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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: dario73 on August 27, 2014, 08:22:41 AM

Title: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: dario73 on August 27, 2014, 08:22:41 AM

Pew Survey: 1/3 of Mexicans Want to Move to America; 60% Disapprove of Peña Nieto's Economy

As Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto travels across California and declares America to be "the other Mexico," a Pew Research survey has found that 60% of Mexicans disapprove of Peña Nieto on the economy. Perhaps as a result, a plurality of Mexicans think that life is better across the border, and a third want to move to America.
In addition, the Pew survey found that "two-thirds are dissatisfied with the way things are going in Mexico today" while "only 30% are satisfied with the country’s direction." That may be why "a plurality of Mexicans (44%) believe life is better north of the border for those who migrated from Mexico" and "roughly a third (34%) still say they would move to the U.S. if they had the opportunity, including 17% of Mexicans who would do so" illegally.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: bears on August 27, 2014, 08:51:55 AM
still remember the fucking brainless idiot on here insulting me for saying that there is no reason for a Mexican immigrant to the US celebrating their national pride in Mexico.  they all hate their country.  they all know that their country cannot and will not give them what they need to survive and thrive.  so why all the national pride?  Mexico, as a nation, sucks.  It's awful.  I think that if everyone wants to leave a country, that a pretty decent indicator that those people have no pride in their country.  but that's just me.  national pride begins with ACTUALLY WANTING TO FUCKING LIVE THERE!  PERIOD.  please note that I have no qualm with having and celebrating cultural pride.  TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

my question is, when are we going, as a nation, to start holding the shit show that is the Mexican government responsible for ANY of this?  
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: RRKore on August 27, 2014, 09:13:25 AM
still remember the fucking brainless idiot on here insulting me for saying that there is no reason for a Mexican immigrant to the US celebrating their national pride in Mexico.  they all hate their country.  they all know that their country cannot and will not give them what they need to survive and thrive.  so why all the national pride?  Mexico, as a nation, sucks.  It's awful.  I think that if everyone wants to leave a country, that a pretty decent indicator that those people have no pride in their country.  but that's just me.  national pride begins with ACTUALLY WANTING TO FUCKING LIVE THERE!  PERIOD.  please note that I have no qualm with having and celebrating cultural pride.  TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

my question is, when are we going, as a nation, to start holding the shit show that is the Mexican government responsible for ANY of this?  

I'm a little confused about what you mean by national pride. 

For instance, don't you think it's possible for a US citizen to be a proud of being an American because of our nation's history and yet be so disappointed in the current US gov't administration that he or she wants to get the fuck out, at least temporarily? 

I guess I ask this because there are a lot of US ex-pats in Thailand who are disgusted with the past few administrations but will attempt to box with you (if it's early in the day and they haven't yet had too much to drink, haha) if you accuse them of not being proud Americans.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: Dos Equis on August 27, 2014, 10:05:40 AM
And Governor Moombeam would welcome them all, legal and illegal. 
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: James28 on August 27, 2014, 10:55:46 AM
Dario73 is Mexican though  ???
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: bears on August 27, 2014, 11:00:29 AM
I'm a little confused about what you mean by national pride.  

For instance, don't you think it's possible for a US citizen to be a proud of being an American because of our nation's history and yet be so disappointed in the current US gov't administration that he or she wants to get the fuck out, at least temporarily?  

I guess I ask this because there are a lot of US ex-pats in Thailand who are disgusted with the past few administrations but will attempt to box with you (if it's early in the day and they haven't yet had too much to drink, haha) if you accuse them of not being proud Americans.

in short no.  if you're disgusted by what your country's leaders are doing, and are disgusted enough that you don't even want to live there anymore, then you are currently absent of national pride.  if you're proud of the principles that your country was founded upon and of what the people of your country have accomplished before you, then you have cultural pride.  

but you will get no respect from me if you leave a country that cannot or will not take care of you and your family and wave that country's flag around claiming it is the "greatest country in the world" while some other country and their people have taken you in and offered you an opportunity to provide for yourself and your family.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: bears on August 27, 2014, 11:07:44 AM
and you all do have to admit, when we see people waving the flag of another country, we look upon them favorably and proclaim how great it is that we can celebrate other cultures here in America.

when we see or hear someone claiming how much they love America, we mock them, call them "stupid hicks", and make jokes about " 'Merica ".  why is that?
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: headhuntersix on August 27, 2014, 11:41:32 AM
Because liberalism is a mental disorder.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 27, 2014, 11:51:29 AM
Because liberalism is a mental disorder.

what do you think of getbig member that

1) shit all over liberals all day
2) support amnesty because "it's inevitable anyway" or "as long as the illegals work, I don't care"?

