Author Topic: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts  (Read 172579 times)


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Why does Shelly Sterling think she can (or should) get anything back from V. Stiviano?  Donald Sterling reportedly gave Stiviano a Ferrari, two Bentleys, a Range Rover, a duplex near Beverly Hills, etc.  Men have been giving gifts to mistresses for centuries.  If your husband has an affair or flirtation with another woman and decides to treat her with gifts behind your back that is his prerogative.  Your problem is with your husband; you have no claim on the gifts he gave the other woman.

Do you agree?

Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
By Stephen Ceasar

Former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling had no right to spend millions of dollars to give luxury cars, a duplex and other gifts to his alleged mistress, V. Stiviano, an attorney for Sterling's wife told a Los Angeles County judge Wednesday.

The lawyer's assertion came during opening statements of a trial in which Shelly Sterling is attempting to recoup more than $3 million in gifts that she alleges Stiviano seduced Donald Sterling into giving her.

Stiviano was at the center of last year's controversy that led to Donald Sterling being stripped of his ownership of the NBA team after she recorded him making racially charged remarks.

Attorney Pierce O’Donnell, who represents Shelly Sterling, told Superior Court Judge Richard L. Fruin Jr. that Donald Sterling used community property — assets he legally shares with his wife — to pay for gifts to Stiviano, including a Ferrari, two Bentleys, a Range Rover, a duplex near Beverly Hills and a Paris shopping spree.

“He’s an older, vulnerable man, susceptible to the wiles of a younger woman, like the defendant,” O'Donnell told the judge.

Stiviano, seated with her attorney in the downtown L.A. courtroom, glared and shook her head.

O’Donnell told Fruin, who will decide the case, that the Sterlings have been married continuously since 1955 and that Donald Sterling had no right to give away their shared property. Shelly Sterling never signed off on the gifts, as would be required for such expenditures, O’Donnell said.

Attorney Mac Nehoray, who represents Stiviano, countered that the gifts were made during a period when the Sterlings were separated, and that no community property was given away. He argued that Shelly Sterling would not be able to prove that her husband was the source of the gifts.

O’Donnell told the judge that Stiviano’s numerous bank accounts were “engorged” with money even though Stiviano has not held a job since 2010.

That money was given to her by Donald Sterling during their affair, O’Donnell said. “No job, no income. But millions of dollars flow in and out of her bank accounts and she lived a lavish lifestyle,” O'Donnell said. “She has more bank accounts than Zsa Zsa Gabor has ex-husbands.”

Nehoray told the judge that Shelly Sterling couldn't prove where Stiviano's money came from.

“They cannot show what money Mr. Sterling gave Ms. Stiviano,” he said. “They want to show that [if] Stiviano has this money but cannot explain it — then it must be [from] Sterling.”

Shelly Sterling testified that she was not aware of and never gave consent to any of the gifts her husband gave Stiviano, and that she believes Stiviano abused and defrauded her husband.

“She was not entitled to any of these gifts or whatever you call them,” she said. “She has also been very, very, nasty both to me and very mean to my husband.”

Shelly Sterling denied that she and her husband had ever separated. She admitted that she had no proof of a sexual relationship between her husband and Stiviano, as she alleges in the lawsuit, but said that she assumed there was one based on the fancy cars Stiviano drove.

“Why would a man give all these gifts and money if he’s not getting something in return?” she said.

Donald Sterling, wearing a black sweater with a hood, sometimes appeared confused while on the stand and often could not hear the questions from his wife’s attorney. He denied that he and Stiviano had a sexual relationship and described her as an “ex friend.” He recalled paying for the house but said he could not remember some of the other gifts.

At times, Sterling was combative — shouting answers, laughing at questions and mocking Stiviano’s attorney.

In one instance, Nehoray questioned Sterling about the Ferrari he purchased. Sterling said he bought the car so Stiviano could drive him in it. The attorney asked why Sterling did not buy it for his wife so she could drive him.

“Why don’t you buy it for your wife to have you driven around?” Sterling shouted back, to laughs from the audience.

“If I had your money I would, sir,” the attorney said.

“Now you’re counting my money?” Sterling shot back.

Jay Shapiro, a forensic accountant called to testify by Shelly Sterling’s attorneys, testified that he reviewed and analyzed documents that show that Sterling spent $3.6 million on gifts and money to Stiviano.

Shelly Sterling is seeking a complete accounting of the gifts and for the court to order Stiviano to return the money and property.

