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John Matrix accepted into the allmighty SQUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The Squadfather:
it is written, pin the living shit out of this!!!!!!!
Man of Steel:
Welcome John've just been accepted into the most powerful organization on the net.   You're now officially a member of the Squad.....take a minute and let it soak in.

Yeah, you're fvckin awesome.   Now, let the twunt destruction begin!!
Count Grishnackh:
Definitely a privileged appointment for sure. Welcome aboard associate Matrix.
thanks for the support guys, i look forward to many long mass murder threads and the total castration of the Tiny Tit race. god help any bisexual Indian virgins or billboard-foreheaded fellows who happen to get in the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Count Grishnackh:
Yes JM, there seems to be a lot of lost little bear cubs running around in the V recently.

They had better find their way back home to their furry gay top bears or it will be carnage of a kind that Getbig has yet to see !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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