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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #275 on: April 20, 2018, 08:55:27 PM »
Hahahaha!  Truth.   :)

seriously... this is Dos Equis thinking...?


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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #276 on: April 21, 2018, 01:39:00 PM »
  Getbig is not real life unless you are a creepy stalking liberal obsessed over trump

You mean in stark contrast to the creepy stalking obsessed neocon who cried and ranted over Obama for eight years??????????????????

is this truth as well, Dos Equis?????????????????????????????????

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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #277 on: April 21, 2018, 03:57:18 PM »
You mean in stark contrast to the creepy stalking obsessed neocon who cried and ranted over Obama for eight years??????????????????

is this truth as well, Dos Equis?????????????????????????????????

To me it was fun mocking ofagget and seeing the anger inducing meltdowns by Libfags.    Big difference


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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #278 on: April 21, 2018, 05:34:00 PM »
To me it was fun mocking ofagget and seeing the anger inducing meltdowns by Libfags.    Big difference

so that's why you melted down and quit Getbig for a while after Romney got his ass kicked by Obama??????????????????????

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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #279 on: April 21, 2018, 05:36:07 PM »
so that's why you melted down and quit Getbig for a while after Romney got his ass kicked by Obama??????????????????????

Not a meltdown - a major disappointment


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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #280 on: April 26, 2018, 03:47:03 PM »
Not a meltdown - a major disappointment

On getbig, they are both the same thing :D


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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #281 on: April 26, 2018, 04:01:35 PM »
On getbig, they are both the same thing :D


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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #282 on: April 29, 2018, 11:55:06 AM »
Did You Read Obama’s Essay Commending Student Gun Control Enthusiasts? It Was CRINGE-INDUCING
Photo of John Lott

3:24 PM 04/27/2018

For those who may have forgotten, Barack Obama reminded many last week what made him such a polarizing president.  In a Time magazine essay commending student gun control activists, Obama resorted to his typical name-calling and false statements.

The former President sympathized with students who “see the NRA and its allies—whether mealymouthed [sic] politicians or mendacious commentators peddling conspiracy theories—as mere shills for those who make money selling weapons of war to whoever can pay.”  Trump has never used even remotely similar language to attack gun control proponents.

Obama complained, “The Parkland, Fla., students don’t have the kind of lobbyists or big budgets for attack ads that their opponents do.”

In fact, it is the gun control groups who have the big dollars.  In 2016, according to, the NRA spent almost $3.2 million on lobbying and another $1.1 million on donations to federal candidates running in that election cycle.  By contrast, over that same period, Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety spent $1.4 million lobbying and Bloomberg himself gave almost $24 million in direct donations to federal candidates.  Bloomberg also easily outspent the NRA on state and local elections.  He spent $28 million  just on two state gun control ballot initiatives.


Contrary to Obama’s characterization of these students as disadvantaged, they easily spent over $9 million for their March 24 “March for Our Lives” event. They still have several million dollars left over. No airline has ever given free flights to NRA members, but Delta did just that for students attending the “March for Our Lives.” There were also all sorts of other in-kind donations from free hotel rooms, Lyft car rides, and food.

But Obama’s claims regarding crime are even more troubling.  He writes: “No developed country endures a homicide rate like ours, a difference explained largely by pervasive accessibility to guns.”  He is wrong on a few fronts.

1. Often, gun control advocates such as Obama look only at countries that they define as “developed.” Sometimes they’ll pick out a small number such as 12 or 14. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is the club of 38 developed countries.  Obama ignores countries such as Chile and Estonia, which have homicide rates similar to ours.  And he definitely leaves out nations such as Russia and Brazil, which have homicide rates that are 3 to 5 times higher.

2. Countries with the most guns possessed by civilians have the lowest homicide rates. This holds true for developed countries.

3. After every single ban on handguns or on all guns generally, homicide rates have risen — usually by large amounts.

Obama thinks that the gun control debate will change as young people in high school “reach voting age.” But if surveys by USA Today, Gallup, and Reuters are correct, this may be only a pipe dream.

Although a large majority of Americans supported gun control after the Florida high school attack, a USA Today poll showed that just 47% of 13 to 17-year-olds thought that “tightening gun control laws and background checks will prevent more mass public shootings in the United States.” 54 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds felt the same way.  Gallup editor-in-chief Frank Newport noted: “Young people statistically aren’t that much different than anybody else.”  And Reuters found that young people between 18 and 29 were by far the least supportive of gun control measures such as banning “military-style assault weapons” or semi-automatic guns.

