What would be your opinion for the best protein drink? I dont care about taste. I taking good good protein to take
Eggwhites, chicken, doesn't matter...Just make sure you're getting enough protein and food.. but make sure you can afford plenty of drugs because this is what's gonna make the difference in your physique when you're eating enough and hitting the gym....
goat protein is pretty expansive . good good one.
So do you like the pure whey protein? like WPIS?
Zero carb isopure. It was tested and is a solid product. No amino spiking.
Lol. The 1 post wonder quoting the 3 post wonder...
if you REALLY have to supplement your protein intake..i'd suggest ON gold standard..because it's good quality and best bang for your buck.isopure is better but more expensive
ON is cheap because it has concentrate in it, likely mostly concentrate. Isopure is the BEST Whey Isolate available. It also tastes great.
It also has isolate as the first ingredient. Explain why concentrate is inferior in your opinion and what makes Isopure "the best".