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Has anyone tried "Gakic" yet ?

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Peaking at 45 !!!:
I'm curious, based on my own 30+ years of experience I would say the only supplement that has worked for me is Creatine. I notice results in just a few days. I felt I've never noticed any real benefits from all the different  protein powders I have used over the years. I would save your money spent on protein powders and just eat healthy instead.

But these "Gakic" claims of an immediate 10% increase in strength are curious indeed.

Well, anyone try it yet ?         Thank you !!! :)

It's not really claiming a ten percent increase in strenght, in that is doesn't claim to be able to shunt your bench from 300 to 330 , or deadlift from 400 to 440 the first time you use it. What it claims to be doing is off setting the effects of muscular fatigue, so that you can eek out 11 reps instead of 10 etc.

I have not used it yet, and am unsure as to wether i will until I find out more about the product. It is also important to note that this product was not actually developed by Muscletech themselves, but rather by the University of Florida, Muscletect simply sell it.

The science behind the product seems sound, but it does lead to a number of question about changes to recovery times etc, as it is effectively allowing you to do more damage to the muscle fibre, and i have not heard anything about the product aiding recovery, merely fighting fatigue.

Complete freaking garbage.  Save your money.  I get this stuff for free from a friend of mine who owns a GNC and I tried a bottle - I noticed absolutely nothing except having a sore throat on workout days from having to take 8 of those huge horse pills.  Another Muscletech phoney.


--- Quote from: Peaking at 45 !!! on October 10, 2005, 11:58:47 PM ---I'm curious, based on my own 30+ years of experience I would say the only supplement that has worked for me is Creatine. I notice results in just a few days. I felt I've never noticed any real benefits from all the different  protein powders I have used over the years. I would save your money spent on protein powders and just eat healthy instead.

But these "Gakic" claims of an immediate 10% increase in strength are curious indeed.

Well, anyone try it yet ?         Thank you !!! :)

--- End quote ---

Here's my post about trying GAKIC, which I initially posted on a different thread on September 10, 2005:

Well, here's the first GAKIC update from yours truly.

Well, as I said I would do, I returned my CELL-TECH and paid the extra $16 (not $12) to purchase GAKIC for $64 ($80 retail minus the GNC Gold Card Discount).

First, a word of caution: If you're going to try this product, PLEEEEEEAAASSSEEE get the pills. The "Glacier Punch"-flavored powder taste terrible (imagine fruit punch, mixed with laundry detergent......YYYUUUUUU CKKK!!!!).

Nonetheless, I bought the stuff, put some water in my shaker, and consumed GAKIC at 5:55 p.m. (EST).  I got to the gym at about 6:20. The instruction state to consume 1 scoop w/water up to 45 minutes before your workout and ONLY to take the product on days you train.

Today was upper-body day (normally, I do that on Monday; but I took the holiday off). First item on the agenda was shoulders. I warmed up with laterals and got busy with dumbbell presses.

The gym where I normally train, Bally Total Fitness, was too far from the GNC where I got the GAKIC. So, I ended up going to another one closer to home. This particular Bally has 105-lb dumbbells, which is somewhat good, because at the other gym, the heaviest dumbbells are 100s.

So, I started with the presses. First set, I got 8 reps; second set, 5, third set, 6. Not bad!!
Normally, when I do the 100s, I can get 10-12 reps, first set, with a big dropoff come set number 2, during which I normally get around 6-7 reps. So, getting 8,5, and 6 was pretty good, I thought.

Next comes back and chest, which I do in alternate style. First, I do a back exercise; rest about 2 minutes; then I do a chest exercise. First was chins and flyes, followed by rows and bench presses.

Chins - 3 sets, Reps: 11, 9, 9.  Bench presses 225 x 12 (for two warmup sets); 315 for 4 sets, Reps: 7, 6, 5, and 5.

For arms, I did alternate dumbbell curls. Got 60 lbs. for 8 reps each arms. Normally, I get around 5-6 reps per arm, especially since I train them after chest, back and shoulders on the first upper-body day. For triceps, I use machines. Since these machines are different from the ones at the Bally where I normally train, I can't really gauge it.

My analysis:

Notwithstanding the awful taste of the GAKIC powder, it appears that this product is on the up-and-up. However, one experimental workout does not a good verification of a new product make. I have legs tommorrow and another upper-body day on Friday. (Again, this is slightly off my normal training routine: Upper Body - M, R; Lower Body - T, F).

If anyone has tried GAKIC, let's hear what you thought about the product. But, again, PLEASE use the pills. I may have to mix this stuff with a little CELL-TECH or V-12 to endure the taste. There's no instruction that this can't be taken with any other products. So, that may be the route to go.

Eat, Drink, and Be Massive, Brethren!!

Posted September 10, 2005:

As far as GAKIC is concerned, I've worked out three times, while using this product (upper body twice, legs once). Quite frankly, I've noticed a positive difference. The only regret I have is that I bought that yucky-tasting powder. Next time, I'm getting the pills.

The only thing I can't vouch for is the reference to GAKIC as "horse pills", because every GNC that I've seen that
carried GAKIC just has the powder, which again taste terrible.

I think Gene took it just before dumping the half-ton+ on the bench


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