Author Topic: A neighbour/friend told me that she had sex with her best friend's husband  (Read 53196 times)


  • Getbig V
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A neighbour who has become a good friend of mine for the past 4 years told me Wednesday that she had sex last week with her best friend's husband.

I'm extremely distraught about this.  Why did she tell me?  I know the couple, I know Tish's best friend Kate and I also know her partner Patrick.  They've been together for 15 years and Tishy tells me she bonked Patrick whilst drunk the other day.  I cannot bear it, it does my head in.  I don't know what to say or do.  I'm so upset.  It's like what you see on tv on a soap opera, I honestly didn't think that real live people in my life would act so disgracefully.  

I'm flabbergasted, wondering whether Kate will come round and kill Tish.  She should, I would.....  My best friend fucks my husband of 15 years?  How could she?  No matter how drunk she was she has no excuse, it's evil behaviour and is totally unforgiveable.

I cannot talk about it (I've only told my Mum, trying to laugh about it, but really I can't, it's such horrific behaviour.

I do not want to see Tish anymore and she was such a great friend/neighbour, such fun.  But I'm blown away.  What a disgusting person.  I'm so upset.  I've not seen Patrick or Kate for a few months so now I cannot get in touch with them as friends anymore because of this horrific situation I wish I didn't know about.

Advice please?  

How ought I converse with Tish from now on?  She's my nextdoor neighbour so I can't just ignore her, especially as I feel like punching her but what should I do what can I say?  It's been two days since she told me (we had a nice meal and a drinky poo or 3 in my garden which I won't be inviting her to do again, she drank too much and blurted this horrific news.

Help and advise me please Girly Disscussors?
London England

TEH boob

  • Getbig IV
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Well, it's not your place to share the news. If anything, the husband who cheated should tell his wife. The woman who "helped" him cheat really shouldn't say anything, either.

She shared this with you because she feels guilty. Not much to do about something that's been done. Talk to her more about it. If she was a good friend I don't think you should abandon her for doing this...just keep her away from your partner  :P

Bertha Butt

  • Getbig III
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Linda, this is not your problem. Your part is only that you involuntarily heard this confession. So take a deep breath and try to shake it off.

You could suggest your neighbour to do something about her being drunk and stupid. But stay nice to the other couple. If you behave resentful, it'll make things weird.


  • Getbig V
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Linda, this is not your problem. Your part is only that you involuntarily heard this confession. So take a deep breath and try to shake it off.

You could suggest your neighbour to do something about her being drunk and stupid. But stay nice to the other couple. If you behave resentful, it'll make things weird.

oh babes thank you thanks that's exactly what I thought and what I needed to hear xxx

I have avoided her I cannnot talk to her yet till I ....          get over being weirded out over a soap opera happening next door to me.  I almost expected Kate to rock up with a gun and kill Tisha and all the helicopters above and the rest.  

It's a full moon ecplisce and you can I read, see it in America and Australia but not not here in UK.  It's nice here tho'  

Wish me luck, I'm avoiding Tishy, I don't put up with fools, although I've been one, I'm learning



  • Getbig V
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Well, it's not your place to share the news. If anything, the husband who cheated should tell his wife. The woman who "helped" him cheat really shouldn't say anything, either.

She shared this with you because she feels guilty. Not much to do about something that's been done. Talk to her more about it. If she was a good friend I don't think you should abandon her for doing this...just keep her away from your partner  :P

Sorry darlin' but this is my place.  

This Girly Board on GetBig is MY place.

This is where we do news we can't tell anyone else?

I've never done guilt so I won't put up with it and your advice that I talk to her is complete rubbish.  I cannot talk to her, she's tried to come round (she lives upstairs next door) and I pretended I was busy.  Abandon her?  I'm not even involved in this, I'm keeping my head down and am just out in my back garden.  Yet I feel fucked up.  How dare she?

>>>I want it to kick off, I want Kate to find out, I want this nasty evil secret to come out.   I want to not know

I've always believed and known that men will fuck anything and you have to fend them off.  I've gone there once or a few times, I nearly got married once.     I've been promiscuous, I've done one night stands and loved them.  

But I have never done a married man and am still feeling sick that I know someone and still must continue to know a woman who would screw her best friend of 20 years's hubby.

I need more advice please
London England

Happy Full Moon Eclipse

TEH boob

  • Getbig IV
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I meant, it's not your place to share the news with other people in real life. Didn't mean to be ambiguous

Bertha Butt

  • Getbig III
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I have avoided her I cannnot talk to her yet till I ....          get over being weirded out over a soap opera happening next door to me.  I almost expected Kate to rock up with a gun and kill Tisha and all the helicopters above and the rest.

It's unlikely there would be a killing. Unfortunately I've been through a few cheatings, on both sides. Never cheated myself, but was cheated on.
Two seperate guys I've dated "forgot" to mention they were already in a relationship. So, unknowingly, I was the girl they cheated with. Broke the whole thing off when I found out.
A relation with another guy got a bit more serious, untill I found out he cheated... with at least 7 other women! Boy, did I feel stupid! But killing someone? No way!