Obama claims that “a Republican Congress remains unmoved” by the tragedy in Florida and other mass public shootings.  He is unwilling to admit that everyone wants to stop these attacks, and may simply disagree on how to do that.

A recent Rasmussen poll found that 59 percent of people with school-age children support a policy that Obama strongly opposes: arming teachers.  Would Obama really want to argue that these parents are just “shills” for the gun industry?  That they don’t really care about the safety of their children.

Eighteen states already allow teachers to carry, and have done so without any real problems.  No school with teacher-carry has ever had a mass school shooting.

Enough of accusing Republicans of not caring about children.  If gun control activists such as Obama really want to move beyond an acrimonious political debate that leads nowhere, they have to accept that everyone has the same goal — to make people safe.  You can disagree with the gun controllers without being paid off by gun makers.

John Lott is the president of the Crime Prevention Research Center and the author most recently of “The War on Guns.”


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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #283 on: April 29, 2018, 01:08:23 PM »
Folks who didn't like that Obama was our president for two terms have racist issues.

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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #284 on: April 29, 2018, 01:49:01 PM »
Folks who didn't like that Obama was our president for two terms have racist issues.

No more like I don’t like socialists and racists and losers like Obama and Hillary


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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #285 on: April 29, 2018, 02:03:29 PM »
No more like I don’t like socialists and racists and losers like Obama and Hillary

This is what you've previously stated. You are one person, there are many others who are racist who could accept the idea of a African president, just like they're are people who are sexist and will not ever support a woman president. Calling people losers is a statement that needs further definition. Hillary 'lost' the election. -Not sure what Obama lost. He seems more like a winner since he was twice elected president.

Celebrity Net Worth reports both Barack and Michelle Obama’s current net worths as $40 million, but according to data collected by Analytics@American, the online business analytics degree from American University, the Obamas could make as much as $242 million post-presidency.

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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #286 on: April 29, 2018, 05:37:54 PM »
This is what you've previously stated. You are one person, there are many others who are racist who could accept the idea of a African president, just like they're are people who are sexist and will not ever support a woman president. Calling people losers is a statement that needs further definition. Hillary 'lost' the election. -Not sure what Obama lost. He seems more like a winner since he was twice elected president.

Celebrity Net Worth reports both Barack and Michelle Obama’s current net worths as $40 million, but according to data collected by Analytics@American, the online business analytics degree from American University, the Obamas could make as much as $242 million post-presidency.

I’d vote for rerun or fat Albert or bill Cosby or lil dwayne Vs otwink

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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #288 on: April 30, 2018, 04:22:12 PM »
You mean in stark contrast to the creepy stalking obsessed neocon who cried and ranted over Obama for eight years??????????????????

is this truth as well, Dos Equis?????????????????????????????????

Who are you talking about??????????????????????

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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #289 on: May 09, 2018, 05:34:17 AM »
Trump Ends Iran Deal; Obama Legacy Almost Gone
DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon
Posted on 5/9/2018, 8:01:43 AM by EyesOfTX

Today’s Campaign Update (Because The Campaign Never Ends)

Tired of all this #Winning yet? Part I – San Fran Nan provided GOP candidates with they only ad the need to run in their campaigns this fall, promising to raise taxes if the Democrats regain a majority in the House of Representatives and she becomes Speaker once again. Seriously, if Republicans didn’t have Nancy Pelosi, they’d have to invent her. She is their best weapon in this year’s mid-term elections, if they’re smart enough to use her.

Tired of all this #Winning yet? Part II – All that wailing and gnashing of teeth you heard around 7:00 Central Time Tuesday night was emanating from the halls of CNN and MSNBC, where all the mouth-breathers who staff those fake news outlets were crying in their very cheap beers over the fact that Don Blankenship was crashing and burning out in West Virginia. All the fake news people were praying the extremely goofy Blankenship would prevail in his effort to defeat several other candidates to become the Republican nominee to challenge incumbent Democrat Joe Manchin for his senate seat. Blankenship would have been turned by the media into a replay of the Roy Moore fiasco in Alabama last year, so the Republicans did well to give him just 20% of the overall vote. Good riddance.

Tired of all this #Winning yet? Part III – Democrats and their agents in the fake news media all hate President Donald Trump with a passion, but Israelis love him. The City of Jerusalem just chose to name a public square in the President’s honor for keeping his campaign promise to move the U.S. embassy to that city from its current location in Tel Aviv. Keeping your promises might not win you a totally un-deserved Nobel Peace Prize like the one Barack Obama received in 2009, but it will win you real gratitude from real people.

