Author Topic: I am hearing to many guys claiming they can't train after doing a Injection!  (Read 12726 times)


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I am hearing guys who do a injection in say their ass and they have so much PIP they can't train legs the next day, same goes for shoulders a guy will shoot just 1cc of gear in their shoulder and say they have so much PIP they can't train shpoulders the next day. This should not happen! Their is something wrong with your gear if you cannot train the muscle you injected the day prior. I am hearing this more and more!

I just shot in my glute and cannot walk! I don;t get why this is happening so often these days. Even these supposive top sources sell gear were you shoot it and it is so painfull your ass cheek swells up so bad you almost have to go to the ER. If you can't train legs for a week after you take a bad shot what is the point? You want to train alot while on gear but more and more guys have to take days off due to Post injection pain in a area!

This is because we have 22 year old kids making gear and are the top sources. This market is getting fucking sad! I shoot Watson Test depot and I don;t have any of these problems I read about. Trye story I gave my friend some of strangos Test E and his ass swole up so big I was pushing him to go to the ER,but he refused. I gave him some levoflaxin I had wich is a all-purpose anti-biotic but that shot didnlt just make his ass swell up he felt all sick as well after the shot and he did the shot 100% correctly! I emailed Strango and he refused to do anything about it. Then when I posted it up on anabolic board I got banned!


  • Getbig V
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It happened to me several times with sustenon bought in a pharmacy. I guess it was no the sterility of the  vial but the oil itself.


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I am attributing my PIP to a virgin ass (no homo).


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I am attributing my PIP to a virgin ass (no homo).

yeah over time it will get better


  • Getbig V
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Some people don't react well to the BA, PIP is to be expcted with propionate and UGL seem to produce higher dosed per ml gear which makes the PIP even worse. I never had PIP issues with UGL tren, eq, test...etc. But sust pharma grade and even prop pharam grade give me pain. However, my ass is still sore and swollen from my last jab, but the pain has virtually gone and the swelling too. Did my leg yesterday but this time I took a smaller shot and mixed it with I seem to be fine.


  • Getbig V
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many possibilities.

shooting 3cc's of 400mg/cc test enan and 400mg/cc deca in each ass cheek hurt so much I couldn't sleep... putting it in my delts would swell them up and I'd get fluid moving down my upper arms.

then mixing it with an extra 1/2cc of 100mg/ml test cyp and maybe 1/2cc of 150mg/cc tren ace I have zero pain.

I've shot straight gso pulled right from the bottle and unfiltered and had zero pain.

that leaves the culprit to an improper ba/bb mixture or higher mg/ml dosing


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I think the sources are making such high dosages per /ml they are using more BA and don;t list it. they will always claim just 2% BA when they are using 5-8%BA. I just get so many PM;s and here it on forums all the time how somebody cannot train a certain muscle group for along time because they did a shot there and it hurts too bad to use that muscle group or one side of the muscle group gets fucked like when you hit a right quad your left quad feels fine but your right quad get so sore you can;t even use it to lift and you need 2 healthy legs to do squats,leg press and any leg exercise.

How many of you honestly had to hold off on training a muscle group even though it was that day to train that muscle group because of to much PIP? I have had a little doscomfort but never enough to skip training that particular muscle group but I hear about this happening all the time. Thwe worst thing I get is a little bit under the weather. slight flu symptoms sometimes,expecially when I start a new compound or just start up a cycle but nothing that bad kind of how you feel the day after a Flu shot.

I swear the blackmarket underground gear is getting worse and worse by the day.Like I said I doubt anybody wants some 22 year old kid who lives with their parents with no real lengthy chemistry degree cooking your gear. You just never know who you are buying from till they get busted and I am always shocked who is behind these labs.very few guys who run UGl's actually train or use their products, some sources do use their own products and train, but the majority don't.That's not really my key point the most fat out of shape guy could make the best gear ever if they had a good chemistry backround.


  • Getbig V
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i inject the thigh right before quads, while doing it right after would have the same effect, the soreness reminds me i'm on sterons and gives a mental boost


  • Getbig IV
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No offense but sounds like some people are being pu$$ies unless u have an infection then should able 2 train. I remember my first


  • Getbig II
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I had a couple scares where I thought it was some sort of infection, always turned out to be nothing. One time my leg swelled up to twice the size of the other! I still went to the gym and toughed it out by working upper body  ;D
People who need to take time off from the gym because of PIP are weak as fuck. Man up and train through the pain!