I mean, they wear that conservative badge... while advancing the liberal pro-amnesty agenda.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: bears on August 27, 2014, 12:08:42 PM
what do you think of getbig member that

1) shit all over liberals all day
2) support amnesty because "it's inevitable anyway" or "as long as the illegals work, I don't care"?

I mean, they wear that conservative badge... while advancing the liberal pro-amnesty agenda.

I think that person is most accurately labeled a conservative but has an opinion on one particular issue that differs from the Republican machine.  it sounds like you're mocking someone for having an individual opinion that differs from the norm.

I consider myself way more conservative than liberal.  I don't agree with everything the Republican machine does or says.

I can't fucking liberals.  Yet there are some issues where I agree wholeheartedly with them.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: dario73 on August 27, 2014, 12:15:17 PM
Dario73 is Mexican though  ???

You are wrong and racist.

Racist post reported.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 27, 2014, 12:16:05 PM
I think that person is most accurately labeled a conservative but has an opinion on one particular issue that differs from the Republican machine.  it sounds like you're mocking someone for having an individual opinion that differs from the norm.

I consider myself way more conservative than liberal.  I don't agree with everything the Republican machine does or says.

I can't fucking liberals.  Yet there are some issues where I agree wholeheartedly with them.

So they'd be conservatives with radically liberal beliefs in "some areas".  I guess that's where things get messy.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: James28 on August 27, 2014, 12:39:10 PM

You are wrong and racist.

Racist post reported.

Oooh, gotcha.  So you're Mexican. Thanks for owning up, finally  ;)
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: bears on August 27, 2014, 12:45:50 PM
So they'd be conservatives with radically liberal beliefs in "some areas".  I guess that's where things get messy.

yeah.  i'm conservative.  my stance on abortion is accepted by neither conservatives nor liberals.  they all hate it.  because its fair and doesn't fall in line with either political drone machine.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: RRKore on August 27, 2014, 12:59:13 PM
and you all do have to admit, when we see people waving the flag of another country, we look upon them favorably and proclaim how great it is that we can celebrate other cultures here in America.

when we see or hear someone claiming how much they love America, we mock them, call them "stupid hicks", and make jokes about " 'Merica ".  why is that?

Sure, I'll admit that I think it's cool that in America you can wave the flag of many (but not all, lol) other countries and not get your ass kicked.  That (being accepting of folks waving other flags) is something to be proud of as an American.

I had to think a little bit about your 2nd thought because I DO sometimes think of people ostentatiously waving the American flag here for no real reason (not on the 4th, and not at some kind of vets' rally, etc.) as probably being kind of dumb.  For me, I think it's because they're already here in the USA.  It makes me wonder if they've ever been anywhere else.  If I see someone wearing an American flag shirt or hat when I'm out of the country, then I don't think of them as being a dumb hick because they have some basis for comparison.
My Thai inlaws, many of whom are palm or rubber tree farmers, love American flag shit, btw.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: bears on August 27, 2014, 01:12:46 PM
Sure, I'll admit that I think it's cool that in America you can wave the flag of many (but not all, lol) other countries and not get your ass kicked.  That (being accepting of folks waving other flags) is something to be proud of as an American.

I had to think a little bit about your 2nd thought because I DO sometimes think of people ostentatiously waving the American flag here for no real reason (not on the 4th, and not at some kind of vets' rally, etc.) as probably being kind of dumb.  For me, I think it's because they're already here in the USA.  It makes me wonder if they've ever been anywhere else.  If I see someone wearing an American flag shirt or hat when I'm out of the country, then I don't think of them as being a dumb hick because they have some basis for comparison.
My Thai inlaws, many of whom are palm or rubber tree farmers, love American flag shit, btw.

I've been to London a bunch of times.  France a couple times.  Mexico a few times.  I wouldn't feel comfortable waving the American flag around in any of them. 
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: RRKore on August 27, 2014, 01:20:02 PM
I've been to London a bunch of times.  France a couple times.  Mexico a few times.  I wouldn't feel comfortable waving the American flag around in any of them. 