That un-American Obama “legacy” just keeps disappearing. – Speaking of Donald Trump keeping his promises, the President announced on Tuesday that he is ending U.S. participation in the Iran deal to which Barack Obama unilaterally chose to commit this country. In response, the Iranian government responded very predictably, issuing war threats, burning an American flag on the floor if its fake parliament, and staging protests in which the oppressed protesters shouted…wait for it…you know what’s coming, don’t you?…”DEATH TO AMERICA!!!!”

Seriously, can’t the Mullahs teach these people any new chants? This one has become as tiresome as another Pirates of the Caribbean sequel. Do something else, already.

So, one more nail in the coffin of Barack Obama’s incredible shrinking legacy, which as of today is pretty much limited to a few random straggling Obamacare provisions, a handful of regulations that Trump hasn’t gotten around to rescinding yet, and of course all the illegal activity committed by the Obama Justice Department, the FBI and high Obama officials against the Trump Campaign in their tireless efforts to rig the 2016 election in favor of the Pantsuit Princess.

Otherwise, that legacy is as gone as Eric Schneiderman’s reputation, as gone as Jake Tapper’s credibility, as gone as Megyn Kelly’s ratings, as gone as Kathy Griffin’s career, and what a wonderful thing that is for the entire country. All because we elected a President who has worked hard to keep the promises he made during his election campaign. This really isn’t complicated, America. Let’s keep doing it.

Throughout the day on Tuesday, ex-Obama officials took to their twitter accounts to defend the Iran deal, to no avail. Most prominent among those was the execrable Ben Rhodes, who became famous for going around giving interviews after the deal was implemented in which he bragged about how easy it was to lie to the fake news media about the deal and convince all the young, naive reporters that it was actually a great deal for America. Given that, it’s really amazing CNN hasn’t given Rhodes a gigantic contract to become an on-air contributor.

But my favorite came from John Brennan, the former CIA director and guy who has a history of voting for communists:

@JohnBrennan Today, Donald Trump simultaneously lied about the Iranian nuclear deal, undermined global confidence in US commitments, alienated our closest allies, strengthened Iranian hawks, & gave North Korea more reason to keep its nukes. This madness is a danger to our national security.

Within minutes after Brennan issued that tweet, North Korea confirmed that it will be releasing three U.S. prisoners while Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is visiting that country this week.

All of which just proves once again that one of the very best things about the disappearing legacy of Barack Obama is that we no longer have a simpleton like John O. Brennan running the CIA.

Just another day in the Obama legacy is almost gone America.

That is all.

Follow me on Twitter at @GDBlackmon

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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #290 on: May 09, 2018, 10:11:36 AM »
End of Iran Deal Underscores a Weakness of Obama's 'Pen and Phone' Presidency
Reason ^ | May 9, 2018 | by Nick Gillespie
Posted on 5/9/2018, 1:01:13 PM by Oldeconomybuyer

If your "signature achievements" are done by executive power alone, they might as well be written in pencil.

Say what you will about Donald Trump pulling the United States out of the Iran deal. Personally, I wish the United States had stayed in. But this sort of zig-zag is exactly what happens when you end up governing with your pen and your phone, as Barack Obama did.

Faced with a recalcitrant, obstructionist Republican Congress that he helped bring to power two years into his presidency, Obama increasingly gave up on getting congressional approval for anything: military actions, immigration policy, trade policy, net neutrality, environmental regulations. Instead, as Damon Root wrote a few years back, Obama did exactly what he once had criticized his predecessor for and went full Andrew Jackson.

Well, you live by the pen and you die by the pen, and so DACA, the Paris Accords, and the Iran deal (routinely described as "one of President Barack Obama's signature foreign policy achievements") are down the tubes.   ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  :D  :D  :D :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*

If Obama had tried to negotiate the Iran deal as a treaty, rather than an agreement, he would have needed the Senate to sign off on it. Same thing with U.S. involvement in the Paris Accords and a bunch of other "signature achievements."

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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #291 on: May 10, 2018, 06:18:49 AM »

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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #292 on: May 11, 2018, 10:56:02 AM »
Obama. Erased. ^ | 5/11/2018 | Wayne Allen Root
Posted on 5/11/2018, 1:38:21 PM by rktman

I live in Las Vegas. I'm the number one conservative talk show host in this town. I know every show on the Vegas Strip. Don't look now, but Donald Trump is the second coming of David Copperfield. And Obama is the rabbit. Trump has made Obama disappear. It's magic!

