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Gas Price Predictions

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--- Quote from: Mr. Intenseone on October 23, 2006, 10:22:02 PM ---It'll stay this way until summer, you guys are delusional if you think Bush controls fuel prices!

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How ironic, you're calling someone else delusional.

Hugo Chavez:

--- Quote from: Mr. Intenseone on October 23, 2006, 10:22:02 PM ---It'll stay this way until summer, you guys are delusional if you think Bush controls fuel prices!

--- End quote ---
Did someone say Bush was doing it ::) Of course it's completely unimaginable that the oil industry has a stake in the election ::)


--- Quote from: Berserker on October 23, 2006, 10:05:43 PM ---What are your gas price predictions for when the election is over?  Will they go right back up?

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           nuff said  8)


i dont think bush can have much to do with it. how come i can get gas in new york for 2.90, or i go go across the river to new jersey for 1.90?


--- Quote from: kh300 on October 24, 2006, 12:40:08 AM ---i dont think bush can have much to do with it. how come i can get gas in new york for 2.90, or i go go across the river to new jersey for 1.90?

--- End quote ---

Maybe someone thinks Hilary Clinton already has a lock on her Senate seat and it's not in play?

$2.90? Ouch! I'd drive to new Jersey as well to save a buck /gallon. And as long as you're into saving money on your fuel, there are other things you can do to extend the bang you get for the bucks you do pay.


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