The trial is expected to continue until Friday. Stiviano is expected to testify Thursday.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2015, 04:33:11 AM »
By the way, V. Stiviano is not the only women Donald Sterling has cheated with.  Presumably he gave his other girlfriends gifts too.  ::)

The women in Donald Sterling's life

On a Saturday evening in March, the Clippers, hotter than they had been in decades, were warming up for a game against the Atlanta Hawks at Staples Center and V. Stiviano was holding court as usual in a suite-level VIP lounge.

The 31-year-old companion of team owner Donald Sterling was a familiar figure at Staples, strutting to her usual court-side seat in sky-high heels and skintight pants. This night, she and an entourage of girlfriends were awaiting the start of the game in the plush lounge when a man approached carrying a manila envelope.

"V?" he asked. "This is for you."

Stiviano beamed and tore open the envelope. Her face fell. A girlfriend, reading over her shoulder, shook her head and said, "Uh-oh, you've been served!"

In the lawsuit, Sterling's wife, Rochelle, known as Shelly, depicted Stiviano as a serial seductress of rich old men, including the 80-year-old Clipper owner, and demanded the return of four luxury vehicles, $240,000 in cash and a $1.8-million house. The suit appears to have set in motion a chain of events that led the NBA to strip the Beverly Hills billionaire of control of the Clippers and ban him from the league for life.

A month and a half after the suit was filed, TMZ posted a recording of Sterling telling Stiviano not to be seen in public with black men. The Clippers organization issued a statement accusing her of leaking the recording as payback for the suit. Through her lawyer, she acknowledged recording the conversation on her phone, but said that it was with Sterling's permission. After Shelly Sterling became antagonistic toward her, Stiviano said, she gave copies of the recording to friends for "safekeeping." She said she suspects one of them sold it to the gossip site.

The suit lays out a timeworn tale — the betrayed wife battling to save her family from a young, avaricious mistress. But interviews and court records suggest that neither Stiviano nor the Sterlings fit easily into conventional molds.

Stiviano is adamant that she never had a sexual relationship with Sterling. She reveled in the glamorous lifestyle he underwrote — the red Ferrari he bought her bore the license plate V♥YOU — but acquaintances say that more than a year after she met him in 2010, she was still toiling over a stove on a catering truck and spending much of her free time as a volunteer helping crime victims.

The Sterlings, meanwhile, were dedicated business partners who worked hand in hand to amass a real estate fortune during their 59-year marriage. On a personal level though, theirs was not a storybook union. Donald Sterling openly kept a string of mistresses and in at least one case, had a woman sign a contract acknowledging that he would never leave his wife and giving up the right to sue for palimony, according to court filings and testimony.

Sterling "is happily married, has a family and has no intention of engaging in any activity inconsistent with his domestic relationship," read a "friendship agreement" signed by Alexandra Castro in 1999.

Shelly Sterling was well aware of her husband's affairs, Castro wrote in court papers. On one of their first dates, she and Sterling dined with Shelly in the couple's Malibu mansion and then went as a trio to a movie where Donald held his mistress' hand, according to Castro.

"Mr. Sterling informed me that... he and his wife had decided long ago to remain married and not divide the very substantial estate which he had accumulated during the marriage," Castro wrote in a court filing after the relationship ended and the Sterlings sued her.

The impetus for Shelly Sterling's suit against Stiviano and the current state of the relationship between the three remain unclear. The Sterlings, their representatives and Stiviano did not respond to requests for comment. Her attorney said that she was blindsided by the suit and was unsure of exactly how it came about.

"That's what we are asking ourselves," lawyer Mac Nehoray said, adding that Stiviano remained on good terms with Donald Sterling and was convinced his wife was acting alone in pressing the suit. "Donald did not want the money back."

If Shelly Sterling launched the suit without her husband's knowledge, it would be a rare instance of the couple not working in concert on financial matters. Since they married in 1955, shortly after graduating from Boyle Heights' Roosevelt High School, Shelly Sterling has been intimately involved in their business. Even after their rental empire made them billionaires, she was still going from building to building to collect tenant checks, according to testimony in a housing discrimination suit.

Stiviano and Rochelle Sterling, 80, often attended the same social functions and sat near each other at Clippers games. According to Stiviano's lawyer, their friendly relationship cooled in December, the month Donald Sterling gave the younger woman a three-bedroom home near the Beverly Center.

