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Complete Elizabeth Dole MELTDOWN... "na na na na na I can't hear you"
Hugo Chavez:
Holy shit, Cut her mic ;D
Poor woman.
Looked like a setup, she came across as the idit.
A hit job if I ever saw one.
Why isn't there a Republican like McCain on there representing? Why an easy target like E Dole?
Republicans either messed up royally, or were set up.
Hugo Chavez:
--- Quote from: Hedgehog on November 06, 2006, 06:19:52 PM ---Poor woman.
Looked like a setup, she came across as the idit.
A hit job if I ever saw one.
Why isn't there a Republican like McCain on there representing? Why an easy target like E Dole?
Republicans either messed up royally, or were set up.
--- End quote ---
Setup... Russert is very well noted for his bias toward republicans. The guy only wanted to reply the goddamned notion that dems wanted to lose and she was going to get the rest of her statement in...
Tim ALWAYS ALWAYS hooks up republicans... All my respect because you're about as common sense as it gets on getbig but Setup my ass... ;D
for there to be a setup, Dole would have had to be in on it where her meltdown planned with Russert and it went wrong? Because Russert just has ZERO history of hooking up dems and a huge history of hooking up republicans.
Hugo Chavez:
The Guests at the table:
Sen. Chuck Schumer (Democrat)
Sen. Elizabeth Dole (Republican)
Rep. Rahm Emanuel (Democrat)
Rep. Tom Reynolds (Republican)
Hugo Chavez:
Also I gotta ask... Why would you suggest Dole is an easy target.., because she isn't a he? She wasn't pushed to run for presedent by so many people because she's a wimp.
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