Author Topic: Masteron During cycle as anti E.  (Read 9185 times)


  • Getbig II
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Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« on: October 21, 2013, 01:27:51 PM »
I am now on my fourt week consisting of 500mg TEST E+50mg Dbol Daily.
Will be on 500mg Test weekly for a while then go for 250mg weekly.
My diet is 100% clean and i always keep it that way, i go for more clean bulk.
This week I noticed quiet BLOAT i face(: and i had some thoughts about adding ARIMIDEX to my cycle.
Since I have not had problems with estrogen-related problems earlier in my cycles i never used any AIs, tried Nolvadex once and never again!!!
I read some interesting articles recently about Masteron(Drostanolone) as an anti E during cycle.
Read some conflicting posts about the use of it during cycle as anti Estro.
Would be great if someone with personal experience could start a disskusion on this board!!!

Would be great to get some advice from those  who both used AIs and Masteron.

Did it work for you??

AIs Arimidex, Aromasin vs. Masteron??

Can it be used for a longer time during Cycle in lower doses like 100-200mg Weekly for anti estro??


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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2013, 01:54:40 PM »
Master is not suppose to be an AI in a cycle, an AI is suppose to be an AI in a cycle. Masteron has slight anti estrogen properties, and is a DHT however it's no AI. Lots of stuff like Ursolic Acid even can reduce estrogen or the test/estro balance but it's still not an AI.

Should use aromasin in my opinion, best AI for the money/results/side effects free. Arimidex is harder, letrozole is brutal. PES erase is an otc AI, and works pretty good like aromasin. Aromasin or Erase are what I would recommend.


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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2013, 03:04:59 PM »
Depends on how sensitive you are to estrogen. For some people mast is enough, for some people it's not. it's one of those things you have to experiment with. I personally can't rely on masteron alone.


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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2013, 06:04:37 PM »
Man there should be a sticky explaining about prov and mesteron cause its labor some trying explain it over and over again that its not an anti estrogen or should be used for that reason.... it is a good steroid and has an important place


  • Getbig II
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2013, 10:20:10 AM »
Read some conflicting posts about the use of it as anti E, and got a bit confused since i read about Masteron and iknow that it should not be used as anti E.
The interesting thing is that I read posts about pepole that are very sensetive to Estro and always use AIs, Some of them have tried to shift to Masteron and drop the AIs and it worked well whitout AIs.


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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2013, 07:13:09 PM »
what's so bad about nolvadex?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2013, 07:16:43 PM »
May as well ask here instead of making a new thread
I don't have a lot of money and prices are terrible here in Australia. Pretty much the cheapest shit I have access to is the alldaychemist range
Which estrogen control do people recommend for bang for buck? Tamoxifen is really cheap but people don't tend to like that here for some reason. What is the dosage for aromasin? 0.5mg of arimidex every other day is just about the limit of what I'll be able to afford. I take no more than 500mg total a week, not including orals (which I am not taking atm) so am not really noticing anything at the moment estrogen wise but as I increase doses this will probably change and I need some guidance.


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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2013, 07:52:41 PM »
I have zero clients or experience shipping into AUS in the past 10yrs, so I dunno about how tight your customs searches are. can you get research grade products?

best bang for your much is gonna be femara, at even 1/4tab/cc (.62mg) it works fucking great... but the sides fucking suck... aromasin works well, but for the amount you'll need (at least 6mg/day, preferably 12.5mg/day.. it comes in 25mg tabs or 25mg/cc research liquids) it's more pricey than adex (you need to take it every day)... arimidex you can get away with using just 3 days a week at .5mg and... and even that might be a lil high for 500mg/wk.. you can probably do 1/4mg m-w-f.

Thanks, I'll probably go for arimidex.
Importing shit is fine, I just need to be careful where I order things from. All day chemist is great. All my domestic sources are either REALLY expensive or only ship tamoxifen. 0.5mg 3-4x a week is easily affordable and if I get to the point where I need more then I'll probably look at what I am running, it might be cheaper to switch doses around


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2013, 09:47:51 PM »
i'd go the research chem route. been using's stuff lately, although they've seem to have 're-faced' their inventory/storefront lately and i'm having trouble finding certain products I used to get from them.

just find a research chem co that's currently getting good reviews.