Shelly Sterling went to Laura Wasser, a divorce attorney known for her aggressive representation of rich and famous women like Maria Shriver, Britney Spears and the former Mrs. Mel Gibson. Wasser filed a suit seeking the return of the house and other gifts and portraying Stiviano as a habitual gold digger.

Stiviano "engages in conduct designed to target, befriend, seduce and then entice, cajole, borrow from, cheat, and/or receive as gifts, transfers of wealth from wealthy older men whom she targets for such purpose," the suit said.

Instead of hiring a process server to give Stiviano a copy of the suit, the norm for law firms, Shelly Sterling asked Santa Monica attorney Jim Henderson Jr., the stepson of a close friend, to deliver it to her personally. Henderson said that in return for his help, she gave him Clippers tickets.

Shelly Sterling's suit cited California's law giving spouses equal right to assets accumulated during the marriage and said that because her husband did not consult her before lavishing gifts on Stiviano, the younger woman should be forced to return the property.

In a response filed four days before the recording became public, Stiviano's lawyer mocked the notion that Shelly Sterling would have been caught off-guard by her husband's showering a younger woman with gifts, given his history of "gold-plate dalliances."

"Instead of chastising her philandering husband, let alone curtailing his carousing, Mrs. Sterling seeks to punish [Stiviano] who has done nothing wrong," her lawyer wrote.

It is unusual to file suit under the community property statute outside of a divorce case. It was not new for the Sterlings, however.

In 1999, at a birthday party for Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis, the Sterlings were introduced to Castro, 27, the daughter of Colombian immigrants. In an account in a court filing years later, Castro wrote that Sterling immediately began wooing her and appeased her concerns about getting involved with a married man by showing her separate bedrooms he and his wife kept in their Malibu home, one of two they own.

His wife was a "nice person" and "close friend" but their marriage was "a business relationship," Castro said he told her.

He said "he was worth several billion dollars...and still could not be happy because he did not have anyone to share love with," she recounted in court papers.

Castro signed five separate agreements saying that she understood Sterling was happily married and that any disputes between them would be resolved in private arbitration, court filings show.

In 2002, Castro ended the relationship, in part, she wrote in court filings, because he reneged on a promise to have a child with her. Sterling asked her to come back, according to court papers, and when she refused, he sued, demanding the return of a four-bedroom million-dollar home in Beverly Hills.

When her lawyer questioned Sterling during a deposition, he initially denied any kind of intimate relationship with Castro and said he knew her only as an aspiring real estate agent. He alleged that she enticed him to invest in the Rodeo Drive house and then put the title of the property in her and her mother's name.

Castro's lawyer said that when he confronted Sterling during a deposition with photographs, voice mails, plane tickets and hotel bills, Sterling admitted the affair.

"I showed him a photograph of himself in his underwear in her apartment and I asked him if that was a photograph of himself," attorney Douglas Bagby recalled.

Having previously said he barely knew Castro, Sterling then began describing their trysts in lurid detail and painting her as a combination of prostitute and stalker. "The girl was providing sex for money," he said during the deposition, adding that she had told his wife about their sexual escapades.

Castro asked the judge to refer Sterling to prosecutors for perjury, something the judge declined to do. As the suit dragged on, family lawyers filed a second claim against Castro, this one under Shelly Sterling's name, calling Castro a "gold digger" who pursued older, wealthy men. They also filed for a temporary restraining order against the woman, claiming that she had threatened and harassed Donald Sterling in public.

Castro's lawyer said the Sterlings appeared to have realized that under family law, Shelly "has a much better chance of winning than" Donald. Both cases were settled under confidential terms in 2004.

Since then, it appears that Castro has reconciled with the Sterlings. Property records show she kept the Beverly Hills home that was the subject of the suit and at one point was renting it out for $13,500 per month.

When a tenant sued her in 2009, Donald Sterling's longtime attorney represented her and the billionaire himself offered the opposing attorney free Clippers tickets to urge on a settlement, saying that Castro was a friend. Stiviano's attorney said his client often saw Shelly Sterling and Castro socializing together.

Sterling met Stiviano, who is of Mexican and African American descent, in Miami at the 2010 Super Bowl, according to Shelly Sterling's suit. At the time, Stiviano was 27 and still legally named Maria Vanessa Perez. Like the Sterlings, she had grown up in Boyle Heights and was a Roosevelt graduate. Stiviano was the eldest child of a family with at least a half-dozen children that lived in a small apartment on East 6th Street, a former neighbor recalled.