And I agree, WW, scary to think that 22yr olds with no real chem background are cooking your gear, but you can't attribute painful shots to bad chefs. Too many factors.
And for every kid that gets busted there are 10 quality chefs who know what they're doing and don't get caught because they're not complete morons. Those are the guys that last and provide quality product. Not all UGLs are scary shitholes, some are proud of the product they put out.


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anadrol and nubain bitches


  • Getbig III
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I always love it when I see a pharma rep disappear when people start taking about crippling PIP. It pisses me off that the forums that are open sources don't start dropping these piece of shit labs. I really believe more money is in it for them if they have high quality products. I mean who is ever wanting to go out and do steroids again if the first vial they get makes their leg swell up like a fucking balloon. Steroids are pretty much a life long drug you take so its stupid for these companies to do this. Unless they plan on getting in and out of the game with in like a year.


  • Getbig V
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I squat 3x a week so this is a major concern for me. I tried to research which brands where known for pip to avoid them.


  • Getbig V
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Scrioxxx is known for pip. Too bad because i hear their gear is well dosed.


  • Getbig II
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its interesting as i am using the same gear as several people who are complaining about bad pip, me i get nothing, i think they are just being huge pussies personally


  • Getbig III
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The only time i couldn't train after a shot is when I hit a vessel in my delt and it formed a giant grapefruit sized clot in my left delt and i couldnt even lift my arm up without pain.  But widow is right about guys saying they cant walk from a regular shot. Suck it up.

Simple Simon

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many possibilities.

shooting 3cc's of 400mg/cc test enan and 400mg/cc deca in each ass cheek hurt so much I couldn't sleep... putting it in my delts would swell them up and I'd get fluid moving down my upper arms.

then mixing it with an extra 1/2cc of 100mg/ml test cyp and maybe 1/2cc of 150mg/cc tren ace I have zero pain.

I've shot straight gso pulled right from the bottle and unfiltered and had zero pain.

that leaves the culprit to an improper ba/bb mixture or higher mg/ml dosing

Epic user of peace


  • Getbig II
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  • I don't blast and cruise. I blast then up the dose
I squat 3x a week so this is a major concern for me. I tried to research which brands where known for pip to avoid them.
I wouldn't worry about that unless you're a real pussy with pain. Even with "crippling" pip I can warm up my legs enough to squat some decent weight. I also squat 3x/wk and have used some really painful gear (especially on virgin muscle), never stopped me from squatting. Ok, ONE time it stopped me, but that's because I pinned between muscles and the gear ran down my leg and swelled it up to twice the size of the other one.

local hero

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only time shots ever interfered with training was when on ed courses, running out of places to put it and resorting to quads, i cant take quad shots, so they went in the day after training legs, limp a few days then your ok to squat etc


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Scrioxxx is known for pip. Too bad because i hear their gear is well dosed.

Do you get it right from K? When he used to send me big packages they were always awesome quality. Great orals too, those little sachets. Even the tbol was good. But I'd go on forums and hear a lot about PIP (no one questioned dosing, but commented on PIP). He told me he brews with "eco oils" whatever that is. Has a bit of a soapy smell but pins like a dream.

My friend bought some Sciroxx through a re-distributor in Canada and it was brewed by one of his few resellers. There have been a couple shitty ones over the years but some are decent. Others, not so good. My buddy gave me a couple of vials when I was in between orders and it absolutely sucked. Smelled like ethyl oleate, which I can tolerate but don't want if I can pin smooth, thin viscosity gear that was properly dosed.

People used to call me a shill at times and I thought they might be shills too, but a lot of the domestic stuff can and does suck. The international stuff was always brewed with much higher quality control. I lived off Sciroxx gear for years and it was the bomb. Stayed away after the busts and bad reviews though. When UGLs go downhill it's usually best to jump ship.


  • Getbig V
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I am hearing guys who do a injection in say their ass and they have so much PIP they can't train legs the next day, same goes for shoulders a guy will shoot just 1cc of gear in their shoulder and say they have so much PIP they can't train shpoulders the next day. This should not happen! Their is something wrong with your gear if you cannot train the muscle you injected the day prior. I am hearing this more and more!

