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Gossip & Opinions / Re: Lomachenko vs Kambosos
« Last post by honest on Today at 08:05:23 PM »
For sure,and in my humble opinion,Loma beat Haney.

Robbery Of Peace  :(

Totally agree with you it was close but Loma won that fight.
Coach, do you have issues with Section B Relevant Factual Background as explained in parts 1-4 of the court docket? If so, how should the FBI have handled this while protecting the parts/documents that were marked classified and/or contained classified information?
1. The August 8 Search
2. Processing the Boxes After Seizure
3. Preservation of Which Boxes Contained Documents With
Classification Markings
4. Location of Classified Documents Within Each Box
Do you agree with Judge Aileen Cannon's ruling?

You’re skating around the admission part….
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Hankins vs Josh - MMA - Vegas, NV
« Last post by Marvin Martian on Today at 07:59:37 PM »
I'm getting bigmc and UK board vibes all of a sudden....

That’s just the shakes  from DT - have some drinks and it will go away. Probably are hungry too if it’s been 20-30 minutes since you had a donut
"In the most simple and basic of terms, the optimal volume range for most people is:

For each bigger muscle group: about 60-120 total reps PER WEEK.
For each smaller muscle group: about 30-60 total reps PER WEEK.
In more specific terms, this breaks down like this:

Chest: 60-120 reps per week.
Back: 60-120 reps per week.
Quadriceps: 60-120 reps per week.
Hamstrings: 60-120 reps per week.
Shoulders: 30-60 reps per week.
Biceps: 30-60 reps per week.
Triceps: 30-60 reps per week.
Calves: 30-60 reps per week.
Abs: 30-60 reps per week.

I get you guys think in terms of Sets and exercises but if you actually look at reps you get a better idea of your volume. 10 sets of 10 is the same as 5 sets of 20 both rep ranges are within hypertrophy.

Just because you do 3 exercises with 3 sets of 10 (90 reps) doesn't mean you have done more volume than 1 exercise 5 sets of 20 (100 total reps)

You guys spend more time switching exercises vs just hitting something hard

I did 94 reps of hamstring curls which is right in the middle of the ideal range yet you guys all freak out and tell me how horrible my training is do any of you ever read any actual studies on exercise training?

I train with the World Champion Strict curler and you tell me the program is wrong. You guys don't appear to know what the fuck your talking about.

Everyone says 6-12 sets per week for hamstrings but those are 10 rep sets. So 60-120 reps. I did 90 plus reps and you guys act like its crazy just because I did one exercise doesn't make it any less of a workout.

"Hamstrings: 6–12 sets per week. Romanian deadlifts, good mornings, and seated hamstring curls all work your hamstrings under a tremendous stretch. It doesn’t take much."

I also went up in weight and dropped the reps getting those heavy sets in as well as the initial blood flow. Can I do more yeah I plan to do deadlifst later this week but those are plenty of hamstring curls.

This same guy you quote above (in bold):

Also then goes on to say the following:

"So, when it comes to intensity and figuring out how many reps you should do per set, here are the most widely accepted recommendations based on science and real world results…

* If your primary goal is increasing strength, then you should mostly train in the lower rep ranges (between 1-8 reps per set) and therefore at a higher intensity.

* If your primary goal is building muscle (or anything related to improving the way your body looks), then you should mostly train in the moderate rep ranges (between 5-12 reps per set) and therefore at a moderate intensity.

* If your primary goal is improving muscle endurance, then you should mostly train in the higher rep ranges (between 12-20 reps per set) and therefore at a lower intensity."


So based on the guy you yourself quoted to support your argument of reading actual studies, the overwhelming majority of your workout is more optimal for muscle endurance than building muscle/hypertrophy, and low intensity not "hitting something hard":

Hamstring Curls


Yep pretty much what I had seen.

So its True - Joe did have inappropriate showers with her.

Let's wait & see without naming them yet - If the Pedo Pete supporters & defenders will own up
To being wrong & offer apologies............... ...

Yeah, pretty sure it was agnostic not too long ago that was challenging me on the authenticity of the letter that I posted from Ashley Biden. It’s amazing how this stuff always comes around to prove itself. And he’ll see this and he’ll come on here and still deny it. They just have to face fax that they voted for a literal pedo in office.
I agree, so far your hamstring sessions clearly show you know what you are doing.  94 reps is optimal as shown by

Filling out a medium shirt here

For a moment there i thought I was looking at a Prime Dorian 🤣😂🤣😂🤣  Not.

Oh & I meant to type a Prime Dog Shit & not Dorian.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Hankins vs Josh - MMA - Vegas, NV
« Last post by illuminati on Today at 07:00:02 PM »
You  entirely ignored every valid point that Marvin made.   :(

Wes its just a game / act he's doing to goad folk, Yes he is Stupid  Yes he has a Shitty Body
Yes He is Scared   Yes he is a Faggott   he knows all that.
So he comes on here to wind folk up posting how great he is at everything knowing he'll get
Bites & the attention he so desperately needs & craves.

Bianca your Idoicy has worn very thin - try a different angle , as stupid as you really
Are - You do know damn well you have a awful looking body.
And your Neck is small & your legs / back painfully lacking -  The stupid nonsense you keep
Repeating about how good you are is just a Gimmick & a Game, we've all long ago seen through it. 

Fuck off & stop boring us all with your stupidity


Filling out a medium shirt here
You can't even see my delts arms or chest in a t shirt but my midsection is better than 99% of anyone. My neck is also fucking huge. I absolutely would not want it any bigger you guys are stupid. I am 10lbs off winning stage weight.

Bianca your Idoicy has worn very thin - try a different angle , as stupid as you really
Are - You do know damn well you have a awful looking body.
And your Neck is small & your legs / back painfully lacking -  The stupid nonsense you keep
Repeating about how good you are is just a Gimmick & a Game, we've all long ago seen through it. 

Fuck off & stop boring us all with your stupidity
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