Shelly Sterling's suit contends that Stiviano jumped from one wealthy, older man to another, extracting their fortunes, but Stiviano's lawyer said the Sterlings were the first rich people his client had ever encountered. In the year after they became acquainted, Stiviano was trying to start a catering business and drove a food truck painted "Catering to the Stars" to far-flung jobs.

In 2011, on the San Bernardino set of the low-budget romantic comedy "Should've Put a Ring on It," Stiviano cooked for the cast and crew, and pitched in as the wardrobe stylist.

At the same time, she was volunteering two to three days a week with the Los Angeles County district attorney's office. Her supervisor Hyo So said she was a diligent worker who lasted longer than most of the hundreds of volunteers he had worked with. She went to court hearings with crime victims — a group closely intertwined with her personal history. Her mother, she wrote in a petition to change her name, had been the victim of a violent crime.

"I asked her, 'You are beautiful and smart and live in Beverly Hills. Why aren't you doing something that makes money,' " So said. She replied that she wanted to help others, he said.

Stiviano stopped volunteering in the summer of 2011, and it appears that her role in Sterling's life was growing. Shelly Sterling's suit said the relationship soon became exploitative, and her husband gave Stiviano $240,000 in cash, two Bentleys, a Ferrari and a Range Rover, in addition to the three-bedroom house.

But Stiviano's attorney said the younger woman "brought him deals" connected to the Clippers and other ventures "and made him a lot of money."

"If she were on commission, she would have gotten far more," Nehoray said.

In an interview Friday with Barbara Walters on ABC, Stiviano said she loved Sterling only "as a father figure" and brushed off any suggestion that she was a rival to Shelly Sterling.

"Mr. Sterling's marriage is Mr. Sterling's marriage and relationship. I'm not part of that life," she said.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2015, 03:56:47 AM »
Trial over Sterling's gifts to Stiviano nears end; what's at stake?

A judge will soon decide whether the wife of former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling will recoup millions of dollars in gifts and cash he allegedly gave to his companion V. Stiviano.

Shelly Sterling contends that her husband spent more than $3 million on Stiviano, whom she accuses of being Donald Sterling's mistress. Shelly Sterling's attorneys say her husband used shared assets to pay for the gifts and that she never gave her consent.

Stiviano, 32, and Donald Sterling, 80, deny having a sexual relationship, saying they are just friends.

Stiviano was at the center of last year's controversy that led to Donald Sterling being stripped of his ownership of the NBA team after she recorded him making racially charged remarks.

Her attorney has asserted that the gifts were made during a time when the Sterlings were separated and that Shelly Sterling and her attorneys have not proved that Donald Sterling was the source of some of the gifts.

A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge will decide whether Stiviano will have to return the gifts.

In all, Shelly claims her husband gave Stiviano about $3.6 million in gifts since 2010. She has asked a judge to order Stiviano to repay $2.8 million.

Here is a sample of the gifts in dispute:

•$1.8 million — Spanish-style duplex

•$1.2 million — cash (total)

•$400,000 — cars (Ferrari, two Bentleys and Range Rover)

•$200,000 — credit cards (total)

•$10,420 — two Chanel flapbags

•$5,333 — Cartier love bracelet

•$4,570 — Louis Vuitton suitcase

•$1,051 — Manolo Blahnik shoes

•$925 — dry cleaning

•$843 — skin treatment

•$695 — Chanel thong sandals

•$391 — Easter bunny costume

•$354 — birthday cake

•$299 — two-speed blender

•$140 — Kobe 8 System Nike basketball shoes

•$12 — lace thong

•$1 — donation to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital as part of a purchase at a CVS store.

Princess L

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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2015, 07:34:45 AM »
Why does Shelly Sterling think she can (or should) get anything back from V. Stiviano?  Donald Sterling reportedly gave Stiviano a Ferrari, two Bentleys, a Range Rover, a duplex near Beverly Hills, etc.  Men have been giving gifts to mistresses for centuries.  If your husband has an affair or flirtation with another woman and decides to treat her with gifts behind your back that is his prerogative.  Your problem is with your husband; you have no claim on the gifts he gave the other woman.

Do you agree?




