I agree with SamsonD about the Declines. All the guys i knew back in the seventies that had great Chest development did Declines first every workout.
I just recently started using our Hammer Strength pullover and lateral raise machines routinely.While not a fan of most machines, I will admit that a small few are quite effective and maybe even superior to their free weight counterparts in regards to aesthetics.Equipment such as the ones above, as well as the pec-deck (elbow pad version) can help you maximize work involvement of the target muscle due to the point of tension placement.
every pro has his theories when it comes to training and they all end up looking the sameat the end of the day it is the drugs that play 90% of the role hereheck, look at branch warren he has the worst form i've ever seen and look at his physique
Great post man. The older and wiser I get the more I see things like Dorian is explaining them here. I'm not to sure I agree with his HIT style though. More sets is good for me, and less risky overall.
Informative. I usually do Dumbbell HIIT https://www.elitesports.com/blogs/news/top-8-dumbbell-hiit-workouts-for-a-total-body-burn workouts for the strengthening of my core, arms, shoulders, and back Dumbbell squat Dumbbell Bench PressDumbbell clean and pressDumbbell bicep curl Dumbbell lungesThese workouts are great for increasing my intensity, strength, and flexibility.