Not even London or France?  For sure you'd catch a little verbal shit but I don't think it'd be dangerous, would it?
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: headhuntersix on August 27, 2014, 02:05:35 PM
If I was lived in London or Paris and it was the 4th I might a do something "American" but I wouldn't do what these people do. I might have a flag in front of the home I lived in.....but hell I don't even do that here, nor have a single thing ID'ing me as a soldier on either car. I think I'd make a damm effort to speak French as well.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: Coach is Back! on August 27, 2014, 07:20:22 PM
what do you think of getbig member that

1) shit all over liberals all day
2) support amnesty because "it's inevitable anyway" or "as long as the illegals work, I don't care"?

I mean, they wear that conservative badge... while advancing the liberal pro-amnesty agenda.

I see what you did there. As usually and like your MSNBC hero's, there were a couple of things you left out. Such as...

 The one's that were already here before president dickhead opened the flood I said, you can't get rid of all of them. The ones that commit crimes you send their asses back to where they belong. Lets take Obama for example. Convict him for the crimes he's committed and his sorry, skinny ass back to Kenya. If he's tried and convicted for treason...well, the chips fall where they may. Personally I'm hoping for the treason conviction.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 27, 2014, 07:55:50 PM
The one's that were already here before president dickhead opened the flood I said, you can't get rid of all of them. The ones that commit crimes you send their asses back to where they belong.

Um, I'm not sure you realize that being here currently IS ALREADY A CRIME.

So when you say "the ones that commit crimes, send their asses back" - Well, you're not including them.

So you only want to kick out those that break CERTAIN laws, right?  If they're here illegally, they are committing a host of laws, they're siphoning US resources, they're not paying taxes, they're doing a whole lot of crimes. 

So let's try again - ALL LAWBREAKERS should be kicked out (which means all illegals)?   Or just some of them?
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 27, 2014, 08:02:37 PM
The one's that were already here before president dickhead opened the flood gate


Look, I have said I think obama is illegal when half the repubs here wont have the balls to say the same.

But when it comes to kicking out illegals... Obama kicked out way more than Bush.
The the numbers coming IN, well that's shrinking too.

So while I'm not kneepadding this kenyan illegal, I would like to see what numbers support obama "opening the floodgates"? 
Cause he's kicking more out, and fewer are coming.  Explain?
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: Coach is Back! on August 27, 2014, 08:03:54 PM
Um, I'm not sure you realize that being here currently IS ALREADY A CRIME.

So when you say "the ones that commit crimes, send their asses back" - Well, you're not including them.

So you only want to kick out those that break CERTAIN laws, right?  If they're here illegally, they are committing a host of laws, they're siphoning US resources, they're not paying taxes, they're doing a whole lot of crimes. 

So let's try again - ALL LAWBREAKERS should be kicked out (which means all illegals)?   Or just some of them?

Ok, try to keep up here. I know it's a crime. Liberals do not. But you cannot send everyone back because there are too many already here. In order to that, an agent would have to come up to everyone you THINK is illegally
here, ask for proof then do send them wherever they need to be sent and deported. We don't have nor will we ever have that kind of man power or the funds to even begin the process unless president fuckface decides to steal even more of our money.

The solution? Deport the illegals that commit crimes and either fine, or prosecute the mayors and governor that aid and abed in sanctuary cities and towns.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: Coach is Back! on August 27, 2014, 08:06:14 PM

Look, I have said I think obama is illegal when half the repubs here wont have the balls to say the same.

But when it comes to kicking out illegals... Obama kicked out way more than Bush.
The the numbers coming IN, well that's shrinking too.

So while I'm not kneepadding this kenyan illegal, I would like to see what numbers support obama "opening the floodgates"? 
Cause he's kicking more out, and fewer are coming.  Explain?

You don't get it. I don't give a fuck what Bush did at this point because he isn't president (but then again neither is Obama but I digress) so quit bringing him up. It's irrelevant.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 27, 2014, 08:09:29 PM
You don't get it. I don't give a fuck what Bush did at this point because he isn't president (but then again neither is Obama but I digress) so quit bringing him up. It's irrelevant.

Well, you said the kenyan fckup "opened the floodgates", right?

I just showed you that if anything, the floodgates had been open... and obama closed them a bit.