Yeah unfortunately all the ones that ship within Australia only stock tamoxifen
Won't be able to get anything from the USA, it simply will not get through
India/UK gets through just fine though if you happen to know any UK based stockers
Having a look at that range... fuck as a powerlifter I'd LOVE injectable B12 haha. I have it sublingual and it's the best pre workout!


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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2013, 07:51:06 AM »
I have zero clients or experience shipping into AUS in the past 10yrs, so I dunno about how tight your customs searches are. can you get research grade products?

best bang for your much is gonna be femara, at even 1/4tab/cc (.62mg) it works fucking great... but the sides fucking suck... aromasin works well, but for the amount you'll need (at least 6mg/day, preferably 12.5mg/day.. it comes in 25mg tabs or 25mg/cc research liquids) it's more pricey than adex (you need to take it every day)... arimidex you can get away with using just 3 days a week at .5mg and... and even that might be a lil high for 500mg/wk.. you can probably do 1/4mg m-w-f.

I agree.  Letrozole (femara) is the best bang for buck.  You can take it 2-3 times a week and it works because it is so potent.  I would never use it ED at a high dose because it will eliminate estrogen in your body and that is NOT GOOD.  Estro is critical for immune function, sexual potency, and joint health.   I prefer Aromasin overall though.  I just seem to feel better on it than letro or adex.  The best combo for AI that I have used is 12.5 mg Aromasin ED and 20 mg Nolvadex ED.  It is synergistic because the aromasin inhibits aromatase and nolvadex is a competitive antagonist at the actual receptor site.   This is when I use 1 gram of Test weekly or more.  Any lower test dose than that and I don't need AI. 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2013, 09:33:53 AM »


  • Getbig III
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2013, 02:08:25 PM »
fuck aromasin is expensive shit in here... 30 tabs of 25mg for around $250

how long would I need to run it for results (or prevention even)? a few weeks or the whole cycle?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2013, 12:59:58 PM »
no steroid is an anti estrogen.

even using non estrogen convertables doesnt mean the body wont built up estrogen.

adex is the best choice  , very effective, fast.1 whole adex tab a day will shut estrogen right down, to the desired levels, not totaly zero, but close enough.

it doesnt get any better than this.when one is lean enough, they can tell hwo much a diference it makes.

its less difference than some noob would think, but its a biiiig difference for serious trainers,who know how and what to eat.

nolvadex is absolute trash.

and again masteron etc dont have a direct anti estrogen effect,other than being non convertables.

if one educates themselves and looks up how arimidex works and why, then the difference becomes obvious.

the other question is, if one runs say tren and masteron, is adex or letro even required?i dont think so

but adex with test esters will make test to something like the most superior wont be so cheap like just ttest cycle anymore, but test + adex is quite the bomb.

be prepared for some "nice" side effect when on letro and adex.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2013, 01:25:52 PM »
no steroid is an anti estrogen.

even using non estrogen convertables doesnt mean the body wont built up estrogen.

adex is the best choice  , very effective, fast.1 whole adex tab a day will shut estrogen right down, to the desired levels, not totaly zero, but close enough.

it doesnt get any better than this.when one is lean enough, they can tell hwo much a diference it makes.

its less difference than some noob would think, but its a biiiig difference for serious trainers,who know how and what to eat.

nolvadex is absolute trash.

and again masteron etc dont have a direct anti estrogen effect,other than being non convertables.

if one educates themselves and looks up how arimidex works and why, then the difference becomes obvious.

the other question is, if one runs say tren and masteron, is adex or letro even required?i dont think so

but adex with test esters will make test to something like the most superior wont be so cheap like just ttest cycle anymore, but test + adex is quite the bomb.

be prepared for some "nice" side effect when on letro and adex.