I told you so. Both before the election and after, I predicted Donald Trump would make Obama disappear. I predicted he'd erase Obama’s entire legacy. He’d make our long national Obama nightmare disappear. He’d make the misery of the Obamageddon economy go away. He’d erase Obama like he was never there.

In one bold stroke of his pen on Tuesday, Trump did just that. President Trump nuked the Iran deal. He shocked the world. But not me.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #293 on: May 12, 2018, 08:43:51 AM »
I travel extensively and... it still baffles me how many people in so many countries think that Obama was a good president. I spend a great deal of time explaining to them how that is simply not so, but their stubbornness in accepting my point of view is also a testament to how effective leftist propaganda is.

Am I the only one that lived through the years of the media virtually rolling out the red carpet to this... guy. Every. Single. Day just because he was ½ Black and a leftist? Or their tendencies to etch-in-stone whatever mindless slogan the ex-president decided to spew out on any given day?


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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #294 on: May 12, 2018, 10:07:56 AM »
I travel extensively and... it still baffles me how many people in so many countries think that Obama was a good president. I spend a great deal of time explaining to them how that is simply not so, but their stubbornness in accepting my point of view is also a testament to how effective leftist propaganda is.

Am I the only one that lived through the years of the media virtually rolling out the red carpet to this... guy. Every. Single. Day just because he was ½ Black and a leftist? Or their tendencies to etch-in-stone whatever mindless slogan the ex-president decided to spew out on any given day?

I think the reality is, depending on your personal position on a number of issues, left leaning, right leaning etc, you view Obama's presidency through those lenses. It also explains why today, there are people who see Trump as doing a good job and should be considered one of the best presidents of all time, and others that see Trump as a lying lunatic that is dangerous for this country. Some see a balance.

So if you are "explaining" to one of those who don't share your particular eye glasses you are probably wasting your time. It would be no different than someone explaining to you that Obama was a good president. You would trot out your evidence, they would trot out theirs and you both would be where you started 2 hrs later  

I think it's normal for you to believe your view is the right one, otherwise, why would you hold it? But remember that they feel the same way, just with a different conclusion. Doesn't make you right, nor them wrong, just different perspectives


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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #295 on: May 12, 2018, 10:25:15 AM »
I travel extensively and... it still baffles me how many people in so many countries think that Obama was a good president. I spend a great deal of time explaining to them how that is simply not so, but their stubbornness in accepting my point of view is also a testament to how effective leftist propaganda is.

Am I the only one that lived through the years of the media virtually rolling out the red carpet to this... guy. Every. Single. Day just because he was ½ Black and a leftist? Or their tendencies to etch-in-stone whatever mindless slogan the ex-president decided to spew out on any given day?

The Gay Muslim could re-iterate what people wanted to hear in a well practiced delivery. He was a bought and paid for shill.

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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #297 on: May 17, 2018, 06:55:50 AM »
Trump administration to provide records on Obama-era gun-smuggling probe
Reuters ^ | May 16, 2018 | Sarah N. Lynch
Posted on 5/17/2018, 9:47:04 AM by COUNTrecount

The U.S. Justice Department has agreed to provide congressional investigators confidential records on a failed gun-trafficking operation during the Obama administration known as "Fast and Furious" that long has been criticized by Republican lawmakers.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the Justice Department would hand over documents to the Republican-led House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that had been withheld by Democratic former President Barack Obama's administration.

The agreement reached by Republican President Donald Trump's administration will effectively end a six-year long legal battle in which the committee had gone to federal court to try to enforce a subpoena it had issued to obtain the records.

Congressional Republicans have been pressing the Justice Department for years about the operation. Named after a movie about car racing, the operation sought to curb gun-trafficking criminals who were selling weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

In June 2012, the Republican-led House voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder, an Obama appointee, in contempt for failing to turn over documents about the operation. The committee sued Holder for access to the documents in August 2012. Obama asserted executive privilege to block the disclosure of the documents.

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Re: Obamas' Failed Post-Presidency
« Reply #299 on: May 17, 2018, 10:31:25 AM »
Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane: The Times on the FBI’s Trump Investigation ^ | May 17, 2018 | Andrew McCarthy
Posted on 5/17/2018, 12:58:39 PM by

The young’uns may not believe it, but back before it was known as “classic rock,” you couldn’t just play your crossfire hurricane on Spotify. You had to spin it. Fittingly, that is exactly what the New York Times has done in Wednesday’s blockbuster report on the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

The quick take on the 4,100-word opus is that the Gray Lady “buried the lede.” Fair enough: You have to dig pretty deep to find that the FBI ran “at least one government informant” against the Trump campaign — and to note that the Times learned this because “current and former officials” leaked to reporters the same classified information about which, just days ago, the Justice Department shrieked “Extortion!” when Congress asked about it.

