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Gossip & Opinions / Re: bhanks back story
« Last post by WrongAdvices on Today at 05:50:37 PM »
Bhank is getting a helipad at the new joint straight after the fence guy finishes up

When he can't get the deadlift off the ground in the garage he'll claim the epoxy guy screwed up and left too much on the floor.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: bhanks back story
« Last post by WrongAdvices on Today at 05:48:45 PM »
And so endeth The Battle of Kitty Hawk (2021-2024), with a whimper rather than a bang

Churchill said history is written by the victors, but he never encountered getbig or bhank so who the hell knows what will be said about this one

The Battle of Selma is afoot

"I spent my first night in my new house last night on a mattress in the floor."

Not "we spent our first night in our new house"
Got 545 this week.    Goal is 600 at body weight of 190.

Great lift SC. No disrespect but you don’t look natty. No trt? No nothing? If so that’s impressive. Not an insult just truth and I guess a compliment haha.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Last post by Hulkotron on Today at 05:44:37 PM »
Solid pick!

It may be one of the best posts I've ever read on here, really fantastic.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: bhanks back story
« Last post by delon on Today at 05:44:13 PM »
Was that photo taken from a helicopter?

Bhank is getting a helipad at the new joint straight after the fence guy finishes up

Gossip & Opinions / Re: nice work if you can get it.
« Last post by robcguns on Today at 05:39:59 PM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: bhanks back story
« Last post by Hulkotron on Today at 05:39:07 PM »
Was that photo taken from a helicopter?
Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: The Debate…
« Last post by Coach is Back! on Today at 05:38:49 PM »
I’ve tried helping hanks over the years.    To no end.  Whatever.    I’m doing my thing.

He pulls 400 on a hex-bar with the high handles and thinks it equates to a 500 conventional deadlift, he is beyond help at this point.
Bunch of fucking wack jobs, these Hollywood fucks are. More than I ever imagined. It’s like they are being paid to create a generation of the weakest simpletons the world has ever seen.
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