I just shot in my glute and cannot walk! I don;t get why this is happening so often these days. Even these supposive top sources sell gear were you shoot it and it is so painfull your ass cheek swells up so bad you almost have to go to the ER. If you can't train legs for a week after you take a bad shot what is the point? You want to train alot while on gear but more and more guys have to take days off due to Post injection pain in a area!

This is because we have 22 year old kids making gear and are the top sources. This market is getting fucking sad! I shoot Watson Test depot and I don;t have any of these problems I read about. Trye story I gave my friend some of strangos Test E and his ass swole up so big I was pushing him to go to the ER,but he refused. I gave him some levoflaxin I had wich is a all-purpose anti-biotic but that shot didnlt just make his ass swell up he felt all sick as well after the shot and he did the shot 100% correctly! I emailed Strango and he refused to do anything about it. Then when I posted it up on anabolic board I got banned!
Didn't read past the first line but when you inject UG GARBAGE expect the pain.


  • Getbig II
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Didn't read past the first line but when you inject UG GARBAGE expect the pain.

Are you always an asshole? ....just curious.  ::)


  • Getbig II
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I am hearing guys who do a injection in say their ass and they have so much PIP they can't train legs the next day, same goes for shoulders a guy will shoot just 1cc of gear in their shoulder and say they have so much PIP they can't train shpoulders the next day. This should not happen! Their is something wrong with your gear if you cannot train the muscle you injected the day prior. I am hearing this more and more!

I just shot in my glute and cannot walk! I don;t get why this is happening so often these days. Even these supposive top sources sell gear were you shoot it and it is so painfull your ass cheek swells up so bad you almost have to go to the ER. If you can't train legs for a week after you take a bad shot what is the point? You want to train alot while on gear but more and more guys have to take days off due to Post injection pain in a area!

This is because we have 22 year old kids making gear and are the top sources. This market is getting fucking sad! I shoot Watson Test depot and I don;t have any of these problems I read about. Trye story I gave my friend some of strangos Test E and his ass swole up so big I was pushing him to go to the ER,but he refused. I gave him some levoflaxin I had wich is a all-purpose anti-biotic but that shot didnlt just make his ass swell up he felt all sick as well after the shot and he did the shot 100% correctly! I emailed Strango and he refused to do anything about it. Then when I posted it up on anabolic board I got banned!

I used a T-400 that gave me bad PIP every time, last a week to 10 days, I was hurting quads, limping around  but never missed a WO, these boys gotta suck it up. Dilution is the solution though. I cut that T400 with 50% GSO and is smooth as silk now. It doesn't have to be a UG to cause an infection, multiply injections are a risk even in a hospital setting. I've had cellulitis a couple times post injection, always pays to have antibiotics on hand
It's not Tennis!

Simple Simon

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I used pharma test and I never get PIP, I've shot delts & glutes, must be dirty gear.

Lol, you have only had 6 shots in your life you prick.


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I used pharma test and I never get PIP, I've shot delts & glutes, must be dirty gear.

I am not talking about the gear I use. Everybody knows I donlt mess around with UGL labs. I might not use much gear but at least it is something I am not scarred to put into my body.
I am talking about all the threads I read and the PM;s asking me about so and so's  lab amd how the gear is so painful. even the best sources to alot of people I have guys Pm'ing me telling me it is painfull plus I have personally seen huys I know use #1 USa UGL sources and they have had to go to the ER. just a warning thread be careful what brand they use. ESfitness is somewhat right I think they use alot higher BA then they claim instead of 2% BA I bet it is more like 5-6% BA. I have only used a handfull of brands mostly Alpha-Pharma, watson,Upjohn,old school british dragon,Testoviron amps and a few others but all were human grade or close to human grade. I never had a shot hold me back from a workout so that is why I was wondering why is everybody complaining about PIP these days. Of course if you buy some Test-400 or sust-350 or even Test-500 you are going to have some PIP.

I am good with needles so it has not bothered me yet plus I don't use much but hell look at what Bostin Lloyd did to his arm. His arm is still all scared up! I feel bad for the kid but he is doing everything he can to move on.In his latest video you can still see some bad scarring.