Author Topic: The dumbest and most useless people in America= Congressional Black Caucus  (Read 1514 times)

George Whorewell

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At least they seem to mirror their constituents fairly well. A great way to reduce government spending and generalized American stupidity would be the immediate expulsion of the Congressional Black Caucus from the United States of America. Where is Marcus Garvey when you need him?

Dem resolution warns climate change could push women to ‘transactional sex’

By Pete Kasperowicz - 04/29/13 11:06 AM ET
Several House Democrats are calling on Congress to recognize that climate change is hurting women more than men, and could even drive poor women to "transactional sex" for survival.

The resolution, from Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and a dozen other Democrats, says the results of climate change include drought and reduced agricultural output. It says these changes can be particularly harmful for women.
"[F]ood insecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and poor reproductive health," it says.

Climate change could also add "workload and stresses" on female farmers, which the resolution says produce 60 to 80 percent of the food in developing countries.

The chances for regional conflict also increase with climate change, the resolution says, because changing weather patterns could lead to migration and refugee crises. It said these sorts of potential conflicts over land will have a disproportionate impact on "the most vulnerable populations including women."

More broadly, the resolution says climate change will hurt "marginalized" women, such as refugees, sexual minorities, adolescent girls, and women and girls with HIV. It also cites Hurricane Katrina as evidence of how climate change can affect women, noting that the storm displaced "over 83 percent of low-income, single mothers" in the region.
In a statement to The Hill, Lee said women are critically underrepresented in the development of climate change policy.

"My resolution will affirm the commitment to include and empower women in economic development planning and international climate change policies and practices," she said. "This will help communities adapt to climate impacts, and embark on a path towards clean and sustainable development."

The resolution calls on Congress to recognize the effects on women, and to use "gender-specific frameworks in developing policies to address climate change."

It says Congress recognizes the need for "balanced participation of men and women" in climate change adaption efforts, and that Congress will support women who are vulnerable to climate change.

Finally, it encourages the president to "integrate a gender approach in all policies and programs" related to climate change, and to ensure these policies "support women globally to prepare for, build resilience for, and adapt to climate change."

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  • Getbig V
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Yeah, that's pretty terrible. But, hey, it's what we got, elected officials and all that. I believe it was Winston Churchill who said the argument against democracy is a conversation with the average voter. Seriously, these people are voted in by morons, so what do you expect?

Soul Crusher

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Mel Watt Picked For FHFA Post By White House To Replace Ed DeMarco

Posted: 05/01/2013 1:43 am EDT








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Ed DeMarco, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Edward Demarco, Federal Housing Finance Agency, Fhfa, Mel Watt, Mel Watt Federal Housing Finance Agency, Mel Watt Fhfa, Mel Watt Housing Finance Agency, Mel Watt Obama, Obama Nominees, Business News

BOSTON -- President Barack Obama will nominate Mel Watt, a longtime Democratic congressman from North Carolina, to oversee government-controlled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in a move that may give the White House greater control over housing policy.

Obama will announce his nomination of Watt to lead the Federal Housing Finance Agency on Wednesday, people familiar with the matter said. The nomination, subject to Senate approval, would thrust the Yale-educated lawyer into the center of U.S. economic policy as the government weighs how best to maintain the housing recovery while reducing the government’s role in propping up home prices and providing loans.

FHFA regulates Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the bailed-out mortgage financiers that together own or guarantee about half of all outstanding U.S. home loans. The federal government backstops more than nine of every 10 new mortgages.

Watt was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1992, where he has served on the chamber’s financial services committee. On the banking panel, he perhaps is best known for trying to stamp out predatory lending. He’s also championed access to home loans for low-income borrowers and those with spotty credit.

If confirmed by the Senate, Watt would replace Edward DeMarco, a career civil servant who has supervised Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on an acting basis since 2009. Top White House officials had promised consumer advocates before November’s presidential election that they would oust DeMarco early this year.

A low-key and unassuming economist, DeMarco has been vilified by some members of Congress, liberal groups and state attorneys general for a variety of alleged sins, most notably his continued refusal to allow Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to forgive distressed borrowers’ housing debts.

Watt would be the second person Obama has nominated to replace DeMarco. A previous nominee, Joseph Smith, at the time North Carolina’s banking regulator, failed to win Senate confirmation after Republicans questioned his independence from the White House. One called him a “lapdog".

A White House spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Over the past three years, DeMarco has worked to return Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to profitability while also reducing their balance sheets and influence over the property sector and setting the stage for an overhaul of how the U.S. economy funds home mortgages.

Since their government rescue during the height of the financial crisis in September 2008, the companies have cost taxpayers about $122 billion. The U.S. Treasury has provided them nearly $188 billion to keep them afloat, but Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have returned about $65 billion in dividends.

In 2012, the twin housing giants reported record profits as rising home prices and fewer delinquencies spurred about $28 billion in combined earnings. Virtually all of the companies’ profits flow to the Treasury. The White House recently projected that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will over the next 10 years help to reduce the federal government’s debt as they pay off taxpayers and return excess profits to government coffers.

While some advocates attempt to lobby policymakers to keep the companies in conservatorship so they can help pay down the debt and be used to spur greater access to credit, DeMarco has been shrinking their portfolio of loans and securities and trying to bring private capital back into housing finance.

