Author Topic: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out  (Read 20422 times)


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Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« on: April 02, 2006, 10:49:37 AM »
Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out

After a week of shocking revelations and accusations in the Las Vegas bodybuilder’s murder trial, it seems like more people are crawling out of the woodwork to add to the insanity.

Recent interviews with two old friends of Titus & Ryan, the guy a struggling loan officer with a mortgage company and her a reputed prostitute wife, have added an inside look into the nocturnal activities of the accused.  When questioned in regards to the rumors of “wife-swapping” or “swinging”, the two readily admit to having several sexual encounters with the Titus’ over the course of a few years.   He goes on to add, “He (Titus) seemed to swing both ways, which was ok with me.”

Further questions regarding the use of drugs revealed some interesting information.  When asked if they had participated in any drug use along with the Titus’, their response indicated that they had and at times even supplied the “party-favors.”  The couple expressed concern over Kelly and Craig’s use of needles and the possible contraction of STD’s.   They have said they had recently submitted to multiple HIV/STD tests and were anxiously awaiting the outcome.  As a side note, one might wonder if any STD’s contracted were a result of the many sexual activities the couples shared or if her profession added to their concern.

Research into the background of this couple yielded a multitude of interesting pieces of information.  He grew up as a Mormon and spent most of his childhood in Utah.  They eloped in Las Vegas, after his family disowned him for what were considered questionable life choices (read drug dealing, theft, and hookers).  We are still researching her background, which seems to be completely fabricated. 

This is part one of a 5 part article.  Stay tuned for more.


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2006, 11:34:52 AM »
This is no surprise, I live in Texas and have a personal friend who was "hit on" by the couple. She had just met them when she competed in a fitness show. Lucky for her she declined their offer. Kelly and Craig lead a very decadent lifestyle. The combination of sex, and the various drug use can't be a good outcome for all who were involved. It is amazing what drugs can do to a person, mentally and physically. They are both only shells of what they used to be.


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2006, 02:42:03 PM »

I'm so glad that something is finally being printed about these two.  They have been involved with this case since the beginning, yet they like to push all the blame on the innocent.  I have not personally met these two, which I must say that I am thankful for!  What a discrace! 

Great article Las Vegas Weekly!

 ;D :) :D


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2006, 03:31:52 PM »
This is too funny.   each person has only one or two posts. 

I can't believe that it took the guy so long between logging out and then logging back in to post under the other handle.

give you credit though--  what you wrote is probably very true.

from the LVW:

Eight days after the lifeless body of Melissa James was discovered bound and burned in the trunk of a red 2003 Jaguar, Kelly Ryan's best friend met with the detectives assigned to the case and told them all that she knew. Already convinced that Kelly and her husband, Craig Titus, were culpable not just of burning the Jaguar in the desert with Melissa's body in the trunk, but also of murdering the young woman the day before, the detectives considered the new witness their greatest fortune. And that's because she—Kelly's closest friend—knew more about what happened in those tragic days surrounding December 14, 2005, than anyone else, save for Kelly and Craig themselves. And so it was only natural that she would be subpoenaed to testify in front of the grand jury when state
prosecutors, charging the couple with first-degree murder, kidnapping and third-degree arson, sought an indictment. She had been at the couple's house on Monday, December 12, and on Tuesday, December 13; plus, Kelly and Craig had come to see her on Friday, December 16, two days after they had burned Melissa's body and one day before they would flee the state of Nevada. Throughout that time, Kelly's best friend allegedly witnessed the conflicts that gave rise to this whole drama, heard detailed accounts of the events from Kelly and Craig themselves, and watched its aftermath with a cringed stomach and her heart in her throat. On March 22, 2006, she spoke in front of the grand jury, and this, by and large, is the story she alleges—a version of which she told us later:

Before Craig Titus murdered his roommate Melissa James in cold blood, with the assistance of Kelly Ryan, the tension inside his house had become unbearable. Kelly had suspicions that Melissa was stealing from her, for there were charges to her credit card account (which Craig controlled, just like the house and the red 2003 Jaguar under Kelly's name) for purchases made at stores Melissa had been notorious for frequenting, and because she was told Melissa had had a past record of chicanery in Florida. Melissa (who had been heavy into pernicious drugs at the time) resented the charges, and soon she and Kelly were fighting with such clamor that Craig booked a hotel room for Melissa for two nights: that Monday, December 12, and Tuesday, December 13.