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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2015, 09:31:32 AM »
I hope she does get it all back from her....this is just her way of squashing Stiviano like a bug.......she's trying to put her in the poorhouse by taking back anything of value that her hubby gave Stiviano and also making Stiviano have to pay exorbitant Lawyer fees to fight the case...

This is absolute payback for Stiviano either having an affair with her husband, or for manipulatiing the old man into buying her stuff by leading him on for pussy.


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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2015, 02:45:41 PM »

Thank you for answering, but please explain your rationale.  A married man can buy and give gifts to any number of people: a mistress, a coworker, a boss, a golfing buddy, his brother, etc...  The gifts may be to men or women and to people he has had no suspected intimate contact with.  When and why does a gift(s) become a wife's prerogative?  Obviously, a billionaire can give expensive gifts that may make an average person blanch, but the cost of the gift is ultimately immaterial.  Notice, she is even trying to recover the value of a $12 thong and a $1 contribution to St. Jude.

Similarly, disliking V. Stiviano is also immaterial. I can certainly understand why Mrs. Sterling does not like V., but that would probably be true of any other woman her husband was looking at; we know that he has had affairs with other women and presumably gave them gifts as well.

Whatever his mental state may be now, I do not believe that Mr. Sterling was mentally deficient when he elected to give the gifts nor was he coerced into giving them.  Notice that Mr. Sterling is not asking for the return of the gifts.  The lawsuit is being pursued by Mrs. Sterling.  Donald was separated from (or cheating on) his wife.  Whom he choose to give a gift to is not his wife's business (and vice versa by the way).

A spouse (male or female) does not have a claim on gift giving habits of their significant other. If you believe your spouse is giving inappropriate gifts to anyone your recourse is to have a serious conversation with your spouse or to find another spouse.  Trying to sue to retrieve the item or dollar value of a gift your spouse freely gave is ludicrous.  Sitting courtside at a BB game has a significant monetary value.  Why isn't that calculated and included in this transparently emotionally spiteful lawsuit?  What if a man gave a cash gift to a charity the wife didn't like?  Can she sue the charity to get the money back?  

Never mind what will happen in court... how does this lawsuit make sense in your mind?


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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2015, 02:49:26 PM »
I hope she does get it all back from her....this is just her way of squashing Stiviano like a bug.......she's trying to put her in the poorhouse by taking back anything of value that her hubby gave Stiviano and also making Stiviano have to pay exorbitant Lawyer fees to fight the case...

This is absolute payback for Stiviano either having an affair with her husband, or for manipulatiing the old man into buying her stuff by leading him on for pussy.

Your "hope" sounds vindictive and while understandable it does not stand up to rational scrutiny.  What precedent does it set if a spouse can legally recover any expense or gift made by the other half? ???


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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2015, 03:11:01 PM »
Your "hope" sounds vindictive and while understandable it does not stand up to rational scrutiny.  What precedent does it set if a spouse can legally recover any expense or gift made by the other half? ???

Theres no precedent nor does there have to be...she wants revenge...plain and simple...I don't begrudge her that...she's 75 years old....wants to teach that young girl not to mess with her...I say let her have her fun....Stiviano deserves it for taping the old man and trying to frame him in the first place... very sneaky shit


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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2015, 03:46:20 PM »
Theres no precedent nor does there have to be...she wants revenge...plain and simple...I don't begrudge her that...she's 75 years old....wants to teach that young girl not to mess with her...I say let her have her fun....Stiviano deserves it for taping the old man and trying to frame him in the first place... very sneaky shit

You are as misguided as Shelly Sterling.  She can never get "revenge" on the other woman because the other woman is not the person who cheated on her.  Donald sterling did that... and he has done it several times before with other woman.  Suing this latest woman will not change that nor will it change fact that her husband does not want Shelly's company.


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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2015, 08:39:57 PM »
You are as misguided as Shelly Sterling.  She can never get "revenge" on the other woman because the other woman is not the person who cheated on her.  Donald sterling did that... and he has done it several times before with other woman.  Suing this latest woman will not change that nor will it change fact that her husband does not want Shelly's company.

of course he cheated on her numerous times and of course I'm sure she knew about Stiviano....but shes probably upset that Stiviano got greedy, tried to blackmail the old man, and set off a chain of events that had Mrs. Sterling's name dragged through the mud and embarrassed her in the newspapers and in front of her society friends...Again I don't begrudge her suing to get property back...its her prerogative....what I can't understand is why are YOU so emotional about it???????????????........maybe this hits home for you...due to all the gifts you've been given from your various playtoys????... ;) ;)