you'r back bro, put your vids up again  :D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2013, 05:41:53 PM »
Been on a little break but im thinkin 1000mg test 500mg tren 500mg mast 50-100mg dbol? Got shitoads of armidex and letty so would probly grab some aromasin,clomid and shit.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2013, 08:03:33 PM »
no steroid is an anti estrogen.

even using non estrogen convertables doesnt mean the body wont built up estrogen.

adex is the best choice  , very effective, fast.1 whole adex tab a day will shut estrogen right down, to the desired levels, not totaly zero, but close enough.

it doesnt get any better than this.when one is lean enough, they can tell hwo much a diference it makes.

its less difference than some noob would think, but its a biiiig difference for serious trainers,who know how and what to eat.

nolvadex is absolute trash.

and again masteron etc dont have a direct anti estrogen effect,other than being non convertables.

if one educates themselves and looks up how arimidex works and why, then the difference becomes obvious.

the other question is, if one runs say tren and masteron, is adex or letro even required?i dont think so

but adex with test esters will make test to something like the most superior wont be so cheap like just ttest cycle anymore, but test + adex is quite the bomb.

be prepared for some "nice" side effect when on letro and adex.

So say I am on testosterone and arimidex.
500mg of testosterone a week currently, although I'll be adding tren in a few weeks when I am leaner. I respond very well to hormones it seems so I don't need high dosages. Or maybe I am just patient and intelligent with training and diet lol.
What arimidex should I take, in your opinion? I am taking a sustanon blend at the moment but I can switch that out for enanthate no worries.
Price is the main issue for me here. Do you think taking one injection a week of testosterone enanthate and then 0.5mg of adex for the next two days would be good? Or, would splitting the doses up m/w/f be better. Also lets play around with dosing frequency. I don't mind pinning every day and insulin pins don't cost anything, so I am up for anything.

The main thing is, I don't know and understand the relationship of testosterone to estrogen. I would imagine that estrogen peak post injection then dies down over the week until the next injection. But I have to entertain the possibility that estrogen levels will stay pretty stable throughout the week due to the constant release of the long esters.

I hope that I am asking the right questions here.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2013, 08:39:13 PM »
ah, sust or test e doesnt really matter, id go with test e,for you dont need the prop spikes from the sust once you got going.

yeah the estrogen spike happens first 2 days after the shot,but its not so smart to only use adex for that imo.youll be going back and forth with estrogen rebound, just have it constantly.

should run it all the time, its not realy needed for 250 weekly,but def helps,the results cant be denied.

from 500weekly on, id say adex is mandatory for smart ppl.

now bc its so expensive, half tab every other day will be good enough, trust me whole tab eevry day is not so nice feeling,so ive heard :D

and id only use it from pharmacy, i dont see ugls making any good adex, but maybe there are some that im unaware of.

and yes,always split the doses of the test.

adex is great stuff, makes test something like the best ped out there.



  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2013, 08:40:57 PM »
So say I am on testosterone and arimidex.
500mg of testosterone a week currently, although I'll be adding tren in a few weeks when I am leaner. I respond very well to hormones it seems so I don't need high dosages. Or maybe I am just patient and intelligent with training and diet lol.
What arimidex should I take, in your opinion? I am taking a sustanon blend at the moment but I can switch that out for enanthate no worries.
Price is the main issue for me here. Do you think taking one injection a week of testosterone enanthate and then 0.5mg of adex for the next two days would be good? Or, would splitting the doses up m/w/f be better. Also lets play around with dosing frequency. I don't mind pinning every day and insulin pins don't cost anything, so I am up for anything.

The main thing is, I don't know and understand the relationship of testosterone to estrogen. I would imagine that estrogen peak post injection then dies down over the week until the next injection. But I have to entertain the possibility that estrogen levels will stay pretty stable throughout the week due to the constant release of the long esters.