Where did you get the info that obama "opened the floodgates"?   He's kicking them out at higher numbers than any prez in history, right?   AND fewer are coming in too.

And I'm sure you remember Perry calling obama a heartless bastard lol, because obama let the illegals die in the desert?

Coach, obama sucks for a lot of reasons, and he deserves jail for F&F and benghazi... I'll say that while most "repubs" here will not.  But on illegals, he is pretty tough on them.  And repubs like Boehnner are criticizing obama for not doing enough to help illegals - I mean, boehnner said "Doing something is better than doing nothing!"  - Boehnner thinks obama isn't doing enough on making them legal.

Coach, this isn't one of the good reasons to shit on obama.  There are plenty, but "opening the floodgates", no, definitely not.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 27, 2014, 08:13:46 PM
The solution? Deport the illegals that commit crimes and either fine, or prosecute the mayors and governor that aid and abed in sanctuary cities and towns.

Oh, even without advanced technology, the US managed to lock up thousands of japanese, keep tens of thousands of slaves for centuries... you're telling me we can't force 12 million out?   Dude, come on... we're a nation of 310 million with amazing tech - if we wanted it, they'd be out.  Don't blame logistics.

Again, "Deport the illegals that commit crimes" - by their very DEFINITION, all illegals ARE ALREADY COMMITTING A CRIME BY BEING HERE WITHOUT BEING A CITIZEN.  It's a crime.   Do you agree, yes or no?
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 27, 2014, 08:17:11 PM
Please read a list of the crimes that illegals commit just by waking up and eating breakfast:

I know it's a crime.  

The solution? Deport the illegals that commit crimes

The ones that commit crimes you send their asses back     ???  ???  ???

But you cannot send everyone back

Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: syntaxmachine on August 27, 2014, 10:50:54 PM
Oh, even without advanced technology, the US managed to lock up thousands of japanese, keep tens of thousands of slaves for centuries....

The scale is different in both absolute and relative terms: 12 million persons = ~3.7% of the entire population (legal + illegal).
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 28, 2014, 05:01:26 AM
The scale is different in both absolute and relative terms: 12 million persons = ~3.7% of the entire population (legal + illegal).

Simple changes to the law could force most to SELF exit the USA.

Fine any employer who knowingly hires an illegal 100,000.
Fine any person who knowingly rent to an illegal 100,000.
Fine any person who knowingly feeds, drives, enables an illegal 100,000.
GIVE a reward for $10,000 for anyone that turns in an illegal. :)
And make it very easy for them to leave.  Maybe even give them $5000 exit incentive, and/or a chip, so we get radio pings if they ever try coming back.  Is it really that unreasonable to put a low-jack on a criminal to make sure they don't commit that crime again?

That 12 million number will start shrinking very quickly.   We wouldn't be putting 12 million people in handcuffs.  Most would just drive out of here.  They could start applying LEGALLY, from mexico, not from here.   And we could set up some mnfg/housing towns right across the border to help with the transition.  MEX would love the boost to their economy.   

Above all - these people ARE breaking the law.  They are.  No denying there.  There's nos such thing as "ONLY Kick out the illegals that are breaking the law" - because they ALL are. 
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: bears on August 28, 2014, 06:52:37 AM
Simple changes to the law could force most to SELF exit the USA.

Fine any employer who knowingly hires an illegal 100,000.
Fine any person who knowingly rent to an illegal 100,000.
Fine any person who knowingly feeds, drives, enables an illegal 100,000.
GIVE a reward for $10,000 for anyone that turns in an illegal. :)
And make it very easy for them to leave.  Maybe even give them $5000 exit incentive, and/or a chip, so we get radio pings if they ever try coming back.  Is it really that unreasonable to put a low-jack on a criminal to make sure they don't commit that crime again?

That 12 million number will start shrinking very quickly.   We wouldn't be putting 12 million people in handcuffs.  Most would just drive out of here.  They could start applying LEGALLY, from mexico, not from here.   And we could set up some mnfg/housing towns right across the border to help with the transition.  MEX would love the boost to their economy.   