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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2015, 06:16:45 AM »
of course he cheated on her numerous times and of course I'm sure she knew about Stiviano....but shes probably upset that Stiviano got greedy, tried to blackmail the old man, and set off a chain of events that had Mrs. Sterling's name dragged through the mud and embarrassed her in the newspapers and in front of her society friends...Again I don't begrudge her suing to get property back...its her prerogative....what I can't understand is why are YOU so emotional about it???????????????........maybe this hits home for you...due to all the gifts you've been given from your various playtoys????... ;) ;)

Yes. that is it!  Your brilliant mind has divined my true motives.  Big muscle guys are well known to shower their playmates with expensive gifts.  Stop making a fool of yourself.  ::)


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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2015, 07:02:58 PM »
Yes. that is it!  Your brilliant mind has divined my true motives.  Big muscle guys are well known to shower their playmates with expensive gifts.  Stop making a fool of yourself.  ::)

my, my touchy aren't must be someone who hacked into Bay's account....the real Bay would never melt down like this


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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2015, 03:15:50 AM »
LOL, There are men & women all over who are freaking out about this verdict.

Some feel empowered by it, while others are probably shaking in their Louboutins.
I predict we haven't seen the last of this, ...or of V. Stiviano. I have no doubt she'll be able to come up with the $2.8 mil readily if she loses on appeal, but something tells me it's gonna get real ugly.


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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2015, 05:45:54 PM »
You are as misguided as Shelly Sterling.  She can never get "revenge" on the other woman because the other woman is not the person who cheated on her.  Donald sterling did that... and he has done it several times before with other woman.  Suing this latest woman will not change that nor will it change fact that her husband does not want Shelly's company.

STILL think I'm misguided, big guy??????????.......told you so....Shelly Sterling won...want to apologize for being wrong???????????? :) :)


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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2015, 12:01:12 AM »
I hope she does get it all back from her....this is just her way of squashing Stiviano like a bug.......she's trying to put her in the poorhouse by taking back anything of value that her hubby gave Stiviano and also making Stiviano have to pay exorbitant Lawyer fees to fight the case...

This is absolute payback for Stiviano either having an affair with her husband, or for manipulatiing the old man into buying her stuff by leading him on for pussy.

I don't think it's payback. I think it's the female version of "marking her territory" and squishing her like a bug.
In one of the tapes she's quoted as saying "I want her to know you bought me the house" Sounds to me like Donald was an irrelevant afterthought, and this whole thing is about bad blood between the two of them. Seriously, ...what is $2.3 million to a Billionaire?

I think soon we may hear word that someone maybe getting a fat check for posing in a magazine or two. ???


  • Getbig V
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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2015, 07:14:28 AM »
I don't think it's payback. I think it's the female version of "marking her territory" and squishing her like a bug.
In one of the tapes she's quoted as saying "I want her to know you bought me the house" Sounds to me like Donald was an irrelevant afterthought, and this whole thing is about bad blood between the two of them. Seriously, ...what is $2.3 million to a Billionaire?

I think soon we may hear word that someone maybe getting a fat check for posing in a magazine or two. ???

very astute point ...agreed


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Former Clippers owner Donald Sterling files for divorce
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2015, 03:44:41 PM »
Former Clippers owner Donald Sterling files for divorce

Donald Sterling filed for divorce Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court, almost a year after a contentious legal fight with his wife, Shelly, led to the sale of the Clippers.

Court papers cited "irreconcilable differences" between the couple, who would celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary in less than three weeks.

Last year, Shelly Sterling removed her husband as a member of the family trust after two doctors declared him to be mentally incapacitated in the wake of his inflammatory recorded comments about African Americans. That cleared the way for Shelly Sterling to agree to sell the Clippers to Steve Ballmer for a record $2 billion.

Last July, Donald Sterling called his wife a “pig” in court after her testimony in a probate hearing that examined the circumstances of the sale.

The L.A. Superior Court judge in the case ruled that Shelly Sterling acted properly in removing her husband as a trustee and negotiating the sale of the Clippers. The sale to Ballmer closed on Aug. 12, 2014, ending Donald Sterling’s 33 years as the team’s owner.

As part of the sale agreement, Shelly Sterling retained a variety of perks linked to the franchise, including being named its "Number 1 fan."

Even after a string of legal defeats, Donald Sterling continues to fight the sale in court.