Go talk to your neighbour. You do not have to agree with what she did. Avoiding here like that is weird, and you not would keep up with it. Eventually you will have to talk, to get it out of your system. Better now than over a few weeks or months when it's fermented into a bigger problem.


  • Getbig V
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  • thank you Ron & Getbig, I've had so much fun
It's unlikely they'll kill each other?     You haven't met Kate.  She's one feisty woman.  I've only partied with her once or twice.  She used to be an actress on a soap opera called Brookside, then went on to the front page of the Daily Star for running a brothel.   I wouldn't put it past her to get a gun and kill everyone including me.  I'm keeping schtum.

Sorry about the mad colours and huge fonts, I can't see anymore I need big magnifying glasses.  I'm going blind.

Ya here's t'update:  I spoke to Tish she phoned 17x (I avoided her for 3 days) and I told her she was a bitch cow and I said that I used to love her but can no longer

She said let's not argue and I said I can never trust you now and she hung up.  She phoned me straight back and had a rant. 

I said I haven;'t told anyone I'm scared shit of the fallout how dare you tell me and she said oh Linda I love you so everything's okay


I'm staying indoors and just doing my private little garden on my own.  Those ridiculous horrid nextdoor neighbours can just carry on.

Thanks for being there


  • Getbig V
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  • thank you Ron & Getbig, I've had so much fun
I meant, it's not your place to share the news with other people in real life. Didn't mean to be ambiguous

thanks so much for a hugh big laugh TEH, you so get it xL


  • Getbig V
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It is an odd spot to be in.

I personally know of an incident where a single woman went out with a single guy... They went back to the single woman's house with a MARRIED female friend and the single people started doing the nasty.

When the dude would pull out, the MARRIED female would proceed to suck the guy off.

The married woman's husband still doesn't know and I keep my mouth closed because the single female told this to me and it's not my place to talk about such things. (The married male who doesn't know is quite a good friend of mine)

I think it's disgusting and outrageous... more so because I can't believe the married couple wouldn't have talked about their individual sexual needs at some point.... That's the misery of it.

None the less, I know and I stay quiet...

It will be better for all parties involved if you act like you don't know anything about any of it... You didn't hear anything and you don't know anything.

Now... if something pops off in the future... You can always use it as leverage and that's sometimes the best way to go about it.


  • Getbig V
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ya baby that's what I was telling myself:  Maybe they're 10 or 20 years older than me and all hippies free love and orgies and mad drugs from way back.  ~Maybe they all fuck each other all the time silly?

but it's not that:  It was like my new best girlfriend of 4 years, a neighbour who is a daft funny mad slut.  Last year she had a hip replacement then a few months later she's bonking her upstsairs 30 something year old neighbour which I couldn't deal with either.  He's moved away thankfully.            I'm well out of this.  I seem to remember there was something else I didn't like about her, like the way she smells and the way she eats which disgusted me anyways.  I'm over it.  I trusted her implicitly and can never again.  I made her food and the way she eats made me want to barf.  I already wanted to not see her anymore, so this takes the biscuit.    xL

or as you say in your country, how the cookie crumbles


  • Getbig V
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i need still vent...  I'm keeping it all in  >>>more happens every day, this is the middle of Central London and it's whacky

Yesterday I went to my corner shop and on the way passed by Patrick.  I'm all smiley nice hello Good Afternoon?  He starts shouting at me in full daylight outside my house.  I kept going, hearing him spout bitch cow slut crack whore and all the rest, I kept going down the road to the shop.  

I have always been more than nice to him, yet he attacks me verbally, shouts at me.  I cannot go out now or ever if shit like him happens.  Tishy must've told him she told me.  Oh fuck off the lot of you.  

I have done nothing wrong.  Obviously he hit on me 20x but I said no thank you darlin' politely.  I think they're all psychotic, the whole lot of them, everyone but me is mad x

Happy Full Moon Eclipse

ps:  I am not or ever have been a bitch or a cow or slut (ok maybe once) or ever a whore and I wouldn't do crack if you paid me ( I just wanted to clarify that I was verbally abused...


  • Getbig V
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Wait... He cheats and he calls you something derogatory?

Fuck that guy.

You have done nothing wrong and you stayed out of it. You didn't even tell his wife.

You should go find him and tell him in the middle of everyone that you didn't want to know. You didn't need to know. If his whore Tish hadn't told you then you wouldn't know.

If he wants to be pissed then go be pissed at her big mouth.

You aren't in involved.

And while you are at it, you kindly explain to him that if he ever yells at you again that you will cut his balls off.


  • Getbig V
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i'm all on my own here, you want to send Tishmess or Patrickpig a text?  Think not.  I'm a 5'6" woman alone?

I'm scared of Tishy's lack of morals, she's obviously evil horrid, let alone mad Patrick who's gone rampant.

I'm locking all my doors and windows and staying well away for a good few weeks...