Above all - these people ARE breaking the law.  They are.  No denying there.  There's nos such thing as "ONLY Kick out the illegals that are breaking the law" - because they ALL are. 

totally fair.  although people would find 10,000,000 reasons why it is unfair and that those who are prosecuted were racially profiled.  which I always found strange.  if we're looking for illegal Mexicans, don't we have to zero in on...................uh. ...............Mexicans?
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 28, 2014, 07:06:28 AM
totally fair.  although people would find 10,000,000 reasons why it is unfair and that those who are prosecuted were racially profiled.  which I always found strange.  if we're looking for illegal Mexicans, don't we have to zero in on...................uh. ...............Mexicans?

Ainsi sera, groinge qui groinge.

"Let them grumble".

People will complain no matter what.  Let's improve the country and let them say what they will. 
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: bears on August 28, 2014, 07:38:44 AM
Ainsi sera, groinge qui groinge.

"Let them grumble".

People will complain no matter what.  Let's improve the country and let them say what they will. 

Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: Shockwave on August 28, 2014, 09:45:56 AM
totally fair.  although people would find 10,000,000 reasons why it is unfair and that those who are prosecuted were racially profiled.  which I always found strange.  if we're looking for illegal Mexicans, don't we have to zero in on...................uh. ...............Mexicans?
I dont think we can lo-jack foreign nationals.... hell i cpildnt support lo-jacking anyone.

Thats absolutely unconstitutional on many levels.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: LurkerNoMore on August 28, 2014, 10:09:31 AM
Dario73 is Mexican though  ???

HAHAHA.  Dude is too ashamed to say what he is.  Self loathing is a bitch.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 28, 2014, 10:22:58 AM
I dont think we can lo-jack foreign nationals.... hell i cpildnt support lo-jacking anyone.

Thats absolutely unconstitutional on many levels.

The Constitution doesn't apply to non-Americans.

They've sued and sued, but really, they're not americans.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: Shockwave on August 28, 2014, 02:07:25 PM
The Constitution doesn't apply to non-Americans.

They've sued and sued, but really, they're not americans.
Regardless, its morally wrong on way to many levels and youll never (and rightfully so) get anyone to agree to put GPS trackers on people.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 28, 2014, 03:00:45 PM
Regardless, its morally wrong on way to many levels and youll never (and rightfully so) get anyone to agree to put GPS trackers on people.

We put ankle bracelets on people ALL THE TIME in america.

When people break the law, this can happen.
If you're an illegal alien, you are indeed breaking the law by being here.

If they'll do this to an american lawbreaker, monitor them with GPS trackers... why not do it to foreigners?
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: Skeletor on August 28, 2014, 03:03:04 PM
Fine any employer who knowingly hires an illegal 100,000.

I posted the same thing years ago and some "hard liners" on illegal immigration suddenly had issues with it thinking that businesses would suffer financially (even doing an eligibility to work check obviously was an obstacle to those "entrepreneurs".) Maybe these people were/are actually employing illegals?
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: Shockwave on August 28, 2014, 03:51:35 PM
We put ankle bracelets on people ALL THE TIME in america.

When people break the law, this can happen.
If you're an illegal alien, you are indeed breaking the law by being here.

If they'll do this to an american lawbreaker, monitor them with GPS trackers... why not do it to foreigners?
Because they're foreign nationals, you can't just implant a GPS tracker on a dude and send him home to be constantly monitored by a foreign country.

Criminals here wear ankle bracelets when they've committed a crime and its part of their punishment as US citizens. They get the bracelet off after a short period and go about their lives.

You're talking about forcefully using trackers on people who are sent home to live in their own country, not subject to our laws.

That's a massive violation of privacy and a huge abuse of authority.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 28, 2014, 06:35:27 PM
That's a massive violation of privacy and a huge abuse of authority.

And that is why we will give them 30 days to exit the nation before we install them with RFID chips.

And let's be honest, the US doesn't give a single shit about "violations of privacy", IE, they read anything they want.  If they'll read the mail of actual americans, who cares about the rights of foreign criminals? 

Also, abuse of authority?  LOL we start wars over "what this nation MIGHT do one day".  LOL.   We do so much shady shit in the world, I'm pretty sure "abuse of authority" would bring any congress to fall down laughter. 

Again, if they wanted to keep the illegals out - they could.  Tracker, or whatever.  If we have the technology to watch porn on cell phone as we drive while texting our grandmothers while buying from ebay simultaneously... I'm thinking we could build something to keep carbon-based people from crossing over into the USA.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 28, 2014, 06:38:58 PM
I posted the same thing years ago and some "hard liners" on illegal immigration suddenly had issues with it thinking that businesses would suffer financially (even doing an eligibility to work check obviously was an obstacle to those "entrepreneurs".) Maybe these people were/are actually employing illegals?

yeah, libs/dems are pretty consistent on their love for amnesty.