But that’s not even the most important of the buried ledes. What the Times story makes explicit, with studious understatement, is that the Obama administration used its counterintelligence powers to investigate the opposition party’s presidential campaign.

That is, there was no criminal predicate to justify an investigation of any Trump-campaign official. So, the FBI did not open a criminal investigation. Instead, the bureau opened a counterintelligence investigation and hoped that evidence of crimes committed by Trump officials would emerge. But it is an abuse of power to use counterintelligence powers, including spying and electronic surveillance, to conduct what is actually a criminal investigation.

The Times barely mentions the word counterintelligence in its saga. That’s not an accident. The paper is crafting the media-Democrat narrative. Here is how things are to be spun: The FBI was very public about the Clinton-emails investigation, even making disclosures about it on the eve of the election. Yet it kept the Trump-Russia investigation tightly under wraps, despite intelligence showing that the Kremlin was sabotaging the election for Trump’s benefit. This effectively destroyed Clinton’s candidacy and handed the presidency to Trump.

It’s also bunk. Just because the two FBI cases are both referred to as “investigations” does not make them the same kind of thing.

The Clinton case was a criminal investigation that was predicated on a mountain of incriminating evidence. Mrs. Clinton does have one legitimate beef against the FBI: Then-director James Comey went public with some (but by no means all) of the proof against her. In is not proper for law-enforcement officials to publicize evidence from a criminal investigation unless formal charges are brought.

In the scheme of things, though, this was a minor infraction. The scandal here is that Mrs. Clinton was not charged. She likes to blame Comey for her defeat; but she had a chance to win only because the Obama Justice Department and the FBI tanked the case against her — in exactly the manner President Obama encouraged them to do in public commentary.

By contast, the Trump case is a counterintelligence investigation. Unlike criminal cases, counterintelligence matters are classified. If agents had made public disclosures about them, they would have been committing crimes and violating solemn agreements with foreign intelligence services — agreements without which those services would not share information that U.S. national-security officials need in order to protect our country.

The scandal is that the FBI, lacking the incriminating evidence needed to justify opening a criminal investigation of the Trump campaign, decided to open a counterintelligence investigation. With the blessing of the Obama White House, they took the powers that enable our government to spy on foreign adversaries and used them to spy on Americans — Americans who just happened to be their political adversaries.

The Times averts its eyes from this point — although if a Republican administration tried this sort of thing on a Democratic candidate, it would be the only point.

Like the Justice Department and the FBI, the paper is banking on Russia to muddy the waters. Obviously, Russia was trying to meddle in the election, mainly through cyber-espionage — hacking. There would, then, have been nothing inappropriate about the FBI’s opening up a counterintelligence investigation against Russia. Indeed, it would have been irresponsible not to do so. That’s what counterintelligence powers are for.

But opening up a counterintelligence investigation against Russia is not the same thing as opening up a counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign.

The media-Democrat complex has tried from the start to conflate these two things. That explains the desperation to convince the public that Putin wanted Trump to win. It explains the stress on contacts, no matter how slight, between Trump campaign figures and Russians. They are trying to fill a gaping void they hope you don’t notice: Even if Putin did want Trump to win, and even if Trump-campaign advisers did have contacts with Kremlin-tied figures, there is no evidence of participation by the Trump campaign in Russia’s espionage.

That is the proof that would have been needed to justify investigating Americans. Under federal law, to establish that an American is acting as an agent of a foreign power, the government must show that the American is purposefully engaging in clandestine activities on behalf of a foreign power, and that it is probable that these activities violate federal criminal law. (See FISA, Title 50, U.S. Code, Section 1801(b)(2), further explained in the last six paragraphs of my Dec. 17 column.)

But of course, if the FBI had had that kind of evidence, they would not have had to open a counterintelligence investigation. They would not have had to use the Clinton campaign’s opposition research — the Steele dossier — to get FISA-court warrants. They would instead have opened a criminal investigation, just as they did on Clinton when there was evidence that she committed felonies.

To the contrary, the bureau opened a counterintelligence investigation in the absence of any (a) incriminating evidence, or (b) evidence implicating the Trump campaign in Russian espionage. At the height of the 2016 presidential race, the FBI collaborated with the CIA to probe an American political campaign. They used foreign-intelligence surveillance and informants.

That’s your crossfire hurricane.