Private investors, funds and lenders fled the housing market in the wake of the financial crisis. Securitization of non-government guaranteed mortgages ground to a halt. Only the federal government enabled borrowers to continue purchasing or refinancing their home loans at historically-low rates.

An abrupt end to the government’s backstop of the housing market would send interest rates soaring. A continuation of the current situation may take taxpayer resources away from other, more economically productive sectors.

DeMarco has instituted a variety of schemes to get investors and lenders comfortable with owning non-taxpayer backed mortgages. He’s also tried to lay the groundwork for a future without Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose dominance over the housing market extends from their balance sheets to the basic plumbing of how loans are made, securitized and sold to investors.

DeMarco at times has butted heads with the Obama administration, which has tried to convince him to adopt policies aimed at aiding borrowers and reducing foreclosures. DeMarco has argued that he is mandated by law to “preserve and converse” Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s assets, rather than look out for the entire housing market.

Some officials in the Obama administration have expressed displeasure at the DeMarco-approved lawsuits targeting more than a dozen of the world’s largest financial institutions for selling hundreds of billions of dollars of allegedly dodgy mortgages to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The lawsuits and demands have helped chill lending, officials have said.

Many Democrats have argued that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be used to advance policies that would aid the broader housing market, and by extension the economy. Republicans are opposed to using the mortgage financiers as tools for economic or social policy.

Industry executives and Washington lobbyists view Watt as a potential FHFA chief who would go along with Obama administration requests.

For that reason alone, Watt may face an uphill climb to confirmation due to potential Republican opposition. Since its creation in 2008 the FHFA has never had a Senate-confirmed director.

The True Adonis

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Mel Watt doesn`t like white people. Look what he said to Ralph Nader:

Accusation by Ralph Nader of use of "racial epithet"
In 2004, Ralph Nader attended a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus, at which Nader clashed with members of the caucus over his presidential bid. After the meeting, Nader alleged that Watt twice uttered an "obscene racial epithet" towards him. It was alleged that Watt said: "You're just another arrogant white man — telling us what we can do — it's all about your ego — another [expletive] arrogant white man." Although Nader wrote a letter to the Caucus and to Watt asking for an apology, none was offered.

Straw Man

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Mel Watt doesn`t like white people. Look what he said to Ralph Nader:

Accusation by Ralph Nader of use of "racial epithet"
In 2004, Ralph Nader attended a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus, at which Nader clashed with members of the caucus over his presidential bid. After the meeting, Nader alleged that Watt twice uttered an "obscene racial epithet" towards him. It was alleged that Watt said: "You're just another arrogant white man — telling us what we can do — it's all about your ego — another [expletive] arrogant white man." Although Nader wrote a letter to the Caucus and to Watt asking for an apology, none was offered.

where is the racial epithet?


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The True Adonis

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where is the racial epithet?
Mel Watt is shit.

Soul Crusher

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  • Getbig III
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Yeah, that's pretty terrible. But, hey, it's what we got, elected officials and all that. I believe it was Winston Churchill who said the argument against democracy is a conversation with the average voter. Seriously, these people are voted in by morons, so what do you expect?

That's America for you. Lot of dumb mother fuckers over here. All highly gullible naive and impressionable. A nation of sheep. And I'm a fucking American for gods sake.

Straw Man

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Mel Watt is shit.

where is the racial epithet ?

is arrogant white man supposed to be a racial epithet?

Soul Crusher

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where is the racial epithet ?

is arrogant white man supposed to be a racial epithet?

There are others.   Will post later.   He is a scumbag.

Straw Man

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There are others.   Will post later.   He is a scumbag.

don't do it on my behalf
I was just asking TA where in that quote he posted was the epithet

The True Adonis

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President Obama’s pick to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency once said that a “majority of white voters” would never vote for a black candidate and that they should be excluded from “the democratic process.”

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Mel Watt was my congressman for years and he was shit.  Did nothing but cater to minorities.  He is trash.

Soul Crusher

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Obama nominee:Most whites won’t vote for a black;should be excluded from ‘democratic process’ ^ | 05/01/2013 | n/a
Posted on May 1, 2013 9:01:53 PM EDT by massmike

Obama’s pick to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency once said that a “majority of white voters” would never vote for a black candidate and that they should be excluded from “the democratic process.”

The White House announced Wednesday that Obama will nominate Democratic North Carolina Congressman Mel Watt to take over the FHFA, which regulates Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the country’s government sponsored mortgage companies.

Watt, the former chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, has in the past accused white Americans of racism.

“There would be a substantial majority of white voters who would say that under no circumstances would they vote for an African American candidate,” Watt said Oct. 14, 2005 during a Washington hearing held by the National Commission on the Voting Rights Act.

The Voting Rights Act should be expanded to “adjust districts to take [racially motivated voting] into account,” Watts said.

Such voters “need to be factored out of the equation,” Watt said, because “I’ve got no use for them in the democratic process.”

According to a contemporaneous report of the hearing published by the Cybercast News Service, Watt said that black voters — unlike whites — don’t have “an absolute commitment” to voting for a candidate based on race.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Roger Bacon

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Obama nominee:Most whites won’t vote for a black;should be excluded from ‘democratic process’

He wouldn't have anything if white people weren't so generous, letting him become a part of a system solely created by whites.


  • Getbig V
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where is the racial epithet ?

is arrogant white man supposed to be a racial epithet?

Had a white politician called someone "another ignorant black man" I fucking guarantee that a lot of people would have considered it a racial epithet.