Craig then escorted Melissa to her hotel room at the La Quinta Hotel on West Sahara Avenue, five miles from their Spring Valley home. When he returned, Craig, a man infamous for his short temper and feared even by his friends, found his own reasons to believe Melissa was indeed defrauding them, and he became enraged.

Melissa, who did not possess a car at the time, ended up back at Craig's home the next afternoon (after speaking with her mother over the phone at a quarter to noon, and eating chicken and rice at Kentucky Fried Chicken, detective reports state), and sometime before the winter sun descended, the atrocity occurred: Craig choked Melissa with his bare hands, Kelly held her down, punched her in the face, and shot her six times with an Air Taser Gun, and one of them injected Melissa with an inordinate dose of morphine.

After the irreversible deed had been done, Craig phoned Kelly's best friend, and in unclear rapidity said that he was in some trouble, that he was going to put it in his trunk and take care of it, and that he didn't want to get caught. And then he hung up.

At 9 o' clock that night Craig again telephoned Kelly's best friend, who was eating dinner with her husband at the Green Valley Ranch in Henderson, and Craig said that he had discovered Melissa was stealing from him, but that he took care of it. It was a haunting statement that was not atypical of Craig's character, and so Kelly's best friends thought it was another one of his endless bad jokes and accepted his invitation to come over and watch movies on his home movie theater, as she and her husband had done so many times before.

(But the real reason Kelly's best friend wanted to go over that night was to talk about getting Kelly into an intervention program for her drug crisis. The former world-champion fitness star was shipwrecked during those final months of 2005, sinking so deep into the quagmire of drugs—cocaine and oxycontins and Nubane and crystal methamphetamines—that the Kelly Ryan whom friends, family and fans had known was no longer visible. Kelly, a woman who once had one of the best female physiques in the world, had succumbed to wearing long-sleeve shirts and turtlenecks in those calamitous days. She was witnessed shooting drugs in her toes on a daily basis. Craig had said he would help to rehab his wife, but the truth was that he was in even worse shape than she. In fact, it was the reason he had stopped competing in the bodybuilding contests. He could not stop his interminable succession of ‘one last hurrah's', and everyone knows one can't mix steroids with either recreational or hard-core drugs, for that's how athletes die.

Together the couple had been so imprudent with their money that Kelly—who'd had some $80,000 in her checking account alone less than a year ago—stood frustrated and moneyless in front of an ATM machine while she and Craig were on the run. At the time of the murder they were together harvesting more than $30,000 in monthly income, but most of it went to the couple's insatiable addictions. One of which was Craig's habit for expensive prostitutes.

In other words: the couple who had once been on top of the world were well on their way to hitting rock bottom when Kelly's best friend agreed to meet them on the night of December 13, 2005. And they would hit it, of course, the very next morning.)

Kelly's best friend went to Kelly's house that Tuesday night with her husband, despite the bad feeling that was active and irrepressible in his stomach. And it bothered him for good reason: Kelly and Craig tried to set them up as alibis after they arrived. Craig and Kelly had placed Melissa's lifeless body in their Jaguar, which rested in its normal spot in the garage, and encouraged Kelly's best friend and her husband to go with them into the garage to investigate why the light was on at such an untimely hour. Kelly's best friend and her husband weren't going for it, and so Craig and Kelly confessed their opprobrious deed, concluding with an unrighteous request: Remember to corroborate our story.

Kelly's best friend and her husband left, and then Craig summoned the help of Anthony Gross, a 23-year-old sycophant who was indebted to Craig Titus for $1,000. Craig told him: Help me and I'll forget about your debt. And that's all the convincing Tony needed to meet up with the couple at a convenience store across the street from the Ft. Apache Wal-Mart, where surveillance cameras had just caught Kelly purchasing seven bottles of lighter fluid at 3:31 a.m., and then driving alongside their Jaguar in his gray pickup truck to the Shell gas station on Blue Diamond Road and Rainbow Boulevard. (There, while Craig and Kelly waited outside the scope of Shell's surveillance camera, with Melissa's lifeless body in their trunk, he filled up the gas can that he would, 25 miles down State Route 160 and in the midst of the Mountain Springs Desert, hand to Craig, who would douse the contents all over Melissa's body and the red 2003 Jaguar in which it lay.)

