never lost.   You always have access to GOD through  the Man Jesus Christ who stands as a high priest in heaven making mediation
for you daily.    He is your best friend Lord and Savior .  There is one mediator between man and GOD and that is the Lord Jesus. 

A lot of what you hear and read has been twisted by Satan to confuse you from what the first century Christians Believed.
Everything you read and hear in the world is to prevent you from ever coming to the knowledge of Jesus.  

But by his name you are saved.   He has paid in full everything for you.  It all started on a tree in the Garden of Eden and it all ended on a cross at Calvary.
 GOD defeated the Evil which rules this world there but they are not yet destroyed.    

And you need to know that we are in a War.   It is the biggest thing for you to ever find.   It is the Red Pill and the Blue Pill.  
Its a choice no one can make for you.    You have to walk through that door yourself.   And the door is the Lord Jesus.

Jesus promised that he would never leave us.    And GOD is never far from you.  


  • Getbig V
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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2019, 05:39:45 AM »
You think too much.


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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2020, 05:24:16 AM »
The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian: I watched the news for about five minutes.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2020, 09:29:34 PM »
One of the main reasons is I read the bible cover to cover a few times later in life. Wish I had read it for myself earlier

Humble Narcissist

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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2020, 11:37:50 AM »
Christianity weakens people by making them think they are naturally evil and need a savior.  They actually invite demonic possession by asking spiritual entities (Jesus and Holy Spirit) to take over their lives.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2020, 07:43:40 PM »
Christianity weakens people by making them think they are naturally evil and need a savior.  They actually invite demonic possession by asking spiritual entities (Jesus and Holy Spirit) to take over their lives.

You had me until you went full crazy with a demonic possession nonsense statement

Humble Narcissist

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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2020, 04:57:32 AM »
You had me until you went full crazy with a demonic possession nonsense statement
There is no doubt people's lives dramatically change once they invite Jesus into their heart.  Usually, it's for the worst.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2020, 02:43:12 PM »
I was raised in a very religious household in Texas.  Everything revolved around the Bible and Jesus, it was insane.  I studied the Bible and went to church every Sunday until i was 18 and moved out of my parent's house; not because i wanted to be religious but because i was forced to.  Living in my parent's house it was required.  I spent years arguing with myself if God was real and if religion was anything more than a method to control people.  I have come to the conclusion that being forced into religion all my young years made me have a fear of God, it made me want to be a better person and not do anything bad.  I now understand that was the entire point, it's a method to control people.  All religion does is make people fill themselves with something they don't understand, it gives them something to work for.  Now i have no issues with religious people, i think it's good for humanity to be scared of heaven and hell, makes people more docile.  But i can't stand it when it's forced down my throat.

My ex-girlfriend's parents were the most religious people i've ever met, but my GF wasn't very religious, we felt "kind of" the same way about it, but she believed in God, i'm agnostic.  They were from El Salvador, came here in the 90's.  They were 7th Day Adventists, and believed that the end of days is very near and Jesus would be here soon.  I went to their house for the first time, her mother talked about God the entire time, for hours.  Everything i said she responded with God is coming soon, prepare yourself.  Like i told her she had a nice home, i was just trying to be nice.  Her response was "this is not my home, i'm preparing my home in heaven".  Stuff like this for hours.  Before i left she asked me to come into the living room, she handed me a Bible as the rest of the family surrounded the room; they started taking turns reading scripture, then it was my turn.  I read a few lines and stopped, they picked up where i left off.  Then they wanted to sing songs, this went on for about 45 minutes.  When we left i was in shock, i told my GF i thought her family was crazy.  She agreed.  They lived like this every day; all day long they would text Bible versus to each other, like a hundred times a day.  One time i invited them over for dinner at my house, her father accused me of being an alcoholic because i had a wine cabinet and a few bottles of liquor in my kitchen.  They went nuts, told my GF she had to leave with them and go pray in the car.  I have a couple more stories, but if you read this far you got the point.  Needless to say our relationship didn't last long.  I went to church with her once, the pastor did nothing but scare everyone into believing the world was going to end soon, like maybe a few weeks.  She told me that's how it works and it's always like this.  Then he went on a sales pitch asking for money, the guy drove a M5 BMW.  What a weird world we live in.

I believe there is something bigger than us, something more powerful, but it's not an imaginary man in the sky.  God was created by man.  Just my opinion.  I have no issues with religious people, i just find it so odd personally.

Humble Narcissist

  • Getbig V
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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2020, 04:03:58 AM »
There can be a God AND Christianity be a lie as well.  There are many religions.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2020, 09:58:56 AM »
There can be a God AND Christianity be a lie as well.  There are many religions.

I kind of agree, that's what bothers sometimes.  Like if there are over 100 religions practiced today and ALL of them think they are right and the others are wrong, then how does that work?  Does each religion have a different Heaven or eternity? I have a hard time believing in a single God or Gods, but anything is possible.

