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Gossip & Opinions / Re: I just watched a horror movie
« Last post by falco on Today at 01:51:09 AM »
Damn! :P I am instantly interested in that movie.

It will be hard to pay attention to anything besides those braless scenes.
I use tramadol 3 times a week once at night until my nerve pain settles down from being compressed. Even I heard this is addictive hence the reason I use it only on days pain  really elevates.

If you talking about bulging disks, there are minimal invasive surgical procedures that can change your life. I have had 4 of those and live painfree, as long if i keep poundages at the gym low.
Switching drugs to change your life might not be a very good option in the long run. I would cut the harsher steroids like tren and orals and just do TRT dose of test, depending how young you are. Mood and muscle wise, is more than enough. If possible quit the test if you can find decent post cycle therapy.
I don't know if that's your case, but i see many men "assuming they have and addictive personality", and therefore they have to switch addictions to get by. YOU decide if you are addicted or not, not your body. Just like you decide to get out of bed in the morning. YOU have that control.
You should have stuck to a non-opioid like Tramadol

I use tramadol 3 times a week once at night until my nerve pain settles down from being compressed. Even I heard this is addictive hence the reason I use it only on days pain  really elevates.
the right of the people to infect each other.

You are the epitome of brainwashing.
LOL, leave it to JPJ to make me spray coffee out of my nose this AM...

LOL, leave it to JPJ to make me spray coffee out of my nose this AM...

u run everything u got til its gone…. then u probably get more.

that's how steroids work, homie
As a non-trained recovering addict who will make "muscle memory" gains fairly quickly anyway........gotta disagree brother.

Get back in shape then blast.

Sure he`ll gain faster on a cycle but it`s not needed...... growing a pair for 6 months is what's needed.

Too many guys join a gym and immediately hop on a cycle which in 4 words is "just plain fucking dumb".

Just my 3 cc` offense meant.
Bro if you've seen my posts you can tell I'm very "antisemitic" and I've pushed the line of what might be acceptable even for this site. Other prominent posters have called for the bans of other prominent posters for the crime of antisemitism.

This site is like a bastion of free speech compared to almost all other sites. Yes I think banning speech is very distasteful but even free speech advocated draw the line at Jew hatred. And anti-Israel speech is also now pretty much included in the term antisemitic.

Don't infer from my post that I believe a certain thing about the Holocaust, I haven't commented on it at all really  8)

You misunderstood my post - or I poorly worded it. Either way - what I have a problem with is the idea that banks would “censor” free speech or that you’d be put on a “no fly” list simply for speech that others find offensive.
I vehemently oppose the censoring of speech even if it’s something that I completely disagree with. I should have used the word censorship as opposed to discrimination, as I re-read I can see how it came across differently than I intended.

Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Ballad of the Caulk Gobbler
« Last post by Gym Rat on Today at 01:16:15 AM »
Yes, Gym Rat is good at writing these slurs. This is because he has a seriously demented obsession with me.
Awhile back he had a moment of sanity and apologized profusely to me telling me those types of comments were out of character for him. I graciously accepted his apology and told him that I don't hold grudges thinking he was being sincere. Boy, was I wrong! He was totally insincere as liars are apt to be. Maybe his wife or his momma (if he has either) forced him to write an apology. When I called him on it, he claimed his reversion was because he disagrees with my political stance.
Clearly, he is a confused person. I suspect a worm must have eaten his brain.


As said, I tried to like you, but your retardation, and the way you talk down to many (while being a degenerate yourself) is astonishing.
"BHanks like".

I will try to leave you alone though, that poem should be my "Prime Pinnacle"...
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