Two days later—on December 16, 2005—Craig and Kelly visited the latter's best friend, offering her a nightmarish account of what had transpired over the past few days, handing her a gym bag with the Air Taser Gun in it, and telling her to remember the light in the garage from Tuesday night when a Detective Dean O'Kelley came around asking questions.

For an entire hour on Wednesday, March 22, 2006, Kelly's best friend told the grand jury all that they wanted to know, some version of this story. That information, in concert with the other evidence and witness testimony prosecutors presented during the private week-long hearing, appears to have been enough, for the grand jury sealed and delivered an indictment to District Judge David Wall on Friday, March 24, charging Kelly Ryan and Craig Titus with the murder of Melissa James.

Attorneys for the couple, who did not return phone calls in time to comment on this witness' story, have said it could be up to a year before the trial commences.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2006, 08:11:29 PM »
But the real reason Kelly's best friend wanted to go over that night was to talk about getting Kelly into an intervention program for her drug crisis. The former world-champion fitness star was shipwrecked during those final months of 2005, sinking so deep into the quagmire of drugs—cocaine and oxycontins and Nubane and crystal methamphetamines—that the Kelly Ryan whom friends, family and fans had known was no longer visible. Kelly, a woman who once had one of the best female physiques in the world, had succumbed to wearing long-sleeve shirts and turtlenecks in those calamitous days. She was witnessed shooting drugs in her toes on a daily basis. Craig had said he would help to rehab his wife, but the truth was that he was in even worse shape than she. In fact, it was the reason he had stopped competing in the bodybuilding contests. He could not stop his interminable succession of ‘one last hurrah's', and everyone knows one can't mix steroids with either recreational or hard-core drugs, for that's how athletes die.

Reading this shit makes me want to kill Craig for being such a life destroyer, but I guess then I'd be no better than him


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2006, 11:04:20 AM »
So Craig was bisexual then?  I'm not sure I read that right.   :-\


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2006, 12:10:51 PM »
So Craig was bisexual then?  I'm not sure I read that right.   :-\

Who do you think Titus was really after when he started talking with Melvin's girl?

As empty as paradise


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2006, 12:54:32 PM »
What a Friggin SCUMBAG Titus is/was. I guess the "Venice Beach Sex Club" story on T-Mag a few years a go was TRUE. Prince, Cormier and Titus all doing eachother........what a bunch of sicko's.

And those "high priced hookers" must have been real expensive for them to be burning through $30K a month.

30K a month.........a VERY questionable number if you ask me.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2006, 02:02:07 PM »
Who do you think Titus was really after when he started talking with Melvin's girl?


Craig is a trawler...he throws his shit out there and who ever he can scoop, women, strippers, hookers, drug addicts, pimps....shit......he's gross.

Kelly should have been punchin' the shit outta Craig in his sleep, not Melissa.

It shoulda been Craig in that trunk...think of all the grief spared for certain people??

Too bad.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2006, 04:23:55 PM »
I know two gay lovers (male) that Titus was trying to have a foursome with kelly  ;) - no BS!
pain day


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2006, 04:38:15 PM »
he was of Greek heritage after all!  ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2006, 08:25:32 PM »
Craigs' gonna be doing "BIG BUSINESS" in his panties every nite when the lites go out in the big house


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2006, 02:00:08 PM »
Craig is a trawler...he throws his shit out there and who ever he can scoop, women, strippers, hookers, drug addicts, pimps....shit......he's gross.

Kelly should have been punchin' the shit outta Craig in his sleep, not Melissa.

It shoulda been Craig in that trunk...think of all the grief spared for certain people??

Too bad.
Yesirree, Buffalo.  Craig is SO destructive.  And DEATH PENALTY STUPID.  Today, you could say that he IS in a trunk.  An iron crib, with plenty of steel bars.  Some people require a more structured environment, and for Craig it might be life in a "concrete womb".   Ah, the penalty for not knowing how to treat a real one!