I hope I never see Kate, the one who has been wronged, I'd break down in tears xL


  • Getbig V
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i'm all on my own here, you want to send Tishmess or Patrickpig a text?  Think not.  I'm a 5'6" woman alone?

I'm scared of Tishy's lack of morals, she's obviously evil horrid, let alone mad Patrick who's gone rampant.

I'm locking all my doors and windows and staying well away for a good few weeks...

I hope I never see Kate, the one who has been wronged, I'd break down in tears xL

I don't think you should be afraid... I'd be insanely pissed if someone did that to me.


  • Getbig V
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  • thank you Ron & Getbig, I've had so much fun
Ta for understanding.  I got a bit pissed but didn't go insane.

Told Tish what I thought of her.  Told her (making her a cup of tea) that I will never get drunk or even imbibe a sip with her ever again.  She was drunk when she told me and me all ears.  I will never do that again.

I gave her a bit of my mind yesterday, told her she freaked me out (when she told me she bonked her best friend's husband she sounded to me as if she was bragging about it, it was disgusting).  Kate her exbest friend hasn't found out yet.  I have only told one person other than GetBig, my old mate in Canada and he told me to not make moral judgements.

So I think about that:  But surely the way I've learned how to live is by judging others' actions?  I've never done anything which could hurt anyone else

I only hurt myself.  I had a bit of a conniption about this but am now okay about it.  Just will stay away from her untill it all blows over.

It's not about me, it's about those three and the fallout will be massive.

It's just hurt me enormously, my trust is again damaged.  I used to love her, thought she was wonderful.  But she's not.

take care
stay safe

honestly I'm still flipping out about this mad sad cow bitch slut neighbour, I've avoided her, pretending I'm far too busy all hours.  She's been phoning 10x a day and I text her back and say I'm doing something else.

I saw Patrick on the road two days ago and he screamed at me, then kept going after verbally being abusive.  I was speechless.

I didn't tell him I've been told, Tish has obviously done that, or else he's mad guilty and knows that women will know.  I wish I had not been told.  I'm staying indoors and doing my back garden and then doing some choclate and eggs and a daft bonnet or my funny bunny ears and staying indoors.  I daren't go out, these people scare me.

Wish me luck.

I do not suffer fools and they're all fools.  Leave me alone >>> I really really don't want to hear about your evil goings-on, homewrecker


  • Getbig IV
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Wow this is heavy. Don't have advice but the fact that it bothers you so much just shows that you're a good person and have a sense of morality and loyalty.


  • Getbig V
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Maybe it's just me.  Perhaps I'm just making it heavy.  I'm an all or nothing kind of person...

Loyalty?  That's wrecked.  I can no longer trust or be loyal to Tish.  That's over.  She's completely trashed my understanding of others.



  • Getbig IV
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Maybe it's just me.  Perhaps I'm just making it heavy.  I'm an all or nothing kind of person...

Loyalty?  That's wrecked.  I can no longer trust or be loyal to Tish.  That's over.  She's completely trashed my understanding of others.


No it's heavy, I wouldn't say you're blowing out of proportion. Sense of loyalty I was referring to was the sense of loyalty expected in a romantic relationship meaning you're not the cheating type.


  • Getbig IV
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Ive been in a similar spot. It made me feel slimy knowing someone I thought was a good person ruined his wife and kids life over pussy. Pathetic.

I also remember feeling pissed that he put that weight on me. I mean shit, that's what priest are for. Go to confession and sort out your shit privately.


  • Getbig V
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Yep, pathetic drunk pussy.  What's really mad is that Patrick told me a few months ago that he couldn't possibly go there, being that Tish was/is Kate's best friend.  He told me he's had plenty of opportunity, Tisha is a mad drunk.  He said he couldn't and wouldn't.  I said good on you.  

One time he carried Tish up the stairs outside here on the street to her flat from mine, she was that drunk.  But he left her that time.  

She was asking for it I've decided.

Then they go do it

I need to get a new life and new friends and stop OCDing about this horrific madness......

TEH boob

  • Getbig IV
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Hah. He knew what was coming. He put himself in that situation to be seduced, most likely.

Who has kids of those involved?


  • Getbig V
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ooooh thanks boobs for getting all of the ramifications...

I had thought to post that thankfully none of any of them have reproduced.  Thank fuck for that.


TEH boob

  • Getbig IV
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ooooh thanks boobs for getting all of the ramifications...

I had thought to post that thankfully none of any of them have reproduced.  Thank fuck for that.


Well, he told you about his "concerns" going over to her house when she was drunk. He knew cheating wouldn't be unlikely.


  • Getbig V
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When I concluded the conversation with Tishy I didn't want to have but had to do the other day after she'd rang my doorbell a hundred times at all hours and I'd not answered and she'd telephoned me 50 times, I said :

>>>Look maybe it's best I that I pretend to think that you are all a bunch of hippies from way back, all on mad drugs having orgies every night, I don't want to know...

I doubt she got my sense of humour, she's obviously stupid, but I left it on a silly note.

It's just that I cannot stop thinking of Kate, the wronged woman, lovely Kate, the person whose 'best friend' bonked her hubby....