I hope that I am asking the right questions here.
woooo man you need to do some research on the hormone TESTOSTERONE..... I can't believe how many people have no knowledge about something that they are injecting deep inside their body or what happens when they do it and you plan on running tren ? Everyone get ready for all the tren questions to pop up in a month


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2013, 09:14:39 PM »
Sorry Shrek you have it wrong there. I have a pretty decent education about it. What I am asking isn't really clear from researching clinical studies and the one's that I have read signal towards what I was saying about the estrogen spike and it turns out I was correct. So pretty clear that I have done research and am in the right direction. As far as I can see there are no studies done on +500mg of testosterone, the relationship of estrogen post injection and how arimidex influences this with different dosage protocols. If you're aware of them then please feel free to link them. I am already taking my adex half a pill every other day. I did the next best thing and asked people that have been there already

Galeniko, thanks for your help. The adex is "pharmaceutical" I think. It's from India, or at least shipped from India. Looking at the packet it's Altraz made by Alkem Laboratories Ltd (Cytomed)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2013, 09:22:09 PM »
Sorry Shrek you have it wrong there. I have a pretty decent education about it. What I am asking isn't really clear from researching clinical studies and the one's that I have read signal towards what I was saying about the estrogen spike and it turns out I was correct. So pretty clear that I have done research and am in the right direction. As far as I can see there are no studies done on +500mg of testosterone, the relationship of estrogen post injection and how arimidex influences this with different dosage protocols. If you're aware of them then please feel free to link them. I am already taking my adex half a pill every other day. I did the next best thing and asked people that have been there already

Galeniko, thanks for your help. The adex is "pharmaceutical" I think. It's from India, or at least shipped from India. Looking at the packet it's Altraz made by Alkem Laboratories Ltd (Cytomed)
the estrogen levels won't star up until your body has shut down its test production hence at 4 weeks when you take the adex you will be combating the estro affects from the first shot so doing this take a shot Monday then timing the half life and taking your adex at the precise time is something I've never heard of in writing or from anyone that has years of experience


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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2013, 09:24:10 PM »
Don't make it obvious that someone gave you a source , you should delete that last part


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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2013, 09:41:23 PM »
Nobody gave me a source I found it myself
Listing the lab isn't illegal, as far as I am aware in my country or the BVI where the site is hosted
I've seen a few people here talking about only taking it the 2 days after post cycle which is why I enquired


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2013, 09:44:16 PM »
Nobody gave me a source I found it myself
Listing the lab isn't illegal, as far as I am aware in my country or the BVI where the site is hosted
I've seen a few people here talking about only taking it the 2 days after post cycle which is why I enquired
oh it looked like you were saying thanks to him as in he pointed you to a source ... no biggy


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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2013, 09:53:50 PM »
Yeah no worries that's cool. If you thought it then someone else probably did as well
Cheers for the help, looks like I am going to have to suck it up with the price if I want to run the dosages I want to run. 500mg a week and no adex I didn't really feel any estrogen problems until I brought in dbol. I took the dbol out after a few weeks (comp prep) and I was fine again, just some itchy nipples but not sore. With the adex m/w/f I don't feel anything and I look a little more shredded. I need to double my doses next year sometime though, I guess I should start saving instead of living week to week lol


  • Getbig V
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Re: Masteron During cycle as anti E.
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2013, 05:31:50 PM »
Sorry Shrek you have it wrong there. I have a pretty decent education about it. What I am asking isn't really clear from researching clinical studies and the one's that I have read signal towards what I was saying about the estrogen spike and it turns out I was correct. So pretty clear that I have done research and am in the right direction. As far as I can see there are no studies done on +500mg of testosterone, the relationship of estrogen post injection and how arimidex influences this with different dosage protocols. If you're aware of them then please feel free to link them. I am already taking my adex half a pill every other day. I did the next best thing and asked people that have been there already

Galeniko, thanks for your help. The adex is "pharmaceutical" I think. It's from India, or at least shipped from India. Looking at the packet it's Altraz made by Alkem Laboratories Ltd (Cytomed)
no problem bro.

just keep the adex at that doage,can try half tab ed, or whole ed for when going for total shreddedness.

btw, there are studies on 500+mg test weekly, but they show that 500 is the turning point, where the benefits arent as gradual anymore.

and youre totaly right, on test e the estrogen spike is quite immediate,and it doesnt take 4 week till own production is shut down enough.

the test converts to estrogen bc sudden imbalance and bc its just too much.