In March, he added Shelly Sterling as a defendant in his lawsuit against the NBA and Commissioner Adam Silver in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. He accused her of conspiring with the league to sell the Clippers against his wishes.

That lawsuit said Shelly Sterling "fraudulently induced" and "fraudulently arranged" for the doctors to examine Donald Sterling last year.

This led to "extreme mental distress .. including worry, anxiety, anger, embarrassment, sleeplessness and fatigue" for him, the lawsuit said.

An attorney representing Shelly Sterling didn’t immediately return a request for comment Wednesday.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2015, 03:46:36 PM »
Its really weird that he has to divorce her just to get half his own money back :D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2015, 06:38:02 AM »
Donald Sterling sues TMZ, V. Stiviano over leaked tapes
By Stephen Ceasar

Former Clippers owner Donald Sterling has filed a lawsuit against TMZ and former friend V. Stiviano over leaked recordings in which Sterling made racially charged remarks that led to him being stripped of his ownership of the Clippers.

The lawsuit, filed last week, alleges that Stiviano recorded a phone conversation with Sterling in September 2013 and that she or an associate provided the “illicitly” recorded conversation to TMZ in violation of Sterling's right to privacy. Sterling contends in the suit that he did not know that Stiviano regularly recorded their conversations.

On the recordings, which were published by TMZ on April 25, 2014, Sterling scolds Stiviano for associating with African Americans in public and warned her not to attend Clippers games with black people.

The lawsuit alleges that Stiviano or TMZ doctored the tapes to “reflect conversations … that either never occurred, were grossly distorted and/or stated out of context.”

An attorney for Stiviano and a TMZ spokeswoman did not immediately return requests for comment.

Stiviano’s attorney, Mac Nehoray, previously told The Times that Sterling knew Stiviano recorded him and that his client had nothing to do with the recording’s public release. Sterling’s wife contended in a lawsuit that Stiviano was her husband’s mistress, but Stiviano has denied it.

The release of the tapes sparked an intense public backlash against Sterling and resulted in NBA Commissioner Adam Silver leveling a $2.5-million fine against Sterling, banning him for life and forcing the sale of the team, which was held by the Sterling Family Trust.

After the release of the recording, Sterling's wife, Shelly Sterling, removed her husband as a member of the trust, citing the conclusions of two doctors who declared him to be mentally incapacitated. Her action cleared the way for her to sell the Clippers to Microsoft billionaire Steve Ballmer for a record $2 billion.

Last week, Sterling filed for divorce from his wife just weeks before their 60th anniversary. He cited “irreconcilable differences.”

The divorce filing alleged that Shelly Sterling has refused to turn over her husband’s share of the proceeds of the sale of the team.

In March, Donald Sterling added his wife as a defendant in his federal lawsuit against the NBA and Silver, accusing her of being in cahoots with the league and conspiring to sell the team against his wishes.

In that lawsuit, he describes Stiviano as a “former friend” and alleged that several of the statements on the recording were not made by him and were altered by Stiviano or her associates.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2015, 09:34:35 AM »
hahahah..this whole thing sure backfired on Stiviano......she is going to be broke from legal fees soon...she already owes her lawyers in the last case after losing out to Sterling's wife (not to mention  the money and stuff she had to give back).,, after sterling beats her shes gonna owe another set of lawyers money and plus will be on the hook for another hefty judgment....

I was on the side of the wife and I am also on the side of Sterling...I hate mistresses who turn on their suitors....trying to embarrass and put the squeeze on

All they have in life is their bodies and looks


  • Getbig V
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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2015, 06:44:22 PM »
hahahah..this whole thing sure backfired on Stiviano......she is going to be broke from legal fees soon...she already owes her lawyers in the last case after losing out to Sterling's wife (not to mention  the money and stuff she had to give back).,, after sterling beats her shes gonna owe another set of lawyers money and plus will be on the hook for another hefty judgment....

I was on the side of the wife and I am also on the side of Sterling...I hate mistresses who turn on their suitors....trying to embarrass and put the squeeze on

All they have in life is their bodies and looks

Hmm, sounds like a few IFBB pros.  Just saying.  :-\


  • Getbig V
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Re: Donald Sterling's wife battles in court with V. Stiviano over gifts
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2015, 06:47:51 PM »
Hmm, sounds like a few IFBB pros.  Just saying.  :-\

Good one Bay.....good one... ;)