Repubs try to play the "Let's close the border" then suddenly soften up whenever Palin or Romney or Limbaugh or whoever tells them to.  Seeing them excuse it for "well, if they're working, it's okay" or "well, any illegals BEFORE 2015 can stay", or my fave, "look, only deport that ones that actually break the law..."

They're trying to convince themselves that 85% of the lib plan is A-okay, but they're hardcore repub because "hey, any illegal after 2015 with a murder rap and improperly filled-out paperwork - we will TOTALLY kick HIM out!"

Sorry, doesn't fly.  If you are okay with letting the lawnreaking illlegals stay - for any reason - you are a fcking lib on the subject.  Plain and simple.  it's like being "kinda pregnant".  Nope.  If you're a conservative, you respect the fcking law, and anyone here today that is "undocumented" is committing a crime.  Daily.   If you excuse breaking of law, you're not a repub.  Plain and simple.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: bears on August 29, 2014, 06:40:18 AM
yeah, libs/dems are pretty consistent on their love for amnesty.

Repubs try to play the "Let's close the border" then suddenly soften up whenever Palin or Romney or Limbaugh or whoever tells them to.  Seeing them excuse it for "well, if they're working, it's okay" or "well, any illegals BEFORE 2015 can stay", or my fave, "look, only deport that ones that actually break the law..."

They're trying to convince themselves that 85% of the lib plan is A-okay, but they're hardcore repub because "hey, any illegal after 2015 with a murder rap and improperly filled-out paperwork - we will TOTALLY kick HIM out!"

Sorry, doesn't fly.  If you are okay with letting the lawnreaking illlegals stay - for any reason - you are a fcking lib on the subject.  Plain and simple.  it's like being "kinda pregnant".  Nope.  If you're a conservative, you respect the fcking law, and anyone here today that is "undocumented" is committing a crime.  Daily.   If you excuse breaking of law, you're not a repub.  Plain and simple.

in all fairness to both sides.  the logistics of this are incredible.  there is no solution that doesn't require a firm hand.  it's a matter of having people in power who want to do what's fair and right and not worrying about being criticized.  it's one of those things where if you try and please everyone you will end up pleasing no one.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: Archer77 on August 29, 2014, 06:42:57 AM
in all fairness to both sides.  the logistics of this are incredible.  there is no solution that doesn't require a firm hand. 

This!  I would also add that any solution requires long term planning and more importantly follow through.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: Shockwave on August 29, 2014, 07:10:46 AM
This!  I would also add that any solution requires long term planning and more importantly follow through.
And this is why were fucked.

We all know politicians like to make big sweeping speeches and promises but not actually do anything that may alienate voters....

Theyll never take any action that could make them look bad.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: OzmO on August 29, 2014, 07:12:50 AM
The only real.solution I see is put up a path to citizenship for the illegals that are here, seal the borders and increase the penalties for hiring illegals
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: Archer77 on August 29, 2014, 07:12:57 AM
And this is why were fucked.

We all know politicians like to make big sweeping speeches and promises but not actually do anything that may alienate voters....

Theyll never take any action that could make them look bad.

We only need to look at the aftermath of the 86 amnesty to know you are correct.   We were told that after the 86 amnesty the border would be secured and no further amnesty would be required.  How did that turn out?

The only real.solution I see is put up a path to citizenship for the illegals that are here, seal the borders and increase the penalties for hiring illegals

I agree, its the only rational plan with any hope of working.  The problem is follow through.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: syntaxmachine on August 29, 2014, 02:25:07 PM
We only need to look at the aftermath of the 86 amnesty to know you are correct.   We were told that after the 86 amnesty the border would be secured and no further amnesty would be required.  How did that turn out?

Did the 1986 bill call for securing the border and increasing prosecution of illegal border crossings? The current bill does, complete with certification of the following before illegals can even begin the process of applying for LPR status: 700 miles of fencing, 38k+ border patrol agents deployed, an e-verify employment verification system in place, and much more. Since all of that is supposed to take 10 years, the bill clearly emphasizes enforcement/border security for years before a single illegal applies for LPR status (many will be granted temporary 'RPI' status in the meantime).

