Author Topic: Favourtism among the moderators  (Read 25778 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Favourtism among the moderators
« Reply #75 on: October 10, 2012, 05:40:06 PM »

What are you trying to say?  Mods don't have timeout buttons.  Quite frankly, this mod finds the incessant bitching and whining from both all parties quite tiresome.  Choose to swim with the sharks, plan to get bitten occasionally.  Don't come crying to the mods by picking and choosing what you want deleted, just because someone's feelings got hurt or someone posted a "mis-truth" or  a truth you didn't want exposed.  This is the Thunderdome after all.

"What am I trying to say" It comes across as favoritism when someone comes on here and posts personal info and gets timed out ASAP yet nothing happens to her - so by your logic with saying "this is the thunderdome afer all" you are giving free reign on her to get it delt out with no consequences as she can do ? - so then remove the rules where personal information is not allowed to be posted, peoples place of work, names, pictures of loved ones that have nothing to do with GB if they are not going to be enforced fairly - she has done all of this yet I have done nothing like this - If I was to start posting this stuff like she has done would I get Timed out would I be free to carry on ? You may not have a TO button but you can Report it to Ron and say it continues to flout these "apparent" rules


  • Getbig V
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Re: Favourtism among the moderators
« Reply #76 on: October 10, 2012, 05:53:08 PM »
Jfc...this is what you get for "getting involved" with her in the first place. Complain to Ron yourself if you are that offended by what she's done or said about you but honestly you have followed "it" around for months spouting off every chance about this "vile c unt" that you were attacking people over a few months ago. Seriously if she is supposedly posting that info, I've not seen it, unless of course you're still whining about 6 months ago. ::)

Princess L

  • Getbig V
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Re: Favourtism among the moderators
« Reply #77 on: October 10, 2012, 06:02:14 PM »
"What am I trying to say" It comes across as favoritism when someone comes on here and posts personal info and gets timed out ASAP yet nothing happens to her - so by your logic with saying "this is the thunderdome afer all" you are giving free reign on her to get it delt out with no consequences as she can do ? - so then remove the rules where personal information is not allowed to be posted, peoples place of work, names, pictures of loved ones that have nothing to do with GB if they are not going to be enforced fairly - she has done all of this yet I have done nothing like this - If I was to start posting this stuff like she has done would I get Timed out would I be free to carry on ? You may not have a TO button but you can Report it to Ron and say it continues to flout these "apparent" rules

What are you trying to say?  Mods don't have timeout buttons.  Quite frankly, this mod finds the incessant bitching and whining from both all parties quite tiresome.  Choose to swim with the sharks, plan to get bitten occasionally.  Don't come crying to the mods by picking and choosing what you want deleted, just because someone's feelings got hurt or someone posted a "mis-truth" or  a truth you didn't want exposed.  This is the Thunderdome after all.

Of course, as always, kids and personal info are off limits.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Favourtism among the moderators
« Reply #78 on: October 10, 2012, 06:04:33 PM »
Jfc...this is what you get for "getting involved" with her in the first place. Complain to Ron yourself if you are that offended by what she's done or said about you but honestly you have followed "it" around for months spouting off every chance about this "vile c unt" that you were attacking people over a few months ago. Seriously if she is supposedly posting that info, I've not seen it, unless of course you're still whining about 6 months ago. ::)
It posted my place of work and name again last month on here because it "had a hunch" - I had posted nothing toward it at all yet someone else posts something on another board or a PM gets sent to it and it comes on here posting my place of work and name yet it's still free to carry on - why ? I was ignoring it until it decided to go and post my place of work.. The OP says "Ron is all over him" I think the title of the thread is wrong - you mods are doing your job and removed the info when you saw it and I have spoken to Ron - I think it is wrong to say mods are not doing there job as you are removing stuff that flouts the rules but my point is I have seen others on this board post less info and get TO'd yet nothing is done about  the whore, why ?- It's a valid point IMO


  • Getbig V
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  • Ron "There is no freedom of speech here" Avidan
Re: Favourtism among the moderators
« Reply #79 on: October 10, 2012, 06:08:35 PM »
It posted my place of work and name again last month on here because it "had a hunch" - I had posted nothing toward it at all yet someone else posts something on another board or a PM gets sent to it and it comes on here posting my place of work and name yet it's still free to carry on - why ? I was ignoring it until it decided to go and post my place of work.. The OP says "Ron is all over him" I think the title of the thread is wrong - you mods are doing your job and removed the info when you saw it and I have spoken to Ron - I think it is wrong to say mods are not doing there job as you are removing stuff that flouts the rules but my point is I have seen others on this board post less info and get TO'd yet nothing is done about  the whore, why ?- It's a valid point IMO
Ask Ron, via pm, politely, and maybe you'll get an answer.


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Re: Favourtism among the moderators
« Reply #80 on: October 10, 2012, 06:55:58 PM »
Lot of fucking crying on here.