Special Ed

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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2006, 07:37:28 AM »
If the "Ex-sex partners" don't have any video of their exploits, do we really care?

Special "I Slept at the Paris Hilton" Ed


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2006, 07:47:55 AM »
It is amazing how easily corrupted a woman like Kelly is by a bad boy like Titus.  Women wonder why the bad boy is the bad choice when it's too late, guess Kelly is probably thinking about this right about now considering I have read that she was once a wholesome girl before Titus.
Marital studies show that MEN have more influence on the quality of the
relationship than women.  Women are usually more flexible in their efforts
to please a man, because they traditionally value relationships more.
Although Kelly began the marriage with a firm sense of identity and ethics, her
escalating drug use and the couple's fading careers and consequent financial strain contributed to the downward spiral of their marriage.  
At last, they hit the "point of no return".  Murder, for them, was a form of suicide.  I believe that, upon sober examination, they hated their lives.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2006, 07:54:39 AM »
From my perspective Kelly made real bad choice for a husband. Craig made himself into a first class jerk in my opioin. As for Kelly did he get her hooked on drugs?  Did she realize that drugs are bad for your health? Just wearing a turtleneck sweater is a clue she was hiding her puncture marks. What more is going surface I wonder.


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2006, 08:06:27 AM »
From my perspective Kelly made real bad choice for a husband. Craig made himself into a first class jerk in my opioin. As for Kelly did he get her hooked on drugs?  Did she realize that drugs are bad for your health? Just wearing a turtleneck sweater is a clue she was hiding her puncture marks. What more is going surface I wonder.
Eventually, everything.  But it might be like the Jon Benet Ramsey case;
no one's going to talk until they're on their death bed.  Re the turtleneck,
very keen of you to note this, but my God, Chuck, that poor, poor woman...
how many more like her have we got in professional "fitness"?  Is there a
healthy pro out there?


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2006, 12:41:03 PM »
"This is part one of a 5 part article.  Stay tuned for more."

Hey Sickened.....where are parts 2, 3 ,4 & 5.......

What's with the delay??


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2006, 12:57:25 PM »
"This is part one of a 5 part article.  Stay tuned for more."

Hey Sickened.....where are parts 2, 3 ,4 & 5.......

What's with the delay??

I am waiting too, the first one was good
fk pigdunkbell


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2006, 01:05:04 PM »
I know two gay lovers (male) that Titus was trying to have a foursome with kelly  ;) - no BS!
Interresting...did the gay couple refuse the offer, because they're completely gay and only wanted a threesome with Craig?  Or, accept the offer, because Kelly passed the masculinity test?  


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2006, 01:07:39 PM »
Eventually, everything.  But it might be like the Jon Benet Ramsey case;
no one's going to talk until they're on their death bed.  Re the turtleneck,
very keen of you to note this, but my God, Chuck, that poor, poor woman...
how many more like her have we got in professional "fitness"?  Is there a
healthy pro out there?

This has nothing to do with Professional Fitness or Bodybuilding.  This is about two sick individuals whose life went in a downward spiral.  What about when the same shit happens to actors?  Or lawyers? This had nothing to do with the industry and everything to with the addictive personalities of Kelly and Craig.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2006, 03:06:22 PM »
Interresting...did the gay couple refuse the offer, because they're completely gay and only wanted a threesome with Craig?  Or, accept the offer, because Kelly passed the masculinity test?  

they refused the offer - they thought Titus was creepy
pain day


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2006, 10:49:01 PM »
Ramazon there are still plenty of healthy fitness babes out there. There are some who may not post on this board but still make healthy choices in my opioin.  U want to know what keeps spinning in my mind how are Kelly Ryan's parents reacting to all this? They haven't been in the press either.


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2006, 07:53:40 AM »
Sounds very plausible.


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Re: Bodybuilding Couples’ Ex-Sex Partners Speak-out
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2006, 11:42:11 AM »
Yesirree, Buffalo.  Craig is SO destructive.  And DEATH PENALTY STUPID.  Today, you could say that he IS in a trunk.  An iron crib, with plenty of steel bars.  Some people require a more structured environment, and for Craig it might be life in a "concrete womb".   Ah, the penalty for not knowing how to treat a real one!

This is about as well said as anyone ought to say it!  8)