I had a discussion with my mom many years ago, i was dating a Buddhist at the time, her and her family were very religious and some of the kindest people I've ever met.  They lived to help people and never said anything bad about anyone.  I had been dating this girl for about 3 years and my mom approached me about religion, she told me that it bothered her that i was living a Buddhist lifestyle and that she was afraid i would not go to heaven.  I kind of laughed it off; i had been living a Buddhist lifestyle and still do to a degree, it's not just a religion it's a way of thinking.  I used to go to the temples and hang out with the Vietnamese monks, they were very cool to chat with, you could ask them literally anything and they would give you their thoughts, i didn't have to agree with them, but it was nice to hear an unbiased response.

Anyway, i was thinking about getting married to this girl and my family went nuts, they wanted a Christian wedding and thought that having a Buddhist ceremony was out of the question.  Also, if we had kids would they be Christian?  My family was all up in my shit over this stuff.  To me these things aren't very important, i just wanted to have a good life.  To my family i was going to hell if i didn't follow Jesus, they were very upset that i refuse to follow that path.

I never got married to this girl, but still to this day i think the Buddhist's have a better idea of Life in general.  It's amazing how different they are from Christians and the Islamic faith.

Humble Narcissist

  • Getbig V
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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2020, 10:03:04 AM »
I kind of agree, that's what bothers sometimes.  Like if there are over 100 religions practiced today and ALL of them think they are right and the others are wrong, then how does that work?  Does each religion have a different Heaven or eternity? I have a hard time believing in a single God or Gods, but anything is possible.

I had a discussion with my mom many years ago, i was dating a Buddhist at the time, her and her family were very religious and some of the kindest people I've ever met.  They lived to help people and never said anything bad about anyone.  I had been dating this girl for about 3 years and my mom approached me about religion, she told me that it bothered her that i was living a Buddhist lifestyle and that she was afraid i would not go to heaven.  I kind of laughed it off; i had been living a Buddhist lifestyle and still do to a degree, it's not just a religion it's a way of thinking.  I used to go to the temples and hang out with the Vietnamese monks, they were very cool to chat with, you could ask them literally anything and they would give you their thoughts, i didn't have to agree with them, but it was nice to hear an unbiased response.

Anyway, i was thinking about getting married to this girl and my family went nuts, they wanted a Christian wedding and thought that having a Buddhist ceremony was out of the question.  Also, if we had kids would they be Christian?  My family was all up in my shit over this stuff.  To me these things aren't very important, i just wanted to have a good life.  To my family i was going to hell if i didn't follow Jesus, they were very upset that i refuse to follow that path.

I never got married to this girl, but still to this day i think the Buddhist's have a better idea of Life in general.  It's amazing how different they are from Christians and the Islamic faith.
Be thankful they blocked your path to marriage.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2020, 01:59:40 PM »
Be thankful they blocked your path to marriage.

I am.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: The main reason(s) I stopped being a Christian
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2020, 09:04:05 PM »
I was raised in a very religious household in Texas.  Everything revolved around the Bible and Jesus, it was insane.  I studied the Bible and went to church every Sunday until i was 18 and moved out of my parent's house; not because i wanted to be religious but because i was forced to.  Living in my parent's house it was required.  I spent years arguing with myself if God was real and if religion was anything more than a method to control people.  I have come to the conclusion that being forced into religion all my young years made me have a fear of God, it made me want to be a better person and not do anything bad.  I now understand that was the entire point, it's a method to control people.  All religion does is make people fill themselves with something they don't understand, it gives them something to work for.  Now i have no issues with religious people, i think it's good for humanity to be scared of heaven and hell, makes people more docile.  But i can't stand it when it's forced down my throat.

My ex-girlfriend's parents were the most religious people i've ever met, but my GF wasn't very religious, we felt "kind of" the same way about it, but she believed in God, i'm agnostic.  They were from El Salvador, came here in the 90's.  They were 7th Day Adventists, and believed that the end of days is very near and Jesus would be here soon.  I went to their house for the first time, her mother talked about God the entire time, for hours.  Everything i said she responded with God is coming soon, prepare yourself.  Like i told her she had a nice home, i was just trying to be nice.  Her response was "this is not my home, i'm preparing my home in heaven".  Stuff like this for hours.  Before i left she asked me to come into the living room, she handed me a Bible as the rest of the family surrounded the room; they started taking turns reading scripture, then it was my turn.  I read a few lines and stopped, they picked up where i left off.  Then they wanted to sing songs, this went on for about 45 minutes.  When we left i was in shock, i told my GF i thought her family was crazy.  She agreed.  They lived like this every day; all day long they would text Bible versus to each other, like a hundred times a day.  One time i invited them over for dinner at my house, her father accused me of being an alcoholic because i had a wine cabinet and a few bottles of liquor in my kitchen.  They went nuts, told my GF she had to leave with them and go pray in the car.  I have a couple more stories, but if you read this far you got the point.  Needless to say our relationship didn't last long.  I went to church with her once, the pastor did nothing but scare everyone into believing the world was going to end soon, like maybe a few weeks.  She told me that's how it works and it's always like this.  Then he went on a sales pitch asking for money, the guy drove a M5 BMW.  What a weird world we live in.

I believe there is something bigger than us, something more powerful, but it's not an imaginary man in the sky.  God was created by man.  Just my opinion.  I have no issues with religious people, i just find it so odd personally.

I tend to agree. There may be something bigger than us, but I'm pretty certain if there is it won't be ANY of the religions we know on earth. I believe we created them all.