That's all very different from the 1986 bill, if I understand things correctly.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: George Whorewell on August 29, 2014, 06:27:15 PM
Have any of you idiots been paying attention to politics for the past 6 years?!

Osama and the rest of the retards on the left have no intention of enforcing immigration law or sealing the borders. Who gives a shit about some meaningless "certification"? Name one instance where Osama, Reid and the rest of the communist thugs in power have cared one bit about the rule of law-- go ahead... I'll wait.  

While you're fumbling over yourselves trying to find a single instance of respect for the rule of law, consider this-- The GOP establishment (US Chamber of Crony Capitalism, wants the cucarachas to be legalized for the cheap labor. The left wants a permanent underclass of illiterate, disease ridden welfare beneficiaries to disrupt the electorate and turn Texas blue.

All this horseshit about a path to citizenship and all the rest is nonsense. The ruling class has set out to destroy the United States. Anyone who says otherwise is either a liar or a moron.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: RRKore on August 30, 2014, 04:13:30 AM
If I was lived in London or Paris and it was the 4th I might a do something "American" but I wouldn't do what these people do. I might have a flag in front of the home I lived in.....but hell I don't even do that here, nor have a single thing ID'ing me as a soldier on either car. I think I'd make a damm effort to speak French as well.

LOL at the video below. 

If Brits give you any shit about being an American, I recommend responding with some version of Doug Stanhope's bit here:
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: TheGrinch on August 30, 2014, 08:33:01 AM
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: Archer77 on August 30, 2014, 08:56:40 AM
Did the 1986 bill call for securing the border and increasing prosecution of illegal border crossings? The current bill does, complete with certification of the following before illegals can even begin the process of applying for LPR status: 700 miles of fencing, 38k+ border patrol agents deployed, an e-verify employment verification system in place, and much more. Since all of that is supposed to take 10 years, the bill clearly emphasizes enforcement/border security for years before a single illegal applies for LPR status (many will be granted temporary 'RPI' status in the meantime).

That's all very different from the 1986 bill, if I understand things correctly.

You are correct.  As always, I appreciate your clarification.  The promise at the time was that a future amnesty would not be necessary.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: bears on August 31, 2014, 09:30:39 AM
And this is why were fucked.

We all know politicians like to make big sweeping speeches and promises but not actually do anything that may alienate voters....

Theyll never take any action that could make them look bad.

TRUTH.  party politics comes first.  if they can find some time to actually help people then so be it.  but in this day and age hard line politics and actually getting things done are for "radical quacks" who don't get votes.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: tu_holmes on August 31, 2014, 10:40:42 AM
Well, you said the kenyan fckup "opened the floodgates", right?

I just showed you that if anything, the floodgates had been open... and obama closed them a bit.

Where did you get the info that obama "opened the floodgates"?   He's kicking them out at higher numbers than any prez in history, right?   AND fewer are coming in too.

And I'm sure you remember Perry calling obama a heartless bastard lol, because obama let the illegals die in the desert?

Coach, obama sucks for a lot of reasons, and he deserves jail for F&F and benghazi... I'll say that while most "repubs" here will not.  But on illegals, he is pretty tough on them.  And repubs like Boehnner are criticizing obama for not doing enough to help illegals - I mean, boehnner said "Doing something is better than doing nothing!"  - Boehnner thinks obama isn't doing enough on making them legal.

Coach, this isn't one of the good reasons to shit on obama.  There are plenty, but "opening the floodgates", no, definitely not.

Joe, you know I like you, but you have to stop spouting the "talking points" of buffoons... Just because Limbaugh, Hannity, and O'Reilly say it doesn't make it so.

I get caught up sometimes in it myself, but you have to fight the urge to just fall in line with jack asses... You're not an idiot, you know these fuckers all lie... Don't just go with the lie because it's what you want to believe.

You are better than that.
Title: Re: America, are you ready to take in 1/3 of Mexico?
Post by: muscleman-2013 on September 01, 2014, 07:04:10 AM
and you all do have to admit, when we see people waving the flag of another country, we look upon them favorably and proclaim how great it is that we can celebrate other cultures here in America.

when we see or hear someone claiming how much they love America, we mock them, call them "stupid hicks", and make jokes about " 'Merica ".  why is that?

Gutless, brainless, brainwashed.